JUDGING from the crowds that thronged our store on the Fourth and com bined business with pleasure by purchasing largely/of the match less bargains we are giving, one would naturally expect business to be a little slack now; but not so, we’ve enjoyed a steady output of unmatchable merchandise ev ery day since the memorable 4th. Do you ask “How’s that?’’ Dead easy, listen: Havingsecured from first hands some entire lots of Men’s Pants, Men’s and Chil dren’s Suits, Gents’ and Ladles’ shoes, uents and Ladies9 Under wear, Shirts, Neckwear, Handker chiefs, etc., at ylrtually our own price, we have, In order to equal ise values throughout our entire establishment, cut down prices on all regular goods, and by this means secured to our customers, on almost everything we sell, an average In price IJiat Is unap proachable by our competitors. So lt9s dead easy to see why there’s no let-up In our business. Morris Bros. Two Troubled Tom. PnbMf there never has been move discord in the Honse of Representatives than on yester day, when the speaker and mem ber* undertook to sing "For he's ■ Jo»y good fellow" and "Dixie" in chorus on the door. As to the jolly good fellow composi tion. we doubt whether the oldest veteran public dinner attendant ever heard it performed OB any occasion with anything W* « musical effect. Usually kcmncs along in the shank of a buoyant and bibulous evening . '.when everybody Is full of food and enthusiasm and other good cheer and nobody k disposed to give attention to time—except toe moot timorous married men to that of the clock—or time or Pitch or key—except the latch fgy that amst presently be Nn Leaving the Navy. <iwi» Herald. The navy officer* have re cently declared in New York that the street railways were drawing from them the very class of men they most needed. Young men who are bright and Intelligent, and who enlist in the navy, soon pick up quite a knowledge of mechanical mat ters, ana they also learn some thing of electricity. Such men, after serving a term in the navy, find it very easy to obtain em ployment with the electric rail ways, where, of course, they draw mach better wages ih«« are paid by Uncle Sam. The discipline of the navy, too, is good for tbe men, and a dis charged sailor who has a cer tificate of character, finds no trouble in obtaining a berth aabore. Tbe naval officers are asking how this can be stopped. it cant dc. • it would be out of the question for Uncle Sun to pay the name rate of wages for seamen as is paid by street tailwajrs, and the sea duty is much harder In a great many ways than is the work of a motors aa. There is no more iuc trying to prevent this than there would be in trying to Pwwt naval officers retiring the secrets of success in this country is the desire of the mat majority of the people to better their condition oflife: that is their ambition. And antil the navy can remove that the .American make-up, it win And it difficult to keep men at Walk on the ships of tha ■fry when they have been «*vea * chance lor a good petition with higher wages in enam other sendee. DEMOCRATIC PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. J. The unit of county organ isation shall be the voting pre cincts. In each precinct there shall be an executive committee, to consist of five active Demo crat*, who shall be elected by Democratic voter* at the several precincts in the meeting first called by the county executive committee. And said committee so elected shall elect one of its members as chairman, who •ball preside at all committee meetings. 2. The chairman of the sev eral precinct commitees shall compose the county executive committee, which shall meet at the same time and place as the county convention first held in each election year, and elect a chairman of said county commit tee who need not be a member of the committee, and he shall preside at all meetings of said committee, and shall bold bis place nndl hi* successor shall be elected. A majority of said precinct chairmen, in person, or by proxy, shall constitute a Quor um. The county committee shall likewise appoint a central committee of five, who shall act in its stead when the county committee is not in session. 3. In case there shall be a failure on the part of any pre cinct to elect its executive com mittee for a period of thirty days the county executive committee shall appoint said committee horn the Democratic voters of said precinct. *. 1 Dc member* ot the pre cinct committee shall elect to any vacancy occurring in said committee. 5. The county executive com mittee shall call all necessarycon ventions by giving at least ten dsys’ notice by public advertise ment in three pnblic places in each precinct, at the court house door and any Democratic news papers that may be published in said county, requesting all Dem ocrats of the connty to meet in their respective precincts on a common day therein stated, which said day shall not be less than three days before the meet ing of the county conventions, for the purpose of electing their delegates to the county conven tions. Thereupon the meeting so held shall elect their dele fates to represent the precincts, ra the county convention from the voters of the respec tive voting precincts which delegates, or such of them as shall attend, shall vote the full Democratic strength, of their respective voting precincts ou all questions that may come before said county conventions. In case no meeting shall be held in any precinct in pursuance of said caU, or no election shall be made, the precinct executive committee snail appoint such delegates. PRIMARIES. 6. At every precinct meeting there (hall (before the delegates to the connty convention are elected) be a vote taken for the different candidates for office, whose names may be presented and the delegates shall vote in the connty convention of their respective districts in accordance with this vote; that is to say, each candidate shall receive in the county convention that pro portion of the vote to which the precinct may be entitled which he received m the precinct meet ing. The chairman and sec retary of the precinct meet ing shall certify to the county convention the vote received by each candidate at the precinct meeting. 7. Sack precinct shall be en titled to cast in tbe county con vention one vote for every twen ty-five Democratic votes, and one vote for fractions of thirteen Democratic votes cast by tbe township at the last preceding Sbematorial election. Provided it every voting precinct shall be entitled to cast one vote, and each precinct may send as msny delegates ss k may see fit. f. The chairmen of the pre cinct committees shall preside at all precinct meetings. In their abeecce any other member of said committees may preside, ootnrrv axd dismuct coxvek TIORI 1. Tb« eeveral county con* wrtfan ahall be entitled to elect to their rawatorial, indicia! and cnagraaaional cosventiooe on# delegate and one alternate far every ifty Democratic votes, and one delegate far fractiona l oyer tMaljidtr Democratic votes cast at the last preceding gubc; uatorial election in then respective comities; and none Wt delegatee or alternate* so elected Sail he entitled to a X? Bter«?VS MMty noyraations hi Which dafamitea ahad he aalocted to «• {SnciaVlr^hw CnUtTe‘£T‘ ' atfasrjjxatis 2Kiy!2“**45"'lE22 *"* r' ’ * * * voted for. in. proportion to the number of votes he shall receive in soch county convention and no other instruction shall be given: Provided farther, That when only one candidate Is pre sented and voted for at each county convention it shall be lawful to instruct for such can didate. Z. At every county conven tion (before delegates to State, congressional, judicial, sena torial or other conventions are chosen) there shall be a vote taken for the different can didates for office whose names may be presented and the dele gates shall vote their respective counties in accordance with this vote, that is to say each candidate shall receive in the State, congressional, judicial, senatorial or other convention the proportion of the vote' to which the county may be en titled which he received in the county convention. The chair man and secretary of the county convention shall certify to each convention the vote received by each candidate given: Pro vided, That where only one can didate is presented it shall be lawful to instruct for him. At all State and district conven tions the delegates from the different counties may disregard tbe vote of their respective counties as to any candidate: Provided, That a two-thirds majority of all his votes from the county consent. 3. The chairman, or in hit absence any member of the county, senatorial and judicial and congressional convention shall call to order their re spective conventions and hold chairmanship thereof until the convention shall elect its chair man. The executive committees of the senatorial, congressional and judicial districts, respectively, shall, at the call of their re spective chairmen, meet at some time and place in their respective districts, and the chairmen of said respective committees shall immediately notify the chairmen of the different county executive committees of the said appoint ment and the said county ex ecutive committee shall forth with call conventions of their respective counties in conformity to said notice to send delegates to ssid respective district con ventions. STATU CONVENTIONS. The State convention shall be composed of delegates appointed by the several county conven tions. Each county snail be en titled to elect one delegate and one alternate for every one hun dred and fifty Democratic votes and one delegate for fractions over seventy-five Democratic votes cast therein at the last preceding fubernatorial election; and none ut delegates or alternates so elected shall be entitled to seats in said convention: Provided, That every county shall have at least one vote in the convention. Resolution passed at meeting of executive committee, Novem ber 30, 3897: "Resolved,That in accordance with the resolution hereinbefore adopted, all white electors who intend to vote with us in the next election, and who desire the re-establishment of Anglo Saxon supremacy and honest government in North Carolina an cordially invited to partici pate in all our primaries snd conventions." OHKIRAX RULES. 1. At all convention! the delegates shall be selected as near as may be from the friends and supporters of the candidates voted for. 2. Snch delegates—or alter nates of abaent delegates—am may be present at any Democrat ic convention shall be allowed to cast the whole vote to which their precinct or county may be entitled. 3. In all conventions provided for by this system, after a vote Is cast, there shall be no change in such votes until the final results of the ballot shall be announced by the chairman of ■aid convention. 4. All Democratic executive committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies oeeurringHn their respective bodies. 5. The chairmen of the dif ferent county conventions shall certify the tut of delegates and alternates of difierent district sad State conventions, and a certified Hat of said delegates and alternates to the secretary of the State central committee. 6. It shall be the duty of the county committee and its chair man to famish such information and make snch reposts to the chairman of the State committee P. M. SiMMona, Chairman Stata Democratic Executive Committee. P. M. Psarsall, Secretary. Sir Bdwfn Arnold received many birthday ~y-anr»vH»~^ M Jaae 10, wi**n be completed hit 70th year. He it oae of the lew men who. bavin* woo the Newdkrate pdte for poetry at Oxford, have achieved a rep«u tatloa aa poet la lata life. For the pool forty yoart bo hat been WtjMtlf wtth the editorial ifVdlam J,-'. 1' . •.. SnuU crops, unsalable vcg I c tables, result from want of Potash. Vegetables are especially fond of Potash. Write for our fret pamphlets. OSS MAN KALI WOSKS, nMwh, SntTsL CALL rot STATE CONVENTION To tlic Democratic Voters of North Carolina: In pursuance of a resolution passed by the State Democratic Executive Committee, at its meeting in the city of Kaleigb on the 25th day of March, 1902, notice is hereby given that the State Convention of said party will be held in the city of Greens boro on the 15th day of July, 1902. This convention in called for the purpose of nominating a can didate for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, two candidates for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and one mem ber of the North Carolina Cor poration Commission; also a candidate for Superintendent of Puhlic Instruction, and for .the tranaaction of such other busi ness of the party as may be brought before the convention. In compliance with its terms, 1 call your atteutiou to the fol lowing resolution adopted at the aforesaid meeting of the Demo cratic Executive Committee, to wit: "Resolved, That the Chair man of this Committee shall in his call for the next State Con vention state that said conven tion will determine whether the Democratic party will choose iu candidates for the United States Senator by primary, by the Con vention or otherwise.” Each county is allowed iu the said State Convention one vote for every one hundred and fifty Democratic votes cast in the lost election for Governor snd frac tion oyer seventy-five. It is earnestly desired that each county shall be fnlly rep resented. F. M. Simmons, P. M. Pkaosall, Secretary. Ora at Baggy. Shelby Aaron. It is rumored that there is a buggy in town that has a weak ness tor turning over occasional ly when a young gentleman and lady are out riding in it, and the most peculiar part is, it always throws the young lady iu the gentleman’s arms. MOTHERHOOD Tfca ijwutont ambition of Amar men uni women la to ham No*n,l with oblMron. Tfcn woaian afflicted with remain dk aata l< ootid.-ttrilr menaced with baahwlntr a ildMleoa wife. No amdtolnn own restore .lend oa> *«*•. but Wine of Cardul ,1om mpraiato Jrrtmffemonta that prw. eant oor.orptlon; dona paaraat nlltanrlaftn i dot* rmtom weak and aliattorad ttnrroo aad dow brine bahk. «. hooM I **■ and di-aolate for >«ara. I ^"Ino of Cards! gtrm women the to bear hoal «ut gat a TTiaa ai Cards! L_j WllkN YOU THINK OF c: ;d printing Yott will quite naturally think of TheGazette louse ammmmm OASTONIA, w. c The month ol May has been a record breaker with ua. Wc hove it haa bees ao with yon. The modem ideaa we can introduce into your Printing will help yon to make every month a record-breaker. SOUTHERN RAILWAY THE GMEAT HIGHWAY OF TMADE AW T^AbEL. Unit In* llM PtbtMMl c—to—Ul Canlan >nd HtoUk ud Mmmn »—rtt of Ilk* |Mlk witk Ik* « * NORTH, EAST and WEST1 Thc GASTON IA GAZETTE = TWICE A WEEK ; 'T_ From now ontlll 1903 for only 50 cent* SOUTHERN RAILWAY. SCHEDULE. Train* Jrorn Atlanta. OntovUit, Spartan SEtJiS:"<ru" ^ GOING HAST. WL m* m4 dw BaM foe Atlanta, etc., put UNIVERSITY OF NOgTH CAROLINA. TUB HEAD Of the BfaMdMMl *ratam. Academic Department, Law, MadtcJaa, Pharmacy. Om headrad and itokt acfcoUrabipa Free tuition to toacaara **4to F'0' liter.' aona. Loan, to* tba aeedy. ••a Btndanla M Inaametaea. ""’cSSfSSiJSftS"*’ Pali term bectoa September >, Elizabeth College, FOR WOMEN. Charlotte, N. C. RBV. C. B KINO. Piaaideat. Professional Cards, GEO. W. WILSON, Attorney at Law. GASTONIA, N. C. Citig ft Wilnon Balldtoc Phone 111. At Dallas every Monday. LUCIUS J. HOLLAND, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, DALLAS. N. C. Office near residence. t P. H. COOKE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, GASTONIA, N. C. once la Cr^sftwgye »alldtng At Dallas in Clerk's office every first Monday. R. B. WILSON, Attorney at Lew. GASTONIA, N. C. P. R. PALLS, DENTIST. GASTONIA, N. C. Office over Robinson Bros. Store Phone 88. dr. d. e. McConnell, DENTIST. Office first floor Y. M. C. A. BM'f GASTONIA, N. C. _Phone m._ I

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