I to F^t^tlon o, Horn, a,. c<mn^T Vol. XVII. Gastonia, N. C„ December 24, 1806. «a?caeaa> :;ag ho b». ANNUAL EXHIBIT • or - COUNTY REYENUES AND CHARGES. NORTII CAROLINA. > cm**, Bm. of Deed*. Gawton Cuitmtv. { DalU?, N.tl’ I, John J. Ormand, Clerk of the Board of County Gommlfelooer*. do hereby certify that the following la a true and correct report of the County Revenuee and Qiaiyra, ai obtained from Treaaorer'e annual report and tha ml note* of said Board, aa required by Section 739 of the Coda of North Carolina, to wit: OOCNT1T FUND RECEIPTS. P*°- JP*1??60 00 h*Bt* from but year, a S70.91 J*1}- lf*®’ R*e<l fr°m A- ^ 8|J®' on cooQty fuDd, 600 00 • V. » : : i;u. : &8:lSSSbttSSSfcS"1"' Feh.» •• « •• a I’L^ftl”’00 OOU"t7 r,IOd’ 000 00 TrrS’.on eoonl, !““*• 1000 00 ”.o' H- rfvil r ^ °^nly 1000 00 ., •• SiiXSf&liXSS; "SX: •" Jury Tex, D. Cotton MlUa, ’ a m “ " Rro’d from G. H. DarU, Clerk Superior Court. °° Jury Tax, Armstrong. ^ Q fri .Rac’d from O. H. Da»l., Clerk Supwlor Oonrt, Jury Tax, Hallman. * , “ ** “ Rroy IJomQ. H. Day la, Cleek Superior Court °° Jury Tax, Gamble, Qnr, “ “ “ D‘Tli’ (>rt »■*■>« Oourt, .WdlJomG. H. Darla, Cleek Superior Coart, 1 ®° Jury Tax, Hacne, et. ai. ^ am ..p0”^vl., Cu*k Bo parlor Oourt. 2°° Nay 91. ” R<^d from A. X Loftlnr'iifff'o^oouoty fund, 1000 83 “28, “ Rac’d from A X Lai tin, Sbfl. tax Blg-ox exhibit’, ft 00 •• •• * ftKiaa.*-*•“*•■»»* u.t.^aa •“ Aug 3, “ Ree’d from A. K. Loftin, Sheriff, cwuoty fubd in ^ full for 1580, 175A 54 Sept A “ R«c’d amount refunded on Toucher M8 (Geo. F. Johnson, pauper) ' * ** 90, * Reo’d from John J. Ormand, hire of oouTiot—Z. Leeper. 19a7 Oct. 12, “ RecM from Jno. J. Ormand. hire of convict— Porter onn Nov. 2, “ Rac’d from A. X Loftin, Sheriff, on oonaty fund (Tax 1890,) Knn 00 .Reo’d from A. K. Loftin. Shff. Ur. Main* Show 88on i. u •> Hco’d amount borrowed of McAdens Mill, on Coo a It Note. 300000 .Rac'd from A. X LofUn, Sheriff, 00 county fund (Tax 1890), 000 00 Total K*ceht», 112, SSL* COUNTY FUND DISBURSEMENTS. D*c. -J. 1885. Paid Ollle A bar- $ natby, pauper 6 00 Junta Farrar, pauper 8 00 Joel Morris, pauper 6 00 Wesley Baadlemao, pauper G 00 Julia Oombeei, pauper 18 00 Amanda Ford, pauper 5 OO Tom Ctambara, paupar 5 00 Jaa. Craw, J °° Julia Llnebergor, pm|W 5 00 Catherine Ramsay, pauper 0 00 Elisabeth Me A) tsier, pauper rt 00 Betty Whets Hoe, pauper G 00 Margaret Heafner, paupar G 00 lAwaon Reynolds, pauper 3 00 Plok Black, pauper 0 00 Ida M. Roberta, pauper 4 SO Gao. F. Johnaoo, pauper 3 33 f. V. Gaston, pauper 6 U0 Polly Well* pauper 0 00 Mary A. Teague, psuper 3 00 Jude Rrnyre, pauper 5 W John Crawford, pauper 0 00 Elisabeth Haoall, pauper 4 80 Mary Haostfi pauper Q 00 Spiray Cash A wife, paupers 13 00 Butte Ferguson, pauper 3 00 Polly Procter, peuper 3 00 Kob’t Dareoport, codlu for pauper, (claimed 88 00) 0 00 Dr. J. H. Jenkins, county STaS-,. »" G. H.D*Tli.C. a C. station ary and service* 1® 87 M A Moore, medicine to poor and jail 9 6° WA Howell, ssrrlng 3 Road Orders „ , 80 J E Rewla A Oo. supplies fur ^ ^ n*L Rhyne, keeper of poor 37 45 A K Dortln, BUT. Jail f»es ao M0 00 W H Humesly, oonrerlDgE. Bridge* to Asylum, etc M SO W H Crawford, for lumber 4 SO John J Ormand, Beerloeilaa Clark and Register of Deeds 9 66 J R White, I day on oom. 3 00 J M Melntoab. lumber and repair* on bridge 11 W Dec. 8, J F Thom*., commtt tloner end mileage II 80 G A Patrick, oommlsriooer and mileage *0 80 J T Okrpeuter, commissioner 11 80 C Paaour, eoanr snd mJlssge II 06 Bltlie Gooden, paupar « W Deo. A Jas »nd Aonl# Broom, ^ ^Umn Cahill, pauper * « Deo. A E J Bridge*, paapet 9 00 Frmaoes Kelli, pauper Deo. II, Jacob Blmro, paupee 8 00 Pro. IS, Wallan* peg"®, q ^ JaST.'s’lW w G Morris, eon reying lunatic to Aaylocs 6 16 Dr J H Jenkins, sxamlulng lunatla . 900 J, A Thornburg, lumbar for DTl^Matwrg, error In Us Dr J*H Jankle*. On Jhy*. M » 5ia»J3S-fiS» 222 w A Whiteside*, repairing ^ ^ w’^Marahall, pub. report* 88 60 J F Uoaharger, work at Couotr Horn* 9 00 John J Oimaod, sarrloe# aa Clark, re*, of deed*. ^* *0 73 09 A M Pearson, error 1804 Us 3 34 U H Darts, Clark Superior Court, ae^lee* a«4 blanks 11 to Jan. 7, A K J/iftla. 8herl«, balanoann Psddhra’T**** 43 00 J T Carpenter, comm Melon er and mileage 9 90 A X Doftls. Hharifl, Jail fee* and repair* on wall 847 89 Jon. A JB Lewi* A Co., *up c&k**** “8 Mery Wmu, peaper $ 6 00 Rulh Brimer, pauper 8 00 Briour. pauper 6 00 MSM-*- p*op8r 6 00 8 B Finlay, pauper 6 oo L, L Jeukici. error In taxes in 06 Jan. 13, W C Sberrlll, ooffln for peeper 4 00 Fab. 3, Wallace Pee ram, paopr 6 00 Damage* to T E Sbuford on Lend by Road B 00 A P H Rhyne, exam, lunatic 1 OO W F Marshall, pub. reports 18 85 G H Davit, Clerk Superior Court, county liabilities, etc 11 21 Dr J 11 Jeuklus, Co. Fbys. 14 00 J U Lewis & Co., supplies to poor 28 61 H L Rbynr, keeper of poor 16 70 M A Moore, and. for poor 11 45 John J Onnand, services hs Clerk end Keg. of Deeds, etc' 22 60 A K Loftln, Stiff. Jail fees 208 86 A K loftln. Stiff. Indigent pupil* In Asylum 70 26 G w McLaugbec, hack hire 3 60 L L Jenkins, error In B G Paaour’s Bank Tax 18 60 J R Connell, commissioner aud mileage IB 00 J F Thomas, commissioner and mileage 7 20 J T Oar pro ter, commissioner and mileage 2 90 Feb. 21, D 8 Wallace, foremen grendjury 816 W 0 Beet, grand juror 8 00 J T Cox, grand Juror 8 10 W A Dauwroo, grand joror 8 40 J T Beaver, grand Juror 8 70 C 8 Carpenter, grand Juror 6 46 S M Ford, grand juror 0 05 H Jj Rhyne, grand juror 8 80 J W M Jenkins, grand Juror 7 00 C n El mu re, grand Juror a 60 J B Bryson, grand Juror 8 40 C F Lloeherger, grand Joror 7 80 Robt Halt man, grand juror 7 80 John O Stroup, grand juror 3 40 A W Batch ford, grand Juror 7 90 M L Black, grand juror 8 90 8 L Tbompeou, grand juror 8 10 H M Jones, grand Juror 0 20 J 8 Rlauk, petit Juror 8 80 B W White, petit Juror ft 00 i J W Riddle, petit juror 8 70 R B Metcalf, petit Jnror 8 <10 A J Rankin, petit joior 0 10 R L Thornburg, petit Juror 8 80 H B Moors, petit Juror 8 00 J G McLean, petit Juror 9 10 L A dtcnmer. petit Juror 8 Of) L B Ormand petit Jaror 8 60 O L Neal, petit juror 10 66 U D Hues, petit juror to 56 H 7 Derr, petit joror 10 10 L C Pasonr, petit Juror 9 50 W E Beatty, petit Jaror 13 90 Feb. 24, John J Lawla, petit Jnror 9 On 8 M Craig, petit joror 3 10 Feb. 17, W S Hanna, taka Juror l QO J X Menl*. take juror / 1 00 W A Armstrong, taka juror 1 00 Feb. 18, A J Baldwin, “ •• 1 00 Fab. 19, J T H Deneron, taka Juror 100 J L Wood, teles Juror 3 10 H G Flowers, tales Juror 1 00 2 V Roper, take Juror 1 00 0 M Dlekeon. taka Joror 1 00 J R Henderson, take Joror 1 M A Baldwin, take Juror 100 ▲ J Baird, taka jaror 1 Q0 W 8 McKee, take Jaror 100 Feb. 19, W. T. Rankin, talas Jaror. 8 1 90 Feb. fO, O. W. Bowman, taka Juror 110 J F Kkrr. take Jaror 3 10 T H Lenherdt. lake Juror 100 W U Wllaon, take Jaror 1 go J B Uaeeer, Ukajumr 100 K L WUeen, take Jaror 100 Feb. 91, W C Wlleoe. uiaa g Ipw 1 G< { ? u*f* Jaror 3 1< r Jr JJ°®“*y. t»le« Juror 8 if J « CarsoD, tain Juror 8 It J F Kiser, UIm Juror 1 « F^^/ B • tahe Juror a it GBIUwnu^ talas Juror 3 it T Bantam, uioa Juror 3 it 73 Leobardt, Ulm Juror 8 10 J M Rhode*, lain Juror 1 U(j Morris, UIm Juror 810 “"Brow®. oOoer of oourt 0 10 _ l! A *?°'"!**' °®°ur of oourt 0 7u Si*' S’ ’L,t8“!th> growl Juror 8 00 rob. 94, B L Clootnger, petit Juror a oo M D DoJMogar, tain Juror 1 60 J R Barrios, petit tutor 2 10 wC***f ***** Juror a 60 Mar. 9. nil mail CabUl, pauper 6 00 Annie Broom, peeper 260 Ellubetb MeAlllater, pauper 0 UO Wreler JUoJlrmac, pauper 6 00 OUtolbMMltMMMr 6 00 Joola Finn, pauper 3 00 Joel Morris, pauper 8 00 Gao. F. Jobuaoo, pauper 6 00 Jaa. Craig, paupar 3 00 C^ttoarloeBeaawy. panper 6 00 Ida II Bobarta, pauper 4 SO BJ Willard, pauper 8 88 Rosea Uumfelt, paupar 0 00 Lawaaa Herootde, pauper 3 U0 M*ro*ro« Heafuer, pauper 6 00 Pink Black, panper 6 00 Betlrr Wbatatlnr, pan per 0 00 Geo F Fwguaoo. pauper 8 00 Polly Walla, paupar 6 00 Suaia Ferguses, pauper 8 00 JoUa Uneberger, pauper 6 00 Fully Proctor, pauper 6 00 M*^ A Teague, pauper 8 00 !*“••• Hu®hit, pauper 0 Ou F V Gaston, pauper 0 00 Naaoy HaaeH, panper 6 00 SpireyOash ft wife, paupers 12 00 A W Tltmae, lumber for rued 0 sa E O Jokcaon, D S convey log luoatie etc. 91 qq G H Darla, O 8 C aerrleM ft blanks, etc 20 78 John J Ormand, aarvloM at Clerk sod Bee of Deeds 13 34 A. K LoniriM. JaU leas 826 Bij A K LoCtln, 8bff. ebaireand atora 67 G H Darla, OSCoountylia bitnias 363 92 W 8 Griaaoaa, burial eapeosM of Pauper 6 00 H L Rhyne keeper of poor 18 00 S C Carpenter Mrrlne 2 road order* gg E D Stroup lumber for bridge 3 00 O <4 Fetty, repair* on bridge 4 00 Bell, repe^oo bridge 100 E N HuffetetUr f fees Bute vs Mason 3 40 A r H Rhyne | fees SUte re Geo. Torrence. 1 02 H 8 Adame, serving 0 road il A Moore medlelue to poor 4 M aod jell . 7 40 B F Leoliardt feu refunded doe J T Warren 3 80 W F Marshall publishing notice 3 00 J H Lewis A Co. supplies to poor 3714 Dr J H Jackins county pfcys 13 00 Mar. 5, Julia Com best, pauper 18 00 Pearl Steele, pauper 4 00 Adeline Neely, pauper 1 83 Amanda Ford, pauper 0 00 Mar. 9. BtUle Gooden, pauper 4 SO Mar. 13, Joda 8myre, paoper S 00 Wm Mltobrm, pauper 5 00 Jobn Crawford, proper 0 00 Mar. 17. 8 8 Finley, pauper 0 00 Isabella Floley, pauper 3 00 Wallace Prgram, proper 0 00 Mar. 91, Frances NI*U, pauper 3 00 Apr. 6, J B Jowls A Co. sup plies to poor 30 97 H L Rhyne, keeper of poor IS 46 M A Moore, med to poor 6 95 Dr J n Jenkins onunty pbys 19 00 A K Loftln, sfafl Jail fees 185 00 Coleman Johnson, error in tax 1 60 i a While, l day exam log treaaum’e book* 8 00 8 D Brown, turning lanatio 1 00 J It Conceit, eniur A mileage 6 40 J >1 Molntoah rtpelra on bridge 7 76 John J Ormand, Book* etc. 34 00 John J Ormand. anrrlerr as Clark and Begteter 90 66 J B Anthony, I amber for bridge 3 94 8 M Hoyle, re pain ou bridge 94 41 H R St more, bn rial txpeoeee 0 Brandon 9 98 G W MoLengben, coo Trying lunatic to aiylom 91 96 A P II Rhyne, ffigam lunatie 1 DO J T Carpenter, oocnr and mHaage 7 80 C Paeour, oomr A mileage 11 40 Anr 96 Sophia Wentg pauper 6 0Q Mary Wentg, pauper 6 00 E lira both Brtmer, pauper 6 00 Roth Brtmer, pauper, 5 do May 4, A P H Rhyne, examine luneUo 100 8 D Brown, egaming lu>etlo 1 00 II L Kb yix*. keeper of poor 90 96 J8 lewte, eapplleo to poor 33 38 t)r J H Jtokins county pbye 16 00 G H Darla, CSC ooonty ItabUitlee 98 94 John J Ormand, eerrleea aa al Clerk and Regtetar ;t» CB M A Moor* media toe to poor 8 78 A k IiOftio, ebff jail free 83 W A Jt I>3flln, alig ooeraying looatloto aaylum 39 80 Hiram Johnaon error In taxon i 00 W 8 Roblneoo, work On jell 13 SO A W Tttman building U Idge 96 00 May 6, M G Rkynutalm Juror 3 10 Jane 1, Polly Pi oetor, pauper S 00 Mary A Teagon, peeper 3 00 El Ira bet h Me Allliter, pauper fl 00 Jaa Craig. pauper 3 00 Oeo F Jnfcaaoa, pauper 6 00 Ida M Roberta, pauper 4 30 Pink Dlack, pauper Q 00 Margaret Ueafner, pauper 6 00 OalMflae Mauoey, pauper 6 00 B~Uy WbeUtloe, paaper 6 00 Leweoe Raynelde. pauper 8 00 Frank Melaan, paaper 8 00 BHIte Gooden, peeper d 60 Jaha Crawford, paaper « oo Wm Mltohem, pauper 6 00 JadaSmyre, paever 8 00 J alU Cloebergor. paaper 6 60 Maney H anal I, pauper 6 00 *Bp*r l soe 1^1 p“upw o oo 8n«k Fcrgueon, dm par 8 00 PW,PW U 00 pauper « 00 OUk Abernatby. pauper a 00 Jual Morrit, pauper 6 00 if weS?1’ ,"Mlpw * 00 n »» -J? J“bw» county pbyi 18 96 ® n i>*Tk, etatlonery nod ballot bona w ls **F**®Jf ■•^telnato poor 1146 a i".* *1*jBtl **• 101 90 A 8 Bar rat, painting fl. H. roof io qq i B Lewi* A Co »upt>1kt to HL Qbyae, keeper of poor 15 00 Jotoa J Ormaad eanrloe m <ikr* ,0i? Beaieur 8170 A. J* Tflmao. repair* on DfiaffO g g| ^ 1 Connell oomr A mileage 10 40 J F Thom** eoar A mileage 11 80 1,J Carpenter, eomr hb<3 ■njkeae 7 on nr.i °,1>M exaat’n 10 00 % Abernathy eom toqurst 98 05 O W Bowman I faaa “Han acraoo” o qx GeoF Ferguaon, pauper 6 00 Catherine Bameey, pan per 6 oo Mejy Went*, pauper 5 00 sShn J^*01** P-B|»r « 00 Butb Brlmer, pauper 8 00 JuriQ-5, K1 lr»both Bri mar paupr 600 F V 3a*ton, pauper a 00 June, U JullaCombeet,paupr 18 00 Amanda Ford, pauper 5 00 P^n*1. P»oper 6 00 Ad el I no Nealy, pauper 4 00 Jo?*» « Tillman U»hl£ paupr B UO f““** P*npar, 9 no J B White 1 dtjr mniotof treasurer* bonk* 9 no June 30, Frasom NkU, pauper 8 00 July 6, Obrklk IIearner. p*£ R?r. e 00 PuuP**1 • 00 Wrtla Friday, pauper 8 67 V °°“r and mileage 11 90 L B Stowe, J P examining 3 lunatic* g 00 8 D Brown, J P examinlne ■onauo j 00 T L Ilarrslsoo, osar charges on taxss 1 vi W C Lloeberger overcbergea oo taxes g jq A PH Rbyne, exam lunatic 1 (jo W A Falla, list taker aod i»^to5,.ll,4..tok*f »» B P IUnkln, list taker aod W B Rutladge, list takar 8800 and assessor Jj 00 J H Rutledge, list tsicsy end assessor ga qo 'KMer. list taker ft assets'r 30 S3 n L Rhyne, keeper of poor 15 00 j It Lewie ft Co. supolle* iSrmi Jenkins, Co. Phys. 18 John J Ormaad, drrk, Reg. of Deeds, blank*, etc 39 23 A X Lotlin, SlifT. JaU fees 137 00 ■ A Moors, mad. to poor 10 00 July 7. G A Patrick, oommia •loner and mileage 90 40 July 18, Jans Ms>Held, pauper 9 00 Jane Msyflald, pauper 6 00 Dr M H Wilder, treating Pauper 9 75 Aug. 3, J A Kelly lumber oa road 1 84 A W Tltman lumber on toad 0 95 R A Qacebford, timber on mad 4 90 Jno W Lowery, rock on road 4 00 A B Shelton, repairing brdgn 39 40 J T Crawford, repairs on bridge 97 91 P W Thompson, examining lunette 1 00 J U Lewis k Oo. supplies lo Poor 83 40 M A Moore, med. for poor 6 05 Dr J H Jenkins, O. Pliys. 10 00 W <J Ramsey, burial expen ses, Polly Write 000 W O Ramsey, amount doe Polly Write, pauper S 50 H L Rhyne, keeper of poor 17 95 A K Leftla, flhff. ]ail fees 134 65 John J Ormaad. terries as Clerk. Register of Deads, etc 48 01 J P Thomas, commissioner •ad mileage 11 40 J T Carpenter, commit*ton er aod mileage 0 70 J P Licet*rear repelrtng Jell 1 50 W P Marshall pub uotloaa 3 95 T S Rhyne, repairing bridge 3 60 Isabella Finley, pauper 8 83 Aug. 91, 8 8 Pic ley, puuper 5 00 Sent. 7, Elisabeth, McAlister, pauper ‘ 6 00 Jacob ttojio, pauper 0 00 Geo W Johnaoa, pauper fi 00 Folly Pruotor, pauper fi QO 7 V Carton. pauper fi'OO Albany Ohrrry. paaper fi 00 Mary A Teague, paaper 3 00 Catherine Ramsey. pauper 0 00 S J Willard, pauper 0 00 Julia Lluebeger, pauper C QQ Walle Friday, pauper 4 00 Cbae BaoneU, pauper 4 DO Matilda Nlohols, pauper 0 00 Ida M Roberta, pauper 8 00 •He Oral*. pauper 3 00 Adeline Neely, pauper 4 00 Aoaand* Ford, paaper fi 0Q Julie Com beet, paaper 18 0I» Henry Johnson to death all'^okUokto, peeper 4 00 Betty Boyd, paoper 6 00 Bplrey Oa»b k wife, pauper 1* 00 Neoey Haoell, pauper 800 Janie Farrar, pauper 3 00 Otltie Aferraetby, pauper 0 00 Weeley Handleman. pauper 0 00 Joel Morris, pauper 8 00 Joka Crawford, paaper 0 00 Jada Kay re, pauper 3 0(1 Wm Mite ben, paoper COO Soeie Fere naan, pauper fi 00 Frank Mo Lean, pauper 880 Jane MayfieM, pauper 8 00 G H Part*. CSC eerrkwe 0d 08 Joka J Urmeud, olarti A rag $0 98 Juhn J Oneand. making tax list 41180 A K Lofiin, ehff jail (tea 894 00 M A Moore, mrdletoe la poor and Jell T 00 H 1, Hhyaa, keeper ef peer 9800 Dr J II Jenklaa, Co. Fltya. 1008 ICwitlwiM ea aaeead p«e» ON YDLETIDB GENEROSITY. BAS lit 80KETBH3 TO BAT ABOUT OHKIBTKAfl OITTA iktrufCkiuMtin baa anw u“ n»* *" i*niti«-tkMi ****** ** m4 laa atlflaat him gmrta-Wbeew uw aMk.Unr «««. Uh l.nlogu. •t. Ixxita MikpuVtta. Thera la nothing quite ao beautiful Juat DOW ua tha abnpc. It doraa’t make any dtfkrrvoca whether vug are rich or poor, indeed, y.m can baa twg car though they do objeot to you bE n»f a thief, thei la, If yoa are persuing yur avocation. Bat aaybady, that la. ,***t har area ou all the lovely Chrtelmai tillage, and la "®***Y hh* »U1 own then juat at tha ^ I" the hod. There ia anoaatblog flaa In being able u enjoy •‘'A?*‘»w**-“l“f- I aanoot under hand, though, how any woman with a «* can go lata tha »nd.*»q»a oat withe at bay ing aaaaa trifle to make glad aome hodyb child. - Tbara are do I la of nil degveaa o Her ad to the doll-hrver tbere’e tha woe dart ul French doll wbnaa fata Sttsasrs: s? jSnTS, 3rii2^^Y2i.rs! u la true that, unlike real Indiea whan • ebe daontw, aha faratahra bar own I 2? i le ,a Oath, but [ 3aasRf*6r*fi.,xsn2 tiny mnalo box la ooweaalad under bar ! lane-trimmed petticoat. I doll* worn men ud roon. Tteo there are lam rspeuslvn doHa. ^1,0t dr*»**d '» >o»« olothe* ««d reclining la earring**, with doll Bnreaa. standing baalde tMa; than m> Mttto girl doll*, gowned lo short f™*** barlnf tennis rwcqoeu to thatr bands; and ware are lad* dolla In loDg-trained drama*. who ^ on easy chairs of (1U upholstered la «Ua. £*!"» ,,uisbr,,ta do11’ *oci w*°» * smirking bridegroom. and U» gride ioaba so modret and tba groom io h«p W Umt l am certain that, loot night, wbUa all Um world slept, tbs/dfc oama to Ufa, sod lbare was a really and trolywed*** forma* la tbs doll rtmp. tbora Is everything to make a dol! happy- A closely eortalned bras* bod of the right otse, io which aba may dream; a ohina bath tub, io which aim may take brr morning bath, and pro •«Trebar complexion, while for this putyoao there is a (pedal soap war *ot to injure lb* m<wt delicate ^’IflVVi^.Mfirnidr o**h reaBdeopkod yet—aad yet— liow often is a child happy wlUi an uM DMlno-d doll, loved not fur its beauty, but for Us many sorrows? There are soma TOT* THAT IITU CHAMOK. Th* to rely woolly dog I* Just n* square at the ouroers a* ho was when 1 ws* prsosntod W tbs first on* o».>r» yvara ago than 1 like to rememiwr. AlUmngb eeteno* bu progressed. tbs worklDg* of tbs trolly dog are as crude aa ever. Tbe asms string ta pulled, the pink tougoe comra out, and tha “bow-wow” Is J««t a* liollow and artificial aa It should be. N.wb'e Ark 1* s* absolutely artistic aa when >».o and I first eounti-4 tbe animals there in- Tba dog and tbs elephant sra the •aoM height and both are pick. The erooodtla and the mamel each have a ourly tall, and at* a lively purple, and th* only way you osa distinguish 8iifu», Hhmi sad Japbot from their wive* n by their wrering stiff roeud bale, not unlike tboen known aa eno duwne. Shorn Is the Joyous brawn be alwaya was. Ham I* a brilliant orangr. while Japhet Is e pel* blue, sod Noeli le delightfully mouled. The dove, with a leaf In bar mouth, la tbe eaaao color and ala* as the sow, but how lovely they all are. Has anybody ever deoidad whether Uw original family to ui* ark gut in through the roof, as do tbe wooden family? And did limy walk to the ark two by two, aa many a procession of woudao animals baa been arrang'd? I think they did. The ark Is too historical a toy not to he oonvot. To wbat email child are you going to send aa ark? Or was it a fireman’• get-up nr a soldier's toggery that you bad in mind for soar boy? Homehow the toy shop pnssaess* a won derful faaolnaVun fur ns. 1 think it e nod thing that It dose—and I will teU yon why. The little time of da light that oomee to yen or me while looking uver the toys that do pi lost* thus* we loved In dsja goao bf, bring before ua those oW day* and make as remember bow verily we were made heopy. Then, aia skaisl sequence, unless wo bare brooms herd of heart, wltleh Ood forbid 1 we long with greet Intensity to wire Juy te somebody dee who I* a little oh lid. Perbape It |s for toes* l|tU# ohUd who like you «r m* pored oyer a bees, then away we gut oat Into Um freak air, nerare tha street, mingling with th* busUiug, merry orowd. and land at tbe book ahep. Hern there it at a Maroon 4tic nAPmswe* to be foued—there le that daUghVel •east that some* tram wall bound books, sad, seeking earnestly tor Um bonk that will delight eomeehtM. ere |M Um chance to dip tret In this sod then In that new volome, whteh tea delight to her who lares hooka. Here’* a book for the little girl who la a fed masloiau—each a twset hook soma of the loveliest of th* poem* of RogvtM Pled eet to mualo end booed |u n wu*l dellgbtrul way. Think wbat it WIH I mesa la th* u artery le leeru to eieg I about. “Th# Lady frem Baeneby direst,” sad to rales their volet* - thorn reloee that Meenh a Mt put—la prate* of "The Diufcy Bird," while raws one** vole*-* girl's voice, l thiek—a bit awartor then all th* rent, will linger with t suds nun urer the word* aa eh* plays the aaasmpaalmaet to the story of "LIUl* Bey fere.*1 I hay* *)«»y» beeo. aa tom kaow a rao«t •rdeat adoMrar of tub roma or bdbbbb rssu». U* n*ao I a- ear kaiw. but i ihtak k awnt JhTt A ',££. £ chUdtlfa one aat to amtlo by tk> frimda of tba daad naT. ,o..d tom olaaaall of ikaoa, fronTor ■bWtlS’ "h**4"* lt**£brU? bwuttia'oi *> Thu Muttra of to-der, tlw utaya of to. d-ynran Jda. 'a* "ftbr w nr Id —“La Grand Simla.” Up at ,tha tliaatrr M. mkar night fa* •“< XV . X aaw the Uuurt >4 Bra do*, tmt 1 Mlaaad *■* rtaa or raa oaowa loch, «jat na tho Sea Use |B hletory. itsaatsxs* ercffi wEjNowUMri<J£, I?d ££ Of aa au>M bopi to either (aye or and SS&S“SSSl WSt£C jS.Lg.'gg «/«».«*■ asj«a*8s*as,M: £r,i^»'Ks:^r.2?a satisar— - ®s Later oa tbrra’a another pletura.lt hr waa dnaaad w taSan yif ■ Dro««rd tc bBaugnMeant (alt o*o be. glittering ™U *•«$ 'iaSTSriS -toRosjS daoocd ao writ that ha gained not only tha applauaa of all tha eonrt, but TUt **A*T or LOCUM DM LA valummm. TbMM la a pleUra of bar aa ' Diana, • ffg°* ^**7. t.h*. ""g*0* <«*edhi *5“?* fteMuaal Thm u«oa ol Ann of AaatrU nod bee ofa Udine, poe af aladr oftba dor aa at* total b« Mb* ubie, eo. or tta faahlMMUe *od of atmar cHncnturaa thuae carlcatarea that floated aroand Parla and wbiab tba uoiloo lotted with Ja,rLanW“L‘nilS b“ek “ “ p**tnr“ °* S*^Mt*i*o«, dlculSrd y** itoo-toMtf. and bntu tba aetiool of g; Cjrr aa bae latckarimod *■*<tba woi»m wbo farcaaw and bar brain area »• aaah atronarr than UM. af tba average wan that arm In hre picture Aa could not poa» aa ***»T1* ®f *1? fliketo tall the mm of Uili book baaaaaa it la ataoal written by a woman. A VALUAHl.lt MioK. Il'a worth while wiving year money tuget It—I *m beginning to acouma l»U Um petmiw io » Ual* lia U« Jben when you Imre n sufficient cant* her of daests net for “Fr*..oe Under 1a»oI* XtyV* by Emile Bourgeon, nod translated by Mrs Cashel Hoey. One thing tble book will do for you—It will kuoek ont ef your heed, aa It twa 1*“**■«<•<*»»"«1 meny people iba Ides tliat brosure men ware«u>ly bi those days, and wore atlfl wigs, tlmr* waa net n merry life .ad much enjoyment. Timm ia on# Illustration that con vlnert me that those days wars rot aa comfortable as eur awn. The picture la oua of a bedroom-the room ia ab solutely bare save for a few stately ohaln and magnificent ploturvs; the bed ia hnga and funereal look lag, and agoaatloa of wboavever slept lo that room Beat liars been tlmttba 00M. cold toab bad torn oftwl for a night’s rapasa. Wa may be lew dlgolfiad oowadays-we an. Wa may bava worse maonennowadays —we bava. Oar men may dices uglier nowadays- -they do. Oar woaaen may ba law bosaufal—I doubt this. a aumon nrunr. Bat om thing I am mm of, and that toilet taMa, Ita nt) ebatra. It* ana •amtb aad U>* buadrad sod no* odd Iblng* that go U make admirable, U far aad away ahead aT the mutely bad ohatatev In which anything MaluJS. «aa*t haya fall frigMaaad oat of Ha wtt*,aod had dream* that wan ghast ly. Do yoa ramrnbar that tb* Brat »'«*>« thf» Mari* Antoinette *Wpt la rnoe* her room w** bau with tan. aatry rapraaantlag the “Mamaora Bt the Innooaatt”? That ahowa how maah thought «m given to the ear. round lag* whan om alant. U waald baa good thlog it we hod tjw wan it era of tha old Urn* wo might with *d ran Ufa aopy Uw vlrtoea of tha P“»*» ** da not U any of aab* brioglag iota fnablon tha frightfully bar* bed room in which an fartaaatr Qimom and aowally unfor taaeta led lea of tl« nobility had to •Wp. If that had baan my fete, ( M»ld haee tta/edap all *Mpt h. a abalr. nothing would bay* HUM Am ft* 1**0 owa tqr T«o*a Awrcb hm. *•«•;"** ,u «•“••** t**«r three aameelae ead ydd eaoagh leokle* u> fierMaa Mima, anhwat bad brwa prow Wed that tha whole court w«eld altarevad me aad ebeer me aa. Tbom bad* Invited murder, 1 Imagine that aaytody ahwpmj la am WMtad to Kill see** •i*?:* r*-** Brely aad troly, there an Inmlnett th'»«* that lavita art a Thera wo* a •wmaa the other ahrht at l*a theater who wore a bet hat that* -Timber atovy. There mo ***** *f Urn meal daMght ral tiule Frvaah eaWedara jeat the rtf* rtae lor Mb para* ar card ami, exbiattad tarn Oarwtaum If yoalM i ! . . ‘ ; - * i » ‘fax.** to Tim matter as to bo* m] Ptid to (rrqutotly oeartoobadl, n Of oar eburoksa Than to aa that the - iSrSl paator ...._ largely upon tbe_, ofcfi^pJwWbaptory. - ThacbnrAbaa MMilb obliga Itooa fully arbra It has paid Uta wtS* amoeut of salary promised, timer m «oed and worthy paster baa ban humiliated and mortified br the Irrofntor. ladUta£T%b3 3 mlmnlvlnt mv (n wfiWA Km |« —»» things la somaofeurXAUS. H& It to all wrung and should by all naans iv flomwstun The canaa of Ibis saay be due to the feet that boom oborabM rmmid tbs preacher as a common blndtawT that he la employed to pedbraTa 3 Ulu ■ mount ef work fee a ■am ef moan. No eburab« wuith and tn tbs Mlslatry He paator •» an amWaador for God, work oaneotka estlma aodeenU. There to no mors _ _ _ ahuraii la called upon to da than tte payment of the pastor's salary. Itia a matter that should net boZimiS IqrUto members of lbs ebon* lotto prmmee of the pastor. aoraboauS ■abject be msatiooad from tbe peUt woept uudar extraordinary <£25 HRUCrf . for the poctir to ask for a d oi.,7jg Of relation* cod qilt th* Bold U U- ““S—fWbty Mo' duty of omry ohurch to •** to It UtM \h2 tor I* not ooiy p*ld MowMoukS oflM. •*l*nrnr*®i**d_V0t forth** 'Ed liio elmreh I.UWtfae *2ry wooklp. monthly at ooartoHt Dm »ai pajaMul (boo Id by .11 mooi bom2a ■y< My.. Mo church Mat keep* lu Doctor waltla* cpon (Mliiqoont member*!. •oU.f bamctly. ItA BUdC £ ?* thrtr •»***£!••• promptly tkojM^ nrely rtould nothottlS - •offer on fcooouat of Mctr failure ia W ike Okcroh oodoMU tedMBMI Braassr* -*‘ COMO.U t_ _ - - - 17 _ 5'/^ ir^un— V:

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