• -^2' \ :.. < <•: | THE WBATTO I awww Castor nmk la | *•<•*■* itottoMn. l*Mtr aMatnal ""'' 1 ' ll ■" , ■'-,. ■ " : -■-■■ .< VOLUMU FIVE—NO. IM. ~~ x ~~ Tr —1 -• *■■'"■■'' fflcL' "'■ "* ' iiii'aa &;:r: i . , a"TiT'i , i-aA2. I ■.: ;■ ■;: ■ 1 i=-a.:.:.'.a v-; — • ;.';,-~--T-rr-T--=7db l ■, ... as:; ': /viiai :»&a» KY. WOMAN KILLED INQUARREL OVER WATERBUCKET KCK 'BROKER, jjHES THROBOH OPERATION PERFORMER HEBE * It 1 "*•' ■' -" —., - » ..II . ■ 1..M .1.. I. - , ... * /■ tats. HALL CROTLE, SHOOTS NEIGHBOR, MRS. LESTER, WITH REVOLVER Mrs. HrH Wm Bn Route to PikorUle to Obtain Warrant Char grin* Theft a _ —■ Wmm Wk — a — ts (API—A qmrrul ovar a wa - f Ur ImclMt wiStai la the ilwttal U Seatk tW*y of lira. Sarah LaaUr, 30 yeara •M, by Mra. Arming Hall, 30 jraara ali, a erippla. The baehai ia 1 aaahft Sin# aaad hjr * . Imm have, fcy Mra. Hall, wha charges Ufa, Lester had lakes R. Whan the trage*? eecvrre* Mra. Hall ! Ul* a aalghhar that ahe was aa raete hare te swear oat a warraat chargiag Mra. Leatar with thaft. Mra. barter hear* the atat—art aa* caaae oat of * o' her hoaoe aa* tho twa wo mm gaaraoM at that 3to laaaa. Qaa Mra lififtr afparaatl? incenaod started to tha na* when Mra. Ha« at to*, tha latter warning her aat to eerae. Whoa Mra. 1 Hal waa within tea or ftf toon foot. Mra. Hall opened In with a rowatvor that aha waa carrylag la a handker chief. Mra. Bal waa arreel ed aa* heaaght hare to await a graihatoary hear* If. \ “ ARREST TWO IN CONNECTION JMELLET SLAYING Hay wan Dar Hag aa* Carl Stad -4 er An Hal* to leTeetlgatioa PI tube rail. J ts./ 33.—(P)Hay man 1 Darllac, convicted bootlegger, waa ar rest at at hla hone late today for ques tioning tn connection with the sleylug of Doe Mellett of Canton. Ohio, Dec ling dented he had any connection with the ceae and aajtf he waa wilting te bo te Cantoo at any time. Pitts burgh police aaid they had no Infor mation aa to what connection Darling might hare with the publisher 1 * slay ing. They merely acted at the request of Caaton authorities. Darllag was convicted of a rum run ning charge at Wheeling. W. Va.. In October. 1123. lad aeatenced to serve two yeara at Atlanta penitentiary and Jt aa appeal ha bee been at liberty \ Darling latrr said he will light *x tradltlon to Ohio, announcing that h« had employed counsel. He main; talned that he had ae knowledge of the slaying and would right eitradl tlon because feeling wan runilng hlgli «• aatd ha had Into tg CantdO weak ago last night hut had Idft a few hour* before the publisher Fa* aa- # A aether Arrest t'anton, July 33.—GrtCgrl kinder, former poolroom operator and alleged operator of several second class room ing bouse*, was (ffigN late today and questioned by the committee la vytlgatlngWhe Sleytag of Mallett. wtw rtov "cStoh New York. July Cotton •note steady, middling lAM. Totten futures closed eg eady at a get advance e* » te Id pomta July ITJ3; Mare* VlMi July 13.3 C; October IYM; D»' -Cfliher 1 1*9f ’ BtaMtoa ■ i'ii . .jit. I. * , 3 a rftoii i 1 .. 'r,, .. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 1111 '■ I ———— ... . —————— ' - - • -- • . LOCATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET—-IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION ' *■*:. a • ■ Jr" ■* ■■ 11 | Poincare Form* French Cabinet \ Paris, Jaly new Preach retarded as the ateeagMl alace Urn war la ready to take ap (be gererament of the eweatry aad try te ptoee France «a a tea ad ftaaaelal feel lag. Bay mend Peters Ire, three thae Pre mier sad Preatdeat daring the World War eacresded today la patting the Oulsktog teach** ea hie new ruhtart. The fraar *m •cdULl, Improved mere than a petal aad a half to a dollar. The new gevenment wear to meet wMh the grewiag, demand far sea-parttiaa rabluet that can mahe a real effort te salve the Oaaaelal preMem. rugardlee* of party daetrtoa. On* es Premier Petucare'* chief de«lree h te hare a talk with (Aa* drew W. Belles tee rotary es the railed Ntoto* tfeasary, who ar rived hi Praaew today. The tol mlar remarked that llnirr |gfi ft cerUla dWflralUc reaaectod with I tb« raHHraHaa es daM eettlemeat I with the FaHed Mateo aad that I he would he atod far a cealereace I with Holla a. SAYS WAS HIRED . TO SUY COUPLE a \ Implicates ADege* Liquor Law Violator Macon. Oa.. July 12 —<A*l—Hd Olov er. negro, who Shec|tf J. R. Hlcke clalme has made two confessions that he hilled Mtsa Hilda Smith and R. D. Wilton, on a lonely roadway near •he city July 10. has Implicated Bara Davis, alleged liquor law violator, la, Ihe crime, the sheriff announced. The sheriff said Olover sent for him and told him many additional de tails of the slaying. Tha negro aald Davis offered him |26 to kill the cou ple. The eberlff will preacut Glover’a statement to the grand Jury. “Davie told me he had a Job for me to do,” the negro Skid the ahertff. "He said It waa worth 92S to me. "You know that Wilson boy? If you'll go and kill him. the I2S la /ours”, tHover said Davla told him. The negro then related how arti cles taken from the dead bodies were not burned but hidden In on old barn. Officer* hurried to the hern 'but found thaf a etorm had uncovered the structure and the articles had berg .removed. An old negro man mid he took them to a house where Ida Wllliamr. Degrees, resides. The negresa was ar rested but the art Idea bad not bees found. , Wilson and the girl were slain a* they ml In an automobile on a aide kwml * saw miles from the city. The JVnMe* h«nn-u V.i ..;AI. <*y swamp and fhruwu Into mire, where' they were found by a passerby Iwo days after the slaying. The couple were ensaged to marry In Kcptrm ber. Davla waa first arrested because he failed to report the discovery of blood near the scene of the slaying. He was held on a blanket diarge of sus picion Later, a formal charge of violating the prohibition laws waa fil ed agakpat him. Officers ’ claimed they found evi dences of liquor eperatlona In woods near the ppot where the coufPhwae slain. I Pour men were arreimeß-MT chargee, officers working on the the ory that a liquor band waa responsi ble for the staying of Mlaa Smith l**"*"- r „ * , <j • GOLBBBOHU, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 34, 1326 ,HURTmAUTO ACCIDENT ON MT. OLIVE HIGHWAY j Injure* When Car Hits Post to Min Another Car Mlaa Betti* ltollaad. daughter of Mr. gad Mra. W Holland, of Sod Mast Ash St reel, suffered sever# cuts about th* hash of tha head and neck In an automobile accident on th* Mt. Olive rood al 320 last evening. The ac cidaatj occurred about 200 yards from tha Dewey Brothers Foundry. David Odom was driving the road alar la which tdtga Holland was rid ing aad waa traveling In the direc tion ot Goldsboro. Near the Dewey Brother* Foundry. Charley Moseley, '-oiofed. turned the Ford which he from the side road which has recent ly bin cut ' hr. Odom evidently did not see the roproachlnn Ford until very close to Jt aqd awarved hla car to the right to proven! a pollution, but struck a post baside the road. Mlaa Hpl|pad waa injured tn th* crash and Mr. Odom escaped comparatively un ’JL J. Miles. Goldsboro barber, waa passing driving in the direction of Mt OHva. He stopped and. aided by •per*, placed MU* Holland In hla [Jdhr and rushed her to the Rplcer Ban Itorlum. She waa unconscious during Hi hhi .to the hospital. An exaial nation disclosed to ugly cuts on th* right aide of the neck —one a slash and oae a Jagg. The seriousness of th* wounds bad aot been determined wham Utts story was written, SAY LIQUOR IS SOLD AMERICAN GOVT. VESSELS ’' V* Jrt 'fe 1 .- ' j'- * Special Bqna*a WiR Bejfin Inveu- UfaUoa es Truth Waannum. inly 23. (A>) -«hlp p ng board offlctpls today expressed surprised over charges that liquor was being soM on governments res eda as aa Inquiry by PVdeeal agents got under way In New York. No charge* Biker than that of W. H. Stat on anil-prohibition advocate art have bee% received here. Rut It waa aald the field forces of the department of juMicr and prohibition unit In New York had Jtarted an Investigation whether to determine liquor waa be ing sold on Aaieriran ship*. At the shlpptna board It wa* reiter ated there waa standing order prohlb- Ing the sale of liquor on government vessels anywhere and no violation of these had been reported. Frank Dow. acting chief *f the prohibition and customs service, said apecUl squads of dry agents were continually In specting Incoming and outgotnk ships There M no Intention, he added, of vending agents on ajl government vessels to determine whether liquor ia sold. JUST A FEW PENCILS I - »T JWvMwg- -V to —The (HwwWkmM ,MLI Jwihqn:* isjw. < that, according to data collected as the biennial census of manufactures. 1*25. the establishment#, engaged pri marily In the manufacture of lead pencils la that yaor reported a total output valued at ftf.037.6ri1. of which amount 911.701.336 waa contributed by wooden pencils. fj.466.stt by met-, si pencils aad tends, -and fft'.MZJIT tv miscellaneous products. *qch as •tenholdqra^marking crayons. ims*pi. etc. wm"* value of produclamKow* i an Increase of 19 per cent as coin re rad with 934.M7.50t In 1923. the last preceding census year. Os ih* 34 ootahlishmeuls reporting for lttri 9 were located to flltoels. 4 to New Jersey. 4 In R*« Yotfc. 8 aaph la Georgia and FiMjaMnahk, aa« « Ip otter ritatea sOTtywoman ; IN N. Y. COURT ► v \ ir t i y nimnit of MoaUI iMCOMpttoßcy I Now York. July E-tAMullb flair# Cornell, young aoctoty matron, sat la the court of special sessions today and heard her explain that ah was aot ’riapbaatbla for hor actions. The daughter of a formerl> wealthy family prominent In Now York and Florida society, she had pleaded rwlUy to stealing two silver vaaee from a Fifth Avenue store. Oa ihe ground that ah* was aot respon sible. the court suspended sentence aad pieced her oa probation. Her lawyer aald that financial ra rer*** in her family had affected her mind and promised' that she would bo a*nt to a sanllortqm If sentence would be withheld Mra. enrnott came Into wide prominence when she mar ried Hobart Tmneyck Stevenson, of Chicago, shortly after her engage ment to the Marquis d Assies, a con sin ori the Spanish King, had been an r.ounced. Her marriage waa* annull * W '>/ CRANFORD CASE OUT TILL TUES. >r - ’ *'•.. ■ ■ Hate Introdun* 133 WUmmsm JB—a Albermarle. July 12. LFI -After a number of witness** testllled today that Nevll C. Cranford waa not reapua elhle for the death of James 'Ferry and Jamas Howell, former convicts, for which he Is on trial on a murder charge, court was adjourned until Monday. Thus far 139 witnesses hare been examined by defense attorneys tn an effort to prove Cranford not'guilty. The prosecution Introduced less than M. The testimony la to be Bnlahed by Tuesday. Cranford la not expected to take the stead. G. D. B. Reynolds, of Albemarle, who has been one of Crantord’a at torneys was permitted by the court to withdraw from the case tta order to testify. He aeld he made an Investi gation Into the death of the two ne groes end wag told at the mdMct camp that they died from sunstroke and that all the convicts were treated aa well as could be expected. »-"■ ■ - , Held For breaking Gambling Laws Cincinnati. July 22.—OH—Two In dictments. one naming the Queen'City Driving Club, th* corporation operat ing the Coney Inland Race Track, and the 1 other eleven Individuals connect rd with th* tracks, charging violation of Ohio gambling statutes were re turned late today by the Hnntllbon county grand Jury. V The Indictments each containing ulna counts followed the arrest of ala men yesterday, rive of whom sold 92 tickets to an officer «nd the ntxtt I cashed a winning certificate for anoth er officer. Those Indicted are to ac cept service tomorrow. .ft was aa nounerd that a hearing will he had Monday and a trial date aet at lhaj I time. t ’ I — • - •- mw ,■,■>< m «** w» • * «•'-# * WATCH FUR THE STNDAV MEWS Hftml «|>eeUl *l#rle« are Mag |tr»|Nirwl <«r lk« Nm4i| Uaae '< Tl» X*»». Tie ( haatber ■( ( nnn»rrr kw 'applied The *ew» wttb «fatl«tle* aa real njali lma«a<l t»a> la Ihr eilj tlitr Jaaaarj I, mi baltola* peraHt* aranled alar* Jaaaar) I. Yaa will probabl) hr »ar at lie biaaea* *1 lie ttaare. wiki arr |« he auule pablk. "Tie Harbrrar Mae la *arth I arallaa." I»M y<m nrr awtka that J«h <*ea*t Sad harbeear ararrail) |Htpalar *»>•! at Kalelirhl The-UoMs* bora *Mektffht« a* barber ae ttfß itelergaM* Ml.b wade taaiaaa ks rharle* laaib aad bU m«») PI*." Owe (a nil) baa beea to tie barbeeae ba»lae»« Ihr l.)aeb r» tar at arr (ban M year*. Aaaaaarenrat will be aiadr of lie upealax la 0 ddibera of toe fbryator A(t|U if toa BWey Brother*. L. Tiaaa, »l| afliar tototoatlar laeal «l»rlrs Ibe (••arlilNl I’reaa irri !•% aai Bnr'fppba as aaator all! be t»und in (be Hawda) l*«ar at Tie | lt * w » liSy «■!»»• ARREST NEGRO CHARGE ENTER ' HUMFREY HOME .Deputy Rhodes Recovers Num bers Items of Jewefl^ Buster Hanklaa. M year old negro youth, waa yesterday arrested end lodged |a the county Jail charged with 'ntering the home oMd. A. Humphrey in East Kim .Street, floating VYllltam. tnd stealing g gold wratdb and chain rnd several articles of mkn’a clothes, 7he arrest waa made by Deputy Kberiff U O. Rhodes and Officer G. C» lAngston. The Humphrey kom was entered Thursday afternoon while all mem ber* of th* family ware opt. It Bga the third time In leas than ala ptontbri that the home has beak entered In each Instance wearing apparel has been tote*. The house wap -loft Thursday afternoon In a Very disor dered condition. , . _. Jj j _ Deputy Rhode* has ■ had Haaktus under xu*ptcien for sometime as the p<i pi rat or of a number of, petty thieveries around the efty and renter , day morMag ith* negro, attempted to pawn a watch which proved U> be that of Mr. Humphrey's. When arrested Hsu kin* was weartap a pair M shoes which bad been taken front tha Humphrey boas*. % Haaklna ft turned tu Gnldsbom a< t etglydayo aa» attoe aersing 4 «aafi of a ask )c»iu sentence la th* Btat- Penitentiary for brraklag and outer tng the home of B. ft King oa North James Street In 1933. He will lie riven a hearing In County court ou the nr*r charge next k^oday. Deputy Rhodes has an Elk pin, a velt,title locket, a double cast gold valoh. -a sunflower pearl brooch, ate rev oral other Items which be Is avefe Ing to Ideality. They were found oa Jenkins' person hr had been dispos ed of by him. TEXAS DEM’CRAT PRIMARY BE IN PROGRESS TOD AY WIB Determine Whether “Ma” Fergteon Keeps Plac* Dallas. Tessa. July 23. —4#V-'The Texas Pm primary campaign closed tonight with prospect of *60.0011 vot ers going to the polls tomorrow 9p ray whether they wish "Ma" Fergu son retained oa th* titular head of he Democratic and to settle other con testa. The first woman govrrnor to ‘ be f'ei’ted In Texf* has been the object V the moni Ihtenn* campaign In Ihe Ptatr hlatorv. The Texas Bureau, an organisation ►*t up by Texas newspapers to gath er returns, estimated that Ihe !»rn«i>- e>atlr vote would be 66ri.0n0 or about Ml per cent of Ihe stale’s voting pow er Each of tbr Htates thro* leading jut, <rnaloj.nl candidates predicted triumph and two. Mrs. Ferguson and Allorney-Geperal Moody, dmlared jibqy would have a majority over all I opponent* —■ • to f»—— Mm ' . - PIKEVILLE MAN SHATTERED THREE VERTEBRAE IN MYE INTO POND NEAR FREMONT - —... . „ j-; r i MuflaoUni Says Italy Must Expand Or Suffocstd Rem., inly <AF) Fadnt Italy mml npul or suffea*<i, Fvemlpy iTaeaatlni liiinled b*t Mr »nwlw ta m mat preetaia a. Ural to OM yurt #1 Ik w«M •Wf in thrfcUag tor pewer, tar tfc. tMld M MT« a a w ™w^m* mpiatart d the Aurrtotad Free*. -Ml ««r Impernlhai Mto 'W»t* no threat to Ik* wertd hn rely Ili 1 nt*ylnß* jut^r— nlr empire itrHfkn iw Um whale wnrM cm a wlinluO and OMMUib wNk yean* Italy'* to •ton to Mini rattorally mmi aw* aemlealty hryead Mr Mwtorn." tM Md tor weteal ;and*r>ta»dteg Mw*n Awirl— aed Itallaa yerpmeela,lM Ito mbc mM Um Imrtai Iran* weal represented fnrlst Mm am *►■» IM rmnimt to uy Km*. J l-.-T , J FAIR OFFICIALS FINISH PROGRAM WiU Provid* SlxUca Hlfk Ckmn Ftm AttractiMta Tim director* of th« Wnynn County Fair Asao-latlon yeetyrday approve* in« amusement program for e*r lIK I annual Fair submitted to thorn by tM secretary of the organisation. <’tintracts have boon close* with tM (too. U WWu Aratisrmrnt Co., for Um r blgcrnt an* boat midway company traveling to *ny, with VWr Aanocta •«on baa aloo ctoned a cohtrnct with tVbrth aa* Hamid booking ngnau ol ’ New York City for sixteen high class. i free attraction*, connistlng of acro bats. trained and educated animals, blab wire performers etc. The Am erican fire Worka Co., has been n wnrded the flrrwwlw contracts and • hta promises to be a special feature evwry evening during the week. The recln*’ program will M under Ike supervision of Dr. T. A. Monk an* Will Whitley. Be try body knows that this will be a success The rac ing program will again he confined this year to our lo*al Wayne County horses, not leas than two sensations' i aces will be stared each day during 'he fair. Many other smusements fe* 'urea hare been prortdto The tormere of Waynr County ere beeily engaged making preparation for the greatest lire stock, poultry sad Agricultural exhibits, that they haee erer attempted, (traatham'e township, floss wood. Dobbersvllle. Woodland and BHfato have * I read* announced their Intent It .1 of atoginy i community fair In thetr'Vommunt Ilea 'and many comntunlllea Ir he County huv j expressed them* *1 - tototoatar * k ' ewMmwt e-emm «a#,.«e»" wumt/ exhibits, in addition »» tM usual number of Indtrlduai farm ea tiiblta and with the thousands of 1n dividual exhibits, assure the fair man agement the greatest lair thla year that was rv*>r staged In Wayne coun ty. lUMKK KIRMT tIKPBVNK KlilK Richmond. July J 3- (A*» tlov. Har ry f, Rvrd look first airplane 'llaht lodsr. He, left In a plpne so- Virginia Beach to attend a meeting *f the Htnte Military Board toalgtht Althotixb hl« brother M. Cemmsnd er Richard Byrd, la a famous flyer. The Virginia chief executive had *#v er before Man np. W ' • • Ji ' rj"' ASSOCIATED | PRESS DISPATCHES I ’ -J r- _ tv amMMMta pm fitb oorni D*. Donnell B. Cobb Dorn » Vent Operetta BfMM Three Inches rfMpfciil live v f RHp " Dennis am ,l«m IMnttoto*. tor tom 111*. It M AM Ooldebore Hue total vHIMh Rif Atom broken. But he I* tot re, era MMli_ dectoto gny km. 'hough g slim on*-~to reamed, Had it not Mw ter e tatahMfltap* operetta* whtoh «M RtotoMpM W Dr. Donnell S. CtoNk to’ MHllta the young am* w*tofl WM y.ltoWl now —— Ming let on with triad* top* It fwff" nlnx at tauifh Mi «*MMHiWH| of Fremont He nmdn a dive tafcttkto tow water. Me head tornto th» hto tom. and toe tagMl” «M m'ffito that three rertaMta ta the Ml «Mh j »The ahaturtng to Mto i toljfrl to lowto the tame to come tote fM • llh the aftanl (MKnMM aerva trad of the hedy, mto toh'PMil - mar. wa. InuMdiately MMlBj his shoulders d*wa. I» gfcato MM#; •netaaee to (raetarm to OM* wjf ~ n rtolt ii* * truck the bottom tatorto hM , » self. They pulled him in* toR er. Otodrwta* M wen Id d v and mahed him te fM|M'«tan he yaa rwmtaed hr M. I TSe Fremrat phyaiotam to «tow (M --ognlsto (he gruvlty to tM ’htoßtotam *■* mad* all Mata 4* fMi paUent to gto Qgl*gk«r* MMI Si too meantime tM tathdfM Mp'M—i , «*n had egllhd tM .MlMr. MpMltoh Dr E c Feemm Os MMta he 100 mM*, M » ■ IMMh.to «M ta dm* m m ncll B Cobh mto* ratoST jj)i pM knt had a liahiitllM to tM when he west o* toe «9*rtMßi taMh he bone* which atoatoi laahWtoi * Joints ta toe atom* had cen shattered. He rMMWto the MM "Mrts and the delicate Mi mm sallra cord was tefhesmMi Mh aace of shout three tatohth AMM hat the cord had hem ptoMto «F MM ’ >( the ahatteryd pieces. Dp. Oahh tom* d thla wound. The operation w*e iMtoH Mr wean 7:» and • octant Thgudip •renla*. At i:M teat rvu*tag ghgli* on was reeling enay. etthougt MU oarslrxed from kdawg. *m| here la a chnMMhnt hi Mil f*- cover. If he Mi the Miilfdi caused by the shock up** the afhhto column - -will leave him Wtthta tM ourse of time. - The Ismlnertomy operetta* lb dfce which surgeons are* atodHh aitlto ttf|W ’*w rsMsym ta ta dnWMtai ta i v,. ■*- jU., mum mo . 'nstanecs where sWk nperfltoH hh*B N>es performed In North OuMha.- -.m n ' • . , . Falls To Death From Wladew •-^^m^mraa Fhlladelphta. »-*r IT HI flurtta ** to Durhef M. O. n|Mtam sr jefflrsou KoetotaL (Ml W haftf# He had hee* sußerta* fr«m i *iri*m breakdown. Mr Mower* was a hwathm* to VMC. ... .

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