. WEATHER . Generally falx Friday sad Saturday ex oegt local Utuadershewers Saturday in extaaase west portion. VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 123 LOWENSTEIN’S BODY IS FOUND IN ENGLISH CHANNEL WEBBTOWN IS VICTORIOUS IN PLAY CONTEST Final Count la Webbtown 39, Ki wanis 37 In Playitroßnd Competition 30C WITNESS SWIM ■ C<> CARNIVAL AT POOL Kl.a4blt.yvrm.nl (.roup iJ Winner in Dramatic Contest Wit* Ptae Tree" : Th* Wnbbtown playgfoum won a clotely contented play (U) at the renter y#*t*raa> afternoon, the final rntynt showing Wtbbtowu 39, Kiwanli 17. Some three >ud *<l ' ll dren and adults attend 'd the con test and tha water carnl’rn! held at the Presbyterian pool la tha dramatic contest the Kiwadhte '" ' 0 ’ |T center, producing- "The Ptne Tree" won the Judges rteclslot i«t Ihe Webbtown entry "The House In the Woods” Both plays were rendered ex cellently. In the athletic events and, the tour, naments Webbtown displayed super iority throughout, winning five of the six events. Allle Derr eet a record in rope Jumping clearing thfc "fTythg hemp four hundred and fifty times end then quitting without a miss « net as cu atpyWWnrl n“ Other winners in the contests were: fifty yard dskh. Dewey Jeanette; mum plepfg. Deway Jeanette; borsesheee, doable. William Rocbell and Charles Hinson; standing broad Jump. Jack Qplbreth; runlng broad Jump, Charles Hinson; horseshoes, sluglcS. Charles Hinson; jsekrock contest. Atllle Roch ells. The wstsr carnlvsi attracted an I’rmense crowd of youngsters. There were ten events, including several open, numhars Mr.yc maa the ousts tiding star of the water evenUf, winning two first places, one of them coming in the unlimited rouf?at tor girls In the twenty-five yard dash Other winners were: twenty fivs yard dash for boys under twelve, Morris Hale and Robert Grantham, tie; a hundred and fifty yard swim, Jrck Gllsson; diving for hoys’under twelve. Charles Rogers; dlvug sor 1 boys, unlimited dess, Billy fttirnnons; : twenty-five yard dash, boys from 12 to Id. Jack OMason, twent'y-fivo ward ' dash for girls under IJ, JUove. I ‘wenty five yard dash girls, unlltfilted o'asa. f/oulse Move; twenty five yard dash, boys, unlimited, lister Gllllkcn Following tha contest all children present who hadn’t taken part In the contests wers given s hour's swlmlng period. 1 Letters Show What Clinic ~ Will Mean To This Section What ths Goldsboro rllnlc of tn*» North Carolina Orthopedic, rllnlc will mean to ths' parents ot aou>e crip pled children la indicated In letters to the Gastonia hospital, copies or Lionel Well TtMiee letters —one fro* which h»TS peen received here by some \t miles from Goldsbarp and the other from some 50 miles from' Goldsboro —say that children wnoi hare had treatment at «>Jie Oaat»nt«i! hospital cannot be takvi back ror chat rvatjon because the money rot j the trip cannot be procured. With the clinic for Eastern f'.orth Carolina 1 >n Goldsboro they bill be able to sp-1 pear here for examination The ftr*t clinic will be held at the Memorial Community Building July | 1R with Dr. O. .L. Miller, chief *nr-j Reon of the Gaatonli hospital. In charge Cllnlca will be held here earn •uccedlns month for the next year and It la considered probable that In the end a (ranch of the Gastonia hos- ; pital will be established hi re The sum of |7.o<Hl has been provld cd"Jorally to. support the clinic here A trained worker will be matntalned hue and a hot.u «rur 1 foi thy rllu. P From a. point i. 12 miles THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. Investigating Death of Baby General Obregon Assassinated I ~~ L g * v '.a l »Jfc Hr k : t > SHH ■k tI \ ► J I y*|m S y J i fl Iks V jyi rAMl 1 I / ■ 1- 11 VI 'mfdmr- SdAJf B aim.- M v^ Bearing a charmed life op a doien battlefields, General Alvaro Obregon, president-elect of Mexico, was shot to death ag he sat among his friends at a banquet in the Rtfle town of San Angel just outside the gates of the capital. On the pretext of submitting several of hhr draw ings, Juan Escapulario, a cartoonist, ap proached and sent seven bullets crashing into us*' / ytv a revolver concealed under a hat. With Waving Os Cutlasses* Itlood-Thirsiv Pirates .Sail IJpwn And Capture Goldsboro COUNTY BUYING MORE NEW CARS iLasj; June 76 New Autos I’yr. chained in County and Year'* Ako Only 41 * | Dcsplty the so-called “hard limes'’ raid to be gripping North Carolina the rltlxexna of the T.«r Hoof State as« buying more automobiles fhk year liotu Umiv did la lU2J. Xlg utui t«- I cased Thursday, In Kuleigh, by the ptate Department of Revenue allow I The report on sales of new cars in Continued on page 2 trom Goldsboro ra-r.e thu> letter ' U Dr. Miller: July 2. n2B Dear Sir: "fUi-rwir j iTTfKTrff*nrTiii~rmi 1 would love to carry ii in up then for Dr. Mi|l<>r to \i< him «• bp, ha' done so much “o lit.»■ but 1 hanj* the money. It » Mil i i. <• $ -:. ,un ) that I han't got. If you would coni' j closer by so l c. il- 1 u > I v -uM !ov< ■ U go, hut cant no.v t'.'dcr the pro 1 x»c*ltlon, hoping to hat « m i return I your’ trend." The follow tue. letter I *i m a pf*in i not-over 60 miles from Goldsboro. j My Dear Miss McCollum: 1 Q ' 111 -I !•' etv l| > - .'jr I'll'! tin! it \ M | u.» to send-'l) to your cjinle Julv .it! Jor 12th. f would be so glad for l to go and take the observation \V have had unavoidable roy.i«... and over »nd we are not fliratu ially able-to sefld him; I asmii. Voifthnl ! , not for the lack of lntere.»| or /ippre I latien that he does not come for j certainly do appreciate everythin ! you have done for him In the p >sl 1 ,Mnd w;ish be could take < very oil ei vat lon that you wopld. aivcr—hike t ejve him And If It didn't cost ns any i thing to get him there, ije wo: i |] i, (Continued Qn I'ase Three) Wi'lminjctuniany Given Glad. Hand as Tliey Stop in Grids t boro FerlShort Tin>e on (rood ) Will Till# of Thit Part of State. PRAISES HOSPITALITY EXTENDED BY THE CITY By JOHN D LANGSTON i| With tltn screaming of the I tooting of whletlee. and the ringing ri of bells the Feast of the Pirates" moL 'jggadi *p>ept urtu ljt.Mdibncu jtuytgr • day afternoon at 5:20, htttiSvA guatd of three motorcycle*. Tin- motorcade, l iindir the leadership of Dr. (]. G. | Speer, chairman . i the motorcade f-et-mwJUmt, stag cutipoaed Os twenty ”4 five cats' a< cording to Dr. Speer, sev en! having dropped from the pro cijshlon In Kinston, to go on directly I lain Wilmington. 1 A welcome committee made up of Mayor Jack Hill. L. A. l.aney, chair J j trail Os the Wayne county board of 1 commissioners, Walter Denmark, soc . jnt»rv of t!ic fiildsb’ito ( If,iTill er I * ■ Mini i' :n! 'i . . i of hr fa went ur on Ihe KTii -lou I Tiliw a j To “nietT » the- eelvicade, and emor* tin in Into t t! c i ') I pon teaching Cen -street, t the parade, of snadtVy eofn.— 1 p4'»et*- ft ihdeu »'i!i ou.l' le . sped d ij to (he i "rtier of Center and Chestnut Street , (j where the lead ear of the pro-' *~jofi •• halted As the pirates swung d' f *n i from' the cars, a group of Oo| *itw>ro edia«nt rushed forward, and tn v 1 (£°V- S tyere Soofi made to feel were .mc Dr Speer In commenting on tt)e t welcome the p»rty received, '■sill, i th is tlie kind of thing that, h' lp t '(, make n project a wares*. Wo i' h ive M ' ved (tie kind of wch' in r every town we have parsed through l and this plilt of got.nl fellowship and * ro')pcra<lnn goes far toward m*kln* c ' ii- .'i in. kind of. undig: t 1 1. a | .We hope t ' tin! e this vc,«! '• Pm i ..f g lip- ITratea a bigger and better oq>> t. (ban ever before.” Tlytn J»e *<ided , |'*e have alio tdy mote, over" a ban o dred re'enratjops f«r people while on rhi« t-lp ’ ' 1 A ft' i .' -i ■•■ il hand having hi th' ' vX'onUnuod, oir paga 2 Above an intimate photo of the martyred president-elect and his family, taken in the garden of beautiful country estate. In addition to the general and his Wife, It shows their five children, I. to r.. Humbor, Alvaro. Jr./ Alvita, Mayo and Refugio. The full-length study at the left is a recent photograph of the one-anued leader, as is also the portrait at the fight. ZONE MEETING OFKIWANIANS Gpldsboro Club Will Be Well Represented At Wrights- villi Conference Itpnre .entntivi # -.i tar (WtUbtiM Klwunls club xlll co today to Wil mington to take part In 4 xofle meet log of Klwunls 1 iui* Twelv org.ini , v n ioua .u fihtfr pArt rs Hit -.Yliv'.i :Viil be represented at ’.he if •I..tdu * u ih ) of ( lull problem)- I ; "I»ie« tkg s will j.'ove a feature'of tin meyrng at as an nouucrd by F. r. Spruill, lieutenant '’’ „ # ft ' vdverilor of Jiock 1 Mount. Mr. Spruill's a >;i<• 111 u tin id show's that John-.luiiKon of New Bern, wilt discuss a M\rlmuni Altendanci”; A. II Kerr, of iioldsboro. "('lull Fro. 1 cams" Felix Harvey of Kinston; ■'l'ommittec Funrtlons''; W. ||. Monlgomt- y. of Vi|ni ingtonV “Dofl ..n»<• OM'Ctlves”: c n Rowlett of tireenvllle, "Relationship of Zone- to (Continued on pag'd two! ■' ’ 7 Cases Diphtheria IP Reported In 2 Days n'evcii case 4of diphtheria have , been reported at .tin" beallh de Mituieui In tin last two days Five v'ainfi li,ldicn of Del l Parks, ne. gress living near Rosewood, and tlu negress herself have the din i "e- 'I he mother of these children Is ill in a tiiliercnlar Aiospital. and tin fattier died with tuberculosis . > lit .1 >l,l!' ago A f.ve VPansold Phillips child of the city also has diphtheria and Mark t'andi II o Indian Springs .township was re ported a» siif.'erliiK from the same Double. This Is 'an uuusuaHy large number of • ase• of this con tag, >u. disease for the lime of year of those 111 had ever taken (lie Ini in u ni/.t l lon for (he dl*-oii<e. GOLDSBORO. N. C. FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 20, 1928 MICHIGAN FARM YOUTH RELATES STRANGE STORY Unwed Mother I,eft Child. Hop inir Her !*arent« Would Find It And Keep U™, YOUTH SAM MOV KM’NT AND DASHKO STONE INTO BOX What He Had Feared Wan Snake Waa Three.l)a> Old Baby, Born Out of Wedlock * - r ■ BRONSON. Mich, July - The story of Che killing of a three i lay it old baby, after H had been Ti) nw timrert mother *t tfce ta»HMn4 her parent* In the hope that they could Rive the child | home, wiw be liir Invest Ig.tted by here to. night . \ The ha by was kllleti by Ward Wes •el, 11l w.hn told pol|ce lie „„w the form move In u cartjbotird box tit which it was left by the mother, then tliioUpK. It wan a intake hurled a I:.rge stone Int" the 1 tmpfovlscn ciW •t'le. The tragedy occurred-et the farm home of John Bloom,- when Wessetl iHu io the tonHk * “ ’ f ■ Police toduy obtained an admission from Mlm Marie Bloom 1», a ter of the family, that the child wa* Lora to her Monday njfhl. Rtow ifie iiit »111 it\ an orchard. *fie ula! and hi pi the lilrth secret from her par. flit* laist nlßhl. aecordtni to the ftrl. nlie placed the bnhy In a driveway at lhe home. hopinß the parents *vß*l see 11 when they returned from a hand eonci ft. . k Members of the Bloom family tola officers they s»y the bo* but drove arnnnd It w ithoafi |nve*t|gu i,on Wes set following the Bloom »»- tr mobile, saljl lie gtnpped, went up to the bn* and saw a,large stone oh the covey. Inside was say. ■ I «a« something moke,** he rontlnu cd ‘t thought It wus a snake, a;* i took th* stone and'noshed It as hard 'At ’ ,'ih I < 011UI ” Os rider* tonight, declared they uyulil cnnllnue Investigation before aelTiig an Inquest” ” SPEEDERSPAY BEFORE MAYOR .4-. .. . Three Vinlalors of City Speed I.a wx Tried in City Court \ —terdiy «* A total of five cases, three of which Were speeding 1.1 Vs-r dl*|»"Sefl ■■f In city, cmirt at I, he regnhir Thttrs day scihlou yesterday morrllng before jiix honor, the Mayor, The frequency til s|h edlnc. eases In the city courts session* of the p.isi few weks is said to Ire a rc-nlt of * vlgourou* cant lialgn a; I'tist viol.i'ors, "f »lit* spied IHK tawarinnKtrdw r vpcrlrd that-«nr result of this "tightening up - ' on Speeding there will soon be air evld est 'tekgt>n(*a of «*»< ntfmtnsr «r ■ gy fii'TirWbtftff,twr~rpe*B xtnes ~ • Tin (■dlrm.iig i'Ssi'-i were tried and disposed of yesterday. Vernon •Cttuart. while, paid affine of five dol|ar« and the cost tin • eh" r t!'- of speeding an automobile .1 .ii k Unr. white, charged * jwlth pending an automobile, was ti t ofl ■viih the payment of the euhf»eui Jf war hie fit Ml offeu.,e. Will,am I’ipklu. colored, paid five nolllgrs and the costs on a charge of speeding an automobile The man,tree of the local Jtelk and Kflrd department stores were assess ed with the i-osts on a charge or vlo lutUrg the Mdvertislng laws ll was said that the signs and banner* dis played in front of the stores,*era n»t -(l.»pla.vetl In accordance with tta art m i using oidlnam es >T tie eitv f..t< it of these stores «re st present having ' h' v t nniiiul lie, , and ■he hannei v ■ td.lu llrtrti ing tlwMleS were the i nrs referred, to la the charge. Belgian Millionaire Identified By Wrist Watch That He Wore Under Love Ban \ ■-1 ■ Hr* R \nt - ; iH a. , ■ ' ■k < I J ‘W Ogden Goclet, young Harvard graduate, who, it la whispered along Park avenue, was the subject ot a recent tete-a-tete between his father and Miss Louise Gruody, musciai com igy wgrCwwp will aHwiPt to have declared his intenttpn to cut off his son without a dol lar in the event he married the pretty actress. She declined to discuss the itory befgrj she for i vacation abrojqT ~ STORM SWOOPS INTO ILLINOIS Four Perannit Killed and Proper, ty Damage WtH Run Into ThouMUids CHICAGO, July is- Mh—Four p«r ..un* urp dead and hundreds of thou* and of dollar* worth of crop* gud property ruined a* the result of wtiftl uni rain storm which sw-mpt north, i usf Ulllrtuls today. The wind, which at time* reached a velocity of 64 mile* an hour, blew 'lie man from a roof to his death »nd Dew dpwn u high tension ilectrle wire on another, electrocuting him A woman golfer was killed by light ening and a man golfer was killed by lightning in liermond. I ml., a sub. iirh. “ i .'Hiousssdw; nf e»4t*r« - **r» fkiwl»4 liy the heavy rains. Lightning darnag iil nine hou 'o* in t'hleaga alone Hall road traliiK were delayed as ifitlch as H mlnulm In the fhlcugo territory. District Co-Op Members Get SII,OOO And Something More Member# of the North Carolina Cot. ton 11 rower* Cooperative Association / Wayne. linpjtn. Lenoir and Wilson county'got more than the 611,606 due •nn» in fiha) seUlement Hit ITi# ita sonal pool of lust year at the district •reefing Ikii) .ill the i ourthou*^v!»^ds tii'U.n aiiciuuiis /tltrr'iot Word that •in August I ui 4 Uli lu Ihe arr.rm.6n Utev arc to - he entertained at a dta ;trie I Imrbeeue ;il_ Uim Wayne County Fair trrmiuil* They gpt further word tbu( front thi* distance the full price lor lolt m look pretty good. *’* IL B Blalmk, of Raleigh, general uaugirn of the 4*KocJ»tlon, handed ou the checks tritallng lll,on and die mu <Hi;ht |ir"uno»tic.itlng as to prices thU fall as he,told, the mem- I Crs. utnoit 1 1*0 strong. Just how well the • in »a* getting along. ick -iid that If a IS.ItOO.’JOOI b.‘ie crop were made tbl* year the | rice would probably average 23.6 rent* anil that It a 1 fi.OOO.OtIO hale Cop was made the price would be thout 2*» cents Mr Blalock said that i.uriuy the |.<-i v.-.n-. item MitnpHoli has amounted to ls.inhi.olMi bales •• i Th' -•ati-th at Herytce-4l( tin* Am crlfiii Cotton tlrower* Kschange/ of which Hi- Noitii t'aroliua Association is a iiicmbi r, said .Mr. Blalock, is MEMBER OR THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS Badly Decompoaad Bdly p| Fin, ancien— Who Lsaptd Krsn Plana —Found By Flaking Snsark • discovery put? at REST HOAX RBPORTB Exported Thai DkpadtiH nf Es tat d May Now Ba FactlfUtad 801 IAJNOK Brß.kfßß. V t SB* a, July 19 rindlag teday of tpa body of Catt y Alfred . LomaaaUla. missing Belgian lip most of the glia nunnery shr ruuuding his dtsappeersnoe fidas a cross channel airplane, July 4. French and Belgian euthoritlea. captain Lowenatelu accident ally fail from the plane as It flaw, \M$ mat over the KnalfJk channel or dptlber. ilely wrenched open tba exit door and plunged to hie death. Bat the ag ly rumors that the fiDeader had per petrated a gigantic heax end wagtiaft alive were definitely set at reet ♦ * The battered body was foand float ing 16 miles off shore bp a Baalepe (irhlng smock sad’was readily Idea rifled by s tyrlst watch engraved "Gap t*in Leweneteia, 11 Rat da la BMeaM unrecognisable as It tna la *M sd vaoced stage of decomp*elftda One Os the first rssalu as today's I ud will be to permit immediately tae preliminary *ot% of wtadhif *? th* v*et ctlte of BarepeNi fSI “tiya taty” rii niirtrT ffd itahßiir raiala * t*d undiscovered legal ptports spored that It would be years before this work could be completed aad that tWa raptaln's great holdings woald ha tiyd up Indefinitely. * The tragic end of Captain Alfred I ."wen si el n < auaed a soaaatloa that ' had echoes do the stock exchanges oil London, Parts, Brussels, aad Ber lin A policy inquiry la iVafwa do. vekpode only that h|e valet klenograpbern who ware acoampaay fng him on the trip, noted hip dlaap pearance’ when he failed. I*/ ratara from a lavatory st the rear ad ty* machine. They Tonad a doer pfaa aad * ’liter the ('aptalß'a cottar, aad tie was# tound In the machine. ■ - , Surmise* as U> tk« tragedy raag. *d rrom theoriea of aocidewtal death to hoax. Members of Mm LoWeoateta r imily and Initiate fHeads of the' financier aterna*asly denied that M had any reason to cdmmlt suietda - Tba rimuag of. the hadar mitt sanm to expedite settlement es the eetati He wes a rittsen es Balglam aad Mm * lawi of that country preHeda Sid tf'kntlnued oa page two) gradually beginning to get the do pa rn what cotton may fc* expected to do nest. Compilation es data aa to price trend* la a comparatively aa#' ru rut ton of ttw thnhgmpa, hot tt It proving more inccaaaful the older tkt experiment-- become#. aaid Mr. Mt. lttlu Z **-■ Tl¥ ffmirtHl dWrlbuled yesterday in final aettlement for aeatonal pool* 'or dlatrici member* la part of IK*.-’ WO being dlatrlbutad la North Caro, line among membdra In the atata. Tha euro doe* not Include aattlaaant far the optional pool, under which tha firm her control* the eelling data at III* cotton.. The county unit of tba aaaoclatlna waa rporgaulxed and J. D. HI net at Hone wood tnada chairman, N. 4- Itowell, vice chairman, and W. W. 4a (’run secretary. Crank Jotjee,»local manager, mad* announcement about the district bar becue to be held at tha Pair Oronada here August 1 , at 4:SO In the altar, noon Mr. Jonea told tha member* that It »a« going to be a harbaepd that would go down In bltUary aa ltd P<wr of It* kijnd and that It would ha for member* of the Cottyn aaaocld* tlon only. He *ald to be on tha took* , out for further detaila.

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