fc • r "kjr.:-- < 1 Nfr fcllfcf ifcJjjfijjP toMMlfcg I VOLUME SlXt HUMBER M . : - • ~- ' B |B| ■ M B B B mI j| w bB Bp JHBPB BBk BB BBtIB 881 818 S|g || JK &9SL I 1 || % Jj || jf 1| « 9RB gs Jj |§ mm m W B M JB ■ W ■ JJ ■ ■m ■ ■ ■■MM ■BB ■ ■ ■■MMBIBIHHBH ■ B H §ft I % %m W% I I ■ 118 l I _ ■ ■ M M BQk Bb B B B’ B B B fl B B BB A Bbhpbb vhbßi bbhb ■Bbb^^' —AJPi AjHTli As. * |> “~^'-*~•»■»'—■ i -*- - in , _ f. T ,, r _ a <*-bbbk.*..*«..»■ ffr ■ r ..„ Columbia Over North i Atlantic With Goal Be Decided By Gobi Rowe, Berlin, CBußan tlnople and Leningrad Mentioned U Possible Destination of Mye % tin and Ltvine at Con ; trols ol Ship Lind bent Sends Best i*w tew. lU t-ur»- . «e —‘IT ImM «Mt 4ml witli ill hitetai tiiiiwi ptM II • ' «» *M KM «««ft **» .M •» <MI t* «M* IMDf «W Hav 41tfm fltfav fc«n €Sm. »—n» « latfto* ,Sl vwtllr *U n|irM u «»• llttl# HUM IWw tIM «• IU CNTM file o* U«ltN *utm to mrn_ m^ ewl. TUI wtftia, w -t M|*m ibo Opi »« Hooo. Scotia and app.r faoMfa* to iTßTtabtoa coora* "' *y' ~ 41 PT OT«trolt u tli* colaoibb fcartto tfcT«o«ti tp alpt «u CUr «mo CktolMlt, ttyw oM (armor, cowboy, army aviator ud Mpr ol tho world —damaci ncord wMoto wa. wad. ia cab very piato. Sdlia Kim to ito caMm was Cfefrtoa Lovfea, |ii (toaaelal torlai Ml a «ir»rtea mam bar of tKa craw. UUfco la SI ftara old, tocao Ufa aa a IUP boy «ad tbm 'haoama waaitby aJ o mreboot totoauia. Jtzz of NawVMmdte* vai aaaarad (bdb I ladbmgb'a «ma aaar iba aaam dlilaoc* by ouly 17 m gu<n v m s*at ruid at • p o’clock Kaataro Dayllgat ttma M Cay* 7 ]hSTirV.. al t » IbSara day H|fct (baa from that pofat U ba#ad aaartm am to am » IPdiaph 4 WaS Wbbr u f. «. CriUaor M«m»bU (Uy ylplaf to Iba (A) ‘1 do boya ba mokoo W aald Cayt IJadbarch wbao tatarmad that tba Columbia bad atari «d oa lla Traa'-Atiaatlc ftigM Admiral Burras*, tayralac of tbi •tin tbreoyb tba Biaaclatad J*ram at waaa eoaMaaulbatod wttb all p y* la ala luyladicttob. Ha luatruatad U.«m la k*«y tba ■bar#a*« laoko ti. - Haa Worn Ton TIMiINI _ ,nkw yobk—|A*>—ciaßum* cuim toltla. Wbalms bofyad iff ay a .’U«W )iUaf b* doao mot asytoi to *ad aatli ba bob gtroo mot. baa way twa alcaa «ttt*rrr:£ fM “ *«t WUfc Bart AMdu aa a ttyta* cow luduraara (V|bt la Ayrtl wbaa thi • am* Bailawca ylaa*. uaad la tb* -Paa lii» inn m—i. . i maria ad , aloft II boura. tl ariaataa aad M ♦rad was ofon tfeko MM mtloa. aad If rhaaibcrtta eaa Strs'ybtaa tbal yqrfarmaaaa oat, aaccaaa la aaaarad fat. tba Too da fa Kftar «bla Abb Cbambav Itn P«w*d tbM i» aa omargaaey ba could dUyaaat with h'a laodlao tor and act down la aafotf ultboat U. nybi with two mu* clrta aad a mrfkaatc as aa S Man* ba waa ad r’oad (Bat Mo laaamp soar bad fallaa r Mrt By plllfal maaouvartac ha Maoltr laadad aa 000 otdo bat aa*V SOotooo MwaaMy right aid# ay with aa lajary to Mo yaaaoagavf aad llttl* damage to tba ptaaa Tba iMbttoaa fl'gbt waa aUrtad L <Ca-»wM a. Ib«a T«wl oiM„ anilii J - '-■ . - » * THE GOLDSBORO NEWS • , •? r-.v wtw . A • t ' . n 1 :■■ "' n rtr,:,;..;... -' 1 ~--' :t - .' : '^c=——l. .. . TWENTY PAGES TODAY ag-r-waw ■ a—- 1 ■" .ax: : 'g l '"" Jberun READ¥-“ j TO MEET FLIERS . FiydiS Piwamntbaaa to Qlm J. BEBIAN, Jaaw Clarcac* flbaatoaHMA, pilot at iba’ Columbl* 3» m ariad, t«*.ramaa» aad Utual cirajf, of Hear* of tba Aaro club da aot V|f — ts U**awara at R, Tbroagboat tba day poliaa baad ouaatara was tba saaa* of fav*rl«h preparation* (or tba Amarloaa aria lor* reception which now ia retarded bar* aa Ukaly « Mm boar ***** mtdnlakt Bandar night. If tba AaMr’oaab abould arrive la Berlin, a boleterooe welcome will swah them as tba central goveraatoM aad tba maatetyallty of Berlin bar* I net meted all tbeir dayartmoat Plata to go tba Itmlt la piaaalag a recep tion - 1 : has boat la cooealtaboa wth Oar waa officials and baa informed them that he will tab* tba American air man tg charge If tlicy abould Mad * Tw# lifi aad Toby# TAIB. torn 4—<e»—D eudoan* Coat* aad OM*. Blgaai, French loo* dlataac* aviator wboa* record of Mil Wild* from Paris ta Porvta was hroh •a by Cayt. liadhorgh. atartad toda« M a two-la* air Joamey la Tokyo Tba Frrnh fUan planned to aMtk* tbohr drat bag to CMaa, Sibaria whom they hoys to reach in lee* tbaa to bon re aad tbaa after taking guj at Chita t* go Ob to Tokyo ; ABBATtS AnOHIMA W BITCH SOT. KB IPALTB HOOD RALCMm. 4gae 4—(JD—Ooveraor \ Halmth aayi that ha tme juet rocelv * cd a yeraoaal letter from Beantor Sim j moms who la spanning n abort tlmal la Btaleswlll* far roat and rearoatioa i . *?• ******** bat it waa * court* j at grattfeatiOb tu Senator Simmon* a thorough physical si.uatoattou made by sa export dlncnosticien. that Ms ybya'aal coodttioo was Wuad to u* eareliant, that aklnglee have eubel t #d aa the only thing aacaarsryln for him to tab* a good root lb order that 'ila nervous system umy M fully re Moraf •-'r ■ABB POIbTaBCH : TARBOBO, June 4 (JPJ-A repute ti<» for goad cabee to batag built up by th* Oykdal* demonsi rat'oo olJh a Mgaromh* county nrcordtug |o the report of Hoots Agent Virginia Wet Mb, who atotoa gyvaral thousand have boon noli during Th* past year by rink member* Maay of th* club's momhers were prise winter* ta a ■ out*#* b*ld recently "■" -■■-WV.WJ. I- ' .- ■ U" ■■ ■ ■— ■ - ■■ I Mg*-,. E—- m 111 I* i r% fCoocrf i ncc StctDEfcci Uy Negro Man Last Evening tofcart r.L, Mlf h "to ' •» >**»»*< ,w »*• •***' ••* •OnL rrte% tu iMM Nri> hal wnN «Mto U to M*4|f nm fk* |M ■* lk» mr at 4aa»'i •Mite* teWk Mr/ Mn ten Ml Im« »fca teMM « tek IMliMl, Ml total yi>n teH* tab ttea teMHyNM |t>N tte*a to all Mi a mwl tor tha Mte ► ' Tte. MIN, MMrtte, to (tea I Mar? toM. NufN tha w**to MW Ml dwtfl aI tea via* baaa hhitei Wwto ara aaM to PH OT IS KNOWN AS DARE DEVIL Owm«I First Motorcycle it Amcu. lowa, and FbSto wits a 9-i NSW YORK. Juu* 4- t^) —Clarence Duncan Chambeila. la trying to Jtolto ill expraea air flight to the farthervat yylbt poistbl. will n> over waters traveled at a much slow •r pa** great gr»af father, who The saamNa, of his *#«fsrtag an cestor did set tarn Chamberlin to the tea, however, for he studied »lec trleal oagloaertog nt lows Mat* Col leg*, st Amos, and during th* world war was a lieutenant in the Army Air Wb nerved an Instructor I la avia> oa ataoveral flying fields. In Mb long service Including mneb commercial HyMto. he has had only one sartous acgldsnt. In Ihtt hit ylaa* anaahad n*gd YiegoMtend, Long Island, during the Intonations! Alt •beta, killing kto >»utsi»r Law. Maas Damns lit. of Nuw York, aao Ineapaeltsttag btm for »wm OlfaUli who to U.yaara m tgk wag ham M OaMmu. lowa i who** h'a parents reside They war* as confidant tout he would remain In DMtlvp of M hours raaautly that tbny uwa-bb »41 tilngrnrn in ndvaue* nad tß* amsssgv nrrvlrr the congrntua tloas of the horn* folk was waithir lor him wbaa ba cams down, after the r* t 3rd braking essdnrsac# Might His parents are edßMnred that | their boy can take'ear* of himself In tba sir but nay that h* Kan "always been eoßMKh’ag of s dare-devil. ** “He bad the first motorcycle here’* to the ward from tba Denison home ! Preside. "**d he teed to worry us ; with his riding," -■.aStswmd ■■■■■ a | UIDSAT WABSBN IB toUm HKIKIK | * H • V' ' " • r-- „ ■ » V - .Hf ■r] ~r ' ‘ * - 4 (/PI An nunl commencement program of E Csrollba Teachers College way propar hare today w to to# alu mhl butineA meeting at ianrbeoa, g r er°rtl abendsne# being expected by night, Wise Ruth Lowder, of Ruther ford ton, tba prootdeat said Tb* Babior normal call will stag« Its clan* processional this evening while toe sermon by Dr J R Lee ter, of Wins too-dalem | 0 the morn tog aad the Y. -WI C A water id th* aveuiog trill feature »uuda>’> sidrclaast reel mas Lind<ay C. Warren. «f Wasktngtau, D « *«t deHvet the aanutl Utarsry address Monday. Hf graduatas trill racavl* normal dl ptowe while 4 will gdj A H degrees ■ ■ raff - ® ■“ h * teaylag ■iA • •ttti rlrrW alUi Att ' .. Mte. Ml to tea»a (lark a kaMt ■to VMt- ul thdai lamwi •Ha tteaa 4a*M away teafert a ha* aa4 try aaal4 tea rafc«4. BytoaaMto faateatf tor Natw aaal Uaa Santo ate. teat kata a teaU Mach ton Walaal atra* ■akteif teto rat* Ur raaa4*. aa4 tha tattar •mmmrnmt* Hally Laa aai a V. Haatte m Mn * M ra.kH la a total ha^yital. Ha wa* blaatlat yrafai.ly Ml fato a *iaaattey as htoat Man , (tea hatpteal aaa naateM. Ntoitoal attoateaa mM Itehrly milllhT" *'* * * Katlr |aa4 | GOLDSBOMK, H. MORNING. JUNE J l .'."'. —g ■ ■ g.'.-. m u _ redcrcSaids STATEKENTICKV a*. Flaad LOUISBUKO, Ry., June «- UP) Bread cam upon the water cam* back to Basfern Reatucßy, doslguied bv Vtov«i%or r>eldi tq take cknrg* of tba relief of th* Kentucky stoiai ares, sa lb* Hbilitual Had Cmaa was mar .balling Ila Juntos lufiixbt «nd pnto toK.to«W*jr *h*«k hut sur-u up tn# valleys of Kentucky aad other rivers, carrying sgccoa and cb**r to hum* less thousands who so recently wart contributing, of their own means It th* suffarer* of Miaslss ppl voile) floods f : ?- : Commu meat ton ttwee brebsn Aur mg to* cloadht rst of Buaday night wart baing rsatablishad to bring into headquarters latest morles of th* damage done by rggiag meuatato siesame that aaaad, ibrangh ngrrgj valley* in the dead of night, sweep tog all befec- tbam. L«t#»t eet mates show that m,«dt icople. out slath the total number who fait th# heavy hand of the father of waters, to ihb Mississippi valley were affacted bjr storut and flood that followed Eightfmlnr known deaths have been reputed and upward of >O,OOO men beye been thrown, out of empioytneat. Many more are hom* less To meet th’s situation, the Red Crons already has sent relief trains imd workers Into th* Oft* and is conductings statewide campaign lot a:“ , r vi I vY' Vt M V A I If \ city iMwibgn |g jfnmti—ry W4E Amount la Over Mitllon , Four lajtgrml MONTOO.MI.ItY. Ala,, June 4 —(A*) —B»r#> wblcb suited in Comm»is< HNak. ~ tbv prineli it! whwlevala abd buiiiH'ss tbioughfar* (Ms afternoon, levrieto a block of bu idiagt, caused damage iu excess to 1 1.000,000 aad ln)ur#d dour il villa as before it waa brought under control, -j Eire iepehnents of five cities *aat detach mem* which kept th* nr* m check Beldters Horn a umrky sta tlan also aided la th* fight Tb* out shortly sftemoou in s p 1« of ngis to a Juuk yard nest to a packPufc company house wu-Oom merce street After destroying com pletely 14 buUdlags in the Immediate yack, the fir* lumped ever on the opposite s d* of the street, lli* weft ern eld*, burned th* Imeprial hotel and continued eastward Other etore* on nearby streets were burned be torr the ftomes were brought under control. Dynamite was exploded in the rear of the Imperial hotel to check ib* spread of ftomee Governor He-Appoints Col. John D. Langston - HALKIOH. Juu* 4 (A*! Oorernor McLean today reappo mod for two year terms a* member«,wf the stair board of HHItoM, r*nt John *ft laanstoa. Qoldoeboro. W E. Dr**S«, Hrevardj T. Huddle Ward, Wliitß k. i V. Herring, Fayetcvtll* aad J. T Raereila, Mißk Buvpqpat *♦*»♦ to to* 1027 laglhlx tax* be appointed un H»- hoeru to directors of si gprm coluay for woutea tor four year ferma Dr. Jam** M Parrott Kiuston. Mrt W. T. Shore, ( bariotte. Col J. sfwrnhv. Orwnshorn Mr* R f Lm7a.*WgffiijSa *nl I T'BiMl -MfW*Bmd.CUf t ... Ji— - . Ford Strikes Train On We«t Ash Street Grady Pbillir and W L. Herring W*r* reported to kav* sustained minor Injuries Shout t o’clock law evening when a Korg roadster they ware riding to struck an A«|Akl<' Coaet Ida* trnto an Weto Ask aUeet The trout of Ik# Peril wn* reported nr badly wr*eh«J. Detail* of Ib* see.dent could not I ba learned lest evening, Tba police bad ne Information of It. j Potatoes Bringing H , >8.50 Per toffirij Ml. Uttve potato grow erg HF*| I jlbiitnt over the price* which tb* I * tuber* haw been Iriaging tb* I | past wtok Tb* past two days the | i lukv ha« Mth about f* SO « bar-I ral aad lips will go far toward! - ew rung up tbe short crop wblcb I sarins to be a possibility ga~ a re-1 ) «f the long dry spell If (bt | ' Drive continue. (b*re wIU b* • I jiundi wi woilev luruto i«o*p I aiuuux the Mi olive im>ul* dur-1 rag the um taw weeks. I I „ L 1 Jl . .iijpJ GAS COMPANIES - CONSOLIDATED —- - —mn—Mtobitol Cbrofiiui Gats and EWelric Cmb &*¥ THI* of Half MUlian ‘ rtm togMu, GreenviU* riito and Goldsboro are merged and SKi2S ! 22i£<£i2* ! h *it* v m iM ■(ririt Cofpm. is 4 cmi fwa lS to laeorpotiattoa tssuew fiuu tbe ofnc* Os w. n. E*4-«r., ,*!- rvto »of statß Tb# coo»*mv bug ov or s half mritlon dollars ta suhnertbad cepiial. II A. Blackoowd, C. I. r.v*sp*t*. .'iieVl i n Braga w and btbers nr j uam -4R ns subscribers fUtf i hods*ad sham jt common ssuit a* pgr valj.'aud &4.04 J >4 pi*. fertW toes* are ailowed to tbs pap •v T- Oo'rte oro Oat company, Maw Mein I'-nu iud Dbaf Mtmpnxqr. rtiuy. Rlbis. raddigtc eompapy. Wa*btogs*m. Oae CrrU*w». OreauvlH On* uempeny, Ktiu n On* eompaay. sad rtiyatt*- K.'jr" 4 *"* "“t i SCHOOL SYSTEM IS HARDEST HIT — _J?V ' Loulbiana Suparlnfandanf Eafl MHfg Damage by Floods 2 Million RATON ROUGH La.. Juaa4-tff -Ocbool buildings and n<i Jlpment lB »# flooded arena of Louatoba eufftr <Hl damage .attainted at between Iwo ami tour million dullora pad the *(- ffet wltt ba feH through tbe i*lfd> sesaan, X H. Harris, state fuperia tandeui of educaUon dal.-ared*toady , ‘ aaubet b* aecurattoy es timated uaiil ra# wiigrYagavd!* Mi# .-metal Mid. “bul It will be enoraeoua. I would ptare tt between two aad four ml'tlcn dtoltra to buildings agd eqtilpmrni In Uka Id parish** affected i Ither to whole or part" 0 „ Likewise the ability of cit'seas to 11, y achnol tax*> Iu tb* f *<*4 4*o - hare Been Imraried o t*t# fl.nd Civtrlett. the supt aaadri#^ T do Uv» saa how a number to I puttabev will hard bRy schoak ntxr yt.*i if tl or are son-ad i<> r«cußstruct all hulldiair* M It will lake all of avaUM-'« funds. Th# aolutlor., iu n.y .uoimegl, Is fur tku FVd*r|4 for x. Linent to mnki- food Hi* lota*, vni provide Ur -choc.l melatauear* nest y»trr t# th we* sat our rstax dal caused (hr dame**." rv±aiT"' ~-l_ !..—*^# At Temple This Mttg - - At 7:Wfr toutffht th# confirms 100 • v***m J*Jt I%|h» ,*Jt*=* ft thaOhr fc H**»l*W T-WWpl*. hwim JwA* ul' r»b arm** Tfci* iii»mitii <wto It arraugad for lb* purpoaa of glrlhjr •n ftvportuAXaj lA tin otttr *tud**t , vs III# R«r)f out Rchool, whoa reach * leg adol*»c*nc*, to publicly pioclalm th*lr dcalra lo uphold th* Jawiah religion Th* » ynlflcanc* of * tbit I It rnchancad hr th* f*ct that r , thta tdrelr* laktx plat* on th* faatl' I ml of Paat'roai which hrpln* toolaht r a faatlral eom<w mealing '#» Ra ’ talrlim of th* law by naciaih laraal Tha Cnaflraaanda If-Un Fra oh* I, > Uah TUI I* and Ida Kadi* ham pr# t»arad thamarlm* for th# confirm* l llrni work hr atundina a elaaa • •hroaah lb* ar'atar wUh RabM Pranpd mrjr rahaaratng for * ’ t *4 .. -i. L^.u, ■ »r TWENTY PAGES TODAY City’s fhjfgnwpds To Be " Wku&s Opened Mwdnj C nr C:_ w«J,, (M » linil.i \ iW uIX fiCCKS In Activity ■ rzra-:r*'g. z^r.zirtP-jmLr^ r~^r~~ r?-rrr’n ■ Y riii j tliW^ .H -Ti r Beauty and Br«ins i T' . ■ 1 "; ■ J 1 J. - " ? vl I ■' f $ - Her I*4 classmateu bar* votad Wt~ lab Mai kto (abort) of ■Miahuth 04ty, tb* pr*(tl**t add most att,active co ed senior else* Ualver . I I 4. - I WssmS ARE SEEN HERE Lark f4r**nir Um to Prlomh Wanuiw, and Wilmington OSH or Orfcrrrz: Tie storm wblcb early FYMgqr iqprwing demottahad tbe mils tow* of Dover ia CQavau oogptiy aad bouaaud on mu &plia K ripjmd a path tor many mil**, 4tf aot pbsu srttbout leaving it* iraeog *q Tiff* boro, long dlataac* llaaa Httlia this ally Fa'soi. d%rfgw, KaagnvSla rad Wllmla*toa were stilt out of *r- Twu houses war# r«po.i#d in Ib* Oosbm *#ctloo of Dbplla, about R%y»# No aao wao seriously Injur dllU-- —..l'.* - ' ' ' * Bborlff Boh Edwards who yesterday had oceastoh to visit the section bit hr M»<- eiorm reported tbal (ba far? to thg wind uprooted all trass In tie path The affected Pdfl. Sheriff Ed turd* wld, was about two Moeka *l4*. IJH. ”***• • firs Dißkni THAfY, LAKE, N, Y . Jnae -JDlr* members of tb* Junior nod Senior cinsee Ip tbe Dannemora high ■ghAul were drownde tonight whoa .• bHlry sqaall an poised tbeir rohK -■ML. Tba ttacbtr is th* boat wbo Jreucaed iha laat ftw waafca for (Ua tpacial . .aaggrica. ' --'A» Tl^S»W*«#wr m»nd» ‘Confirmation' .Halm fran kal; "I Am A HafUg. and Woman la laraal'*—Ua Kadi*. Th* Eaaayt trill ha dalirarad daring th* tarrlo* , , tlha aarrtna trill h* mpforfatf wHh tprropiiat* muaip by a peHtralnad ohotr conaltflag of Mra. Vane* Wall), at Iht organ, Mia* Mar a Bran*, aol Mr*. John Dortch. Ml** Btrdm i ohan, Mra Judith Bdwarda and Mia# ■ Mdaa Wldmm, rtaMalat. Tb# pm*mm trill ha aa follow*: Madltatinn Paaiaa ltd choir; Ihtatl i ml . Rrayar • l’ro<-*«»ional 1 '*o*llr»and. MBpL Pram rl (‘-ontluu^p^g^^r^ .....A, , *. . , • 6 Member »f IfcfAmtadatad ftlWi i l —m T ..,. , ~;. - ---X . •$--> - Bgaw. i , Hdy .* PftlCE fit! CEltfi Judge Harris Will Make Address RrM Cs*M hlklludi DlfttfflMAkn J in* jgm tors Are Wind i pro«r*m lioadai fwMa V?? Harris. of fetftifc ndoMM* inm (bcUUm aro prortfat tt ty|t .| M * -o - O I t oU I t Li-01l SM M4i ttVIBTV tta^k ** I to drawtag • > B<l niaTllSi*OmSK I] wed to othdr NtiTNtfi^iieiy» Th* Kl'tua CM Ik* regular boor. bat th* IWIM ||- entn« will m< ho Mi WM MM| ** Y oftorooM it S>|t. All BMrim M «rg*d lo oltoad TM HMM4 «a oceoaioo lu oot fit Mom mwaai Th* mm tor thla ptinmad MP tnm thr* through hwtooa.^Th* . MM awl tor both Iny 'tog boon oporatiag part tiaoa Mr the warm awt > »■ *m* P 4t th* MWt»a» -. IbmL- 3Wi^: Psmiift fY.lofk JHoro tho Jaator ud MMpft toooboll rrstpoo vtll plop thohr I** ImM % nmnahltdopop. lorbiog. hamohooo. captor* tho flag oad o rarlatp of Mh tra wiu bo otogoi lahr tho ftroMtea of Ooorto Moi Tho toaatHob of thp fourth phar rmni baa oot pot boos HllfMal bpt u will bo lognohat la tho TM glolo otroot oolgbborboaf. Tho Mg’ to* fat* wilt ho aoanaiaad laMr. TV* deroetoni who will boro ohafpo of tt« i program oro Harp t.iafahM ui M Howolt. All tho ftroetoro har« hoi «M|l woobt of train log lafap tho flap rroood ooponrtaor aai baro aft Map triad oot «m th* Vwaals aManißwl .

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