‘ I . 3 . I h> twtoa" aM Hatty. -On « »*atda*l *• moOetd. Mkmlu Htlliij I eat J* ^g^l*** ■**»*»■ aaft" ** ? yll <hal ha a dd ad. “that yat •art l*t ott etyatr ova-f aSiSt httttw “«"*• “I tatmttetundbymytm hart and 1 eaat iftrl ta Mag.* On tha third day of Hatty** Imprl# atamat *a Flitter b*«aa tu roll hmn *T At dm ho gloated over the dlaeMa •rn a* Ha guard* wha atrtanaty did ■at Mho ta atajr batnr. Jtalniy Smith and ttagrtiw were eg doty aadiaWha* BTSftM-swys: Mnatlaa, aad ftttaray ratted oa ***•» aw •bear# man. Jot* Monty JdthttadhrmMnr mM of r si “Aad yea come to tot aw ootr* Ucb ty had oersr beta so happy. “*ta Ml 1 don't care what Um otti «• my. 1 toonght pa wwr* nuffw tog-— tot at that moaaaat tha boat ■via a larch which throw bar across th* thoaohald tat* Italy1* arms. Thoy trotood kgalant too waM, and ho botd Whoa oho draw away frqta hha oho ■bowad hto* too spaa 'dear aad froo dont tow canto aot apeak. “Whorw in too other* 7- ho stood, toactag bOtoooM la to* doorway. -Oh. Meaty.- ah* cried, -w* matt aot go to thorn! They wtll tblak me a traitor.” "Wky trot* yoa a traitor. Foggy?* to domaadod. tazalag toward hoc sadden Ur. “Ob—oh. bocaoae It oumid ao anal to hoy^yoa^lochad ty throagb too -dad there waa ao other naonar ho “DoaX please doa'tr aha cried pite ously. aad bo mtneodoc stood her eao Ooa. It woo dear that oho waa merely ■orry tor him. *r mind. Foggy. N*a all right. Toa stood by ate. aad ril stead by you. Oaaao oa; writ fact too mob. aad 1*11 do to* ggbtiag. Thgotbor they mods tholr way Into too praaaatt of tb* maUaoaea. who was* crowded Into too mala catoa. “Watt, hero’s a eoaeplracyr* eriod Du tMUIt hot there was ae aagor la hto rotea. -How dkl yoa escape? I was Jast think tog of unlock lug yocr door, lloaty, b«t too hoy seomoil to bo NOT dtoptoyod It trlsmptantly. "toy lour eriod Don. -Tbt* to rank Morn toy. Who waa oa guardr* A stownrd ratoteg throagb too ooWs at tola momoot In nnswer to IMatle can* them Bragioa fanUebed an #k> Hiiwt tT ttrr tiiootlim “tt wnn atmpto.** sold Mealy. “Ih* “Ihea * to eg to me to pay yoo $1,000." “Bet at aV paotaotod Meaty. takaa abaek. “I did aot escape mt my own aaoard. I bod help. Tb* money to yooaa. Aad now that X am ta," he aided quiet*. -lot am aay that thto boat dooa aor go to Beaten.” wa* Mapped MMMkdiwmtb aKtocof tto d«0 rear of Hu water ato the cry af the wM fl warn a hwrMad crowd that qatcklj Httorad to the mala (tMv bat R ww ■ towra <*a Thera war* aa crMa aad (tor tr*n They exported anyth (at ana wen r**dy tar the want, bat the* would mat thorn the white realtor, li war tin. Dae who hreho the twain -I made aw* of my pearl*.- (to aU "I Iheaght they wo* 14 ba appreciated at tbc batten of the aea." Brawatar earn* to upon ttotr laugh »W. "I Ilk* poor oarra. people!" to ex etahaed. “Too are all right, (t wool ha aa had man. The wlad ha* drop pad." (Mg aftarward wtoa they talked the Butter am DeVtll* rlalmed that (he ably thiag that bothered him that BlgM was the aRWt to deckle whathai the etah of which ho aad Meaty wm members weald pat la th* aiala haU way two black bordered card*, eact haartog a wa, or only «* with bolt aaiaaa. Mr. Talmtlae regretted the he bad geae aa (or yam paying lift toiiimrt prantaaaa wbea bow hh oatj tolatlrto ware aa tto beat aad weak die "with Mai. The captain, looking pretty rockj altar hie twenty boar rt*U rtaamnnst Ms chief. "We're la a bad hale, llr liiwita." he aaM whoa they wen tow*. “aiM a* mat*to. a broke* shaft aad tbl* weather toahe a prettj poor comhhiatla*. -I* tbaro aa cheat* of aaklag a part far repair* V "X don’t aao It air. It look* Ilk* * long pall." -Tf# an way of oar eoaree, t *ap pool" Aad Meaty** cootncu woe Cap ttoo retry'* adnUrmtloo. "I eaa't tell jtut bow much until I get the mb. bat tbl* wind I* bad. I ■aspect We re drifted pretty far." "Cam* and get some coffee, explain While the elonu louts tbc only iklu| t» d* k to cheer up the wouioa sail treat to kick.'* | "Yea are the Merriest nuts l ern ■hipped with, Mr. Brewster." And I lx capUlu** baud gripped Monty'* In * way that laeaat tbluox. It wa* a tribute ba appreciated. Oaring tto day Uouty devoted him self to Ids guest*. and at the Bret sign at paoulvaaa** bu wm ready with a Je*t or a atory. Hot to did It all will a tart that taaplrwd tto eruwd' aa • that ha himself was uot cheerful I'm reggy Gray there woe a speeUl ten ds niisa. aad be made up his mind that If thing* should sv wrong be'woski tag hr.- that be loved her. “It coaid do no harm.’* hr thoigpit tc himself, “and 1 want her to know.” Toward night the worst was over The sea had guue down aad tlu hatches were opened for awhile to ad ult air, though tt waa still too rough to waters oot. The next morning war bright aud clear. When the company gathered go deck the havoc creatgtl bj the storm was apparent Tee of the boats had beau completely carried away, and the launch waa nodered eaetoas by a large bole la the a Urn. ‘Ten don't mean to say that we win drift about until the repairs can b« ma4*r~ asked kin. Dan In alsimt “We are WO ml Ice off the coarse al ready.” explained Mooty. ”aad tt will be pretty slow tret sling under aalL” tt waa decided to make for the Canary island a, where repairs could bt made aud the voyage re*timed. Bid where the wind had raged a few dayi before It bad new disappeared alto C*tbar. and for a week the Klltter torn rd about abablutsly unable to makr headway. The letter August had ar rived aad Meaty himself was begin ning to be nervous, with the fatal day ant quite two mouth* away thing* began to took serious. Over (lOOiOttO would remain after be had settled tbr expeusee of the cruls* and be was . helplessly drifting la midocean, ttrrn if the necessary repairs could be mode promptly, tt would take tbo ruttsr fourteen days to sail from tha Caaarlm ‘to New Tort. Figure aa hard as be could, he euer no way out ef the unfor tunate situation. Two days more elapsed uad still an sign of a braes*. He mad* sum that flept. Z3 would dad him still drifting and still la tiniiissfiiii Of 100400 superfluous doMaM. At tho end of ten days the yacht bad progressed but 300 miles, and Mouty waa beginning to plea tbs rant ef hla existence on a capital of (100400. HO had given up all hope ef the Sedgwick toflecy sad was trying to be resigned to Me fete whan a tramp steamer was suddenly sighted. Brewster srdersd »• *■» so watch to fly a flag of dls Thfa he reported to Mss captain <M whet he bad (one. with a a 11 •k me T" want to get a Nne w as aatvsgr. do year ■What do you manor "®f they gvt a Mas on us la rsspeoa* to that flag they wtli claim toe mtlrs tan to ten da/a." HU ramp tail the cap tain. "I caa do Itl 1 era do It!" be cried, to the cone terms tiou of bis guoets, who wondwed V his mind was affected. "If MV. tend a* to ffoatoanptoa by the amfc ra pay kin up to »ioo.ooo',“ OltAl’TKK XXIX. ArSB what aeomecl an an* to Monty, the b'ttttar. la tow ot Ute freighter fllmeee, arrirmd at Southampton. The cap tain at tha freight boat waa a thrifty Scotchman, whose atrip wa* trareUsm with a light cargo, and lie waa not thwatbre arers* to takteg on a tew. BM the thought of aalraga had caused Urn to ask a high price for the service, sod Monty, after a futile attempt ut bargaining. had agreed. The price waa •9n.00n, and toe yonag uaa hollered more than ever that everything was ruled by a wise rrvjvWcocv. a bo tm.l not deserted hhu. til* gueata were baartaick whan they beard toe figure, but were aa happy aa Monty at too prospect of reaching feud ugalu. the Olenco* mado several ttopa bo foeo ffoathnaipleo was flnalty reached on tha S9Ui of August, but wbeu toe Kngttoa coast waa sighted every one was too eager to go stooro to bo grodge the extra day. Don DcMJlte asked the entire party to Ley out* hl« gusou far a week's diooUag trip lu Scotland, but Monty vetoed too plan to the moat decided manner. “We aau for New Tort on too fast est boat.'' add Monty and harried off to learn the Milton and book his par ty. the first boot waa to aaU on toe KMh. and ha CO*Id only secure acuom modi Hens for twelve of U* gueate. The rest were obliged to follow s week later. This waa rundlly agreed to. aud Bragdoa woe ten to boo to to* cenm »sfy repairs ou the KUttcr and ar range tor her homeward voyage. Mon ty gave Bragdoa *13,000 for tfcla pur poo* aad extracted a solemn promise that too entire amount weald In need. “Bat U won't cast half of tola." pro tested Bragdoa. “Ton will have ter'give town people a goad time Soring tbo week, aud-wcll. yon hare promised that I shall never sea another iwnuy of it loan day yon*ll know why I do,this." And M«i» ty felt easier when hfe Mend agreed to abide by hfe wishes. ~ I U»W W U Ufl ■ CT¥W, wMt Hr* month*' pay ud tbe reward promised ou tb* night of Peggy * re*. Wk which wa* prodoctlr* of toothing siooiloam Captain Perry and hia oC «**• aorsr forgot tbe farewell of tbe prodigal, nor cento they bid* tb* re am that marked their weather beaten face*. Pleas to dispose of hi* hotmebotd mwde and tb* balance or hi* cash la the ebort time that weald be left after he arrlred in N'cw Tork occtqiled Unu ly"» attention, and moat men would bare given up tbe scheme as hopeless. Bat he did not despair. He was still game, and he prepared for tbe Baal Plant* with grim determination. That* should have been a claim* In Jotma' conditions (boat ‘weather per Bitting.’ - he sold to himself. “JL sblp wreetMd mariner should not be expect ed to spend a million dollars.’' Th* division of tbs party for the two sailings was tactfully arranged hy Urn. DeUUIs. Tbe Valentine* chap eroned the ”eecond table,“ aa Subway Bmhb called those who wot* to take tbe later boat, and stae herself looked after the first lot. Peggy Gray and Monty Brewster were In tbe DoUltle party. Tbe three days la England were marked by anparalleied extravagance “» Mraty** part. One of the local ho tels was subsidised for a week, at tkeagfa tbe party only stayed for touch eon. and tb* Cecil la London wae a gainer by several thousand (toilers for the brief atop there. It was a care worn little band that took Months apo dal brain for Southampton aad em barked two days later. Tbe “rest care" that followed was welcome to alt of and Brewster was especially glad that his race was almost run. Swiftly and steadily Ike liner cat down Ike leagues that separated her from Kew Tork. Pair woatbhr aad Ihlr <be* marked bar course, aad the soft, balmy nights wen Ilk* seasons of fairyland. Monty waa cherishing la his heart the hope Inspired by Peggy's action on tbe night ef the storm. Borne how It brought a small ray of Hgbt to his clouded understanding, fad be found joy In keeping the Hama elite to Ugtonsly if eomewbsl doubtfully. HU «ym fallowed her constantly, search tag for tbo irumiiogoiiitii| that tb* very blindness of lor* had hidden from Jeltrecsd reproof* woraiatU air. But Gardner seemed much the mere melan choly of the two. rtlca of newspapers lay ectUered •boot tbe door of the room in which they eat ilrory one of them continued sensational stories of the prodigal'* trip, with picture* Incidents eud pro dictions. Monty wae pnliwit, hiuaiU atcd and raoaattui. but l>e wee lionrat •aough to admit IU juabOiutlon of much that wao eakl of las. Uo nnu Wta of It here and lUn> eud then threw tU paper* aside hopelessly. la a few wtmto they would toll souther story sad quite aa emphatically. “TU worst of II. Monty, U that you aro tbo aaxt thing to being * pour man." groaned Gardner, “fro doue my best to ccuoomta* Tar you hero ut bmnu, as you'll ace by them Hguroe, but nothing could possibly balance IU extravagance* of this voyage. They sis simply appalling." tflth tU condemnation of hla'fricada ringing In bis iroatdod brain, with tbo wrnora of acquaintance* to distress U* Pride, with tb* glbee of tbo coiulc po pors to tort are him remorselessly, Browstar was fast becoming the most mlaerabl* maa In Now York, friend* of former days gave him the cot dl ruct, clubmen Ignored blm or scorued him openly, women cblllod blm with IU lclueea of uuepoUru 'reproof, sod all the world was bung with abad UW«. TU dogged nee* of despetr kept him up, but tb* atrala that pulled down on him was *o relentless that tU etrugyle was toeing tu equality. He had oot expected such a bom* com ta«. Compared with Ue former self Moo ty was now almost a physical wrack, haggard, thin and deftaut. a shadow of tu ones debonair young Now York er, an object of pity sad scorn, Aeham *d and despairing. U bad almost took " ommn n net nrv Urey. Tat coMoUUoa bt out gatnsd through bsr to now dented hltnaslf, and his suffvr ing, peculiar aa It waa, waa very rail. In absolute recktssknias be Bare din ner after dinner, party after party, alt an a moat tavtah scat*. many of Ida | gnaeta Unghtng at him openly white I they enjoyed ble hospitality. The real friende remonstrated. pleaded, did ererythln* wNtda tbrlr power to ebook hta awful rmk to poverty, but without ■nrroaa. He was not to be stopped. At last ttw furniture began to go, then the plate, thaw all the prkalaaa bric a-brac. Piece by piece U diaappaaipd until the apaitmeuta were empty and ha bad squandered almost all of the ] *<0,800 a ruing from the notes. The ! earvaata were paid off, the apartments rrbeqrrUhed. and he wma beginning to know what It manat to be -an hte toP«re.“ A* the banks be escorts tood that the interest on his teener* amounted to *KU40Ad A week be fore the SM ef September the whole million was. gone, including the amounts wan In Lumbre and Steel and other tncklaao enterprises. He etOl had about 817,000 of hie Interest money hi the banka, but he had a ba llon pangs In nu baart—the thtsrest an hie bnprorjdenoa, ns feond some dollght to the.dtecev ery that the servants had robbed him of not teas than 8U00 worth of tea belongings Inclortlng the Christmas predoatn toot he In honor 'could not have aoW. Hte only encouragement cans from Grant A Ripley. the law yen. They Inspired conOdcnce to his lagging brain by urging him on to the end. promts tag brightness thereafter. Bwearengan Jonas was aa mote as the meunutea In which ha lived. There was no word from him. There waa no assurance that he would approve ef what had been done to obliterate Rd win rotor Brewster's legacy. Dan DeMlite and his wife Implored Monty to coma with them to the moun tains before hie substance was gone completely. Tbs former offered him money, employment, rest and eecsuliy If be would abandon the courm.be waa pursuing. Up in fortieth street Peggy Gray wee grievlag her heart out. and he knew It Two or three Of these whom he had considered friends re fused to reeogakm him la the street in thte last trying week, and It did not seen Interest him to tears that Utae Barbara Drew was to become a duch ess before the winter was gone. Tot he (bund some aatlsfaction to the re port that one Hampton of Chicago had tang store been dropped eat of the reen. One day ha topterad the faithful Brtfdon to it—I tfi# Bovum tvrrfora. Ha eoeM not tad weald net sell them, and ha dared net gtve them oway. Bragdon dejectedly appropriated the doge, sad Brewster announced tost same day be woald offer n reward fur their return end “no qurettaaa asked" Ha took a eelt of rooms In n small hotel and wea feverishly planning the overthrew of the Mat torturing toon sends. Bragdon Bred with him. end the Little Bans of the Rich stood tay alty ready to help him when be ot tered the tret cry of want Bat even this gstshgghmwit had to ha abandon ed at Mot Tto eld reams to Fortieth street were still span to tto, and. making than a refuge. be fared the erdrel In the spirit of a.martyr. 1 ) THt WORD “CHia» *» tf* Outm. • * —... , - HAM LET 8 MALADY. - 1 ' ' v A r*Hr M Ik* NHurkalf Daal Ml Ml* MweiU. Tho tragedy if Hamlet la that • aat •f • peculiar lutroetHK-tlr# tempera Moat la cafM open ta eottlo it practical ■MM Hamlet know OU* rcry wall hliaaelf. and Am tonkas tha trend/ «o«*r. Brotaa aarar doubted whaa once bio daeMoa waa takas that ho waa tha right Bit to can tba erlla of Kona; Hamlet doubted fro* the racy beginning. The ua« an eat at fatal, o tuna! aana That rrer 1 «M bora ta aat than right Bo waa too flae. too d lounge lahed. too iawOoetoal, a character to bo tha rough luilruacut which f ile Ittiial od. Ho baa lha fmUl rnnhuly of anal gala* hla own motlroa. which la gauor HI/ daotructlre of action. If you ouco hogla aaklag /oarsclf wkat wUI ba tha •ooulta and cooaeqanKca of a dednlta aot. you will flbd that at tho moment of actiou year will la paralysed by am caaa of acrupuioalty. ao llaaaitfa woo whaa with bla draw a award ba aaw bio ancle pray lug. ft woo a lUaeoae of will from which Hamlet area Buffering. la any otbor tlaca it vmU not her* boon ao fhtnl. lu tlila toutteniar Urn*, whan ha wa* calli . ijun to do a apartfle act — to aroutfi ii>u father und kMI tba •Miyor—u i« tut be. but n mao rather of the Kart lu true bnlld. who will he tho ear I or of aock-ly. Obeerre, too. Aat, Ilka many lutrticctnn] man, ha enonot ba aura af bla own mood*. Ha oaaa the gboat of bla uordered fathar. hot la it so boo aat gfcoat, la U really hie father*! apltitT Harslet babaraa la h an tha battlements of Malaon. but ho anti rely dlnhallrraa u ta another mood, whan despite tho avidanew of hie aanoaa ba Ulka of “the boon from which ao triralar returns.” The trar who uaa mum n aisniiasaa ap parently aa * fantaay of hla brain. AM tbaaa snparaatnral rleittaga la racb an analytic aad Introspective MM do not. aa a matter of foot, supply Ma with (be motive for bis ePbeeqaeat action. Iba ghost can make him put oa aa aa* Me disposition, play with sueb etna tarts aa It naan emu ta and Onlldeastcm, dartda tbs aanlla bamortaga of'PoIe •las aad leasts tbs (arrested Ms wards ••Blast hla aaetiiar. Bat what *a ■boat cannot do la ta maka blm fefll hla ancle. murders blm at last, amra ar lest accidentally, bncaaan Ma moth er waa poisoned aad Inartea had play ed fnal la Mm feAdug heat. Be earl, saaly daetmUie ad Maag, practical volition la aa tataOactaal malady wbaa It baa growm morbid—tbs tamilaaai y In ward Introspection, self analysis, mat •physical mmcnlattoo.—W. U Oearta aay in MaMonal Bariev. A ma flu FtnsnA la a little pamphlet railed *MU| ■ay- Mr. J. a Feruald recalls tbs «a pota of two friends as to wbatbar tha ward '•newV waa singular ar plnrnl They telegraphed to Horace Qnalay tha question. “Are there any newsT* Mr. Greeley promptly ratemad tha aaewer. “Mot a new." Professional Cards. dr. d. e. McConnell, DENTIST. Office firat floor Y. M. C. A. Bid’s GASTONIA. N. C. Phone 69 SUMMEY C. CORNWELL, CIVII: ENGINEER. Suaveyi. Flam*. Rbtima.tk«. Office over Robta.on Bros.’ 8tore. V. Mi-hum TUCKASEBGE PERRY. Ikartwl w4 Mr4l|kttat RnN to Ckarlctta, ton am titter ■ad flow •to. w.T.gnuwoe. C. A N.W. RAILWAY CO. SCHBDULB BFFBCT1VB MAT It.INf CONNECTIONS Cmam—8otffliers. Railway. S A. L. and L.*C. Vonicvft.i.n—Southern hallway. OAaroxtA—Southern Railway. LnacomroB—g. A. L. Hjcboat—Southern Lraora—Blowing Rock Stag* Lin* nrfC.4 N. B- P‘ »W>. O. P- A. Chanter, S. C. RimHELT LOW IATE3 , Announced, via Southern Railway WASHWOTO * !

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