. WEATHER ***% »W<M amd Mauday M wait gad aertb bsumJ pmtMm VOLUME EIGHT, NUMBER lit. COMPLETE ALL EVIDENCE IN TRIAL OF RAFE KING Arguments of Lawyers And Charge ol Jury To Be Completed Monday DcfNM Attempt* to Show That Mn. King Committed Suicide WQFPORD PROFESSOR IS / WITNESS FOR DEFENSE Tootifte* Preparation* About King Houaehoid Contain ed Poison * 0- CHESTER. 8. C-, Yuly <AP)— ■are tor the final arguments of de fooao counsal and prooor utloa Wor •oya th# trial of Rafo Kina. .cnaqS with murdering wife, wound up today la general, sessions oourL The dofouao concluded Ita evidence abort ly bafora noon without putt In* Kin* oa tha ataad. Under the time allotted by Judge Henley presiding for arga meaU the oaae Wilt rAnch the Jury probably Monday afternoon.- -* • Oha of the lost jrltneeeea called by the deteaae la Ita effort a to aecure freedom for the 27-y#ar-old filling atallon operator of Shelby. N. C., *u Or- C. B. Weller, professor of chem istry at Wofford College. He fold the Jury certain commercial preparation* la nae about tha King home were petaoa Hl* thetlmoay *u In aupport of the defenaet contention that Mrs. 'King whoee body was Cpnnd with brulaea on the throat and apparent acid burn* oa the face la an outhouae In lha Sharon, 8, C-. home of the Klnga tha night of Januaiy 25 bed committed suicide. , A confarengg among the lewyora , reeuMed In It bein'* announced that ( they would argoe tn thle ocdee: &i t 4 Prosecution Derld Hamilton, W. <1 -flair. Angu* H. McCauley, John A i Marlon, Colonel Arthur L. Heaton and | Solicitor Harry Hlnbs. Defense Paul Hemphill. Jamea H. Hlenn: R 0- Phils, J. M. Hlmphlir. Thomas F Me- , Dow and Clyde R.'Hoey. , The usual custom of alternating j will ha fallowed until Mr.' Me, Dow ( speaks. Ha will be followed by Clyde ( R. Hoey, also, of defenan, who In turn f will be followed by Solicitor Hnrrr Hthee, who will elope the argument*. Presentation of defense witnesses ceased at 11 o’clock this morning, af ter Dr. H. M- Rosa, of Cheater, had bee a recalled to the aland. He wa* i arkad, after hearing the evldenoe, t which manner of death Mrs. King ( met her death by choking or poison- t lag- - 1 i There waa a protest from the stal« , and JjMge Henry wonld not allow r tha guastlon. The defense then rest- • 0 * Only two rehollal witness** were t put on lha stand by the state, Mrs. W | Clyde Reagan, of Charlotte, and Dr y John V. Caldwell, of Cheater. Mrs. t Reagan waa asked what kind of a c ault King wore at the wedding, and ( she replied It waa a dark blue suit. Dr. Caldwill was a«k*d If It woe , ♦hr rnanlmoua oplnljtt of th* d xrtors t at the Inquest that Mrs King mrt her t death by choblag- After some spar f ring the atate withdrew the Ifuestl.m. y Dec talon of tha defensa that It was though cams as a eurprlde. only four „ wltnessaa being heard today. r Dr. C. B. Waller, professor of „ chemlatry and biology In Wofford College. Spartanburg. 8 C„ testified * this morning that he belleyed It tin- J possible bn weak away bloodstains from woodwork, eren ts n strong com mercial preparation were used The chemist waa called by the da fenae la aa effort to refute prosecu tion testimony, which Indicated that the Klag home had been freehh ■crabbed when neighbors oame to the , home to search for the body of the tl woman. Dr. Waller said part of the (| •tain would hare remained. __ n hr. Waller alao testified the fre- " goent washings of the stomach of the 1 dead woman with Embalming fluid *' might bare removed any polaon fron * her atortach. He said, show ever, "It u would be hard to any". n The ehemlat had made an analysts ii of fluid found In Raf* King’s suit In the attic and aald H was acrlflarHa « uaed In traatmeat of a venerewl die - 11 aease. It Is not poisonous, ha declar- t ad. . fi Another witness. Mra. Albright' >1 petty, tenant on the King farm. teatl-jk fled Mra. King had a fear of ‘becom : * iCopUuaaf o* p*g* . I* THE GOLDSBORO NEWS v l 4 * Wgr ’ ' \ n, READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. - • S . ’ _ V . ' V * ’ , • ~ . - *■ FOURTEEN PAGEB TODAY Graf to Make Trip Around World Soon LOH ANGKKKH Jnly 6. IAP> U. tart l-ange, woatern repreatn taUye of the I,uft*litrrt4lu geppe’ln corporation of ed the recelp' of a csjnv from Dr. Hugo Kckener, commau ■ der of the *raf xeppeUa, Informing him tte ship would leers Germany oj/lbjy *8 on k round the world 'cruise. / All errahgemcnl* for the night of the fanuMi* trana-oceanic flying vesael hay* been completed, U> Ijngo aald he was Informed. The proposed cruise la expected to re quire tg days. MRS. W.T. PELT DIES IN RALEIGH Remain* Will Re Brought To Btooey Creek Township For Funeral Today^ Mrs. W. T. Pelt, *7. a native of W*yne county and widely connected here, died suddenly at her home tn Raleigh at > o'clock yesterday morn ing Death waa due to heart failure The remains will be brought to Goldsboro and funeral held from the residence of R. 8. Hare In B*.may Creak townahip this afternoon at 4 o’- clock with Rev. Tennyson bewn of dbs 'i irwiiti i awn Mwmnnii - ■ Mrs. Pelt la snrrlved by her hu»- be r d nine children, her mother, three brothers and two slaters. ’’’he mother la Mrs ** P. Harriett of hit aioa. The breher#:, .. O. Bartlett of Sanlaton, W. D Hart led. of Hreenehoro, and Fred Bartlett of 120* Fast Walnut street The *ti**rs are My*. R- 8. Hare of Stoney Creek township, and Mra. C. A- Jackson ot Sampson county. Clerk-Carrier Exam For City Announced An open competitive examination under the rulpjt oi the United States Clrll Service Commission la annqjanc ed for the position of clerk-carrier In the poatofflce at Goldsboro. Receipt of applications will close August 2nd Applications for riltl* examination must he made on the proscribed form, which, with necessary Instructions, may be obtained from the commis sion’s local represent Ed F. Ba**er. local secretary, board of Civil Service Examiners, at the postoffice. Golds boro, or from Hecretarv, Fourth U. 8. Civil Service District. Washington, D. r 'V All persona wishing to take Ihl* examination should secure blanks and , tils their applications with the secre tary. Fourth IT- 8. Civil Service Dis trict, Washington, D. C.. prior to the hour of cloetnJ*bustneaa ob August 2 The date for assembling *or*c»mpetl tora will be aisled In’ tha admission card* mailed appllcanlaftiftei- the dose of receipt of applications. DRYOFFICER IS ARRESTED | Charged With. Being implicated l In Murder Durijig Raid I I ■, On Farm 1 1 TKCUMBEH, Okla . July 'AP> i W. W. Thomasop. Federal prohlbl tlon rnfprfument offli er. who led » , i|g«or raid on tha Jam-a Hii-h faint neai I fre Thursday that r united <r t the fatal shooting of Harris and Gees' | I/twery. another farmer, was plac'd ( In here late tn»lsy after h' ha-i i surrendered to county officer*. He f* I under a charge of murder. i Three other men also charged w’th t murder In connection wjth lha shoot | Idg. previously hod been arrested ( The other* are Jeff Harris, charged | with the actual shootjng: John Wil liams and Tom f.ltile. None, of (he three Is a Federal prohibition of fleer, authorities a! Washington have declared. Jeff Harris also faces a keerqd murder charge In connection i with txtwery’s death. The other mpni ftrs held in James | WA YNE CROPS IN 1928 BRING $7,070,008 'CAUGHT WHILE ROBBING HOME **V ‘ ** 12-Year Old Nogrn Girl !h Turn *d Over »o C’ unty Welfare Department With the arfest yeste r diy mnr tin* of Palsy Kti'-g, I? ye ir-n h.ne K 1 living on Bmilh John s re t, In rl of fleers br|lev.< ih,*y Ir ve pui u ha t ’o a series of petty nlirertn'& Irom the homes of Goldsboro citlteoa • Th” gtrl was captured "red handed” hv Officers Chink Rhodes and fUrih H'Si yeslenlav morning shout lo <t’ido k while she was engaged In fansHcklo* M upstairs room at th- home of K Eutsler at 2*7 Nor’h Georxe stre-' l - Mr. w*t not at homo yesterday moriilnc, pn l a coi or ad servant en*a*t-<t, In work down stairs was the only one In the hou e According to the police shout o'clock she heard sommtne moving around npatalr*. and knowing th it ■ ' none ~of lha members of the family : ware at home, suspected (he house [ was being burglarised and lelephonrl the police. When Ibe officers arrive 1 they went upstairs and caught the * girl moving about In one of the up stairs rooms. Nhe had already bun dled up several articles of clothing when ahe waa arrested The girl, described by police na being a "street waif", waa turned over to local Ju venile conrt aathontlea for disposition of the case. She will probably be given a hearing before Juvenile Judge J. B. Hooka Tuesday morning. A hat and peveral pairs of silk horn, stolen from tty home of Wiley Bmlth on Reach street sometime Friday, with lha arrest of the Knox girl. Hhe was aald to have had the articles cached away at bar heme. . DIES AT HOME ON DAISY ST. Funeral of R. H. We*t Will Re Ccmdurted at 2 O’clock Thl* Afternoon Following an Illness of several weefc*. H R. Weal, «6. died at hi* home at got* North Dal»y »t reet~ar + o'clock last night. Faraly*l* wa* th* cause of derfth Funeral service* will he held - from the home at 2 o'clock this afternoon, conducted by Rev A. H- Butler, pastor of the lloltneas church. The remains will be taken to LaGraage for Interment. Mr- West wa* a native of Hnow JJIII, hut had resiled In Goldsboro for the past twenty-five years, and wa* an honest and God-fearing cltlsen. For mapy year* he had served as rail road crossing watchman In th# city v ' He la survived by hla widow, and three children: Troy Weal, Mr*. Al bert Gltssen and Mr*. Nellie I’nttef There are a number of grandchildren The followlnr will act aa pallbear- 1 era at the funeral Ihl* afternoon W H. Grow, I- L. Parker. W d L. Davl*. W O Gore. B F- Worrell, and J. A McClenny. Firemen Prevent Auto From Beinjr Destroyed The Ford rnadstsr belonging to J. F Massey, waa aUgblty damaged by fire lasi evening about 9 o'clock. The car waa parked to the rear of Eflrd’n de partment store, where Mr Massey I* employed The local fire d**purtmen? arrived on the *e*ne * few minute* after an alarm had hern turned In and the blase, which was Isl the motor wa* extinguished before if could spread further. Mr. Massey had Ju*t started to leav when the fire atarted. Wh-n lie *t»p ped.on the self-start .»r a hlsie lejgie ‘ out from a point near the carburetor and In a minute the wtr»* and mhc Inflammable parts were biasing away merrily. "1 tried to blow It out. and then got aouje dirt and threw ou I* but kept on spreading " the owner oi the car told memberv ot the fir# department. lOHmT* ANOTHER I IP * HINDER ARB AH. f'ereta Julv fi ' 14P‘ Gapi t'harle* Klngsford Hmlflil anil three companion* arrived here at* ucon t»d*v , from Karachi. llrltfHh India. In th«lr airplane, thy Sou\tin-i iij |Cr«aa. Tha distance waa about 70UJ V GOLD6RORO. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 7. lilt $451 *1? Stolen From. I/ocal Firm - loc-il police.’ at a Ivle hour Uat night hiul hewn unable to ccuia uny clue* that., might lead is tha arrant of the person or n«r»i * * who yesterdav * short limy lc« f orc noon rlnle MS t f otr ’ *j. of ft re of th« ft T ,f'y*’rt l*aH if t cmfiiny on Nurlji Center tV* . Cnlva few p>n"|o w-rn to "ft" place »l the time Ih' tnonev wis t*k«in.'lt wa» sai l. at>d Ih- n ih> - .V ' 'd these people w*r« n *t k ’omt. . 'curding to ih • pollen. Mpt. Ct'iart, who work* In the of ft * Hi tiie f mpnclty of ho'kim-p r. htiu fdb* out of the off I* to welwW some chickens for a man. 8b • :•> • the‘money, In bills of va-l iu t de n iminsllon, laying on a Kiunt-ir. >Mien ah* returned * saw minutes later. th< money hail dl*a>'pevre 1 G"leer* were Immediately ti.Ul f|e<| of the theft, and an Investigi llou was begun at one*. The fa-t that the n«m« of all the puit'l' ||(. th" plant at the lime the theft er * c*rred. could not be aseer’nind'l will make ll u hard lo rale the Ihlef, ll Is bellevut. “- WILL ATTEND WELFARE MEET Buprrintcn4«n(H of Wrlfaro Tn Gather at Chapel Kill Thin Week - •. R. H Kdwards, superintendent of public welfare In Wayne countv. will this waok attend th# North CaetsHns Association of Raperlatendent* of Public Welfare which will' hold Its annual masting at Chapel Hill on th* bvenlng of July 11,'In connoctlon with the ISth annual public welfare In elllute to he held- there July 8-12 At Ihl* *««*lnn. l ln addition lo dlscu*- itona, offlicr* will be elartad and committee naiMrsh A. W. Cline. Win *tnn-8«lem. I* prealdenl of the Asso ciation; W. I*. McGlouahon, Wilming ton. 14 vice-president, and Ml** l.udl* Klfort Weal.KM. I* *eerel*ry. The meeting will follow th# /bupleaquc dinner tu b# held at 7 o'clock. .Admlnjitt ration of the Btste Mo It era' Aid fund will be 4!«cu«*od at the welfare Institute by Mlse f.tlv K Mitchell, of the Ktnle hoard of cborl Mae and iinhltr wellara. Ml*# Mil chell will *p**«k on Monday afternartii at tha »e**ton, lellliVg how the ItfHt.non In mothers' a'd Is n-e-l a* a pen-dim for worthy widow i with 'small children. Dtp'Harry W franc, member of the University fnrulty and director ot mental hygiene of the Rtate board wilt speak Monday night on “W hv We Are Wb*t We Are", and on’ Wedrtc* day afternoon on ''The I'ractlarl As* peels of the Scientific Hln-ly of th fhlld Before the Courts."^ Tnesdav and Wedtesday of the In stitute will he devolrd to a atudy of mental hygiene, with Dr.'Georg* M Pre«ton. of lommlsslone of mental hygiene for Maryland, glv lug a lerles of addresheaf followed h> round table The eatitral theme for Thursday and FrMny will be the Juvenile court. Francis II Hiller, New York flty. field repr* sentatlve of. the National Probation .\asoi Isllnn. will discuss prohatl m and tha ntiliaatlon ol rommunlt'v re sources In order.to prevent delln e* Uiteney. Around 2M welfare workers, In cluding all ol th* county xiiperlnton- ( dents of public welfare, are expected to attend. To Maryland and Bark In Day’s Time, Record - To Rockville, Maryland, and back In one day. about 7(N> mil**, I* the record which Deputy Hherlff Kruest Hale* set when h - went for a |rt«- nner In the Maryland towp on Friday. He left Goldsboro *t 6-o'rioek In the morning end at 11:50 p. m. the same dav he Wa* back In Goldsboro with his prisoner John fbadwlelc, Negro fhadwlrk.ls charged with abandon tn«nt and noil-support and on default ot bond I* indppd In the Wayne couu ty Jail. ' __ Watch Husbandg Set Record * f << hi Hr M ‘i ! I I , * mm -1 U ,mm JmMm / H wlfli ni ULM I' *■MHIHHHHHHHHHIume.'. .mJ Mr*. Hynm Newcomb. I*ftr>an4-Mr* lloy L,. Mli({i«y, whoee huehaada piloted ifie endurance High) of tha “Tlty t jf flereland." apeni moat of their time al Ih* fylng Held a* the battle against end we«th*r ,w*» won. Th* la aert show* a c -niuct Imlweqn the aurae plan# and th* endurance flysra. !!.«> ■■•■ygHn'l lo »'■■■ "f J/iJttff b utyuMse *|>4 Rt eecond L . League Adopte Split Seaeon; Second Half Start s Monday Tomorrow. Monday. July • wilt ae# the beginning of the laid half, ot the I'.axlern Carolina Amaur's frlat split scesi-n tl wa* announced hare yes terday, follow lug a decision reached lo this effect by President W. G. Ilrahihaiw and other league- official* Tin- decision tn divide the HUM Kaa tvrn Carolina league season Into two h*lv«J# came yesterday after Praaldent A T Griffin, of the haee- Isall 1 1 v•*. and Mann***— Moore, of he Hot ky a ' Mount duh bed finally agreed lo the split season Offtejkls i*f Ihc <toblalmro and Ifiarky Mount • lub* voted against Ihe proposal when ■li *«» Nr«t made. I'realdeul Griffin • old Tliv New* last evening, bat de etded Dyeltininlrih their stand agalnat the split oeAsyn rather Ihan to caune dtecord In the league^ Aw a result of yesterday’* deetwion' RAYON UNDIES (L\ USE TROUBLE Nern Helpn llimnelf lo Rome I’ink* and lllucm and I* Hehind linrn Huvnijjinilerwrnr for men. the pink, blue and orange kind, waa #o altrac - lively displayed at Montgomery Ward* Jsst night tligt William Humphrey. Negro, dldn’i let the fart that he didn't have the price aland between him and the good*. This morning the bar* art alamllng betwe«-u Humphrey and the re*t of the world. Hiiet'btng some of the dalntlm. Humphrey made a dart for the door. Nlor# official* marked hla anauh'ng apd telephoned tin- police Humphrey took a round-about way through back lota, but - when he arrived on Ash street, there waa an officer watting for him. Humphrey admitted that only nine day* ago he hod completed a four month* term (or larceny In Houth Carolina To A*k PoHtponment Os Dr. Snook Trial crtM'MRCK. O,.*Jnly «. <AP)- K 0. Rlckela one of the attorneya for Dr. James H Hnnok. ennfesaed slaver of hi* co-ed purmour. Theora Hi*, 25. anaogne#)! an nPalliation for a the trial ach*- duled for Jut) 22,w0u1d he made lit uommon pica* court carl) uni week i FOURTEEN PAGER TODAY to divide Ih* eeaetm Ja halves, tha Wilmington Plrataa have beep con ceded the winners of the ftrat half and they will be In the plny-off eerie* with the winner of th* aecoud half. If, However, the Plral#* should alao ire on lop at the end of the eeooad half, there would of course b* ao piMA wesson series and Ihe Wesley- Ilea would bit awarded lha NadUfS < latoJIUH league Fenuaol for the HU baiu-ball at-a Son. Tit* Wilmington. Fayetteville, Greenville and Kinston club* were natnrally In favor of ih* divided sea son For Ihe drains It means that they will oerialnly he in the play off aerlea. while li the aeaaow had bass an extended one a* it waa lasi wesson, some other club might bare boat th* Wllmlagtonlan* out for first place • (Costtnu'd on pgge SI PUBLICITY IS AGAIN SCORED Hadithern l‘ubll*her* Adopt Re solution I'mteMtipK Publirity %■ * ” —..... wp-w ABHMVIM.E. Julv «. (API A fin al wallop at free publicity hnunda waa taken today by member* of the Host hern Newspaper Publisher* sociall.-n who adopted a "reaolutlon «»f protest against pres* puffery " The sentiment of the convention on Ihe wuhject was crfaullged at the verv outsei hv an address of the pr* siding officer, John A. f’erk of th* ttuhdgh Times, who snnldly scored Ihe nuisance of puhllrllv agent* who make llielr living by flooding new*- p*|Mir* with publicity material which they hope to Induce unwary publish ers to print free of charge. Marie Hinnon Bitten By (’at Thought Mad The State health department has been asked to report on whether or not a cat which yesterday afternoon bit Marie lllnaon. V-ywar-old daughter of Mr. and M r *- Frank Hinson of 1102 Kaat Walnut street; was rabid. While writhing ht a fit,-the animal hit th# littlw girl on one fool. An hour later Ihe feline had died, apparently Muttering from hydrophobia. The- ani mal was went to Raleigh that tests night be made. Today’s Cheuklhg 3,821 PRICE FIVE purrs 8 % • I THIS AMOUNT®'' mm mSL OF W 27 RECORD Wayne Kannera h#> M»> 000 Mora Lba. efWnad «ir pippiE ' .{i PRINCIPLE DECLINE RECORDED IN COTTON The New* Tataria tea Fneta ft* ■ A M »e « r * \ .tnorar mm mm 'aSMprlMi Principal Wayne county arapg tar . «*• mx Mta brongbt ptoataa • • gross return of tT.OYajM. anwllag to a (abalalla* •ntahUtil yataarday by The N»va frma uWim oarrtad In tba r»na Forecaster. Xtttata i leal lon X tba i*ta aad labHl wt reporting aarrtaa. TWa to aMtata malaly fiaa.Maioat thaa «to MaUa •4 from principal *■* Mr tbaaew •6a X 1117, vbaa tba total taMU to «7J7UIt. 1 V Tba greateot iaeraaaa la teaaaaa for Wayaa tanas tba pata yaar fee tot cotton ta uti ta.tr Aw'tom plantta »»< oaly HJtot btaaafea- Whlcb brongbt a total it lU^Vf. been prodaoad wttb a «roaa«alM'X tuiß.au . U.NMM. la tata, Wam'toXirf with tba prtaa it aaatl Mi Nit. > x tba aiarb aat by aatatat m ttaaaaa lo 4TJU farMoba* tba CtatMta -to total X |*ta.tT«. m k ' A total X MbUta waatb X MM fa tal naa vaa aaM tMta aa MMP X 1M tba Kalaleb baMtatoi M*wa bi Itl OOIttOIAB. lowly iwwt potato eaaatty IMMK waa realised ta Wgvtoa aaaMf taXM HU B. tba beltatlb tatal I Tweoty-sta tbowaaMl aX Meaty -three name X aata brongbt Wayaa county fanaasaMM*. ‘ c„«i‘y P wbaa tab Mras-waro ifcataC bringing eiaotty M.tat tata'Ms taai* X tba growara, tba toMtotalJlta'WJ^ tram l» Wayne aaatar MW* Forecaster llata. j . * .. Peanuts raa tba btta lb MRMIh vitb oaly M ta Wayaa aatopur toil ta acreage l?ra*gb« tba gT9WW IMta. Wayaa eaaaty, auuurtaag »a Mb a hu iiaiia baa a tyM! aaraa an es *Mr ««• of thl. mhwm aaty ttttai wata demtod to tba abawp antilMt ftM ducts. “PATHFINDER" MAY HOP TODAY .Rough Caudittoat es Beadt Prr ranted Imn TlkeOff YiMwidnj *. (ti n ORCHARD. M*.. Jatr t—<A.r> old Orchard beach waa toataM fairly imootb by a blab tMa late talar which gara bop# ta tba oraw of tba monoplaaa Pathfinder that a taka-Xf for Rohm could ba aX« aarty to morrow. I«ewta A. Yancey, navigator X tba plana. aaM ocaan waatbar repwrta etUl held farorablo and that tba arafaXwl riiahi wonld ba iitaaglii aa Intar than «:M Iwanrrsw woratag if tba »mnothneoa X tba baaeb warn bat again ruttad aeatn by tonight's tMa- Yancay declared tba plaaa woaM be prepared daring tba nlgbt far tba flight, but that daftalU daatXaa on a •tart would not ba wain aatll « a. at. A taka-Xf aarty today waa abaa donad afteiXß waa fonwd that tba . pounding, braakaro of utal nlg*t bad not Ironad not tba iJt Mia ragway neadad for a start. • Bafora today** high t Ida hnd swept It afaaatb tba M- « tire t r. v ml la baaah pranaatad a corn ruaetad effect wtlh no itrotob as Md , send more thaa tat

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