The Gastonia G Devoted to the Protection of Home and the Interest* of the County. V'ol. X.X.I. illdllw «wl rra»r4laf. \ GASTONIA, N. C„ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1900. HELP THE ORPHANS. AHP BAYS A DAY BHOOLD BE BET APART FOR THEM. KxiylMO •«**»• «• »'P lt].an. u wiiiibs to silvaa iMllar |< Bill Will Work II Val. lUil A TV JUlanui OoiulJlmtoa. Come now. let’.j divide out. There ■is 800 good working days lu thu year. Sopp06« we call one of them or phans’ day. We have a l-abor U.y and Washiuglon'a birthday and other days act apart for otBei vance. nl.y not have a day fur tint urphani of Georgia'! The orphanage at UrealUf la iu lint uead and the good men la chatgn have otkod thapwiple tu give tli* 2l)in day •>! ’ tbla mouth to their service. tho tabu, and the earntnga of one day, Wl.ut belter can w» do with it f Madam UeStael laid that our bank account lu heaven would be made up of the money #• gars away in charity wl.ila lie lived upon the earth. IiuuUugtoo dial worth 150,000,000 but he scold not ln«« it with him, and it It fvaied that hr will have o vcscy acn ill buu up yomler. He could havu endowed a Hundred orphanages and had plenty left for hi* kindred. Surely we can all glvu some thing co that day. 1 am going in give 5? Ur. Oraml«-y shan't shake his Methodist locks at me. "Ua that giv olb to tbs poor lendetb to tho laird " "And now. If you like the security down with tho dust'1 as I he old hootch preacher said when he soul around the lust for chat tty. Tire woid fatherless swans so ocplian — a child herrft or a protecting psrvut, either lather or mower or corn. ™ worn motneries* Is uot lu tbe Bible, but the word fatherless lucluda* It, and It It found lu tbo scripture* thirty-eight tirueo end Is always coupled with a reward to those who befriend tbe orphan*, or some calamity upon thorn who oppress them. Job saye, “If I have lifted my hand against the failiei'ros, may mine arm fall from my shoulder blade" und St. Jamas aayt, “I'ara religion is to vlalt tbe fatherless and tbo widow In tbolr afglction." Good frlondt. It will uot do to say you have never wronged tbe orphans. Neglect of them la • wrong. If nobody gave wbal would become of them V Everybody ought to give—give according to >uur purse —give as tbo Lord hath hiesoed you. K la a peril not to give tit, Peter keeps the books, and I want him to ilad my name on tbeoi with a good uauk account attached. I bad a fuooy eoufarencs with my wife about this. She says the will give « dollar If I will work It oat. “Wbat do you want me to do ?”*ald I. “Pm window cord It brokeu," sbe aald, “aod tba sideboard lock It out of order, and the loug-lianditid broom tbat I brush down the spider webs with is wont out sod ueedt au other broom oo It," “la tbat all ?” said I. “Oh oo. Tbe ball papering is pealing off aod needs reposting, and there it a leak in the roof over tbe dining room." “Is tbat all ?” aald 1. “SVell, you can llulsh tbe day sifting tbe ashes and pntllug some around the rose bushes. Mr. Berckman’s book says that ashes are good fertiliser for tbe rosee." 1 pondered awhile and then ventured to ask where tbe wae going to got tbe doller to pay me. “Why from you of course,” ebe eatd. "Where did you expect me to get It ? Didn’t I give you everything I had, aud didn't you promise to gtva me eyerylblngyou bad? Didn’t you say, •■With all my worldly goods I tbe* eudow V" What’s mJno la mine aud wbat’a yours Is isloe, too according to tbat." “But my dear," aald I, "haven’t 1 supported you aud maintained you for ail these years and responded to every want sud wish 1 could T” “Why yes, of coure you have; but If a wife waato keepaccuunta with Mr buebftud she would bring him Id debt every time. Board sod cloth ing don’t pay for uurtlng aud night watching aod seniug and darning aud housekeeping aud raiatug up ten chil dren through Infancy and childhood, and doctoring measles and whouping cough and bolls and colic, etc. I made a thousand little garment* tor them with my ueedle before there was ever a sewing machine Invented." “Tee," eatd I. “1 remember; and yon roaua your own cumej UCQ ay »mru —ay plaited bosom shirts, with pearl bulloni—yve I remember, t cau’t Oud soy sa good now.” Then «be re marked : '‘You couldn't get a good housekeeper for lees than 9100 per year eou|d yon ? And that would make over 13.000 and the Interest oom poooded would uakeflveIlmen as muoh more that you owe ma, and you ask ma where 1 an going to get a dollar.” •'lint hold oo a>y dear,” said I, “you forget that I had to support and vdu eat* your ton children—you always call them yours--aod that old Abe Lincoln set all your ’nlggere’ free, aod that the war broke me all up and I’ve had to souffle for a Hying ever since, andlglvuyou money whenever you esk for It and kuep you In ou logos and camphor and liver medlotoa aod mis «i on ary money aod little preaente tor tbn oblldreo and grand children oo lheir birthdays. Didn't 1 give you two dollar* last week to bay amber beads for Mary Luu. When the cook quit* or gut« alok, don’t I gat up and make the Bra aod oook tl<e breakfast and move urouud oil tiptoe to keep from waking you aod — and — and haven't 1 made you a marble chip wtlk to the street for yon to walk ou 1*” "Is that all,” said my wlf* and she laughed at m* and said. ' Ob yoa goow I was jost Joking. I know you have don* Ibe beat yon could, Mow go end see if you can't climb that as* ladder you made yesterday and get •ome squabs for supper to-night. Tliere must be a douen or more >p there and tb» girls have Invltad oompeny tw taa.” Ladder* and squab* I Well, I tried tbe new ladder. It I* fourteen feel long and maelie* up to the the gable of the atnokehooaa, where the pltenna live, and by the time 1 got Jmatly within reach I didn't know whether my head wav awlmmtng or the ladder careen log. and X Jus; shot my eyen and slid down with alacrity *ike a liremao.and my wife Job*; laughed at me when I told her. 1 am thn boy and she hasn't yet realtaori that 1 mo growing old. 1 go to tho butcher'i and tlie baker’s and the poslofiloe and dig the potatoes aud haul up chickens aud sggt aud bring her fresh loses every annulug aud look after the little graud chlldreu while she takes her ava iling oap. I have a lot of letters to arawer every day. nn<l before I eau I'mm'i one somebody wnnla HiiueUilng •lone, and wben night comes l an as tired an ao old dray hurra We used to be neb but now we am as poor as Lsatiui But still we put on alra and keep open house just Ilka we did be fore the war, sod our dully visitors liavu to bn eiitnrlaia-d «od 1 must help do it. A •(ranger earns the other day while 1 whs working the rosebedt and had uharge of two little grand children sod my wife was napping, lie took a seat on a bench uud said lie came In ace inn ab .at lying—the rlu of iviug. Tlilj nhtruied iuu for n moment Then be said that 1 w> stlie writer for the press and had mltusuce, and he wanted me to lii-lp him reform the woild about lying. And lie told me about the poli tician* lies and the newspapers lied and the mercli mis lied and mud* ttielf clerks lie aud deceive ll.elr customers uud bow the lawyma lied lu the court house tu deeetvii the jury aud some of the preachers had got to lying aud making up seuaatlo<ml stories to lb* pulpit, lie was wuil p sled and quoted scripture aud talked to a stream until 1 got tired of his abstractions. Then In’ asked me If a lie or it deception was Justifiable under any clrenniilanoes. I replied that there were some white lies ’hat 1 thought wore ad mlsulhlo under certain circumsUncAt. lie looked surprised and asked me to give him an instance nr esamplo. Well l, a woaiau nillyu on my wire yes lor Jay walls il» was in Dm klloliorr putting op pooch pickles. Tots old woman was a lung setting hen and my wife got very tired of her and at tail when sue rose to iea7e. my wife said . ‘•Can't you sit longer I Why mo you Id such a hurry 7 Well, do call again soon—I'm sorry yon can't alt longer.'* The etrscigar ipoiis abruptly uod said : "Your wife deceived her and <ltd wroutt —ab« ought In have told her she was busy nud must he excused. Don't you tbuiU so ?:’ Well, now, siid I, let me put nuolber esse. You came here and found me bard at work with my coat oft. and bad two little children to waich. for ray wife told me uot to let them get out nf ray tight and oow Ibev have goue, 1 must hunt them up, aud I’ve listened to your abstractions for bait an hour aod all to uo practical purpose, supposo l should ssy to you my friend you will bave to excuse me, I must look after the children and work my garden, amt f rorJrou you had better go. What would yon think of me aud my rudeoeaa 7 He looked sur prised and grieved and said, “Do you mean it 7', So said I and ir I did It would be vary imimlita for me to tell you so. I had rather tell a little while lla— hadn't yuu V He wue silent for a minute, and then said : "Well t reck on 1 liad better go,” aod be bade ms me an affectionate goodbye. But let ne nut furget the orphans nor llteday. There le uo lie about that, cometIrnes 1 feel like au orphan mynelf and wish my father aud mother were here to comfort me. I reckon that is a sign of second childhood. Now I have s labor of love before me, I shall ootnpile that book of poems and I waut belp. Kind friends have ■eat me 9di copies of the poem l asked for sod It will please me and belp me to have the lov«ra of good, pure poetic literature seed me tho titles of ssy Are or more of their favurILwr. also the names of the authors. Address Major Charles II..Smith, Uartertvllto Gs. Imaliil. Youth'! Cotnpsotoa. Wu el) know \vb*t «r« think lu our bearls ou a raau wbo ,snaka to amuse an acquaintance by apeak lug 111 of his neighbor. Gossip servos to no useful purpose, and when indulged lu it Is not ■low to bsoomu scandal. We feel bow here the temptullou Is when we read "a description of it io lbs language of Mr. Iloraoa Fletcber. A sewer Is a ehannel for tbs convey aocs of disagreeable matter. Auy person wbo receives and carries Denn report or aoepieloo of hts neigh bor Is, therefore a human sewer. A good sewer Is a good thing. It re ceive* dlsagrsablo matter and carries It along hidden from sight and away from olhar sensei, to some remote place and discharges It thorn. A leaky sewer la an abomination. Human sewers usually leak. I oooe had a friend, an otherwise good fallow wbo had acquired the hab it of eollsotlng and dlalrlbullug sooisl sewerage. He was not amendable to log leal suggestion against the habit, lin bald that e apeda should bs called s spade arid tfdiugreeeble things exlatadhones ty required ttgkt tbav bs discussed. One day wbso my frisod was carrying no uausoally henry load uf sewerage eud waft distributing It fresly this thought came Into my mtud sod I gave it uner ases . “ You remind me of a sewersaid I "Thars might hats bsett a. serious Impairment of our friendship Rt the result uf my utterance had 1 not Imme diately followed my ofTuoalve remark by an apology sod a brotherly explana tion, somewhat In the vein a* ubove, My friend la too aelfrrapeotlng lo al low himself to be in any aray related to a lanky sswsr, and has reformed beau tifully. A abort time t'.ace in speak ing or the Incident, he acknowledge Its effectiveness by saying . • livery lime 1 think of anything mean I fancy 1 can smell If." V »>—■!» InftlOM Am grand, bat Skin P.raptiona rob Ilf* of Jay. UocklmTa Arnica Halm, cans lh«m, nlao Old, Hartring nod Farar Sorm, I'Iran, IVilU, Folona, Uanta, Warta, Cata, Brulaaa, Burnt, ■tculd*. Chained llaada, Ohllblaloa. Bast rila aura oo aarth. Dclraa oat Paint aod Aobaa. Only 23 ota. a bos. Cam suaraatrad. Sold by J. E. Onrry and Company, DroggtaU. • wit. ucu'N pm iitov rniMY. ~ <t»ljr I'Milrtn lkm rraSaro mb (ounMIliir l»nrr)jr KaRrr Iram It writ Tlni KjaiiaftsUly TlmeSL Dy means of figurr* and tables In the ’ Eugtnevrlug Magaslna ahuwlug ilw re lation between high price* of iruu and bard lime* fur tlx MU seventy-dre years, Mr. trnmgv II. Hull (neks to . prove that pig In n alone is respnuelble for Mil period* Of drprr«*lou. Be de clares that only those countries which am large Iron producer* suffer from hard time*; tlie nun-iron producer* es cape. Depression, of course, usually sets In at tbs height of prosperity from an nodlees clislu of Ore cause*—red ac tion or tie maud, reduction of prudao tlou, of eisytoyment, of esroiugs, of expenditures. In America It has oc curred at Irregular Intervals, ranging In length from four 10 eleven years. Now, Mr. Hull hold* that wlieu tbe large demand c- mt** it Is usuelly mot to tlx cue of si) staple* except Iron. | Tbe output of wood or brick or doth <»u readily b* increased. Besides. Isige reserves ol' these material! are idwsys laalutntued. But Iron I* at tbe basis of tbe whole industrial system, sod it takas :r yrar to build a furnace. Moreover Dot a itugln month’* reserve stock is ever carried in uruy country. Consequently. Mr. Ilnll says, to guard against tlie exhaustion of til* supply, dealers make a sharp advance In the price. Tills givsa so excuse for a ad vance In ail materials, and bulldiox la stopped. A large number of workmen are tbrowo out of employment—be es timate* tbe number at shout a fifth of the whole Industrial force—aud lire process of stagnation beglos. (Harem wly I* for aacli oountrv to accumulate * large pig Iron reserve. Such notion, ha believes would preveot periodical bard llmei. uoacuoteaiy. triers is name ttuiu in Mr. Hull'* contention. It tie] long been 4 siying that pig iron i« tlic barome er of trade. Uut hsflays alto gether to much Ureas on the Impor tance of Iron as the disturbing factor. Oooil times stimulate every Hue of ID duatry. Maoufsclurriers add to Utelr plants till at last they frsr Wiry will lie unable lo sell tlicir stock. Than they begin lo shot down und to dismiss their bauds. This dee;eases earniogs and the demand for goods. Thus the reaction lo hard times inevitably fol io wa. Then, tou. the vast orops of tbs West have much to do wltb tbit country's prosperity. Two-third* uf lba people live uu farms or villages or fewer than 8,000 Inhabitants. Wb«o the farmers have good crops sud gel fair prices for thorn, they buy frosty of manufactured products and the wbola country feels the prosperity. Furthermore, tbe pro duction of of pig iron responds to- an Increased demand moch more readily than Mr Hull (Ives It credit fordoing. Within tbe Ian ten years the output In tbe United States has proved re markably eliulio. Treasury bureau statistics show It to have gone op 44 per ceut. from ISOS to IMG. It In creased at once very largely in rnsixma* to the demand In the latter part of 18 03. Tbs accumulation of a pig Iron reserve might tend to stead r prices, but it would not prevent the loo rapid production of msuofootured goods of all kinds, under the allmuluus ot good times. And these plienumans are tho forerunners of industrial depres sion. This remedy It not so simple as Mr. Hull believes. flM Flr»l Tr*tiwn. According toGaorso MacAdsw. who writes - ‘About clothe*” In St. Nlctulua fur September, tba Drat pautaJoona nr trousers were made la Assyria. In Lite reign of King Aaliurtatpal (883 H3H li. C.) boras* wore introduced in the army ru cavalry. ITere, now. was n problem. Ilia cavalryman liad to have some suit of u uniform, and It wae lm poeaeble for him to wear a skirl aud ride astride a bmsa. The tellur* to hie majesty'a arm ire wagged their heads a long time over this problem aud Anally decid'd that the only way out of Uie difficulty wa* to cot th* oalvayman’s eklrt Iron item to waletbeod lu both front and rear letting eack pert rati on It* respective aide of the horse. As cao readily be Imagined, this split skirt aoade an exceedingly poor article of clothing. The law of hnrtdlty. how ever Is full of sorprlaea; this hnmbln apology for a garment was destined to be Uie falhar of the original paolaloous The mind of the tailor baa ever been a assail one. It Is likely that even then, as bow. It look “nine tailors to make a man.” At any rale, It took tbd tailors of Assyria over a century to solve the problem of the horseman’* detblng. “Why not,” said one o! these workers with the naedl# and shears, “sew to gether Uie edgea of each dt*|.doo of thu skirt for aech leg ?” or. In oilier word* he liiyenied a pair nf panleUion*. Hints i Haaaa mm* TH* fiMla. Mr./ York World. . The nest lime Mr. Hanna any* that there are no trust* aotae one In the atMthmc* should etk him : 1. le bow maoy oomUouttona lie Is It/Urestod to wbleb In* Dtulry UrlfT gives a monopoly of the domestic mar ket. 9. flow much greater la the annual dividend Of the oombl nation lban lbs arrrago dividend of Uie former corpo rations now nomposiDg the combine Uses ? ApttB'a UrMtNl Xm4. Mr. B. P. Oliva, of Barcelona. Spain, spnada hla winter* at Allien, 8 C. Weak nerra* had eauasd aaver* paisa In the bask of h|s brrul Da oniut Ki te! rto Hitlers, America'* graa teat Blood aod Berra ltrmedy. all polo anon left him its any* this grind medletnn la a hat hie aoi/u try need* All A mar las knows that It sure* Hear and ktdaay tronble, purffte* the blood, tones up lbe atoaiaeb, afrattglbeas tba narrat, poU rim, ytgor and new Ufa Into arery raiaaele, nerve and organ of tba body. If weak, tired or ailing you need It. Every bottle goarasUed, only 10 easts. Mold by J. K. Carry A (a, broggtata, TiiHoraH r.anvil. *r«rr am. i french WallM't Iralr’InasflllH. I(« TtUawplir-Mlivai fMionli L»» (ho hoUom ul Not tho Top or (ho Moot* In IIMI loroul Mpolran. London OWc. tllfc, In Sow York Aon. A dl«i«tcli from Patia to Tbe Dally New# lay* that 11. WlUot. chief in •vector nf the French telegraph*. haa communiosUd a paper to the Klncirl cleoi' Congiesa Indicating a belief that either wav* telegraphy, aa recently practised, lias alinady or Is about to become obsolete. Mr. Willut. vrbo is uo« of Uie loading aclentlkta of tbe iciegiapb department and tbs luveutor or various telegraph cod talephooa dryicca, aeema to bare roiot ud tbn conclusion tliat It la tba earth and cot the air through which siguals arc tranarnlltsd without the uie u( wires. Tl * fart that Ddl her Dm rnundneaa of the earth’s auifacn our lutervonlng hills Intercepts Ibe etg nsls auggmteu to him the question whether the metier telegraph en left tlKi musts, at tbe top ur bullotn. lie conjectured that It iHt at tba bottom, especially as the signalling U not ar-1 reeled by wind or tog, and n Improved by giving the masts good eleotrte com munication with tha earth. uia uieury involves curamuuicau. g through Uir geological bad*, lu rbleh tbe earlh’a electricity baa the same tension, tbe idea >*iug that any dis turbance at one point un lire uni electjlo level creates wbat would nat urally be called a swell lo Uib whole level, leaving the higher and lower strata comparatively undisturbed. M. vViliot proposes to tap three havuli, bonne shaft* and measuring the site trioal tensions with Ills electroscope. Thu onrrespoedeut d-ws ant nitke tbe method clear, but the iufereooe seems to bo Hist two points, say London aod Brighton, would communicate through, on* lvvtl aod Birmingham and Bristol through another. The French Telegraph Dcp irtmaot bat appointed • committee Co sink sbatts to aeerrtnla the distrlbutloa of tbeek-ctrlc level* W'ben this ia d-<ue M tVlllol iiuderlakee to construct an that will meet every cum The conrspundeat makes no refer ence to the transmission of signals at Ma. TUa pardMlai p>«w. H. C. Oaptlal. Tlie Governor has luul much of Ills time taken up of htle In the oonaldera Uou of parduoa, oommulatluos, re prtsves and ao on. Daring llw past f«w mouths tbe well knowo cases at. Rockiiighapi, Tarlmro and . Clinton have beau much bofoie tbo governor aod surely they have caused him uiuab crnetsru and worry. It Is a 1 serious thing for non msn lu have the ; life Of a felluw man In Ula hands. With 1 a Jury It is divided among twelve men I bat when It come to tbe Governor he says by hi to sett whether tbe mau shall ! live SC die. Surely Iv ta a great letup talloo before a governor lo listen to tbe piteous cries of wlfs sod mother or lo hear Ilia eloquent pleas of an advo cate. Dot with all this, justice must must be doue and tbo law uphold. It Is to find out lliks justice that gives tbo governor so much worry sod anxiety, lie feels hesvlly tbe weight or responsi bility upon blip. now much bettel It would Is to divide ibis rcspoostbilsy. Under tlie UonstHotioo of Uie dials the Governor unit have the pardoning power, but it seems to us that tbe legislature could select a Board of Pardons to net with the Governor, leaving tlie tael decision with bim. There would hardly bo a horde of office seeker* utter this Jub. Tat there are good men who would take It for tbe sake of the Suite, loca ted In Itslelgh would always heat band In hear a esse 'and oocoael with the Governor about such matters In in attars of life and death lbs -most painstaking esio should be used and the combined wisdom of several aver ment* better than tbe great wlsdum of oao mao. ffi believe that the Anal cause of jostfoe nod humanity would be furthered by tueb a council and the governor relieved of a great strain up on him. UtMIW MAOS r»R rNILIPNIU. *» AssmMImi at (Seal «a, Rail aa« WmR la Rrfla at Haw. Vantu Dlapatah, IS«b, i Tile proposals to spoenprUta $9,0011,• 000 (or mad* and bridges, >3,000 fur n prellminsty survyy for a i allroad from Uagupau to Dsngoat and (5,400 for Um expenses of tlie eduoallonal ajelein ba eome laws at the first public Icglsl-ulv* ■esslon of the Philippine commission tills morning. All the aomt mentioned are on the basis of Mexican money Tho road appropriation provoked fa vorable discussion. Two promlneol K'lllpluo-' were present st the imsles. as was Gen. McArthur. Engineers will proceed loo mediately wlUi the csnstrojllun of roods, drawing upon lbs trensury for tbs foods needed. The Signal Caros Is repairing the telegraph lines on the Island of bavin which were destroyed by tbs recent ty phoon The lines will bs re-esUbItehsd is n week. The rebels in da mat bays offered to rxeliango two American prisoners for two Pilipinas. Tb*> XMr* fM Atl«AU (hMltultoo The WhtteeU Ooorler glees us these lotereettuf Items from IU Redbono correspondent: Elder Weeklni Hundayed with us yMtarday. R la oarbnaola Is stibaidlng and bis oaok straightening. Ool. Btotts happened to tba aoeldont of buelsg hi* nook broke at II otoloek Toeaday. Tbs beads of car school children skew that our new barber lisa missed his sailing, lie would h«ve mods a splendid Carpenter We hoes net had a funeral In our midst since Abe Jew kins made cue owl of Ms mothar-ln-lxw. The new preacher Is anOostiog bis salary wKh tbs grace of God and a shotgun. VITAL ftTOBM I'Arr BTCBLBOBBB A kbrlklaa TlMwrjr Mtaaml Aw PAjral Ml McMM, IMwrn Breoo la el. Uaalr KovaWic. It la not b Util* surprising that la Uhi vast eco ration of narrative uod I spscoleUve recital carried by tha praaa Uicae alx days gone, regarding (Jalvee 100*1 calamity, the one fact of physical •ciaeoe which, abort and beyond ell otlirr facts, ■lands sponsor for Urtaloar co«at cauiolyam and Ita ebook tag con a<qurnora baa been wholly overlooked. Out of all lbe mass of deecrlpUoo we hay* llirve vUstoroUry considerations: Klrat, lb* Itvtl of (ralyeatAin iaUnd la 9 feet abort average low tide, decoud, tha norm banked tha water opao that the oTtjflnr wee S feet abort the sur face at the highest Irryla of Ute Wend —a tidal i lee of 19 feet. Third this overflow of A frrt el the edges of the I aland, where the elllteda la but 4 fo 0 feet above ordinary see level, gave play to the a walls rtf the hurricane to beat down Ue foundations And wreck the frail habitation* lo their path, with Hie Inevitable concomitant of deetrootlon to life. Ou these three elements hang all the law and propheeyot the ooHicdm and the pngra are have been floodtd with from day to day. TUM AIIKAT FACTOR* Now should bs brought forward Ux other sod greatest dement, which alt •'Iters, not excepting Ux Government "scivnilsta,” have mined. Tlx borri* caue Ilmen tbs cnait at Galveatou la the very Hush of the fall moon tides; eud. moreover, tba nltx-und-a-half* oycle or tlx moon la within tout a free* Uan of lu perigee—I cannot give exaoi data without acceee to tba Nautical Almanac, or aome auob work of pra claloa In matlH'iiMUcal astronomy. When the moon Is at or near perigee In tbli cycle the tide* are markedly higher end more violent oo all east aoaala of lha world'a surface, varying from low ast at or about tlx equator to the axtrame high e fleet a farthest north. This has ooc* been tlluatrated striking* ly hy an experience oo the North Atlantic Coast. Jo September, 18H, I waa aboard the Boston (Dip Wlathmp, tixn lying at anchor lu Ux Bey of Kuody. where Ux average tides run from Ux neap, at fifty one. to the flood, aa high aa seventy feat. Tba conditions were alaxwt Manilas! with those of a week am It was In early September, In the full or tba moon, and at approxi mately ilia perigee or elootel pulat of our lunar cynic, and the tide waa about bight feet higher than ordinary flood. AN EXPLANATION. The captain, a floe practical naviga tor. who know Uowdlteh by heart and somewhat more from a varied and rich experience, explained the uutxual con ditions. ••Tbia,” said be,"ii neither nAgteoleO or uuknowo among nlue out of tan even of the boat navigators, but at lltuea it exerelan a vital lufluenoe In stoma. In this perigee period, ruu iiiog n year eueli way, the history of Ux sr* shows wu Ixva the biggest blows uiid tlx hlgbevt tides ” Of oooraa in the latitude of Galves ton the excess of Hood lu the tide over tba average, due to tba periodical con junction. la by oo means aa great aa In tbe Bay of Fundy, but it ia but la any snare exaggeration to any Ihel It haa been from two to two and a baif feat. UJ calculating on Lou excess si tbs result of lbs correal extraordinary lunar plwcomena wears now eontcm plailog, this uuspaaxaUe dastiuotlon of Ufa and property would bare been saved to tbo beautiful Islaud City. Tba water ba* on os been, within tba experiences of tbe present arnerslloo, so high that small boats piled from door to door In tbe Strand, sod y«t tliors was no great dames*. Three feet more, with wind and wave, would then lia«e wrought the havno of to-day, but the conditions wars different, and one may tay normal. Thl* Itlost com plex combination may not come again for two centuries, maybe not for three. It lb* Government offloebulOtr* who are paid to supply usoful laformstion npon waetber condition* would wake op and qualify tbewuelvts to anatom thaae phenomena of nature and publish Intelligent these* thereon as required, they might at the present moment omlly afford th* people of tielvsaun, now overwhelmed with anguish and perplexity and uneertelnty for the future, tbe basis of enooerugooaest to rebuild theti stricken oily. Ttw utter failure of the weal bar ser vice abler* to display la tbe prasset instance anything like an adoaeate conception of the higher possibilities end dotlsa of mcUoroloadenl asleoea la our of tbo striking devklopmvnts of tbls gnateet of oomt eaUmltlm. As on* of tbe keeper* of lb* Bolivar l\>lnt Light, at Liu mt'rane* of Qetom tou Bay, I observed sod mads oSolal record soma years ago fsr a kusoamlon of mootba, oomprehending tbo hurrl oano season, of Lbo tides and wonthsr phenomena of that coast, and tt la with ikls sxpcrlonc* la vlaw. rather than from tho laflusnc* of mere suggestive ■peculation, that I offer tbls additional pasting note. A »«mw fcn(i. Thankful words written by Mr*. Ada B. Hart, af Orotoo, t. D. -Waa taken with a bad c«ld which stilled on ray laaga, cough ant la and finally terrain atedin Oooramptten. Bow Doctors gayama op. saying Loauld lira hot a short tlma. t gays myaalfop U ray ftrator, datarialaad If I ooold not atey arttb My frlruda an earth; I would moat ®y ■*•»* •»« »*"•• \£l mm advtaod togatDr. Kbit Maw DlMonrary far Costa**!**, Ooagha aod Cold*. 1 gay* It a trial, took In all tight hottla*. It kaa a a rad **, and thank Ond 1 a* acted and now a trail and healthy aromas." Trial hot tlaa frru at 1. K Carry A Co’# Drag Story. Regular ala* 00s aod «l no Qaarainiwd nr pries ryfaadad. faH* »M«S ran—y "Nytef ” oouuaalwl Ua«* Altos Hterha. i^kav. gift chant* through »»* must want «m. 41 Imni Thai la a tllwai UufpMa ttoa of a ■■•!«>* Hr nh Hattiia Idliirl M|ri Ilian Chajlawao Men aad OMriar. OOteiala of tha Soutliara Ballway hm SMatTCd ■ legal ruling froai tu wild tor regard log tba ablrt walat man and bla right to a aaat la aatatea paaaaogor oara. Tba hot aaaaou down thU way hat not ended, and of ooarao tho man with tha ablrt walat waata to gat all tha gtorypoaathla froai Uaoloa log anion. Altar tho **Uar ww laid bifora tha ligal daoutmaot tha douth m Ball way not oat tho following eIr anian . f41 ****** condoeton: A Wj toting lioHOliir no—has too* “ff—eebt the pm— of a — wbo l—totod ape it riding in the MW Mr »*• TWe matter waa • at«i Mod to oar legal depart se**t — to wbnt tbe action of the «— totonli In under tba eirenmai—eeo. I fire below Us* opinion of oar art tailor w»d poo will ba geaer—g aooordlaglp: , ‘ *1 •* —rig to aota from pour •war of Aoguat SO that tt to aauuup to |fn tba qoaetion wblob to Oiling tbe nevtpapera — to Ilia shirt waist *“•«»«« eeoeMretl—, tor 1 go a* UtiBb HdeeKTi— of u foraatl rule of eeadeet. Tbto U one of the com vbeeelt seem to ate gtoonUen meal ba left to the eondootor. go long at a ■ao to dee—tl? draoaed, whether be be* a east — or net, bis ignermni cannot be otaasive to map ae—(Me pare—, sod m o— of oar object* is to prepida for Use comfort of our peseta* —n I do not tee wbp oe purely aca deaale ground* we ebeuld object to It. Tbe oood actor, however, to Ibeparaou to determine Ula. Where be sees that ■ bp mooring bla ocmt aSecta — oSenatra attitude, ha ought to snpprsaa tort man promptl?. Bat If bo tush o«—m to girra I do not think that he •hook! Interfere.’ •* ruamd lb« ■■ligMi WwMy. Sdrsaca. Tha fotura oI tha religions weekly will drpsod ou tba future of tba oosu try. If the oonnliy la going to elflaa lUub arches, dismiss lu Sabbath aoboots ■law up aMouary work, and taka to btoak aUMism or bum phltosupby. raligtoua weakly will probably go as the Isaacs do whoa Ujs sharp winds whittle. But If tbs oosotry Is to bs ■ore rallgtoM Instead ot Isas, tbs re Itgious organ will iisaa s greater gold than ease. A produtt of the most re ligious soutory that tbs world has rat asso 11 Is sure to Bed a still greeter deuaod lu tbs deeper spirituality sod wider effort for good lu tho twentieth century, Tbs pulpit will need a “eont pstloii picse” sad tbs pistor oin use U Willi Isoreascd affect io keeping tits people brmrwl up and lu right frame of mind for tiebbslh del lv« an ees. A church without a religious paper itllke s wood 1-D buekat sat out to tbs sue. Tbs | spar helps to keep tbs hoope on and the church watertight. Tba twentieth century minister, who la te be s vary wide-awake. case will under stand this sacs batter than It Is under stood now. ri>* great miaatoosry operations will atoo tuti greater me of tbe weakly or *»n. Ooe reeeoo why the mighty ip. peel* now made for mlmtons an not more effective to tmoaooe a Urge pan of tbe church membership never hears or nee them. The splendid things pub lished In tii* religions week I lea doom on deoert air so far as many families era concerned, Wbat these remittee do an* are the tenia alar* and erltleisas Bred at tbo mlmtoaalna by roe*. Disk end the Old Harry. When aomebody wbo bates tba Obrtotlaa ra Hgion a good deal more tbaa be hates lying says tbs missionariea ere to btoma for all tba troebte In Cblaa, three peo ple read It In tbe dally paper* aod it haa It* effect. They foe* lUetr crip oa tba graaduar or tba Cbarnb's sWon aad tba Mil thtag you bear from them la that querulous nod aa ask lag note: “I dost batleve to foreign mlmtoaa.” Tba average mao believes wbat b* la atoffad with, aad if bo to staff ad only with this bind of staff, h* to tost to tbo beaavotoat operation* of tbo Choroh. Politicians trs as wtas aa ssrpaota if set a* banalam as doves, aad they oould teach the churobc* a lesson In this repecL They are buying news papers. Saver before ware so maay sought in s campaign. They want organa, big. little, and In every town. Tba churches have a campaign on bead, a battle against alt tbe felaaheoo, heathenism, and general wtobedeeas of tbo world. They need orgasa. aad they need them badly. It may eased hba tooting your awn bon to say tats, aovartketom k to a toot which will da the cbmrabm good. "worked MMWlIf I which an iun port a ew •a looooly A fralftil aad rad UfOoaU ooi tleep tattoo taouatly WMIUi To wo wrote* k ttotbral owl to < Ml. Maav wkkk a* boon doc apoo wt ty of tte bMooat •Mo of d wokwoo broke ■peolaoo ber at irtotijal mSm.mI "with •ubofdioata oaaa.dft^ - " Sri'iS-1*1 1 4aU»«l ha aboal LamAwm aaca« Wn ooa t* IN ti #w; ts&iX i 1 VV-. . ivfi 5»5 JySr' thl* mu«t to awka'tbiapMrTymr •* VnmnA prcparatlou for tha lo eowlrm wt naatary. A. oti] to tau anf la n itnaaaf to tha aamra of ifa PaMaf data.-d i, *£**»£, Sm ibaaa of"tha fjSE looAtli »od BlaOopa Gilbert, of Uin naaata; looaard, of 0h.o; Doom, of Altaiay; Aahaawa, of Vaw Taat. ata Tba apcaol la to CbrtatUoa to aaaka thayaar oaaofpntyar, woakaai Ma> arattoa >a4 cdaoatloo by IIMnlr Obi&aa work la ortar UtatTfma jartrat afialWoa aaoy ba peapoMd tar la tha opaalag yaar of tha aaw oaw» t**T« • aaatrm waaa. »— Niiii«i ■« n—y m White Uaoerel Citaflrc *4 atat toned io irhm la 1*7* In iwaand m wte tar ta tha laid. Tin weather waa bad. Oaa partiauUrty wat aad rctoeratea day Chaffee had to apaud ta b<a 8lbiey Mat, write* • eurreeboadeat from Phoanii. Tin An la tha little conical abeet-ireo atom aim ply wouldn't kata. Tha Captain aaamoad bla "do*-col> bar," aa tba nidtera tana aa tem'i paraoaal atleadent. "Bring none dry wood," he eoMMnded. The eetdfcr, aa IrUb mam known to htetory only aa "Moldooe," ataad at kkatteatioa" aad malted: ."Captain, there dial be eoojrT" "1 now belter/tha oteear enapped. "Out oat el bora, aad don't oene back wltbootdry wood." Muldoon Minted, ahaal freed aad ■laahad through the Mod aa hte hope la* 4neat. Wood Miriiy caoat have bean bard la dad, (ac ha halted ta ta lent that day or that yaar, aad waa finally d ropped ad a daaartar. Two yaua later, ChaSre, pwaatM to ha Miter, waa la aoauaand at Port McDowell, oa tba Lower Verba, 100 rcltee aoath af tha paint where Mel dooa had dlaappaarad In tha rain. Oaa hot aoatMor night tha M||w waa alttlng oa tba Veranda of hte adobe balld home, la enjoy weot of tha aooie llghtaod hte cigar, whan fraaa erewod tha ooraar of tha hnfldlng oaaaa a of*no lMMMtaa'irwtol^at ■Mgof&! that bad pteialy eorco Croat tbehoaee hald woodpile. Tha flgmra aaow atoaad la tba perch atape and halted. The right head waaleUffy ta tha hriaa ad • bettered tertian Oa* aad a aalaa la ila l fa bnaghb yw th> dhry oral' ooaarcaadlog that all ha gat waa aU arcatbi at neat fatlgaa aad tha gaardheaaa, with a "hah taflod" dla eharga at the aad ad tha than Mat doom atm Urea la Lrtaaaa, and hte bnoptote rciwtate art thoaa whaa ha In tailtag of rcaatlag wtth fatten.

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