WEATHER ' Partly cloudy Wednesday Possibly tol loped by thnndersbowsra Wetfne* drt) night O! Tilnrsiar * A- ’ # VOLUME 8IX; NUMBER ISB SOME CONFIRMATION REPORT SEEING REDFERN PLAN BROADENING SCOPE ROTARY WORK Telegraph Operator Wires From Gudad, Bolivar, To ,&n|. ? u Re-Aftirm Orinoco Report Residents Hold They Haw Air plane Flying Boutheant at 1 3 Saturday Afternoon YOUNG WIFE BELIEVES PAUL SAFE SOMEWHERE Brazilian Minister Writes Ef forts Being Made on Behalf of Intrepid Airman * CARACAS. Aug. „30.-(/P)-Som«- ® ' confirmation that an airplane wan vrtghtrd over the Delta of the Ornoicj rfvr Matui day afternoon )haw been given to the sevcriimont by the tele graph operator at > 'iudod. Itoitvnr Ha report* r- the delta declare they «a» an njr ptaue flying to the Southeast about 3 o'clock that day. a A heavy storm broke over the region about one hoar before sighting of the ““"plane. Bine* then no word of 'h* machine ha* reached the Htatlon. The ■ government* however, I* making every effort to follow up hi* trial in the hope of flndlng the airplane aud aid ing the avia BRUNBW'ICK, Oa.. Aug 30.—(4*1 s Thrta day* and night* have |>uhh<;4 wltbour—Blttf M alm-i; •he time for Paul Rodfern’a ached iilml arrive! at Rk> de Janerlo, Braill, brought n > plane down from the sklea but hop* far the aviator'* safety eontinued to night to h« fed on the belief of hi* pretty' youttf. wife that "Paul how landed safely aontewherc" With hope apparently abandon* d for an extended acuich along tb< 4.6 pm mile route »hit hhe attempted in Try ing for » non-atop to Rraall, the chair man of tho flight committee announc ed that "now we can only wait aud ho es' Before leaving on hi* air adven ture, Redfern lold relative* not to be alarmed aliould Ihcy him in ale months Hr pointed nut that he wqa prepared for an indefinite stay In tire Jungl*t or at no a if forced down en route to 111 mil W * -T-r WASHINGTON. Aug, .in,—(4Vt*n- Incident with (he dbipairh of new In (itnietinpe to Auierlran coukiil* in RrM.lah and IHitoll Guillen, and in lirazil to proa* the search for Paul JRedfrnt. a mcH*age from the Brazilian minister ui foreign riTitlima reacted the department .expressing hope fur the a viator.m safety B The message .was. addr«-W tho secretary of stale, dated August 23 and »ald Urn ml I wa* preparing to «ele __ bratc with rtv* greatest ittsptta.v »T it,* love and cntt)uaia*ni Redfern * heru bnn and join* through me n« own fraternal wishes with those of the Culled State* of American In per*n'i t*f yutor excellency for the safely of the tie* * Impure on the alert would b; great aviator. The Miaxiliau author)- happy ts-given the opportunity of do lug «ny servu-e «n Tj|m kha offered-KL — 4R*r for-ths gixnf of mankind ". l*Klso> (MIX IMi ». RALEIGH. Aug. 28,Cborttg MStUtUftl- StgU prtw*W hopyr-owf gpflr ‘Wvliti. Charlotte. champinnKhtp (icft wljp«ra. h*te been matched for ten rottnJs dl tbs ptfuott here Crirtay night *' .STORM MiKIKH SIR JOHN ( AIM.INI. BACK LONDON. Aug ill. 14*) Tin mono pt*no Str JWb rafffbg will. Ii took Ug tarty-thonnomtitg for London Eng; - .tgtrarrpntrtiMTt,. Ti<t *■aring iMilot t<» day. driven Kick bys alarm smith of Oakville —* EDITOR IN t»r.AI» k SARATOGA SPRINGS. N Y.. Aug I».—<4*l—Trwln Kirkwood, editor o'- the Kan oi* City Star. die.| *t ti»n United btgbA U 0, .’l life tally todav THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. World Fliers Add 500 Miles Tuesday BH.GM.tIiE. Asgsal M—(API —Pits hundred mile* were added to the rersrd of Ihc Pride of iie traß li*daj when Ihc lm Ameri can atlulor* landed sbar here al Wt« cfrloeh. They went la to Ihi air nl < :#4 In tk,< morning at Munich intending, if condition* were fntorahke to ft) to Con Manlinople, KM) mile* away, bnt they enconnlerrd rain aud fog which delayed progrea* and they derided 1« come down her*. DELEGATIONS BEFORE BOARD Nine Communities Send Repre sentative* to Ask Road (i Improvement* Nine deleratbitm from a* many rommuniGi-s m the county w«;-e ip. 'or* tic Wrvjjc county high*;, -rtrrt uilvri.'ii at meeting ye*t«rl/ t? ukc , ia-nrv.uv*'*t of ruad* r -*- tint.- reel ion. The id herd all of the rrt|ue*'n and n*«urod Ihc d< legation* that fu|) will be given tu« appeal* Rob Scott headed u dclegutlon frotrv' Swamp U.vimht].; Lealie Ed-1 omndaun trim Ptbevltte fL'wtnxnlp;, Albert Gotx'&ori from Indian Spring* to*vu»h!p. icnueated attention for the GoihVoh Bridge over Northcaat rlvor; Kverett S.< ven* nnd Walter Black.-, non so; n n ail from <tt»«thaoi store to Steven* Will: Amo* Shcrard sor 1 Improvement of road* in Stoney Cu-ck: Bro«-k Warrick and Mr. Hol land for wn-k nn road* in nerllon* of llmaUnn; Ilctrry Kennedy for work on ihc tld Quaker Bridge over tho N'eu’.e Mr Simmon* of Duplin county wa* presepl to nek ooncern'ng cl* unci' t:ons fir ihc Iniplln county ro:id*. BASRBAU. r * ""MPa ** “ A VESICA* No game*. - X ATIONAI. riiilad' Iphia 3 ft: I’lllahiirgh -’-12. Boston 2; C.lmiiLuaU i. Brooklyn 5: Si lymi* 3. --New Ywk ?; f him go ”37“ y PIEI)RBYT High Point 4; Raleigh 2 Salisbury 9; Rocky Mount 1, Wlinvtnn-Kulctn 5; Durban. 2. VIRGINIA • "' - Norfolk 2; Richmond it • ' Wilson 1; Portsmouth K Pdcrahurg 10; Kinston X. » ■ . - 1 SAtLlr-—.— Nitartanlnirg 1-2; ('liarlott. n-l. ftfpenvllle ||; Colombia 7 AngiiHta 4; X. Macon I; A*hertltr 111, Attack State’s Theories In Greenville , S. C. Case GHIIMIM.I. V (7. tugnsl .Vi (API The defense in Ike 11 till inurdir case opened direct fire npon the -tile's writ of eirenw slancial etnlenee lodn) a* soon as the prosecution rested «ft*r * o’ctock. Two women witnesses lestiHrd they could have made Ihc fool prlnl In lk( garage wlym Sheriff S»m >lillls wa* slain and whirl) has Keen aa Important link la the evidence by which the state Iva* sought lo corv let the officer* widow ami hi* deputy. Henry Ton.a>beivd V the murder on Jta C GOLUBBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 31. 1927 AMATEURS WILL. PLAY TOURNEY Southern Will Be Held at Radlunrttp*ipKH» Georgia .S' « .P i * " AI.UANY, (ia . August 3» i4*i Amateur guller* from North Carolina Sou h Ca olinn, Fl orida, Georgia. Ala bama and TcunessM will eligible for p'ay in the annujj Thanksgiving day amateur golf tournament to he held on the Radiuui Spring* course Here licgdnning November 24, the Radium Spring* club g'lf committee ha* announced. Play, beginning on hThanksfrivlng day. will continue through Friday aud Saturday. The tournament will l>e under the direction of the Club committee, as rl* ed by Joe Kirkwood, Australian Hick allot artiHt who accompanied Bobby Jones at St Andrew*, Scot, land, and won third place in that event. Klrkwo -d i* proeaatoual * at the Radium Spring* club and tho nurse was built under hi* •mporyi-- sion. The tournament course i* a 77 hole toutu, with *675 total yardigc. Tricky short hole*, itoglegi and long •Haight railway* alternate to bring flue play Very dub in the bug nod tent ihc golfer* vcr*atllUy. The Thanksgiving season brings the Rad ium Spring* course uiuitlly, to It* UeW .ondi ion of the year. i binuiilU-e membt-r* have asserted tit t "the largest array of trophic* ever offered at a golf tournament in the South' will be hung up for tVtrw year’* tournament. In play with Boliby Jones Ihc «luy before the Atlantan loft for St. An drew* ami the British open this year. Kirkwood shot tlM,AHi4»<> te P't»by*>< 7] l .if AusLraliuu said ibat mmid waa Ipe factor whh'h persuad-' ed him to accompitay Jone* on the trip to Scotland Outdoor divemlcti* and social ndiv. ities in add I ion to the golf tourna ment gr# being planned for eontc’l aul* end acectator*, the committee announced. M’CRAY GIVEN HIS FREEDOM « • - ■ "a Former Governor Indiana. How ever, Will Nol Have Civil Right** Restored . '* WASHINGTON, August 30 t/|*i Parole of Warren Mcf’rav former governor cf ludiaua lnmt the Atlanta IVd' ral prison ha* l*»>en approved by - l.<>rnt*y General Hat gent . McCray, who l- aervtug * 10 year •entente for ti*.ng the mail* tti de t’erd beettn «•* t-llwil>l<- _lnr par«l«* tomorrow The parole will bo dated had bclittf 1 wa« exi>r<tk*'< (l depart meat of justice that McCray would lie released from prl-. ko:i by tomorrow tt4gbt Th« aelioo d e* not rt**Tt*rr tciv il right (d tT.c former adveynor «h* aerving hi* «cntc«ce. May f, L_JL IltLObb-tiod whettt 1 *nrr—mr i" srtl on'MrCray wiTl stand against hint end will remain in the iialaro-of * judgment which the government ttiav tollcct should lie have any mon- I rom Ikr ranir lr»- »■* vhri. Chill arfeana of a «ti>man *»rrr hrard Ironi Ihr Mfllt. huiur m llhiii t «r min. Hlr« l>f Ihr MMilltl of Ihr la«t *hah —— I onrlnHltiK (hr liflh da) «f IK *Wf, Ihr 'lair mulinnnl Ihr ln‘ lM.' , inin.n »f rthlrurr taVrupixirt •• rr*,, niVa* ihul Ihr relations Hrl*i-r« ,Hr». Willi* and T«»n»- hrud bad hff« Impnitirr, ••nr *Hnr«* *aid hr had »rra than trrijurntl) gq Inin a h»»»r mar bin and Ibal hr had ran* ptalard In nffk-rr*. (minding ->n|l Wtflu. Plan Begrin Atlantic Flight Early Today rPAVO.N, Eng, Augu*t Ui CaptoMi I wain Hi. mi !J on told the Ai’aocisled Prer* touight that tie and Col. F.'F Mit-cbin iufrnl' d to start their projectej trun*-A - laiitlc flight u> American Rwnir row mornuig, InUutling lo hop off bbtyveen f> and (i n’lloi k. VEAZEYTALKS OF FERTILIZER Plot at Rosewood Tests Four Ways of Fertilizing Option The Agricultural Department of lhi.sewood High *ehrtol under the dir ecOon of I’rofuaata' A. H. Veaaey 1* conducting a fi r:ili*er test with cotlon. "Tlic test la arranged to com pare f -ur dis cren‘. v waya to fcrtllixj r-ottmi,” Professor Vea*ey stated. "One plot contain* tOO Iti*,. per ucre of \-0-3 fertllixor. all of which, kin applied at planting time. An other plot get* the same kind and amount at planting time and in addi tion 2<m lb* per acre r.f Nitrate of Soda b<* a at the firat cultivation utter yhopping ‘‘There ar« two other plota," h* •taxed, “in which Ni rate of Hoda la used »• the sourr-e of 'Nitrogen, cue-fourth of which te apcJied at plaatiug and ihrr< (oußii*at the firat cultivation after chopping ‘‘Each of theae two plo‘a,” Profea eor Veuiey stated, “received 400 lb*. Acid Phoephale and fitl lb*. Muriate of PofaaU wlille 300 lbs K:du wa* uatsl on one «nd 3<*t lb* on tbo .oth er. Wo hi vs a check plot too," He . tated. “which will enable u* lo deter mine the actual increase due to the fertiliser in each cf the plot*. % ‘ yield* arc assurtit If applying n quickly avaiiahlc* vource of Nitrogen, such a* Nitrate of Bods na a aide application at the first or second cultivation aftev ctVopplng. •' ’ This demoiutrath n i* on Mr. f H. ('ogdell’* farm *nrl i* cotidue’ed by hi* brother l.aoiU ('ogdell It ii located on Uio right aid • of highway number in, going from Goldsboro to Raleigh.". MAY CALLFOR SENATE EARLY g m . _ r . (oolidue Will (onsult Wilh Lrnders Krlalitr lo Kulrn Session Congress RAPID CITY, s' l> Aug R (An President Coolldge ts holding an o|> ii mL%| in- th<- jmm mug wrr niugrvhi, or at Past thi- Senate Into special ses sion « numth ah>’ud of the regular tnecling (line In lx < '-tuber ■ I‘uuli*; further Conference* wMth l'origreiv*l»n ai tenders oh hi* ielurn to Washing- < ‘ou. hr i* deeper-d A' recent vtnltor* to be ready *“ -rg , in ,,,,,( -i f, -t an early *e**ion . Haiti atQI resriftaliyv wlnp. of the Nenute miltl todiiy after a roof' rent e th it ji- Hit.light the cxociillrt »a* wippathetli to a spiM lnl Hcsslon to the,, Senate. An early mreGuii til. the S*-tiat' » ;o Bmafnr ton - •TIT*-'” ’Vapxr. TZBR f 7th opiiortirntty Tt> (llhci*** Jhe I on(.-I rtg.iiro'l tin -eit* of Senaior Smith of 1111 ipitji. iint- ui- DennayJvania laith Republican* ' J-Wt' 7 ' •'diM. at.-U~- t <-1 in h a ' piograui it is hno writ lliat Mi (001 id lie «.jn'. * to confer wilh the Republican leader* betore reaching a deciajon.., Jt im.i; P t RAJUi Dl-.LU —— • MALKItilf. \ng 39. (4*l «»* Me l-exti 1 onilii'iilmg t-.iiigliC. upon the death »ts Superior ("o irt Judge “Ray mond Parker of WiiiKto4c-Sat*ui io <lay, declared ‘ Hl* 4|fitin.ely death will im|”*»e n severe lo** upon the Slate.’' ‘T lu l l Judge Pa.kri in great ad rniration and r*tecm." the chief exe cutive *iid. “lie was one of the uhlenr r»uiici 1,., tvurrt Judge* oh the North ( -:-lUU L neb, > ROY PRICE NOT GUILTY Joshua Mitchell Trial Scheduled ’ Ao Gel Started Thursday Under Court Order After tbr jury had beau out for I )■* than half an hour, Roy Pries, of <h DrummoudHvlllc section tie*r Bev, < u Bpriug*. wa* late yesterday aft«r ncou in Wiiane county covfrt found ot guilty of liquor |>o outlea hud found n five gallon dcnti iohn of whiakey In a chicken houae at thv home of Frio*., The I)ruinm»nd*vil|e man d'd ia Ifoduct i ny rylib iice and dl l not on the stand, throwing tha burdaia of proof upon the Htat« JoohM Mitchell, lata in tha after noon, wa* arraigned for the killing of hi* best friend Morndloa Sm'th. nd Judge Henry A. Grady ordered hat the case be *et for trial oa rhur* lay, remarking that tha law vllr ected (hat jail caac* should taka pre cedence over ail other* on tlw doc)t el. The grand jury contlntrtd its Invog tigations yesterday aft- I noon and waa cxpec e<| today make tho round* ! of the rouuty Inatltiitions and poiilhly return a report late In the aft ; noon Other case* which have been ad mitted to record since the begmulng of the criminal term: Eraea; Jone*, reckless operation of an automobile and assault*, coat*. Jim Mo*tago and * Atlaa Moibtgo were aliowvd to pay the c n tW jb AU aanault charge and ordered nlap to pay a hill of Dr. Dale. Willie Davis waa yranted a divorce fnrai Bet tie Green Da via on the grounds: of adultery. Joseph Bhu kman . , drew II mouths on u charge of ho'icebreak- Ihg Thad Newivome enterdv n pica of guilty on a beating hi* wlff, and >H»dgc Grady passed over a **jifcrn'di »f two year* on the road*, th-r mu t to l>e paroled at the expiratin.t of four months hut teijutrvd to give an uik couut of bin conduct and trealmaut of his w.fe over a long period of yoaia, KNOWS NOTHING OF WAR DEBTS Governor Mrljean Hatv No Rtc* ord so Stale Owirg Federal Government Moniea RALEIGH. Aug. 3n th« stale of North Parollna hu* any oh lieatbm to the Fvdt'fal (overautent ou-accnuuL ><( ImUsii War* fr*c, |K »:i Il> IXba. Govi-ruui Mi laavu not know It. he said tontglll In ieapouao to any enquiry, »* to What ’f any .action. .1K... wtut* wwtW take in coiinci Uinr. wilh the hstocil ruliaiK that fund* approved by the Federal government for highwuyn and ..thi-r pur i*.sc* would l*e witlilield un til amount*- nlb-gr-d *tr hr dur th* fbr m< r uipaid, the governor wild: “The Htalc of -North Carolina i* rnufy— *lde and ' writing to pay any Other L'li'.lt 1 lL.titCZ-aza.any dill, in (he tKed*t:if"g(VVW'TfPTcHrTtrifie*’same i'm ii should not 1(C forgotten ihaf North Cimlina ‘axpiy-r» heap laid over ♦20!).000.000 in Kelvnil koverninciit taxes Adopt School And General Fund Budget For Wayne Co K _ T| -ir • it> dfrttal »f T T Itrown a* pi ultry agent lor Wayne county for another year, adoption of * school budget, nt ilir Kiiieral f 14411: budget, arid TotrJ r Wo T iittoh~ iif etinty Inishi *4 nr tnwrtt - rtrrnT<wvf of 1 hi; Wayne rotinty tmard of' cma nil-st* tier-i yesterday Minting at 9 o'clock in tliti morning, thy iward did not adjourn, until urtyr 5 yester day afternoon " ■ - A tnlal of I’ will be provided for the reined* of the i minty under th*- budge udopU l yesterday. Os Ihla amount |2' | O,<KKI will he raised from tin til levy, the difference being rep rearn'ed In hiiiis »hi<h will c'-toc to lb- (.pun <y scbvoU tiuip tb« IN 57th DISTRICT A Club Executives Get New Inspiration For The Qnbs In First Day Os Conference Continue Fight For . Two Sets of Buyers The flgM far a daobl* set as liNjer* aa ll* (ioldakara market will ha real lined ia Dairfcaai (*»• day when ba*H)«aa men ga far a mn sere wee with a Barham cam paay. Tha* (or twa of the rempaaie* hate ladkated that they weald place extra Jkayura Kara, aad twa hate ladlealcd that they are oat favorably larliaed aad aartkar ia giving tha matter Those ia charge of tha matter ore reaiiaalag the effarta and ora optimistic eoaeeralag the act •~V- KILIJS TWO AND THEN SUIQDES Kentucky Farmer and Wis« Fall Out About Bo—koU MOfkOANTOIi’K, Ky., August Jf— Os) After killing hia father-in-law, prvSahly fatally wounding hia wifa - and w< untied twu other persona, Kiah Abbott, 10. committed, aulcld i by ■hooting himself in the hewft. . Hia wife waa shot through the atmoadi aud report# aa*d then wm* no hope for her rerovery, Hia wife’* father waa Instantly killed when Ab bctLa shot him thvopgh sheriff aud a .pasterby w«a allghlly wounded * > 1 4 Mrs AJvbott hod been aaperotad from her husband about a mon h. Abbott ri fused to gin up soma hou*e hold property which hi* wife declared belonged to her and a; court order W> force him to- surreadtr i the articles. She and her father so- I companied the aheriff lo thv hoqpe. While theihjverlff was In the yard Abbott shot hi* wife in the nbdomeu The sheriff ran *to the door and Ab-- bolt fired at him. woundlug him In the hand Abbott then committed sui cide, after shooting a passerby who , had stopped near a window of the house. v Unfavorable Winds Halt Jtome Flight , .• "he "V. ' .^ r '[ U(W»HKVBLT FIKli), N r„ August :o (4*t For the ttilwf nine ihous nmlh gut he red al ithU flying field liMlay to whnews the take off" for Ibr ie of tile monoplane Old Glory and for (h * %*?L. time ih«y wern dia l qppotqt i*d. ' •] I 'util nlmoat 7 oVwk tills evening liopg waa i ntcrtalned by l4oyd B**r t»nd and James Hit), the pttol* tha> Ibr wMjC.jHIISi: ocer U» Ilia wash ■ Th< n the lirneae holding ll* south we t direction, a ct*.** wind that jy.rccloded a bop, the great single mo or and (he flight of * licyslly culled off for ihe night W" . i 1 I I|ila| i/.atinn fund of the stale, from' ' tines In the rounly eotirla, and fnnn 1 poll (axes The general fund budget was also ad'«i<‘ed )« aterd*ji; 'jaUUtms-Mt flii— Hi in 11 nit.tioo will lie appropriat •h), II was raid This ir the naiye as 1 was prorivrd a year ago- I Adoption of the hclujol budget and of the general fund budget Is prell.- n’liary to' 1 onsiderslloii vs budgets WV the other depart merits and pur pose* of lhe county. The road fund 1 budge' will he taken up at a special meeting Friday, It ia eapected. The 1 ommissfoner* were raid s'so ■ to hast* given further eons Hie ration tbOjUUiM 09 fa,* fW) ' ' “t. - y.? Member of The Aseoeiated PMaifmiGnf* i («overnor H>4|»» Ijdtoa RipMt I On Oatd** at Morning ponton '**■ll • HtmUm* W» Q*m U MU )»:<» Plui Mr kwMhi 4t idM at activities at AM *eMry Oil* at (M Fifty Seventh DUtrldt mat* art* • Ur* yesterday sh the ipeaby mM of tbe two-agy tartan an at dab ti'rc+tn ». lfcatipna ra*crday. '.rragnm we— imwMi by Dlatttct Uovymor, Luther IMn> at Laake- WU * and 'brTUid 01*1%, at &3t*£ goveraar of <«bf VfttfMMgbtb #Wlkt •ad WIH —%r<Wl*ltV>*K V... aornaor ts (too .4* tTiot ' the Ooldahoro ja^ airful 1 4 *-Oaa • a * —Vff„ jy* Me Model Iwitched* abaaag pad. fha deiegafa* aai W wHttUrirti I*l' rt> rtott* f *"**o d.aaer la Ua*T ** jl Tba ooafereaeee tH’l-df —dUartM this moraine and at IffH tpe MU i lull Will be boat* loth* *dhors at o hirboMc (Matriot Ctre.auiUtaHy ar.naitl' at the fellowship biagiaH la the. Mar tel Goldsboro last i*wtl|, Made sail merrtaiMt rhsrsetgrt—d tbs evehlait wWb CkarMy NbtcMwt, aaavfary at the Or ecu* boro dab. Ofttif tk# ffta* wltli hie funny pbltss •*# The call to order bpjtntraor IM* ther Hodges of U—> trills .*p my a* 9:30 Tuesday naodlat. MdFbed t|— I opening of the Tfotary %an>tlM ba* | h>g bold la OolMldSb *b Tanddfr and Wednesday The invormfkn Mr Jha Daniels- fNMaUMI||! 111 l|J soar, Md by -BUI - mUrtll*. aft* whl<* the large m|B»bef «f rte Wag Rofartpas etood and 9N*d Mirada—l individually / In tbe adtftes* by (leearadr Madge* «i io o'clock on ‘The I*l—aalleaal program and the wort Jt <|p Seventh nfetrfet be MMUttrd tbe ilogan of the Inta matte*ll PreaW r’ent. ‘Take HUMvit Hertodaig,** to ebaw Jn*t trow verlouafy TWBjfk take* by the Itotarisns of AM—Mated 1&- i opr, Goveraer ItedgM tdtd at tba Internatoaal confer—oe bold at CW •’latrlrt in the woeM, aa*r »• d* which are la NortK aad beath Amert <-», «ort there, umay atVjRRh b—ia* tehee trtp» r from other* d—SlaeaU Ip tra‘L tiu>. r nV4rrn 4ouf (faift. ‘For tear d*» sarf night*;’ aai* Governor Hogget, they airhead woek£ cl and oot uatll Friday lath* week did they lake time jU'ad**®* «• It*. They were bp—/—H—' fbUßL-Mi -T-Sk... 'tstr. v#r* qmurtMM «** Me atm* add object*, whet I— your ilal|rf>*l fa whit are pr«»idea's and ssci—Sites daMa aa*. wlua aee-.—ew >.«waaai —HMwd «•* • —**— ealal Men r»ve 'of (Mr than, thetr talenta day >nb night to make Motary beoh and their money, eo yoa and I at home oen ge* the Mry back Tear rekponMbilhy la to pat aerobe ta yotiir ■ -t tirtr-et beam «♦ bdir'OfTb. aanf back to roar drtt> a vtclea 01 Mataty intemaUoaal, Jart u the fMoradHtm. nt Pr—Meat pat acme Ida vfcitod at 'be Tatematlonal Confereace. To do tbl* aarreeefettp' tldM iHf thing* »re aecceeary: i 1. SertoaeaeM of parpeoe ,* 2. HapMaeee of etpreraie# 3. window at Mdaataat 4. Effeetiveaaac of adMa*. To do tbeae faar tblbfr pOh bard tte bavw— lUMM4 .

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