WEATHER Sate teafaf. I««tejr tlwi; u 4 •••te, ahewara te Mit portloa. VOLUME EIGHT; NUMBER 71 URGE UNION BRANCHES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REPORT STARTS BEBATE BEFORE ASSEMBLY MEET Final Vole on Report Held Over Until Special Setotion on Monday NO MINORITY REPORT WITH RECOMMENDATION Dr. Morria Saya Joining Two Main Branches of Preaby teriana Logical MONTREAT. N C. Majr l#.— (API Piopoaal tor union with the United Presbyterian church of North America precipitated the. flrat debate of the geueral aasenibly of the Presbyterian church In the United Htalea In session her* Prasentatlou of the report of the ad Interim couiiulltee on cjlosed rela tions with Presbyterian bodies by Dr 8 L. Morrla of Atlanta precipitated the discussion which euded on I v will) a motion pultlluMh* debate over un til Monday. Il wu» made a apodal order of business for Monday after mtit. There waa no minority report from the committee but R. A Dunn of Char- Jctte opposing the plan for consollda .lou of the two largest bodies at fol lowers of John Calvin went a letter which waa read by Dr Morris Mr. Dunn la the only member of (he com mittee unfavorable to the majority re pcrt. Mr. Dunn asserted that he consid ered the plans, "unwise " Dr Morris £ftvocated > adoption Os th»- report and sanding It to the Presby teries for approval gave three reasons why he favored uniou. These were: because the churches are essentially agreed: v because II would be one step toward healing of the breaches ( of Protestantism; 'o s'rengthen the aviuigelhal forces of the churches. "We are submitting a Calvlnl«“: basis for union," he said “We are giving you Calvinism, unadulterated. Let ua make this union so Calvan'sm will grow to be domlnifte In I’reslv terlanlsm. The assembly heard a large number of reports this morning and an a.I <t ess by tWIIIam L. Frierson, of ChP tanooga, on the duties and oh l-ta iloiih of elders. Mr .Frierson, who I been an elder In his congregation for thirty years, told the assembly that virtually the only difference between an elder of the church and a mtnl'Hr Is that the pastor’s religious work is bis regular vocation and means of livelihood, while the elder must make his living by secular work "The elder In the session,” he said, "must strive to promote peace and harmony and Christian fellowship n the congregation; keep a cveralght over all church activl'i s and Insist that the simple gospel of Jesua Christ be preached from the pulpit. ‘Practically the oniy be tween a ,pastor and an voider .is tli»U the pastor's religious work Is his reg ular vocation and'his men ns of ItvU hood. while the elder must gain sup port foV himself and family In time gainful occupation.” Great strides are being made In Sh-’ mailer of Near Fast relief. Dr. P E Magll.l. of Richmond. Ya , chairman of the committee on that subject, t >l.l tt.e assembly. Me said that In the tout hern section of the Near Fait, "where *boys of 16. and 17 are now beginning to earn their own llv'v* ly reason of having the gTeat nev education made possible bv Ihe Fast relief which brings their heads and hands together." great progress was Iwlng made. , •The report on profestant relief In Europe was read by Dr. J. 1 Vance, of Nashville The report of the Committee <\ Preparation of Correspondence CJ-»rse for Ministers, signed hy Dr. R T. C»l*- '••pie. of Atlanta, and presented bv j the stated clerk, recommended con tinuation of the committee, and ‘ha' It seemed' That Hie seminaries *hou <l, In some way provide (or the proposed rounes. To TISTIFT MXT WKFK 4 WASHINGTON Slav IR. (API—! I r A M MoHiwurf, president of the,; American Gtaii tat off and American *,t mberg plants at KlM.ihethton, T*nti. is among a group of * siheil uled to appear neit week before the aenate manufactures committee In connecting with Ita ktudy of textile *»<&*** THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. One Killed, Three Injured, In Accident Near Bowden MRS. G. A..SPIVEY SUSTAINS FATAL INJURIES WHEN AUTOMOHIIiE HU'S LOADED FURNITURE TRUCK—FUNERAL IN CLINTON THIS AFTERNOON Mr*. G. A. Spivey of Clinton sus tained falsi Injuries and three others were hurl which Mis Spivey was a passenger -i.llieil with u furniture-loaded truck a short distance south of Howden laty Friday night The Injured are: Cl A- Spivey, not seriously hurl hul suflerlng from se vere bruises and from shock C. W. Roney, also of Clinton, con fined to Ills home -front cuts and t\i nlses. A sister of Mrs. Spivey, from* Farm- i v*|ie. name ndj available face, hands and body hadlv cut. Inturles not con -0 aldered serious. Mr Rotiev was at Ihe wheel when ihe hcavv sedan side-swiped the fur nitlire-loaded truck, said to belong to a Mr. Rtinn of Calypso One side of *he sedan was torn a wav. Mr Honey was hurled from Ihe automobile. The sedan was described as having made n complete Hunt tftt the! sir. landing on Its ton and after skidding some distance turned over again. Mr Bonev RUM LADEN CAR WRECKS \ 51 Callous of Corn Poured Out On Highway; Runner Ser iously Hurt Johnson, alleged Raleigh rum runner, was seriously Injured, three (flier men were more or letta ser oiik • y hurl, aud two a«l«mi.ldles deniol- Isned when the liquor-laden Chrysler 111 which Johnson and a companion ware riding was In collision with a Chevrolet at Pine Level, on high*ay number 10 west of the city at 12 o'- clock last night. Snilthfleld pojice told The News over telephone that Johnson’s left band was crushed so hadly ’That ilie hones were sticking out” and that the arm was broken In two more places. The Kulelgh roan was also described as having had body bruises. Marring complications, however, he wus ex pe< ted rn Recover. A companion escaped otter th* 1 wreck and had not been lo oted early this morning The Chrysler was loaded with 54 gallons of whiskey, a cases containing 108 half gallon fruit jars of corn. , Deputy Sheriff Karl Johnson pro seeded to pour out the whiskey wh.le .’ hlef of Police Dick Griffin protested 'hat It should he saved and turned r ver to the hospital in Snilthfleld T wenty automobile were described ag parked along the highway as the wliik-t k«y was destroyed, parties In each of the twenty cars sending up regretfuF r roans. . , sloth the Chrysler and the Chevrolet were said to lluve been demolish'd, but details of how the wreck occurred could nut be obtained. RANKER'S SON COM MITTS SI H IIH HOT SPRINGS. Ark.. May 15.—...» l-pi Allen Hatlles, 22, ns step son of . G. tainsdalc, wealthy hanker of , St Louis, Mo., was found dead at the' l.onadale summer home hear here 10-! lay with a bullet wound In the head which ' authorities said the caretaker •old them was Self-Inflicted Plan Number Improvements Herman Park for Summer There will he a hand concert at H*f -111:111 Park this afternoon. Some of tie finest’musicians In ilils count 1 and several oiheritjwlll play- ,Thi| Infor tiiKtioli was given Tlie News 4i\ Itov I arke/ 1 , superintendent of tin* park It Is uii Invisible hand, hidden nwav beneath the hand stand hul its music nines mil as clear and soft as any ever made. In addition to the hand, At JoUon will sing his world famous ng". "Sonny Hoy" 111111 "Tile e s a Ttaliilmw 'Hound Mv SUouldetHe'll r'ng It so distinctly tiiat one wilt he able to recognise his voice and hi* worlds anywhere in tip - park. Reside J. Ison and the band, there'll other graft artlit performing for you. Mr. P ggjfju gaV* |ju tesmunA TWENTY PAGES TODAY - was the only, nun* of Ihe four in the i sedan who was thrown clear, i Mrs. Hptvev was seated on the side hit hy th'* trtn i. and a piece of 'the 1 furniture extending to the side of The ’. truck was thought to hare struck h-r A tagged hole was ripped In her b *iv, and several hones were fractured Th" accident occijrrcd about H o'c'oek ITlday night and Mrs. Kplvev died | early yrstercjav morning Funeral serv'ces for Mrs. Pn'vev ; will lie held from the home In Cll'>|.in this afternoon, and Interment will lie in the Clinton' cemetery. Mrs Bplvev who moved to Cltn’on ! with her hii.hati.l atv-ot a voar aeo, was about 36 yeses of see and was tlie mother of th'ewacht4dr—». all of whom are Attending school vy , Stdvev Is in husfhess in the bottling business In Clinton, with Roney. St . "It was the worst wreck f Inyo ever seen ” said M. C. Kpps of the c iv waterworks, who was a short distance (Continued on pare 41 DEWEY FUNERAL AT 5 O’CLOCK RilcM For Tom Dewey lo lie Held From Home of Mrt4. Charles Slocum!) Funeral services for Tom Dewey. 46. who died at a local hospital yesterday tuornjiiK, will he held from the resi dence of Mra. Charles. Hiocumb on Fa l Wn’uut street ut 5 o'clock this itternooii, Hcv. AGlfpo. nastor of St. Pa u IMeMiodlst cn u rely will be In charge of the rites and burial will he made In Willow liule cemetery. The following have been selected as pallbearers** Prank Daniels, H It. Armen!rout, F. K. Vhirden, Jr., \V I. Stroud, J. H. Manly, H. A. Pike, 45, ft Harden Ml. W- F. Taylor, Dr. It. 11. Miller, and D. N. Alexander. Death at lu o'clock yesterday tnorn ng ended' an illness of mouths. Mr. ilewey entered u local hospital on Ihe Monday before, Thanksgiving last and I ad been a patient there ever alm e, the victim of |gft*iidular tuberculosl Surviving ure two brothers. George S. Dewey of Goldsboro anil Ernest Itewey of Whltevllle, and oue sister, Miss Hattie Ilewey of Goldsboro. The deceased was a son of the lut< Charles Dewey and was In Ills forty- F.lxth year. He possessed those fine .ralts of character wlilcli for so long have distinguished the Dewey family in (lie city and section, and was held In high esteem by a wide clrAle of friends. He was secretary-treasurer of the Bordem(Brick and Tile Cotu juny. .. Mr. Dewey held membership III 1 U. P. O. E. and lu the Odd Fellow's orders. One of the cjty’a leading rlUi.ns, his deal yesterday, though anlicLpat cd, brought general sorrow. The l lasi dec line set in early this week and 1 1 lends for the past several days had UnowiTlhal death was only u mailer j i f a abort time. liRLVFN MINK HI T GIANTS AIiAIN, i-4 HORTON, May Ik. (AID Fred I each'* catch of a long foul fly witli the le*es loaded in the ninth Inning the Huston Kraves look today's gauv I w. n the Giants, 5 to 4. • whuli trarisnilts all this great music to you an ’’orchestrope", It will play I'ft.v-slf pieces without being touched and without repeating a single piece -o perfectly Is its reproduction that. In merely dosing oikm eyes, olio c.iu . :.s l> believe that he is listening to •In actut'l artist Mr, Parker, id'calling tills reporter' ult-iitlon lo ilia, new enterlainineiit feature at Herman Park atmOoin <sl several new projects which iie has in view For one thin.* lie Is going to build if stage at which open air dra in Mil performances cun he {paged The 'A a> ne ('ominimlty Playei . wtlFprtih ably appear there during the summer, and there will be 1 number of chti-. —r - AtSfiDsiilsl 25 M*§ U i GOLDSBORO. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY i;>. IH2H fJBT" ’ ' Jammed Door Let Gates . u pe i ■ft II " J' W (■§ „~fT 4> / ' A . I - '• 'V*' *, - ° - L * % f •- 1 ; * __A> [A piece of broken steam pipe jammed In the fire door of tb« X-ray film room at the Cleveland Clinic Hospital allowed the pois4.ll gases to eic.ijpe which killed over 125 persons and is expected to’take an even heavier oil of those who.jyere ex posed. The’picture ijhove shows anxious relatives crowded at the Ftitranre of the Cleveland morgue lo help identify bodies ol fricuda aud relatives. ° . .. MaxOaklner IVIIs World About His 'Vati vr State | FHIFAjiG. May 18. </P> North t aroiliia's first dtUtMi, Governor 1). Max (iurdner, told the world <>t pi native stale tonight In a radio ad dress over \\ M Ay. ’t'he Chicago Dully News station. The Tar Heel governor described tlie growth of h late from Its day of abject poverty ain^ir..- 1 ra lion afi-r Ihe Civil War lo H's present position of paying mode federal lav. than uuy other at ate. except New York. The visitor made befwtjm elo the "war" lif \t illiaiol' tlal. Tlionipson, Chicago's mayor, who was elmtr-d k. u 'lilaiforin of opposittwii lo King George, of England t A-fl.-r ineiillimfng ' hv- M<k lenhni 1: declaration of independence ci pi. ceding ihe Philadelphia declaration h more than a year. Governor Gardner IKHId: "Three months before the Phila delphia hreajt wllli Jli ll itll. IMI y ears two mtnllis and "It (lavs liefore tin first Dempsey Tutiii.o fiirltt Halifax county was shaking Its fist at George, and telling him t*. go to ligll witli 1 rudeness tlifit would have made ]n\ fill Hie soil I of Wtlltbni Hale Tliomp son." Norlli Carolina's tan k g mind. with. 11 laiplilatlon termed “Hie puma ; Anglo-Saxon In the wfjrld," Ps ? progtess along lines of mlii.xiloii and public welfare ils agrlcnlturul past and program for the future. Its imlu trial deveh.pnieiit, ils landing in the textile Industry and pr.- eminence in, the tobacco maniffa. t til mg and |.ro dining world, il * fiitnltur< and lum ber linin' Imc tile dev* lo].me: I of ils naUira’i ft HHStI and Its hlgll g. ay sA -'eni were d> . Ml.. .I t<'• C governoy Tlie speaker referred do 1 hi* ago as "Hie (Wood, r cltv of Ho* middle west," and to NOl Ih C.M.iim.i a "tl.e wonder stale of th*- m-< Hbn today un dergolng the marvelous Iran formation In the <• t' ni* *I Stale IHMH I If I.KA VKN I Hit WEEK-END IH'ITION WASHING|'o\. May is f AIM .--i Pfe-|d"llt HoflV' C Jest the Wllil'hi.ii i • shortly he for.- lOSu tislay hound for, 1 1 fi-li u\i ]• 1 • • I‘ii *•— liar Madi "ii. Ya. The President's gue-l for*the trip; wt re Sec re* ary Vt'llhur of,tin- itr 1 lot j department, and Edward Lonfrfe, a [iiiUlril writer, and licytile ,Mr. li ncei piltlfed l»»- Cl I wreine Hlcloy, and hi a pet on ad , phyi&lan, l v .teut Comniamler Joai j' , jßooao. All 3. iiooyer did not go, WALTER ADAMS CUT BY NEGRO . .. \t : i b ( ;ilied from l illinp ,Station Luhl Night and About Throat a M iller Adam*, w.uiig wlilte man. re in 0 minor ( uls on tlie throat, d'ld al t lie builds (if U ij'Vlo I v Ihi i .nie of Charlie Woodard last i. alif ssi.oiit 1 glii o’clock, ul Adurna • a 1 of tlie city. .Il m-chis that Mr Adams and the negro had had previous trouble, and uii night Woodard (-ailed Adams from >: " f lling station and altaeked him’ ■ -Hi a knife, ■ • ' * 'ltii- Negro then made hfs escape h tore lt»e persons in the filling sta tion were aw Are of what had liappen nl. At II jo laid night Wimdard had ...*t le-eii appr.'liended Adams was 11. -hi d l>> a local h'.spllal wliree Ills p- • • wound- Wei.- -li. s.-d. ' DVIIN M l I pri ll •—ye- 1 WASjUNtITGN, May 18. (APl— it wiglit F. Da via. of HI. lamis, aecre I II > of war 111 the Coolplge cabinet, t 10 he the next Governor general -,f Ihe Philippines, jll ilia! post, he -sit) in >•*« d Henry L. Kttmaoa, now relarv of state and will 1 arry for -141 Hi. traditional ' a six ulloti be -1 v.oii his new official unit the war 1 pariiiiont, under which It lg aduilnl ■ al ed \ 1 ~~ ■ -T Farm Bureau Federation Head to Make Address Chester II Gray, head iff tim Am ■ia an Farm llurcau l'ederaUon, haa I ei <•< ni ' d .- -junker for a bual .. . im ii and farm' l l hartu-cua tt be 1 ■>l 11 coiui.'i tion with, in* Indus ifalomi Awtotnohlle Show (lurlug Hie .. * at M1) 27, it .was announced , *'if<*rduy The day of th*- address of 'li Cray had not ts-eii fixed yesierdu) lull the add lahd liarl..-. ue dinnei ■ s ill fi at.ft*- one day :il the Exposition. I ii** a:f•.m v 1!I t». licl.l .til the third | floor- of,, Hie' Inn ham Hosiery mill ; ojiHlh': .*bd eat will be provided fori if ibou hi I Actors iwnj artists lb. a * A , »>. * ■ 'for engagemiieta at rlw t.x I , O'lslilon will i>rovlde r .eniertrUnment at > j h*- dinner program. 1 . air. Gray ia nationally known fori TWENTY PAGES TODAY lu'kner Dcnits Charge That ‘•Sabotage” Causes Graf Break NEW MOTORS HEING KtSHED FROM FRiFDKUHSHAFEN AND SHIP EXPECTED TO HE IN COMMISSION EARLY THIS WEEK ('t'F.US, France, May Ik (API Dr. Hugo Lckeuer, alter a day. spent in examination of his crippled ship, Hie Hruf Zeppelin, left tonight for Fr led fir hshafeu He made plans for le.ltlng the dlrlgihle hack lulu air -rvlce a ltd had oharai lerlied us "ate nrd" frpbrts that sabotage was re spoualble for the breakdown of four oi the five moiora .011 ihe ship. The dir glble eomniander has left lo his staff Hie f.isk of instslllug new motors expanded from Friedrlchshafen .morrow or Xiond.n Tjii. siiip Is -• heduied lo leave Monday or Tues day for Ils home port where It will • 11 completely overhauled The slart for tlie next attempt to fix to America has been tentatively set for June 20, Hefore giving the craft Into the 1 barge of others. Dr Kekener made a ‘ong survey of all its parts\ln con -ii Hut lon with the Zeppelin expert Demltng of Frledrh hshafvn. Whether this examlnuHon threw further light 'ii Hie cause of the motor trohhl# AIRWAYS WANTS TO ENTER CITY Mr Corporation Will Send Chief Pilot and Engineers to Make InHpeetion Il Ja our desire to tie your eUv Into our trunk Hues If we can be ae sered of the proper cooperation," Marsh A.. Flower, secretary of the Airways Forporallon of America, yes terday wrote the Goldsboro Chamber rtf Pnmmrt*ce, "O* plans’ fnr a S« ut hern and Southwestern airways •yrteni have been under consideration *.»r the past three years,” the Air ways official stated, and added that "operations are due to commence Im mediately. .The Airways Corporation, one of 'he largest companies of Its kind In existence requests complete data on ihe Goldsboro airport. "I you do not have an airport In vonr city adequate for commercial operations hut wish to g’vg consld e-atlon lo the schedule of our lines we shall he glad lo have our chief pilot and his engineering staff !n --cludie-your city In their Itinerary, .In spect your available fields, and make recommendations respecting their suitability Insofar as a survey of |diy- m*-l ecological and locational t ' renditions ran determine” Data requested will be used hy the Airways Corporallon for th* purpose of classifying Goldsboro In respect to It* avalllblllty as an airport In tlm Houlhern and Roulhweslern alj- trans portation system. I.KNROOT W INN NOMINATION WA*SHI,N’GTON, May 18 <4*l Ir vine former AA’lsconsln Hen al'Sr, Is to he a judge of the ourt of rustos and patent appeals. Persistent opposition to his nomination was fln- Hjly overcome yesterday and the H*n-' ate voted confirmation. vote was 42‘ ! to 27 and If came only nfler aeven hours of continuous debate hy Ihe Hertate in executive* session, with Senator Norris, Repub-, llcan, Nebraska, continuing to ihe end the effort he began during the final davs of the Coolhlge administration to block the, appointment. I Is work In \ otmectlon with the Farm*; J (‘deration and according to Cou •r'ssinaii Charles l» Aliernethy, w^.. < cured him to c*ane to Goldsboro,* "You have secured a speaker who Is, perhaps the greatest authority on Ag , "Iculture In this country.* Walter Denmark, who Is represent-1 jug Hie Fair AssiM-lalion In promot - 111 c the Exposition stated last night the Fair officials ‘Were more lhan f i teas*il with Hie Interest Hist Is "be-j ’ iik shown in the coming event. "\\. ar>- .completing the most at- M.'ietlvc amusement program that we m cx* 1 had, anti while we are not - ill a podtlon to the {jafty pro l l I 1,14111, the people of Goldsboro aud on page 2j _ I MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS »*« not mad* public but Dr Eckaaer wta emphatic In saying lb a break downs wara natural and accidental Thousands of automobiles pourad i to lb la llttla ar tut lon village today, bringing French aviation ax parts aa wall aa curloua rltliana to vtalt the ilraf In har hangar. ° "No ona la bar rad." rulad Dr. Eck •*i ar, "I am ao deeply appractatlva of tha aaalatanca and welcome of tka French at thla untoward landing that I can taka no a leapt ion to tkatr eeu- Ing all thalr want of our craft." , Tlia antlra atmosphere waa oaa of ftlandllnaaa and good (allowably with a dash of blttar disappointment among the Hermans that thay had fallad to taka thalr ship another tlma across the Atlantic. The first man to call on Dr. HMgo rMtaner the dirigible's master, after he arose late thla morning, waa Hear -vomlral Rtntry, commanding the French naval base at Toulon. "1 have a duty of gratitude to tnl (('ontlnufd on page 4) TO INVESTIGATE HOUSE BURNING Arson Squad to Bn Aokod to Co operate With Local Polka in Probe The arson bureen of the state in surance department will he eafced to i oo'.ernte with looal police In tavee tig .ting the fire which early yeetar* d •» morning destroyed two roenw end the hell of the .M>lY "** gnu on North George end O run them ai-i«ta. That the houee wee eat afire we- ihe opinion of Urn Chief D*»**y Chief Dohy estimated the damage at about ll.Me while Mr. Wlggtae wee quoted aa saying that the damage wen nearer SB,OOO The letter wee; la Hocky Mount when the Ore occurred and members of hla family ware vie wing relatvjea. Flretnen were of the opinion that the firs had bssn startsd an the ont- Jlde, baaing Ihelr opinion on the point •if the riamaa when they arrived. Neighbors reported s«elug "overgrown boys" loitering about the piece late Frida* Hubert lancaater, n neighbor, brav 'd the Inferno to reeeae seven ktueaa h« knew to he la n banket Just Inside iha door -16 OTHERS MAY ’ DIE FROM GAS (;«M Liberated In Clink Fit* Wag Sufficient to KiU 4,000,000 Peofdn CLEVELAND, May If.—<AP)—Uta ucn of bo persona still in hospitals righting against ths deadly affects of l Olson gasas ebay Inhaled In the eleva ted disaster nra not expected te re- 9 ■ over physlctana said tonight and the other* probably will suffer long Uroa i la for years to come. The death Hat today stood at 111 Oxvßan treatment was continued for those In hospltala and so ins of them w-re xlvan blood transfusions. Divestlgatlons of the tragedy will "minus Monday, Coroner A. O. l’» area said. Much of today's Inquest •*»*, held In secret. riidcr direction of the coroaer a tivid picture of the beginning of the disaster waa presented Juet before the Huntley adjournment was taken by Jtuffrey Hoggs, steam flttar. star wtt i css In the Investigation. Down In the charred basement store room where fire In x-ray films re-- .».i-cd the deadly gaaaea which cbem •*ts today said was enough to have '* ll*-d. 401)0,000.Odd people, Boggs re- \ uiarted the opening scesce. The steam filter showed where he wns working when he observed smoke (onvlng front the storage room. "I aew no fire.” he said. Rogga showed the Investigators how he had grabbed a 'ire extinguisher and placed It epoa 'be smouldering films only to find that smoke In( reused He told bow be fin : !ly felt himself being overeoaM and -bowed where h<r' escaped throagh a Dap door to the outside es the bull*- > Ymmd

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