■■■***-- •- - -*-m—II i 11.. ■+ . toutx tivmr-zazziz-r-u.:u.xa~ <-■■ . rr-.Tz-'T. t- v-”- .r„ -. -»--\ .».*. ** t- aw --a-* r..>. -.♦ - *-* • ■■-•»-••* f 4W '»• - ** (153 THE GOLDSBORO NEWS p^T] 9viiT •! pmi .-J READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY - VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 87 yr, l 1111 "i-■ ■ "- ■“, '"■" I --- —*■—~—— ■- ' =—=? ~ ~ \ i -~r?pa;. 1 ~ ■XlLgait.^.’ GRAND JURY RECOMMENDS NEW JAIL FOR COUNTY FREMONT 'i GETS IjEXTJVA YNE COUNTY JUBILEE EVENT g--.::.|-‘-,.<r..'—_ .. ~ f -"- / *T!F .'' Judge Harris Will Ask Board • Cmhssmmts See That The Suggestions Are Acted Upon “ --■«.——- -*r —■■■■Mil—■■MßlrtMMMMMM, ■HIM 111 ■S» ' ■ * » - iM NmUmirl few U tine Record; Mu all Ceaae Blake Parking —Keep Offices Neat | er; Stock Cr uelly» Treated. ITI —that a knw and aNm MU b« constructed lor Wayn# tk* c«M Mvmi Newton Oroya sod Qrantham Mora b* instructed to Sana# mistreating Mock, tka practice of ■thing « combination park tan r**c» aM hitch ag tot out of th# court kooaa squara. ba andad. that cartala oCKa* la tka county eourl house ba kgpt la a a talar ordar Tha#* vara , hfch apoti la the raport of tka gnmd j nary submitted to Judea Harm la Objraa eounty auparior court bar pgfftirday attaraoon A. O. Boott. fora mm at tka |ny praaaatad tka ra ~*w- HI, *.■■■*»! M n| Mia HaorU roaamandad tba Jury flat tka ißtliatr and tkoroughaaa* eek vklck tka aoaady'a bitlaaM kad IMMI aUneAe4 to Mid iputM npnl§||| 0< tka roqoauaaodatlona oawcaraiag , Mi aaad lor a aav Jail Ha aald tkat , bo kad not tkaotloßad tka aaad tor a ( bom Jin for Wayaa la Ma chart to ( ' Mb grand Jury koaauta ba di<s not think it kia baalaama to tall tka ‘ eaaaty kaa to run ita affair* Bine# lib mat tar had baoa mentioned la tka j ropart, ha contteaad. ba S*u(»*d to _ ba*M oat tka truth of tjla reaomman toUMn of Iho Jury to faatroatad - Glork of Court J. B Hooka to prepare * a copy of tka grand Jury raport for t*MM*oaloa to tba board of county " cotomkaaloaara and dactarad that ha 1 vffpld gdutaa tka contmlaaioatr* that 1 It would ba wall to *aa that tka aur pabttoma vara carrtad out Tka allagad nlatradlamt of Mock 1 bp th* company doing tka gradlnr otf tka Urentham-Nawlon Orora road 1— wad not m*utlo«*d la tka written ra port of i-ba grand Jury, but Foramnu >- boott raport ad mamhars of fury had laOaatlgatM campUluta tyf to bo trua. thu ihtrl "~7~ adrlaa tka cootructora that tka Whu sou practicaa too ild ba dfa-«ooUauad Bttto ts tka uvdtttoaa altagrd •watr not ramadlad a warrant ba taaaod Tka raport of tka grand Jury trua ■par* out of tka ordinary routlao than any ragbrt aukaalUad hi raaaat a##- ataua of tfca court. Condition* to and about tka courtkouoa cam* to for a portal attention. Tho Bapovt t Tk* raport to u follows! Wo to» ln»pactad tba courthouse tto find It la Um follow in* cood tlou • rifrfc*! offlot AftU fi| ittor M daads offlc* hi A-om condl >- (tea Tha othar offices should ba bapt aatk —tar Tto aatorsd l«* Eoi»- ■ ■ ■ tmgrarrd Wa dad I bat lb* (bird PPdT Pf tha «MH* kp» to ***? dtrtf ■ad should b* claadsd up m (ba court Imn to b public building ■* I* *W«- 1 *4 bjr MM*bar* daily Wb raooaaaand L,,, r k ttlgfObaa baJbMfllH !• <b* r^rf “Wo bar* Ihapociad lb* common I tad at Warn* count* ml Mod a«m«- I , fa ba ctoaa aad wall tap* mbr w H [ rga ba Wa find that Iba toll to to ( >aiall la cars for grlsoaars u tbajr I i|mM ba carad far Tba darortmaoi K far wh'te woman to aattraly too ia*ll I aad Ctoaa Wa rarOoMMßd a aaw aad I awdara Jail far Wayna cojaty. I Wa bara la* gar tad tba baaltb da- I *||mi*l Had <b*l It to daaarrlua I cf approral for aftlctaal a*aaaar la I wbteb H uraaaan* busbota Hooar I ar. Ibto drpartmant is In aaad 90 ad ■ w _* if gywiipg? au/Tif Dfliu If rnCIL TltlinTß H TO NORTH STATE || Two naaaa of wiUtc subgcrib y ora ou ttrittobtiio [j art drown daily and dtotribut od among tho want adu— WATCH FOR YOUR NAME TO APPEAR. Prcsool clipping of your nime at tho Want Ad Counter of tho day following publication. WANT AD HEADQUARTERS Phono 843 ■—————■ NEW FLOODS ARE RISING kk Al .J , A |A._ -A V«vowaa*r 'Yoi Ripened to reraeft rormer Record and Some Refugees Return Home NEW ORLEANS, JUkO flPl - Whlla famillaa ara laavtog tkalr homw In aouia Arkanaaa, Miaaourl. and llltoola aactlona bafora tka threat of the nav good waya, rapatrtation of tba tood*d U>ui*lant tarrltoyy.coo tlauad daapita that tb« nav craat- will prolong Inundation over vaM araaa of tka mala kkWna, Baton Huuga today I vllk 3# >*fugaaa who ara wut.utag to tkalr hontaa. Other paraona ara r#ported leaflna the roncantrating caut.ru In two olh.. town* although to ona camp only a handful of rh* original Hat of Ik. r.fugaaa 90* ta laato. - 3 Taatatlv. plana ara uadar wgylor tka damofalllaatlou of ska ynltad stout govaramant* boat* which urv. batn aarriag aa pacb*b* paarlag foOT aad *uapllaa to th. ctu.pa to caatral wid north Lotnalana/ (Tka aarvlca will ba Maintained by prlvata boat* unJ.r l.aaa b)/u* Krd Croa* offlclkl* TOBAcro iyr rater ALL LRAHERH AGAIN c • ■ WINHTON SALEH. Jon* » (S*l—Fra dl< t tug not laaa than M.ooo.otw pound* ts tobacco will ba told on tha floor* of tba aavau warabouaa* lu Wto»toa- Sal.m tba comng naaaon and urging flva aala of buyara and fiaa different tale* tba Winaton-Balam Tobacco A* »<relation «t ha annual matting, hart it elecLd all of tka formtr offlcara. Vr a -i 1 ‘ 1 * " " A ' t v. . - Three Arraigned In Court Thompson Murder Charge A it in- bill having baaa raturnc. by tba *nw h*ry wbteb tola yaat*r day romplatad It* woik. Jay Bird ICd ward*. WIHIam Uttla aad Party Lam war* arraliaad bafara Judge W. C Marti* to* Utogr** eawot# teMbtooi, court oa a rbargs of mardar tij tbt daatb of Thomas Thompson. Quid* lafb Mtfwmter. otoarai mawb« tea All tbrra of tba dafcndaui* antarad pi*** of not guilty J Faison Thom •on to ng Edward* and Judga Harrl* namad Hurli Dortrb to raprasaut Littla and Col. Oaorg* K Fraamaa to rapfsaaot Laba aftar tba two youag man hdd raportad tba' thay had no mousy wltb which to employ a lawyar "Tha court to itgnirad In fha nana of fast lea to nama couaaal for you two maa. You shall bara tha'same neasldatatloa aa If you bad tba naitt to amploy oouussl." said Jadga Har rto Ip agate* Mann. Dortob and "-s. - .. . - ’ J.'-.U i, GOLDSBORO, N. C.THURHDAY MORNING, JUNE y, 1927 EXPECTS GOOD WEED PRICE ri " n " 1 ' ‘ ■' 1 mrnmmmmmmmmm PRESS PUYS A LEADING PART NdwsphamMii Played Import ant Part st Duke Alumni III* i l . «ifftai sacScumpjlgM^xrfer-gs-iB DURHAM, Juna • -Newapaparuian of North Carolina platod aa Import ant part In yaitarday’a dionar m-ating of tba alumni 'ouht untvarait) when Don f-. Wtaa, jnil.l .her of the A she villa (N. (c. ) Tlmaa, waa alaCtad praildant of tV* ganaral alumni aa voclattoa to aueaad ctoL,. John D Liugaton. praaidant of tba Qoldaboro PuMlakiag company Otbar rromlaent newapaptr pub liahara who art kora for commanca ment include John B SkariU. pub li*her cf the ConcorJ Tunai, wko i* a member of lha board of truataaa; thin V R.. Dwtra formar editor of lha Wlnaton-Salem Saktinal, who d«- I!verad tka prln'rpal addraaa at tha alumai luncheon yaaterday; Jula H Warrta, aacratary of fha North Caro !iaa Educational aociaty; Henry Balk adit or of tka Ooidaboro Newt; John A. Dying at on, of tba alaTf of tba Rtoalgk Nava gad Ohaarvtr; P. A. Bbgrp. adltor of the Dumbarton Hob eaonian. and Hrwry A. Daunia, pub Itaher and adttor of the Haoderaon DUpatrk, Hendaraon, NT. ft’. A North Caroitna newapaptr dl «nr drllverart tka prlnlcpal addraaa at . r.'iuUt lunch on wt»U a North tarnlitta pubitahar waa aiaclad to •iiori< a pub'i-iber a* praaidant of the general alumni a%«oclation i't u wait not tba only noyi ile* at tb« aliftonl meeting yea' tarday While former Renator Lee 8. Overman aud F. M Simmon*, alumni member* of H»e boged re-el«clr ed. were<iot g)d£ to be pretent, *uch dtaflngulahed men a* Frank A I jnny. United States attorney tor tba weat arn dlatrtrt; John H Small, a former member of rougreea, and State Sena tor John 8 Hargatl. of Jon** cougty, ware among the notable* to be *«eu on th* yaaterday. There were many otttrrF Pf courvai, btit mm. atood out mol* than these and t'ol. John F the newly, elected • baludfn of th* board of truiteta. two won* n ap«wN~ OF RWEnthH NTtlVIk BEAUMONT, T#« ~ When Jhe s ataamer Ntla Oorthou docked hare raeeuhi tba lira along the wain ft oat w«ra confronted with g slgbi them Into confualon two manakar* ol th* crew w*r* wpm *n Mia* Ebba Dakßu. at*warde«g and Mlaa Hilda Johnaaaon, cook, were tbe two yotnen who havr'carried the bui anclpatloa of tkalr tag unto (he t igb aaa* via tuarcbant stoamara. Mlaa Dahlln aald aba ilgnet) on largely because *k* beard tb* ship wwtrlomhig to T*aa» and *b« wanted to aa* tbe country. Mia* Johuaeaon bna bean cooking for ship*' craw* for it yearg, -* “ ’ rValteau tj raprsMut 1-anV endHF* tttk. Tha thra* man bar* beau bald In jail bara sine* tba rat ort of tba car • >n»r“* Jury abo.il two month* ago. ttaltvitor William* announced to tba court that b* ao'uid uut ash tor ’a flrat da*ant rardlct in tba cases a- I gateat lint wi las* . I Thom*- Tbompaoa. for wboaa daatb tha tbraa m*a ara bald, waa myat*r | lously (lain about 9 o’clock on a Bun • day arantng aavaral months »*o A r shot rang out, and Thotnpuan atasyr r rd. dying, to tba strp* laadtag !at« t t a*«ro church on Holly htrsst. L*t a tara of warning, damandiar that b« caaaa at taut Urns to a cartaln woman. » wars found on bis body, i tHbsr Caaaa t A a uni bar of asntancss tor* ha*n I pass ad out hr tbo court thto wash: Major Win. nagro. waa tantaecad 4 a* Pact TW#l •0 Director Moss Hwac Roocnnc uives Reasons e -»*saa ;^xrr=xss!sas Jtollvcru Add rest, at Wayna Coußty Jubilee Celebration Wednesday .' A good price for tb# Utfl-erop at utogeco r» «xpecud~by m G.' Haag, director-of tb* Btata-P'adaral axparl maut atatlon at Oxford. H# toll Wayna County farmers so to tbe course of an addraaa on tobacco cul ture at th* Wayn* County Jub.la* yea tarday. - 'LgULl — li.' Mr, Moaa believa* that tbk* year’s ...,i ... |?» it *n - to 11| w* to tat»tv l IW’ l - *w vwwt» years bacAuaa on April first th# ebun try had on baud only lOI.MMMMM) pounds more of tobacco than U bad ou band at il&*am* lime a year ago He believe* that before July thl* aur plun will have bean used up and tka country will be iff practically tbe anine etatiatlral position aa It waa a year a*6 when tb* markets began t«T open He cites tbe fact that 94 mil lion pound* of weed ware exported during th« brat quarter of tb* year. Wayne county should -be produ. Ing sfoo to die acre for tobacco IntoeaU of. only 1177 Mr. Moaa Inaktad The) araragf par afr* for th# Mat* Id •»?«, | To Increaae the paying power p«r acre, Mr Mqg>i urg*d more attention to tk* quality of the color, of thej burning qutllty and of tbe aroma of i the tobacco He aald he believed that 90 par cent of the tarmeia In tnatern Nut Oj, faroltua planted their tobacco too fir apart In 4k* rowa* and placed tb* rows too far apart Tobacco planted »ie*uti ihrTl'Yff rt wm |>y gip»rl-1 ment at Oaford to pay bettor than' 24 or 30 Inch••«. be -.toMtpb.u* to bacco gittidcH Uic the 'biblNtuf*. lie nuld. A rldga cultivation of>gdiacco to* alead.Of flat cultivation Os th* weed waa declared to have a advantage*. Interchanire liishopH . Ir llrired by Mouzon I CIUCAOO, June g -DF)-- Inter, change of biabopa «f tire Meihodiat - akarto awd toe M»H*t«At»jl Kpiacopal church. South waa urped here todi.y by liietiop Kdwin M-ousAi ts N. t , in on addrea* to tba graduating cla** tis Garrett HI LI t - ■ ■I l««4itufe ntetuily «ft*oo( Unification of two churcnet b»* been poetpotp-d for- wlirfK ou body anpw* by videos till s|uth“ the iftWioi, ear* "Hut that should net heap them front working togatber In mtty atm malty ’’ I)«rt<»r of Ajn'iculture ' \ " * EXOfHKRIFF E A. STEVENh' l, E* Sheriff E. A Stevens of Orap tbnpi toanablp waa one of two North „ t'araltna faruier* prevent'd with car UAc ate, of "Marltorlou* Harvtca" by g State College at tka couuuancemaat oi tk* toataution. « HOODED BAND IS REPORTED IHV*Hllgaiion of Informal lon Rnreivrd Falla to Authcn _ tlcgto Stufy - ~ Did »*v*r*l member* of a hood*d tiand reported dreeevd aa Ku Klux -Kiafliiara.—j sil « j Uaiay atiaei Imi evening? klauamm. wearing whit* booda and rub** hare ju#t turned tb* corner of Haley wtd Beach atraat," wa* th* word telephoned to Tha Naw* at 9:6* laat netting "Who ate you", th# informnnant wa* asked ; ------ { "> rfon'twant to aa y area tßa ro ply. ~ ... w'tthln Hr* minutes representative* of The New* war* at th« point daalff nated No nigh* of hoodad band/or of the diaturbanc* which might have fol lowed such a visit war# to ba aaan. Hare you beard anything about a ' hooded band b* ( lpg iu thia part of tha yity", a man **at»J on,hi* porch road' log a paper waa asked. “1 Juat got back from church," ha re plied 4"bui Aha foika aay hero that thr»a hooded and lobed men juat turn .ad tha corner lh#re v ' "™ T J Tha bona* pointed, out waa dark. No alguj of lifo Ob tha oppaaita aids J «*f tha atraat' ware two man and a I woman—raaldnra or the awtldb— Loldlag a friendly conversation * They dented emphatically that hny hooded men had b»«n aean an tha ate tton. Onu of tba n an said that a I could not up the l without him 'hgviur aaen It. baeauae h* Mill. he had been standing at tha aaratal minute*.' L-.^rzr-. -4 234 Receive Decrees i Dukr-tfniversity I H.|( It .*■ M . .lone «.—Td»l TUgljvfl wyra conferred upon 234 Duke Uni* Vaislty aludeuta today in tommenc*- n'mufurn a* ream red by an addrjg* byllartlii Ultletun. New York at torney. Direct'd and controlled ambition, *» ■ • - W cnii lUctuai honesty, moral courage »fQf4 nwaaalwM »«ek waaw paHMpd salt tha apwaker aa principal factor* r -which niter Into tha ®fj aucvaaa and bapp.n***, Mr Littleton, funner cbagresaruan •rnd one- rrf- the mrtrtamtrwg- niainharg of the American bar. pleaded tar hi# . young l.«-ar*r# to guard tha iotoiaata of the Amertr'iii government, "Our gorarumcnt la a sacrad Arena ury In our haml* Guard Its Interest* at slid by the luntituiki&s of you* country again*! all alien forces wWh] a*ek to undermine It F.var hold up I your rnlud In Its dr tauae." Funeral For F< At 4:30 oval i Ut +r-W M.~4iiMiCphnlatdhy after**** from iojoHaa Muamnad kjlmm.. > inorulng a week a*gu when th.M’brya. I‘T roadsier diivea by Lcimoa t ole crashed i nLi a parked Kurd coup} ifn Nuutti ulaiilt daybreak Funvisi aarrtdfh will 4m- k'ld from thy. h-ii|ie of Hi.drier ’ Os lUe. <ta lea**4 tIM kfterOOOu, Ihe Goldsboro KIM Aut* w-II attend ilie luneral In *! body and a sound of Battery A will hr* a aaluir hi honor of th* dead aa a > laat t ibute R»-v A. J Hmith pan tor of the f’.rst li.ptlut church, aa* slated by It** Mi, Harher of lha UapHat church, will couduct ripe** >■ th# /follow mg ha**’ bank named ah - honorary pallbcwrem K, lieu mark, y 11. C. Kalby. J A Sberard. Md kut f lodge. B K. Ward. U M. Prlvatt & ||. Bala and U. W. DaU. t *- 4 ‘ V f *A.A' .Ki tbpy ■ 0.. Spirit Os Geniality Aid Good Fellowship Characterizes Event Staged h The City Yesterday Scouts to Camp at Ot* Country Club Tonight Boy Seoul* fruga ovar Tuacaro ** *H«Hee+l **del IfO -intn camp *T tha ‘tid t out.try ol ib thia altar* noor and will remain ia camp un t l 4 «’clock Friday aßamoon Frapiiet oa* for tha coua'cll c htn.pirnabip rally will ba mad* at lha atuarapmoht- I 30 thia evaafeg ratraat wiU .be aouudtd with apprapria* eh- M-rrnuce ol tb* lowering (4 lha . La*. Urn l, A O. F- hrtaaa win provide mus e (or tha retreat hour. At I so tonight a rubltc camp i fir* program will ba carried out. Visit Ole will be welcomed at tha camp at thia hour. *C * . ' A CITYOF PEKING IS AGAIN QUIET : S|iU||B|L4t AMiiiaa -lah* baaay U Not ter f*r«a«nt PEKING. June I OIV Uat w*ak'« uneaalnesa among forelgaara la this c»ty has abated considerably and It I* not ,Improbable ihat tha Amarleaa ' l .egatlon/ai | AiMrlcaa raaldenta *#a- VanjLVm laava tha city la tka near A majority of AmarloaM raAala fa the city which I* orderly, aud wall ' policed, li la fan that there la £■&!•»> I'muai danger from latenUtuinaLdC ‘ oiUara nhr* tha SBE& aa • ihied In Bouth lAUn hatrtf h«M ; gfctucd a real’foothold jfon. Although i »oma Urttiah raiidettta are mortag | Into lha legal lon quarter add the Jap a near are rending many WOBM tad I children home, tha Amarlaana and j other foratgnrfa generally are fcich leg to lutrmaf Ufa In tha ally A mat Iran military authofltlaa htar removal of tha Peking taggUon to th# coaat wharaaa th* dipktaatle rapru aentaflvan f**| auri, a mov* might he i wtdt-iwr*** HUrtUrm^VaHk. ! ington Indicate it la fall ihat aa a i whoiaaaia avacuatlM of PaiTag would ;ba uaCaaaary Ml? ts tha i should threat an to ant rap foralgnar* . A*. " lb* Btrxcr uprtalnj of J V lUIK omcilfta RALBUIII. Jon* • -(Ht-Albert L Mibbo'd. Aral lieutenant waa commla atoned < nptaut. and oaalgnad BatUry 0 of New Bern, by Adjutant Ueoarnt • Mala today. ,| DI’RHAM. Juu« * -Lf*j—Charier |’W. Porter, privet' waa comuilaalonad ' |l«utaa»nl and faalgnod to Ogaanvllla. oung Tudor * TJiis Afternoon "I |iar>\; ~ 111* following bar. b.«n named a* mttva p.ilhanrer* WMH* i ravfewt. flam Biltt, ,o*i I Ur la wold Jr., Pant HadUr, M. U. flarducr. W. W Hirers KdWia (’ree- b and William t reach ih- Klk*,4uh WWL »' 4 o'ci.«A uau aftarnoon at Hit i Nika ho "Hjcy \lr*atuul Htraat to go : jKlhb- Aafttcml aormata^— . >| Youag Tudor wi* a son of tha lata > Way laud Tudor and I* aurvl«*d by hi* fcj mothar, a brother, a stator, a half I brother and a half aUier John Craw > ford la a half brother, Ilia* Louie# - Crawford, a half alatar, Vila* Ha. hal * Tudor a alatar aad Waller Tudor a • brother, l Tha dmreeaad wan a young mu who poebuaaad tha quallll*a which go for * making friend* aad th* groat number . of aaaloua calla reoalvad at Ih* ho#- - PMnl-oaMa aaklag tor luformaAion at t to hi* coodluoo—aumad bin popu , price mi cam ■" ■■■ ■ ■■ ■ M.*ai—amiwi* * T ‘ A IkUFIiK jtRA A • PeopJe Attend JMIm i * li fi i rovqiCmMp c f r*t annupl JnhOo daM«at. | For an oponing acagM—, Uw MAM 'vpnt off auaptala—Hr and ANN ectariaad by n guial fftrtt a( M> it.* rfn pnaa. Ah ph S. the Jubtla* wmMA Ik mP aa follow*.' A*no* BhofMd 1M yard dhdh-Ud gMlkd oIMA Joseph Mathew*. . 100 yard daah. ofM. Um* fMM Running hruf jiniMU* »d«A daa*. Malt HowoU. Rlcycl* race, Oeorga rdwtdg. ‘ .’ Huniag brand lamp, opon, AmA dycoek. Patman 1 * Milana mum. MMd Si Quarter mil* nA* MaL... clan- O Dewey , 1. BnIMT, I. IMm ttaraon. and J. Hum. Al* MfloJUAf HW AM m.r ’M.a.m, r Howell, s:mmte mF~~ .. Wall. Jr. ' »4MM glrla, tang Death* • Back rasa, aawU (Mat MBMfla Back race open, Hobart Mnlay. Girt a rop* aklpplag (M, fen imvf* ('hanker to U majorat, O, ft. Jmm, Horaaahoa '■■■inaamaot. A, l« flt neb land and IVad Warnm. Moat dalayldntadhnto ntigthf ~M der own power, OGa MoOfU. dr*d Haod#ruc M^ tJI, ** ~^ ;> Oldaai coupla oo gghßaii Mr. Mi Man FM On PeonafeThart* ATHWk. On,. juT W » k Mag. p rota In ant rr'-'g |M|>| tound- not gtMMy By n Fa#ir>l r • court jury tonight of a ahargh g| • peonage. Tha jury daUboiMM MBA • aa hour aad a half. • Although k* mid he had whtßMd * • four negro employ**# *■ th* ptM|Mp. I Hon. h* formerly oparadaA o*. Big to haap laborer* on the MAM or AM o h« kepi aayoas thorn aghlnat Ma «Q. r for nearly two hoar* after am Ag| -i war* juX mlatr**taC TbpAMM MBdi | compl.ud abortly altar » rdM,

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