9 ' V 7 t SB WEATHER lt» - ‘' ’ ~ f ’**' Fair g«B<»r u 4 MoMu UuU i > kuii in uapitan. ’ . • %■ ■■■■ ■—i■■ «■ ■■■■ ■■■ ««" - 7>angSiten. w w T' n .MeSiwumt— VOLUME SIX; NUMBER U TWELVE PAORB TODAY * GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY .MORNING, MAY IS. IM7 1 WLIA K i AUKS iSdAY PRB K FIVE \ :MM%# ' lw ■* »*— * - W* i ■■ 1 . - - ■■■ ■« ■ .» ■ "T-- < ■ . I. ■X. , , 4,000 Witness Wayne County School ChudreQ netnt A - Well-Acted Historical Play ••*=»- —■ «> ■■■.»» »i a —mmii ■». ■■ - - Presentation of Children of OM ; Carolina Cli maxed Seventeenth * Annual Commence ment; Speaker Urges 1 187 Graduates to Con | toß^E<^M ( tion ■* , * Four thousand people yecicrday nr leraoon wltaearad tho produ.tlon of *•< hildraa of Old Cardins’ - by school children of Wayne eouaty. Th a fea ture cllnaiM tho seventeenth annual Wayne county commences** ut. and closed one of the mmt successful The day dawned windy but delight luUr cool for Jtu occasion. and Mb fore t o'clock thousand* were pouring Into Goldsboro In every conceivable conveyance for the day. By idbaol v4 n buy, by automobile, by buggy. by Wagon, and 0 few by foot they came. Opening surf h **w ln n»° . Commno ! ty Building beginning at 9:44 la the morning. L. C. Brogdea of naleigb, atato superintendent of ala mentary rbaaerion. urge*) the child ren not U atop with their present sc cotnpMahriMU hut to rowtlaue their -d icatkm until they had fnlabed col lege Mr. Brogdea la a native of Way ne county and rang in a number of bta childhood experience** lo the * ponty fa the luum of hi* add ret* Mr. Bpavtmi ao hi* topic -The Growth of a Coaaty school.- sad told tho largo andlcaoo that while Wayne and other opnptiee In th* atom have made nurked progreat educationally, that there ip atilt, much pragma to be made Wl abould aot rare mire tram vb*f*whtr*_h»i from whsre we ought to* be. Mo point'd out that • evoa la Wayae there are many child rop who do aot have advantage* of the beet school* o*i declared that we, should opt volt uaOI every child Ha* feU opportunity nt a standard elabt month* school Presentation of th# IST boy* end g rU who ere completing the seventh •rade marked the end of the morn tng program. ■ From the Community Building the A rowd adjourned to the High school building where the graduate* were ea leftalned at dinner. The KlwaJMs club. the Rotary clnh, the Chamber of and 14a Mm-hanta' As :u elation cooperated la serving th* TiHKSRM UIR MB «M ITHk ' " * County Baperiatendeot J. T Jer ffrttd 4m tnuHniislur at ihr diu aer and Introduced A. A. Joseph, president of the Rotary club; C. B Miller, ropreoenOof the Klwaais clnlt aad W A Hoyall, representing th* Chamber of Commerce These mad • short talks. But It was the paaegnt to wh’cb everyone looked forward and It was carried out in a fashion which re fleeted credit upon the director Mr Wads Domett and the other Bayne ei aob*-r* aad tho thousand boys and girls Who took pari. Portraying as It does, the high spots of North Caro lln* li story from the colonial days to the present. It took a deal of stage directing to keep the various char ‘ ertelf INMa tdUlhgitT mIYM h|> and •h* pageant going off In an unvriyM*. fashion But there was bardly a *w»pi W *■»'•' '•» , i*wi**riW ilwiHhai«r*-'"ee» **.■,-••-« ,4 - r hitch. tba author of th* pageant ha ■ super i iniended Ha production In *ome 18 coant lea of the state, and was pre 'e* nt to wtincaa the performance here Her vedlot was t ( hat the Wayne chU drra ejially a M Interpretation of the * play yet giv-a f. .."■..■■lff. ,■■ ~.«J..*W~ ".1 PITT4BORO TO 10I.P VI ftF.fOXD F.1.E1 TIOT ' j- MTTRI9ORO, May 14- (A*) -Pitts boro must hold anotb r town elec t on aad the Issue will tnvolve the natter of le*uiag IM.Mo bond* for a eater system. W F Bland, favoring the bond. i*dar had only one more vote thair F. A. Farrell, repreeentlagvjlie fa, Mon opposing the bonds later ated voters did wot tears aalil It wa* too late that they had to register this >egr ao the old regfetrat on books were barged some tin* ago The a<*w Ht oMotioa wIU be THE GOLDSBORO NEWS •' • ( C P ~ • ' • ' > ’ . HEAD IN THRMCRNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BU YERS. BIT*" t „ey BUY" I "■■■■■ l " ' '■ ■■ l Striped Goat and * Jackass Are Wanted o •*■ ' j Tbe News boa carried want ads j for loot dogs, lost mules, found clothing, and tbouaand and oac I other Items, bnt today we carry the strangest want ad* we have ever carried. An official of (he wrecking crew In charge of tbe tor-' ;; lo tha mm vlc*a at tbe Shrine Ceremonial Thursday declares be must have a Htrtped goat of a particular color *od that he muat have a iackaaa 1 aot over 4.4 hands high, i .Tha want ad follows: STRIPED GOAT WANTED—We L »«•« have a striped goat of the * proper color for delivery not Ist \ or than Wadnoaday S:So F M 1 fo r use In Ceremonial. Apply | |p cam- I The Newa. ' • i IACKAHS 'WANTBD We have a fine jackass aot oritr 4.5 1 hands high, well broken and any , color Jar aa* Jo Cnfemowtsl Ap , i ply General Chairman. Bo* W Care The Newa. PLAN 2 TEMPLE CEREMONIAL r RuSan and Ownia Temple* May 4 Mb Ib Mmubolli Under taking in Fall GRBFKBBORO. Ray 14c the blg f«e* Shrtwo evtht 10 the North Carolloa la planned In the joint fall ceremonial of Osaiu ami Sudau (Mpm. —- A meeting will be held m a few' day* between C. M Vaaatory. thm city, and K. B. < rownou, Goldaboit. Gael* and Sudau tmapMO. for the pur tmperiai poteataie* respectively. atf pose Os setting the date for a Joint, meeting of the two temples to be held a Chapel Hill sooeMtae la Septem ber, probably tbe Bth and 9th „ Potentate ■ Vsnstory, aft or confer ring with tb« Oasis Divan here to- . day, expressed bla approbation of the suggest ton for tbe joint meeting on tbe campus of the University of North Carolina and said It was a particular ly good idea because *o many of the j nuMsa wxgisd'-nn tout the ttntterniiy ; 514. Jb«L 1L lb beautiful con dltioa on the dales suggested The two potentate* have the authority to IhTThe tttne m price ot tie Ml cere- - moo la I (Vremonlaj Ends As for' the flprlng ceremonial «f Oasis It became a thing or history with the conclusion of the big dance bere tonight In which tbe attendants 4J/re so miny there w%a nn overflow on the street. » j NU .RI M FOR noimn , V. lijNDON. May 14- -lAP) —It was gen '••ally report,d Inday that tbe raid on the R<>v-et Mouse In h»ad ptrrwi or nu itaealan trade det*- j gallon and Arco*. Lid., Soviet com-j OHWelal erganisasl**. saws made *« dfstiver whether a certain docu-' Hunt tvf importance to the stale, that j “TlTVliit'liaHlng ror several mdudlsj .!2LiIA- toHUt Final Ceremonial Ptanß Made By Goldsboro Club U'Vtii ibA sjuumJ Sbdor rsniiw&r Thurhdny, Coldtbnro yrttlrrday began l<> show hliiim on *v«ry band of t|i -|i|> oarbliiß event «hub u »aptrte 1 tu eclipse pH previous Sudan cpre monlalN and to mike history. IxM-ai shrine Hub committees r*- P'trt that from every point In tb* domains coma word that the vobloii bjr ihr tbouaanda aia going |o h#»«l the murrain rail and conn- ire*. ■ Ulna here for the day. Ttir band »taad on which Untidy Prk# had h<n golden ronpttt band •fill be raised to dMlaht the titans i of tbouamda for Ihr eyenl ij|)» yaa i irrdaj coaatrutUd on Comet sfrotrt In front of lb* Hotel Ooldsborn It i la a ralafd platform. twaaty-llTs last •uuara aat about four bigg, ab NEW BERN BOYS QUIT HOSPITAL Was HUtkUy Injured When ! AuiowiobiW Turned Over Friday Nig hi *- "Shorty u Kafer, and Bill Clark, were the three New Bern hoys . Injured when the aulommhlle in, wh'cb they .wore riding bwarturned j five rail's Fast of Goldsboro Friday > venlog. It was learned yesterday f j Hospital authorities had said that th£ names of tbe boya had not been secured when they were entered for treiftment following the acchtggt ! A fourth boy by the name of j was also said to have been one of tbe j parly JEW guarteti was dlsebaeged from “ tlw kosp ial ysaVeAlay morntng, their la juries baring ben proved to be of a serioua nature At the hospt tal the night previous, It bad been ■fated that they w»r# suffering will; ••abock.'* According t«i Wbltty. an aniomo bile wh ch carried no tall light was responsible for the accident ; Ttc f light* of au appnno hint ma hiou . blinded young Kafer be said and their 1 =B*«hh>» waa dlnae Vhiaj tha Hghl less car wh n "fhey discovered t V Kafer SWeavtd out lo avoid crashing , into the rear of It When he ttThmd i back after passing the car. bU raa chine went over, lauding ou dug side young Whlity staled Pola Neyri Taken Her Another Count BiBRA IN COURT, iYaure, May 14 (4*l—Pola Negri, whom* fliwt trip to the altar coaverte,! her Into w-coun tess, acqulied another title this af ternoon When ah* was married to the drains Runtm petneo Md.va.yt This time she dki not go to the AlMir lor the ooromony was merely « ctrtY °*o performed la a little room in the tumble-down town ball of this pipe* abnft B rifles from ■ Part*. ***ll>—a aot prewent was Pels'* new aiat*r>ln-law, Mae Murray, who "I*o bee*me a princess recently when who waririd a brother of today's bridegroom. 0 ’ "They were aot invited". Pola'a rep resentatlve said “lat It go at that/' She wmrtA aof trif w t, y BIG GAINS BY THE EQUITABLE Animal KMrttment Hevcab, (,alnn of HcYMly MUlioß Iji«t Year The sixty seventh annual statement ' ' rTYJtTTT IT "TI •' r TT "*l* frTTT r L ■ t ' ,r th# Hlat.-s puhlribed •©•lay; ghow* gain* u, all important Item* The assets nn December 3t«t . auLmuUS- IHO.iat.B7i; w» lae—aia of 177,200JMh) over IM6 which U tbe large*! (kill ever made by the com pauy During the year the ouiatgjMtynit Insurance passed the five billion mark nud now totals }6.M7.!iCr*.ooo Thy* new Insurance paid tor aegrr gated |1;91T.045,wm ririudin* |194, ■ 233.000 of Group Insurance Th * «*» 1 the largest in«uM of new business I In any year in th** history of the ! company and»represent* au incise** ■ of t191.000,i>00 over the amount paid in 1931, | During the yrgr the company paid , $11*1.114.000 ta it* policyholders and i iiehcficlar'eaT - fiver |34,000.000 wa* 1 s*l aside for paym nt on Annual IMvi dwnd pot anew along dtjrtng WT Nlnety-<lgbt parcent of all domes I tic Death rial ms paid «H»r ng the 'year were settled within one ""iiay rsu-ajatirt dpw, p«*4a id 4w»ot mtmmtsi'kdUk • ..... J *mjfU *r n,^ «inn* Ilu««< Sudan hymlM.lt bar# born eroded on two atde* of the platform and electrically llgblrd The “Julco" I araa turned on for the drat tune laat ••renlng and the Hymbola— preoaatfaa a new bote along Tent»r atfeot— l.rouabl continual etctarnations fron lha crowds I Official registration bcodquartem for the Shrine on the rernnwnUl da) - will be opened al the (loldoboro Oar age and M T. Company. It has barn announced and the official refirah ment counter will be op-rat*d from th'o point. Many of the women'a Hun-, dny aabool class's 'of tho Hty mo planning to sflrf • lunrhea. (tenoral Chairman L. A Raney yesterday au •| ICdMgMd «g ftn TWbi 'tit* • _ » } • >■ wpi. limmmmymrnttmt 111* Tarheeiia Adopts ~ [ | - * jdjl^y yll *V , J rin C *OTO mA IT Ift THE MolorUri after mum ob. serve tbe standard band signals Illustrated above, the recent Noitb Carolina l.'‘gialat»n baa decreed. Maud and arm esC*od«d horl roptsL 'with founngcr potuting, indicate* left m i, e . lieu i ar.d arm ci.*ol .■ | at elbow, pouted upward, indicates right turn Hand and arm eifnijcd down ward at an auglc, imheataa atop. DAYTON MAN TO DELIVER TALK 11. CSuisfli Will Address (ToTdla lioro MerchnnlH’ Atssocialion ~. . -MbbiUv- W««k A membership mcetiiig of tbe Golds boro Mercbairt* Assodtatlon will be held on Monday afternoon. May 23rd, Wtb if. L, Bulscb, speaker. Mr. Dulacb is secure I f£oui the Merchants Her vlce Bureau of tbe National Caah Register Company, of Dayton, Ohio and his addyiv, wilt deal with metb ■Mia of bettering store service. Im proving salesmanship, increasing stock-turn, and plenuuig ahead for better business tn Goldsborg. \ Hen !,ewi*. piawident of the M* r ebanta Association said, that fat order to arcomiuodate all of tlie merchants and ibel> clerks two meetings would ’hi, TTofel Goldsboro of forty-dve mtnutoi .each, 2 p. in. nntll un'gj J> !»> , All merchants wh'tber member* of -«ri MBrivM wt vdt m «44* out of tjown tnercb*nt« an*l their ctbrts an* lordurty farttetf to he rtx’ guest of tbe Merchants Asm iation at thea* m* clings. , BEPimr.OE HEARING PLfNE France Now Tunvs lo ThouKhlM of Memorial for Hrite T”, l/HfIHVII.U:. iky,. XL - UPh Whiskey Whitney's hors* wun tbe •>.'» Kentucky derby today Just a* be had been ejpected to win. by hedtlng (>e msnd and J*■, kln a xenektional drive down the w till Ills lime for tbe and nTTaarter »*s 8 CKt. uhrw Itflhs av * unit lowtur iloyu tip* old Rosebnd's r,*ord of 3:03. The Wh tney entry and Boston la were fnvoilt*K and showed.the sur prisingly rood odds of 94 10 on *acb« |2 ticket. ORDER TO HOLD 4 ANNUALANMEET i- ■ w„ . eww.... —-■ -r*'ll-f ■ - m* liocml Odd Fellows Expect to • Send lane Delegation to mirttnctofi 5 3 An Inter *ttng program has been Arranged Mr the annual meeting at < tty* Orend loidrc of Independent Or der of Odd FVTlbw*. which tx to ha hdd at Burlington May 14, 17, II and ! 19 Official copies of the program have be n reetdvod bv members of th* loc al 'odee amt Indicate a most enjoyable ••sther ng sf BorUnKton , Goldsboro it U expected, will have a large r#p rte*crita#ion nt the OrmA l/.lf m- ctl«T. : ... J . eiuKttiaJßMJbcJkC Aa'-i ’ session na received berg fol-. low*: • • > ' M*>ndav, tlav I4»h, l*t7 2 no p. m —Orsnd Fncampment 6 8 p. m - Grand Fncamoment. Tuesday Mar 17th j n e m -Grand FncamnmenJ • 2 noon Adlonrn Sine Dt*. c 2 p m.—Grand loxlge—Ffrat Bes ' -T uev * n ?n.— Briwkah Asaambty * *ril «l BMStWir"-'-—-Wl ■ " ■"*■"' ll' "|| 4 n_ m -<*-Grand Ixtdffe Berand Ke«« on. U n it* Reh»V(,h Aaemblv—bee rc-g Osssipti (Joint Bea-lbn nt Andl-J »ori*m» lion IV H. Bryan pr**k uirlr r 1 J u -" - - > Mn<le—nyribsws Hot* Band. Dvvocstion Bdv ,1. W. Anteev. /yrivAssyis of Welcome on behalf of j tA. rrHvTwri Thomss D Coopgr Vt*ir - J of W lenm* on lichalf of the BddJMlJcw* Bev. J W Antrey Addragß df Welcome In behnlf of Rchciinha M'b* Je*s|« Terry.. Tto«nopw»*'lo tbe Address** of Mist- * corns Msl. R Hn*"ld n«. Grand Mtiicr Tgrmair. v&mPvrm? * *'»* BebeVah Aasembly Mns'e—Ornhsns Home roneari C»a- I (Al AitkYcra hr Boeclni Dcmitv Frnpd hire Hon W. T. Garber. Washing* ton. DC. Mnelc TlßiFdirmm^iTra :--T .-r-Wr-RBIWT" ‘ Music Ornhshs Tfow* Band. Wednesday May IWI • a. r*t -Weheksh Assembly . !jBO p m —Grand FnraAe. 9:90 „ m—Grand Lodge— Joint '•errov'sl Ferric** 9-9<t n.*cu —neheVah Assembly— J«»<n* Memorial fterrice. a • pm -Conferrine Rebekah De »rcp bv Elaff of Mvrif* Ttvbekah f.r.dge No. 1. nr^enshorn Wav Itth ** a m.—Grand Lo<l g*-La*t Ses sion 9-a. m —Rebekah Asscaablv—Last - gr*n»iiao. —-* 12 noon —Grand Lodge—adjourn Tilrto fffc. ' " * lrfl "'" ’ 12 noon—Rebekah Aasembly—Ad ..JouroiJUbr a . There will probanly be the organl- . ration of a M Htarv Coobcll of the i lv*psrlment|of North Carolina, Malot H.yL. Whtrmore, Deoartment Corn- 1 , mender, aomrilme dttrine the session All ea'hin will be hld In «9|w varl* i oils Convention roojns of tlie Hotel , Alafnance. IlFadounriers Hotel Rismanc# u ' ; FIRIri. ON BHIFS AT SASKI9iU (omfON / 'V SHANGHAI, May 14 -(4V-Flfing os* ships passing Nanking an the Yangtec r>er la becomine mor** fra-j 1 uuctti \n American destroyer and. u Hrtiish steamer also Were targets for 1 Chine fire while at anchor heveral i ni n**,m/llnp deirifu ill*, ri wear tin ' der convoy were fired on near Sank t ; at* .. i -——* - 1 »’*■*■ II ■■ - IPi "" '*» - l»*W II II II ■—S * - —-% ... • e . —.l- in ■■ ■— ■ iium.*. .■■■*■—*l* mat iissm Tobacco Board Os Trade To Be Guests At Joint Meeting 1 * wgk i&tilfSjEm. ■iijjir horn ToMmyi Hoard of Inli l M ir*Mt», the KimiU rlah aad lb* Molar f rlnh will moot Monday erealag ta a |olnt eata I— hi the lintel (Void* bore Ihr purpose es •hr Hireling I* la Ihrait «■)! and mean* of making l.old-horii’v a bit 4W and halier' lohacce war bet 11 With Iho propownd location of a; lirilmli tobacco com puny Herr this, lull. Minie boost r* of tbr I- cal >t»ar ; he* believe Uiai they ace a lew oppor-* t unity for (lolduboro In route to ilia j J «*nl na a . market stir the b< tr»r i grarir* of* the weed. Thla company. , II la r ported. deale largely la tWp 1 bl«ber priced variellea of the meed. | and iberam |»oa a chance of lUNebi V ■ r. ” = ~-u. =rr-yr; JJaM Hope OfSaving “Sugar Bowl” Section Os Louisiana Fal^ : —As Dykes Break At 5 Points Want Next Eastern * Expoirition In City Goldsboro has an eiceilanT op tOrtualty to laud Uyc Eastern Caro lina Eipoaitlon tor next y*ar if the rititeue are Interested tn the <pro otwttlon. u was learned bere ye»- lerday Officials of tbe ebamber would like to ae* tha Exposition Writ ta Quldatoia for iri sixth brfc I tram, according to N. G Bartlett, yecretary of tha association To s*cur* tba Exposition. Oolda goro would have to provide a guar antee of 41,400 to th* Chnmbor. AU other expense* would be taken sire of by tbe organisation, ac cording to Mr BartlJtt Decision jpon th* city wher* the next Ex ><~Hl „| IH io r.c held wm retch-' ‘kd at a meet lug ot tho hoard Os dl iwrtoti W<f Tu—hj " ~ ""“T OLD FREIGHT priin cj aiijc’C. rtftju rLAiYEicr Carolina Shipper*, Inc., R*pl? in BriefuNln Virginia Ewbri WILSON. May 14 J Th* ancient .freight rate Mud between North Caro- Tina and VirgNha flared again today as W. la. Thoraioa. Jr., secretary or jSwnii Sittpppra, bil. lwiy toST Interstate Commerce Coaunria’os, id Washington to objections of Norih Carolina Shippers lo an ttffaot on tha part of Norfolk, Virginia, inter cat* to gfriire a revision ut mo'assaa ratau In tk» ria’tt. Briefs mailed by Vfir. Thornton will end a case begun In hramm Tir MTumßurum Tm warci r •nd 2. The case bronghi by Norfolk litter* eats attack* d the leAel of North Caro lina motasaea vi aa doing unran j sonablj low gg com pa rad with the rat-* from Norfolk, into North Caro Hua ‘"Our posit lon.'' said Mr. Thornton ' la that North Carolina nsolaeaes rates are not too low; that they have hern In effect for years, under which a large volume of traffic has moved. If the contentions of th* Virgritoha Is upheld, H would m*np an enar mou* increase In tbe North Caroltaa moleseea ratoa ** « ’ ''■ | One hundred wholesaler* aad ffahwamrFrrorTWrfnwa lit inprw seated In the briefs which were forwarded to Waehlngton. __ . V. '*■ ■■ IYHA9F PIMPING IN CAI NINA OmCIALI NFRIOI h TKOI BLI .. \ . * MANILA, Mey 14—<JT>- Th* uprl* Ing by Mor Intrcucberoda, Ibaane V I Iplno who has proclaimed blmaelf era peror <*f the Philippines ■ a used crtAsing concern to tbe contatmlnry today when report* were received tbat he and b's followers, bad at tarkr<L4pjr towns on Negroes la land, * ‘V Htariltig at Victoria, Negro Island. Thursday, Intremherado’a followers killed on** pollctmabiod wounded an other. They hunched the occupant* ut, ihu -JUUthJtlPdL.jMiiltUiML. Mil lhlc.. iwn were capturad Dir emperor. n , w <tv r rvT’r:: :=-:sr’.T,::-.rr :'.’?, : ,T=S r *** . ■action • There la no reason'why we cannot increase our tobacco tales by aw ram I inilihni pound! th’a year, "If we will begin to te|l the world about thU b*W company locating here," aald a hooalar yeeturday. . He pointed out the need for la treaalng the local market by remark ing' that eiatlaftca showed Wayne county laat year laltnl 20.000 Oo pounda of tobacco and the only about C.two ,ooo imunda ware aoid on Ula local market Ot» account of the Jo ning meettag of the clrir clul>« with tk,< tobacco meat aa gne«ta. There will be no *> >*itulaa Tocaday neaampof the Ilotar)< dub, l > re*ident A. A. Joavpb an l nounced. - • ( Irsjir-SA : .' **• y&UUlam — a t » :.' v , v . - ° Member of The Associated l i Over 250 Miles of F«r tile Fanning Land Covered by Btebiff' Waters; 200,000 sons WUI be Affected , by Newest Turn of (overs Number Par limes. •r 77* _ ■ g* QKLjLursmr tEsxTmH 21 essaalUag «,."££!* Ci*E Hop* Os saving tbs TTrrn unite. a part of the “Sugar Start" and tie Kvnngolhj country iHteinartd «Mi tbs telling of the ICeinwood>tsate ( on lev»e before tba aitaak «f ng. caging nteaa Three ~t^ T r kanaka -«= ■till bad left officiate wttb tfea hepe 'bat they wight be abte ta aawe a i«rl of tba rich diteHal. ta addition to tba ftea male. bttehi •><»( tba Bayou Beet on. avtatarp fly '« oy#r tba dtetrlct reported S tiff ■ I minor crcreeeea tbraaffh djlth •he water la Uartaff. ' « - er tba crape and theWr ffffaalalif - ectloil. otfaciad by ttmflipod Htm acre, win r» added to OU ott miilioua already covered hr tba Mea-- 1 rtf era bha reached tba Oalf at Mteftp H will have cat a devaaUMfaff path (Mm the northern ta* «he southern, ehoree of Louiatea aMM the gulf. OTYsaiOOLS CLOBEJUNk3 Dp. W. C. Jickwp of OritMkffpi Iff Mffka Affff—l . nr w. q. jffciMis. nm spam*— Os North Carolina Collaga far Stetean. Grasaabece, h«» aa tested dr*aa for tba "Tllrlfri CHy S' hoofs this yaar, tt waa aaaaaaaed •erterdar by BuperlpfStet 0. A. Hamilton. Tbo school, will «M» iff Jaffa »- Tb> add rasa hr tba draanaim men w 1 be made at tba Mam '•rial Building oa tba evaataff of hat 3 Class day oxerctaae Will ba ba)d «* **• of tmm % Mr. ***- iit-naate, r*r. Jackson la vtea praaidaat of tk# tut* rot toga for weaaoa and waa formerly head of tba department of s ths author of several Commencement Invite Spat will he u«oed m the next R ins i» wo iSm * uttk Why tMfr rtcr Prsnresco He Pineda. UnTtn foe* (outineut flyer, who left Maw Or *>**»’>* .today, cancelled plank far n *3mM. nUMcM..',. ii il non stop trip ta St. Lnatte Mffn * consul here. He headed north wttb n heavy cross wind Mowing at M miles on hour which Bt. Loaie dr mer believed would cases bhff M pate pone bis bopa from boro to Cbieapo SKXICO TO DEPOST ’ . otis mm msm * ‘ o P *, ’• - MRXICO, May Id.—jdP> Mtel than two thousnod »eraooa la fall o« the charge of eedUioui and rrvOtatleaaiy, activities. Kl Sol said today, are Mpn io be (irpoi4*d to Troe butte Mate* ro*s tropical Island penal antteff Iff . the I’s.lßc The Island te aaMI llteaa Hb-nci to rraoce'e r*y| fMafePt Diliil’e It land. w

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