WEATHER Partly cloudy with l«cal thundershow er# la treat Wednesday Thursday tleady proceeded by rain oa the coast • VOLUME SEVEN; NUMBER 139 3RD DISTRICT DEMOCRATS CONFER IN GOLDSBORO Leaders Assure Stale Chairman Odus Mull Os A _ • v >f . ... __ Whole-Hearted Support « ■— i Swv«lty-Fiv« From I'omiUoh at Third Dkttdct Wm»nt fcr General Meeting RIVERS JOHNSON HEADS CONG KKSMION AL GROUP Mali’s Pten far Harmony Draws UaoatmouH Approval From V Group PfOscnt Democratic landers of the hauling' third congressional district will work «a fcanaewy sad »i«vmd lot lUv Democratic candidates from "consta ble to p«wlid«nt,” thin'was brought out la tba I or* feast at aged bare yesterday A county chairman, state esacatitre committee members and other Demo sveGe- principals a* Utw-tblrd mat foi a conference with Btate Chairman Odus if Mull of Hhelby. . The meeting brougut out a greater attendance and mare alureie promise* of deed service Oh behslf of tba party than any similar meeting tnged with ta recent year*. It was stated by those whose memory runs back for a num ber of campalKha Rivera D. Johnson of Warsaw Gaa named chairman tor the <oagresak»p al committee and James J. Hatch was named secretary. The coafeienre opened with a gen oral meeting by a number “f the pro cluct chairmen from Wayne anti rep reseiitutlve* from seven of the nine counties of the third district. The two. other counties sent proxle. All told there was an attendance of about aef; «nty ft Kg. - -A, t'bairman Mull presided over the meeting and struck *he keynote wbea he uiged a harmonious campaign with the party placed ah ivr ekerytfiln* else The Democratic pari*, he l«ld the folk., is greater than auy man. greater thats tts founder, Thomas Jef fer.’on. Tha Democratic pdrty has lived on while mere men live then- life and pass away. lu this very unique sttusttnc of today, said Mr Mail. Democrats must letnetnber to place Cheir party ttrst and to so work aa to IrifVo the party greater and stronger. • In the course of hts address. Mr. Mull found occasion to refer In inoet kindly tunes to the record i?f service c. of Seuatdy F. M. Simmons. IHs labor's to the party were recounted, and every mention of life Simmons name brought generoun applause. Smith Ml*- tipnth fplke could meet on this com mon ground. Dees Speaks W. A. Deem, chairmen of the Ways* County Democrallp committee, made a short but stimulating talk In which ha urged that all tire Syate has. all that It has had. and all that II can look lo have In the future, has been made possible through the Service of the DeaadcraUc Party. He uqred a united front for the party In the ft>n. tug cstafslgs and hJa talk brought spontaneous cheering. r-tßinwriilitii Charles L. Aberneihv bagged those present not to forget the fact that the Negro question was ‘ quite likely to raise its head 1 tha Republicans managed to attract eullcieo* votes from the Democratic ticket nbttoaslly. . He cited Instances -of what be termed special attentions which the Republican party bas paid i the Negro lit Washington recently. Hecails I*** >*■■< „ Col. John D. larngston, formsrly (hslrman of tba stafe board of efec uoas. Joined w«h OWalissaa u<tM to a, plea fid harmony and unstinted work, snd likened the present campsign to the out In !««• *■ D»«* ‘ampatgn Vance was confronted with somewhat the same situation lltat has arisen to du? nAnf hts action was the eutcrlng wedge which made possible Hepubli canlHtu galuiug the upper hand u few years later and resulted In the misrule of those days, said Col. langston. T l). Warren of New Bern* former ly chairman of the State executive committee. A- 0. Ward of New Bern. * sad Rivers Johnson of Warsaw were others who addressed the meeting and pledged their support and efforts on behalf e< the party In their counties. Following this general meeting there, was a meeting of the coaares k(Contlhuad on page two) - - THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAO IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUCK. FLORIDA IS HIT BY HIGH WINDS V.“ . - ~ • 60 Milt Gate 1-a.wt Evening Hi! ltelt VNenl Palm • teach and Pain Beach Dark WKST PALM HKAt.'H, Ma., Aug. 7 —DP) —Ms lied by the tropical storm which recurred here Ibis afternoon .nd seemingly was increasing in in tensity. this city and Palm lipat-h were darkness tonight as the Inhabit ant a wailed for the full force of ilia blow wlt felt was expected bclorndawn. The "center of the disturbance, which «rept tip last night fro® the HW Indies., sppurenlly was stationary about tin allies oil shore. Ships near ll«e center reported wind •if hurrlcan forco, upward* of'7j utiles an hour, while the velocity here was estimated at 60 tin Its s'lru, iilglrf tell. a here and in Palm Reach, but this Extensive daurigr was reported eras i hlei 1 y t «uGll*! I t'* trees. eorub bery, small knUdlng*. signs utui awu uga. Only oua ponw-n wit) kuwon t* have been injured T. P. Culbreth. an employee of M»e Plot Ufa light and power company, was badly shocked When hts BUtoinnb"e ran into u brok en power Hie. o fbtwet Hue* getteywHy w»r* down over ibis place an' i’u'm He«ch, and there were no etagH tr totals lu ulllter place tonight anti it »»* iuipouslble to make repairs In the fate of the gale. - 1 tt— - I SMITH REPLIES TO MINISTER Itemnnds OppnKuntty loAnswer ntargt- Brouyht By Jtrfro Roach Strata* Attg. 7 (IP)—Degrading proof of Dm i barge and of the right to •cpfy OovarnoT Smith today took Rev. John Roach St rat on for tha reported declaration pupit In Calvary Baptist church In New York Sunday, •hnl the democratic nominee as "a public man is the desllcat fo«„ln Am erica today of the force* of moral irugaow and true political wisdom." Smith In a caustic letter to Htratoa fa r play” that Ud W fnvtTed to the U*rgyn»an‘r rhyrh and given an op ’-vtriunity to he on hla aidp of 'lie question. He promised U> answer say question Dr. Sirston might put *o him regarding hls public career. Nfcw YOJf'K fAT The Uaverepd John Itoach St.-illon tonight unnoiiiw - «d he w,«i*W a.'i-cpi the i ha lleaw»e Oovetnor.Alfred K. Smith lo repeat la thft govecuar'a. pram in a hi* - '.'H ot last Sunday In Which lie naitl • lovernor Smith wm the denjllest foe ti America of the forces of moral pr»>‘ gresa and true political wlsdriin Dr. Clarence Poe Addresses Wayne Dairymen 5:30 P. M. ~ The annual picnic of Ate Wfivne County Dairyman'-* Ae—• '.«t Itr held In the grovs at the home of "'alter Muere. nmir Crenienl l*ake si f, 30 Hilt, afternoon- lb - . Ctariun e Pm*, edltdfk bf the Profrenslv* farmer unit recognised as onc'of the formeat ihfnt *r» on agricultural topic In th.* K. ut’> wilt deliver the address. His topic u Ik he "The Outlook for the Dairy lii.tus try In North Carotins." The meeting wW get started pr-mp, tty at (I:3* this afternoon bid Dr. Vo* i* expei-teil to h»ve completed hts ad j dress by 6:Sfl at tshich time the pic p'r rtlnner will be served. The Dairyman's As*ioclall m Ii mad.- tip of owners and operators qf dairies about Goldsboro. Mi Olive. PUcevtlte and Kreiuont on# of fa ni era of the county whu are Interested ALL OF CREW. IS DEAD WHEN SUB RAISED SAVED FROM DAVY JONES’ LOCKER — -P J 1 : “ “ ' ' ' “ r * x. •J '• ’c i? r- V" * ■<••• . . * • -J v " ■ r > ‘I - ** • - *j,V - . . 'Mil. .Ullll ,WIW Ifcl IW ■ ■ - - * f. r I'h ronrliej affei the three • i 'andciT men Had'lam -a Taken fro iu tTie j>! ri,t .n of plane waltiiiK fu the re»«*Ae halt.)---Int'l. Ncw»recl ' NEWT. MORRIS IS FOR SMITH * ■ I A 2 l ' h Gcfaiciit lt d Oirpa-od Governor Hrfurr Hmixfon • • NHW YORK. Aug 7 (A*! Newt M-A rig, iff Georgia, who #as a delegate t« the Democratlc national eonven t*myi. oppoeotj the iiomtirati *>u of (Jov exnor Hmltb.MPulleil ifp'*** lhe vutent m tfijr K inrti to xummrt the Btntih i sti'lldacy Issnad ife-nurli catnpnign biadquafioiw totluy. lie. said he la llevod. tire Routh t.oitld cast rts vote “In opptwTH'ift *l»«r tepudlcafloit «f lint iUpdlha# party - which fie asserted had math' a record lux gorrupi imi and gr'lLtfim 'Hjguad) In hbifotiF. ’ # lie called H".i ri'ftirj M-ll- u Ijc I«iwer MIM the titCOHc ill th*' lt“* publican Tterty and charged bad never rouecigiftiounly alletnnfwil to cntorca the Vplstead ucl. RARBECUE AT ' MT. OLIVE FRL . .o; I'- H - —- ('banilifr of (’ttmmert-c 25p Farmers to Distrirt , Atjcnt liailhti tßpeciH To The N« jm) ■ M>'. tif.IVR Au< ir-f be M.. 501 Gllvd ntamb. r of ('unttinyce Is giving -»-h!tWH-c«e-w+-tb** M—s+o rU+ve-t-^U+d-H. Club Friday aftetraaOtt AukßiM Ittfli at l!t»> iPrlock. £ His jreat xt JdSLjiibMt: <« '''* v « an the kpeaKer of th>« day H. W. Gaither, •i. farm acm alt* If. Koill ' | talk to n« on "Fill ent Xtamwemeii! cf the Vnrnt.” The baflns ue Tit baiag given Ur iHe •ll l "lltwg >.tl".M<'T ,n . fff ttltt PWrtWlTßfltr fflf the Cli irtiher of Commerce a* an ex p«.v.,.»«>U' id Tfa- «p«*d..awUL «»*d iniistl .hip lo then) IW sfc ovp.-etiniT tw i hundred ami ilW*. and hope t ( > make ihc nu'cMiig hi.ill cJfii’i'ta llliig he I pip I . .h in ImprovimyThi-i r dairy ito.k Th . zssor ijiton was tormed atioat «fvt‘it t . >i«rs ago .(ml Ini been Instmmcytiat I In u progyenelve dairy , movement fn the county.'lib*tnr; ttiti 'lime dairyfho his come lie an tin - j porto 111 liiiluecry I - . 1■» ,1 i?. . K Adams js president sf the \S4." ntiiiii and ts ?xi>ei t*st 1•* pn '•nls .in 1 the meeting W. r BpincV 1, <* .-1 rt -a 1 y and I! K. Merritt, sc. 1 r< to ry. J The grove In wjilch the speak •,ry »l*l lsk.‘ place and the pientc | l*nue' will In . *:rved Is one of the s coolest spot* In ten in lies around ! ami L hecotninr P'.jmil ir as a pi* nlc . rround. Jt wa> here the Poultry I *O4 AsvtMlalloii h.-ld its inoi-liiu- .ito.nt .1 I month ago. GOLDSHORO.% C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8. lU2* OLD VETER WS OPEN meeting; Got. Na*<h I'jivm Hirh Tribole To C'Rnijnamler Thorp* in Wei* j come AddreMs ' i TJHB«K«. Anti. 7 id*) Wide mt ter Nurfli !':•• :itu Confederate velar ptin to Tail'» o their 2l*tl utmnni limit' ti, t‘i*h H H. Nudi tiMliy |«»ld Ini* it trihivn t i 'tmtmnder, DtM Johld 11. Tborpc, whom -he ilnwr.Tmc nr "The <>uiy Itvhi* man. who In bf/j own |M-ra<*u, Mtsndx for North Carpi ma I*» nod'»!»**»-* Klr-t at HelhelV-ftir TnrwiirWWt Wyatt wlu n he fclT; fgr ll.'"t ni t 'tt liurg, with I’litlgrew, anil lui.f at Appoflftilfox".’ *' Col. N'a-'li ii'*ki n* follows ii * d "Al> il *rii‘ *.| r Cornniaiidur and coni i i-4iV« *U—eottfify fftVe* , fX >•>11 so her arnn and jirnn In tevtuc: enrihrarc, folly r*’ol!r'-rt" Up- r>r*>n. hoaor you a a xeiifi.rrlo'« upon u by ■H4*et|nc ill Tnrh.irti u .lit re 4*ni.ta. — —-•—r™- *Y’nt arc niu m erfa-r »l(hla a f 'oiu-H Uiruw i I ft. ,i. ni i,. ii, r.i! Y*'iitfgm ,1 tc-K-.y* i'-'piiiT. nor dhitittr tl licfl i imly mail, who tiur hh« life i It the fkdd ;*< Gettysburg, ami tut tho f.M* it common, ta full view f mi Wltc'o At- nr- no- • . »eHt. J. iU>:> : lhe"pi. nt«*r n! f ;>t ■ 11 in . t | Ce SVllliMiii M t M Chnplor of the United IVmp.-'h r, .of tee t; sUnt Gafy in In tmi a 11 , Wyatt, or rVmnft'i.i C ilr , f'andlnri re tm/ cI. • i nml. f . -wgwjjyiilmf iir tln Term ..TDisT. •' ! fid who u.H th 11r*t <»pnte*tfrrAie eoMler UMe l te4t>«i|.e, ■ There ytre I^r, - y-tic- who. If ynnr rei ird «. r . prm Inline.!, bl ivip 1 lie admiriitlon of alt le.iVtt ttteii and triii* women who mbrlit have 114*4*1-. 4 1 111 1 (|4* Story I hid you, my ' "inradc in one iiv ime *c p*«y front IW." |ft:,Tn'e.,ffT*Tir?;irttilv ai-tivilb t<> ..u p ibe re clear (bat no «pi>t tpiy -hlamliih ■li i-hn*v*tt emt f, e*». Your r tint I. estshlixlii -I f . f„ •ai, RinapafkiM t>. rite * I Hi 1 v, ‘ 1d,1f." In . pie,i | '•I- Vonr wfpnpt- 'ori;rffo«w hit* the udjacefif i euntb notahly It ilii. v. Olid • *i.r . , S‘ l>tl.trill \,. II I ( I, , ■, { lowed to Mtieuaip you f.,, ~|>-k 1 while you nre o||g ritesH Anti th teWfl. «K* nifh TO N'orTti i-n-* ' --rrol piCrmt ,i. .., we v'*!f i-,.. f m *- ■»* Kde irtbj ta,. n h.M • ~ , 4 ... , deo tw-r. , , i**ftrt Neck to dose the cxercisei) Itw*W ' tp eni . eii'ifnn H'l.tfe her, „ Ur t"ea«# make koewn to u« fimr vni)ls ' I"I er,. r tiny buy tw* The lown.oT Tallinn. < M „| Ivl: ei,„„ M , m ' * while yoq are here, and we ea <c. in It a greet prWli-B, I t min tab. r v,M,r ‘ "infort am) ymtr - njoym, »t, .’Oil UiuiJJy in' ft 1V'1,,11 -ocv r . ur,* ' vrr Hi v.e* .ire. Jowly ••<|HOt think of i hew,, u,),,,;.. , M1 t od;r til lb.. Lord and („ i* (m^.r ■•f HhMMi-t,' Quit bk. , f: , M ***** I* the faith, »n,( may*ihe » i,.. .. tCoutiuimd on p 44 e t Wl)} i DECLARIiSSOITII I FOGIJSINC; POINT | ; '■!- ■' No Idtniffr Hus so Sisati In*c itecumtr I in:»6'4 iul As' 1 ■ —...,. j 1 CHAULD I*l ...-U ll.l.i;. V.i , Aug. 7 ifl’) —Vhe Sontii Vs bow the. "focustn* jidnt fpr the Investment fin'd oovidop nient feme* of .America, fplchttrii Ii {.iduumiU, Ltiliai as Ut" ManMartmifor 1' ,t Reooci, ! 'td hi .a oddinss today b#- ( , !o,i ihd 'n• •■• u.y vi! X —u * It h:y - gce-.lmolhirif tWpffbTT Thtifcnr has w> staaik htuiv in us no y < ■,, - -go- >.'/.T o ! nil I .1 i. '-•I lit ‘ .U-.XuuMot. oe.itoDu* Cud*.* f«». Co ' - rl’l ir-l-Vt *1 4<? t l *-. t'.'lUi*." >(, the Matifh. Southward the star tjf hit* t.u at’Hi* • t>. mill tine- 'loti, so AL, liei- 14.-4' >rf> o >• t < ail fit 11. Ir ihi ii>; Irt .louree fit-- B4i»itir| --1 ■ .it Ii oti-.l ids# L.m I ituti ter •,*>. -■ AO-• i-ihe'o -l’ stitiir Ui t»t .) xr.o • ,<t ti nbd il «ril w* iinnh wt-.. »»» *.4 l * i ! ;tjr'T.n I, til' ;. I . . •Here ifs an u- set wbloh Is bctUK titp. 11 . -i'li ts nit hi ri<> htfpbt raw mat oiu js Into artivr pretft v» wo.k and .In o-t houtiillesi M >, fieri''Ufa Hts ■ 1,1 *• !ii jMJU-illll thu eduCa’bMmJ in '-.ff-tk seeltofy ■ The S.>uth . ■ I iiu-'i jy a r-p 1 ••>*.:to-»• * Cie ! f-.;-- r .-i- :T rrrir ".omr. Tr. '-uTn^™ m. tils Uirt-wy Will m ‘-i d 0* i< IWO (lie great st In ait human uJtatsx." - ‘ The .{topeLdsoa- of Hie .keit-tt .Is ;it fir. . if . I.i lo over ff).#*»a,thn> na c .11, 1. 1 .--I vUh 0 1 f, 1,1 States tu I'tfiu” I 'pi ptJiilititTei (a- ft-Mid 1- li/.-i-. • l>> n Ill'll M II" p !o ' • ■ 'll 14* Us, Ulnae 441.4151 K Sf*' +*•“•' - - "The hbhw.'V e-.,*. |lil;t. 1. 4;, t*!-“ South 111 C I'7 aHP m ilcd to 11 Ml vi'J eon pt y||. lly i‘fhl,t'l ■ .: " notch I hi (GitWtostMl «in I’sge Tw») Border Prices Indicate About Same-Averages As Last Year ll'ittHy;*. amir kids' .it th. lr opi ntnr yesterday sra «n Indication, yVl'a' l ’? I>n **t# t.,*-MIJ" te*i 11 marl.-'i> - >!'.•• 'Oil ... e.. be slmiit tike*. prt< < of a year a~o TIP* w;>i| the word which GrttdsboßO wnrchddsomcu bark ye-rtcr* day after il tt. ndlur Die optinltu. .. ihm •tt l,umbert"i and Clark ton Tie- qaatft - . .1 »• i ir 1 ■• 1 I aod : p prii -• (mm II to ll'l II w 1 Id. Tb iver . oge was about H 2. U w ! ih-.titN. lolt Ho ; 1 ' ■ ■’ , ‘ .*iil r-ull .01 rv stuff It s.c. *! l SiilUl ! Inga mu' "Itiflo short fellows deotl 1 a wsi. tniu ennui, “I have nyvor, a '*»u too lon-ih of u alii-’, hr "Oil « “ i ’'There was v«*ry Idl'd real g -al ...bail" oil tlo 1100 | dal see one or • two piles fh.>l uvi rugeti up to |25 and EJeven Birthtf Irately In of Princeton I RIIB KTi iV,, Auk. 7 Johnston *. iiritv tiiwn ~i>i«io 12 tntlrs west l« luiidty *«« hla mm Goldsboro, nw«. : ' | ' 2 * ** cm‘ *ir. \* Dyifi p ulMlfh Hi |i in I u.) 1.11 at imt Inoro Dim I.W ’int tu Hi>. ,|i»“l tew duy.i. accord 01 i v jo )!' on 110 -Id Heiald. there I*. I **l It birth in ti'" vnlagc •; s, llrrdtt ciwrespondentJJi lt them. % .. . Mr. and Mr*. Glove I anil Fall, a’ A I'trt; to Mi* and Wr-L III* barA ule Mkinson. n Ctrl; t» Mr. unity Martin, a Hrt; Mr. and Mrs |hvH , «fef »» -RT.I MSiTt- 'S' ”2*d amt Mrj A I. ft 11 mbe. a girl: lu Mr. and. Men. Albert K'lwards,' a I; to Mr snd Mrs. Oscar Wtltfam*, a boy; to Mr and Mr*. Kl.-ar D)x'*ti. a. Iwiy, to Mr. and Mt r WrttTtt nvlda. a Trtrt: to Mr aqr) JlfH> t’- nti- p |lali*.t. a girl’; M| and tr . Pc stop J oYsort, a 11, t SLAYSSPQGSE AFTER QU ARREL NVv A oric Wontdn .Upfd Urr;id Kt (so fn lORinK Hu-land VVteb ‘'flat; AroumT * ib'r 1 "" °NF.\V V JUK \tts T ffll flten Kirk*' -I. o v..iiPtiful radio lecturer ■tahhMt !*• death today wRh a ’ kaife lilsi Brill! laid, lim jto-. trim 4HO. woy slid Itifllr.ied - tb* T iunitv. more tti»n A d-ntett by ac.el -44.-Ml ;t • *-bp funidlt for I>OSS«HS'OO of ithA-Vutfe m tbst Hhe Ituald wh« tew . y«n life, (Sh " harjgnd with mu'ifer. A ’ * Btrctmau foujiVl Kllkwo.ll t<Mi«y 'ly n» »n the flopa ta the klti ben of bis Wnlaj#* tt«»o whtn* Ufa wl|a- whe . wua six star tstm tat or. W»» tffttof over and over, "I’Ve klllnd by h«V .!|Sltll ’ s Nlrhwtmd ill*# liefore he could say •' --1 a^4b-n —h.* ha-i hud *•»» adier [B 1 . , i!i his wife, hut Inter .Mrs. •••!:. hi al,' «. -in ugly calnf) ear-ept fiat *hft s.qnkad ond clgareitu sftur i.aofhj.r, «»! Iff Dte rt'sir el ’sitoritey" ‘ d hind.* what nlre cfilh'd a full m in,, said that she b».I Yittnrt <vtj 1 icv Uui dilrut* her iteriirq fr.HM I*4l*l*l her id It.ui Imwiw giving lart-ici' ami who heard ncighhuihiH>d •.evsip lioif lie Ii Ml treeti nmn'itt i.rosnd wdh other Women. Bte*. |M -| .: <n| him of lufldeltty. iTgjnT 'SW' sW 3« VShtnen! - ore. ,i rt«d 4*4*4 ly t his mornrng she rmt 1. 1 fin- kitctieu nod »el»4*d • knife, I 111. d tig to take til-, life. KirkWiMMtj tad I'ittKhl to take ihi* knife from her <nd ta Hie struggle she (jnlnten -1 - iiallv PtHleipd the wounds from I wlilth he filed. nv«,Utf*KS hi 1,1.1'D K V.V DIKISD. Csltf.. Aug. 7 (d*l •IW virTwy 1 w r wfTiR, y * itrmr ’I rLjiJ,T M'dillffc avisiloM msi hlrt. ( mil". *■ .-null Hiss,, were killed d 11 t lito r plain- fell iulo Han hi e ■ Pays e»w=H«w- w«s "mar » Tin* 1-toss Do-* were setUnglyeslcr * iv was Intiih luteHor to wh*t will lt« -1 d ".-1. <‘ti tin "pt nlng or ut any G-.f.. time.” K\r*.rt hayers were ;»al4 to, have '•n y\ o active tti liiildlihf', yester day. FMIIMG-NT. N. C, Aug. 1 -{A*> - ’.'id '.. . illMl I, -1 . of tin ]-4-*util Caro .ins I*. It 1-j.eii ■ t the Hti'S scasiiu today ■to hnbdre i 1 tliou isiid pounds of 1 v of warehouse* hr aging prices pleasing the farmers .* . - ■' up a. 1 Hales at Fairmont. I.umhevton, 'V l il(4 , vtlhi. f bolbourn. ClAiktou. Ta 1 *>r stiil Fair llluff. were not of th" (Continued ou page t wo T MEMBER Oi I THE ASBOCIAITHI PRESS PRICK FIVK CKNTK Vessel Raised •]; Last E vetting Resaiera Were liaprepirN Te Kiwi Every Maa ofTt la Crew Dead of Patna ROM*, Auk 7 <d»>-Thf Italian iiiimurltin V 14 with Ita crdw of It front poisonous imm Me* *•- at*lit hroggHt !• the surfaca an tW MrUtiir hi whk’h It had ««*k oils# i ml Union 14 lionra before. ' "•“The weary satvagsra, olio had »te- N-rmi-d almost a n«T«t attracts to 1% !rtw**f tbM inikmwk fr*d'a depth ■ i 131 fael, peered hopefully tato the pan hatches only to Ibid flftjf 'Were ".fuiiiK Into ilia tomb of fbetr *aemred * as. ’ , : They had boon fora ««tM *f 4be >r<»lipi> hen during tbs Afternoon ii« .übmartne telegram signals frosg lu- %itirkm craft had suddanly cans ad They mutloued to drtv* at tfeato i nk, howsver. la th« hops that tbd mliiotta silence maaat alspptjf tint in- new liad withdrawn Mr sgilqp (tart of the submarine or «| Son* that they ware simply waaktned Hr, the diffficuliy of breathing A tbo fob! n ‘t . t t The revelation that all WM* tHS* ijuu> at a shock. At least one of tbo craw wars hoHav > to have escaped tbo- tortaro qt ttriplMM weight at tba baikwa as tba «ea lor reacna fro# tba a|nrn earn pn r l nieiil of tba W« wgs flea** ’ a ben tl>» abarbo* as tba daairarar '•nineppe Missed rods atrar tba naaeeg « -an: o W ■ There wort many fbptnfi jW Ibt awe against death Again* fit fib* nrer.i wan tha waatbar, WbWb 4ntt thin arenbig, tnada tba tlb rough, -nr me fit huh mg nTMrswW k \ iO'; which aha wna bat laved aa pelts at withstanding tba ptfMMkim . i* In .favor of tbo a«)«g«on wf* tba met that tba ftaat on tba spot awrl* virtually avery davit# ganaggAb far iafßa F - ■■g[- AKSOIVCHARGE ■ IS PREFERRED William WtataTtt. OHV* Htr Kro, Held on Slumri o*r« .. nunHUntUl KrHam4 ('ha'Mad with at(<iapU»g la <•" 1; ham betoaglng to Caster Shlaaa. WH- Ml. tM'ta. negra, mm- I jmterday lodged la Wayaa eounty ( | to awaß action of tbs graad |ary ’ ». the A usual term of court. HebakU [ causa had been found In a priljmla I 't y ' hearing before. Hag. ParMr (B It Olive, and the nogre tailed la provide ball A baaaerbf WdUlfcAd. ljlf Jpy 'ante*, stopped and' j ‘ estlagidahgd I ''em rid re wda tha odor of gggsitns about the place gad gpMnMqtdbto' nlxiia Os attempt at nraoa chief Star "" <»f Mt. Oliva «raa Stifled and" lifbodlmanila wefa secured. .They irt loWed the freah trail td the bode *1 iVlggui*. # A piece of paper found aanr tba l>ara and which had bean aged la tbd 1 fforta to fire the place maiitbad as- Hly with another piece found at tbo i eg ro'e binne. It waa aaM. 'the piper contained an >tiefll<g * toeui and--tbo pari fnoad at tbo badw ■ iited Into the part found at tha boaaa w ggina wee also tdeatirtpd by TMo I terce as having purchaaad a quart , "f Kanollne at hla filling atatlofi * ' Italian Air Herdei Hurt in Air Craah RIO JANKIHO. HraaU. Aug. t—iM ' Mojor < nr«l lielpreta aad Captain Arturo i erai in. who recently made •i non stop flight fr«n Home to Am ' s i across the Mouth Atlantic ware both seriously injured today la an ilrplane at tbe school of aa%‘ val .irtution. Major Delprete suffered fraatoras of le*th legs while t'apt. h'errarta anp fslned Injuries to hla naak aaR. Jaw. s Brazilian inechan c, flying WMb 'led, »« alao hort. ■

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