•.■ . ..'•jixspms.i.n—tsm The Gastonts Gicette. BU8INB8S LOCALS. a«MaMmaBHMHCjnHranM«r ( SALEM ALMANACS for 1006 only Sc at t.*! Johnson, ' —N , DOTTED PLANTS for talc. San: ‘ and pretty. Mrs. J.T. McDUL \ CHINOLES-230.000 yellow pine O shingle* for sola. J. S. Beal. —24 < ANTIC!)—Wood choppers to cut pine wood at High Sboals at 40 cent# a cord. See C. J. Huaa or 1 Andrew E. Moore, Loray Mills. j HAT WINDOW at Kennedy's Drug store—glance at the dis play as you pass by, U might be the cause of earing your cough some time. —10 W/ANTKD- To Invest $3000 or (3000 “ In established business in Css tonia, carrying position with la vestment. Address# "Buslncs" care of (Sawftte. tu. «gu_u" '■ryn.' -i i FRIDAY. OCT. 20. 1905. LOCAL AFFAIRS —Gastonia Lodge A. F. and A. U. will meet in regular com munication to-night. —They are fixing n-readv to have another year. Mr. Robert W a I. it. « AAl* <* • jwmi>uu nan uvrr <jvu pmrni almanacs for sale. —The man with cotton rmiles < again. The price went back to 10 cents yesterday. About 50 , bales were marketed here. —We are requested to give no tice that Rev. J. A. Hoyle will conduct services at the Arling- i ton chapel next Sunday night, i —A fall down the back-steps yesterday morning gave Eaqnire W. I. Stowe a badly sprained i foot. He came down town yes terday morning, but could hard- i ly make it home to dinner. —Yellow pine shingles have < been mighty scarce in Gastonia for some time, but Mr. J. B. Beal has just seemed a lot of 230,000 which he is advertising for sale. —The Denver Express Com pany is the show that will en tertain at the Opera House to morrow night. The posters show lively doings and tragic stnnts all about. —Wednesday was a day of sadly blnnted expectations to many. The circus didn’t come. It was detained in Charlotte by a defective car axle, and did sot arrive in Castouia until just be fore snpper. —We are requested to an nounce that there will be servi ces at the Lntberan church Sun day morning at eleven o'clock conducted by Rev. Jobu Hall. Mr. Hall will preach the same night at Bessemer City. —The ladiea of the society of the Associate Reformed Presby terian church of Bessemer City will give an oyster supper to morrow (Saturday) night, in the old church building. Everybody cordially invited to attend. —Here de come! Here de come! shouted the tired bunch of colored women as they Bpied a car-load of animals stop at the water tank. The women with shouts and calls of joy made a . wild dash across the block to see the circus unload. “Noth ing but a load o' cows for Prank McArver," was Mr. Mote Mauney’a exclamation, and the way the enthusiasm' of the aunties collapsed was a sight to see. Married. At the borne of the bride's father at Dallas, on tbe 8th lost., Mr. Kobett Wright and Miss Mollie Milieu. At tbe residence of Esquire A. P. H. Rhyne at Dallas, !on the 15th, Mr. John Pincannon and Mias Sadie By osn. Ksqnire A. JP. H. Rhyne officiated (at both of the above marriages. . Msthadisi Meetings. Tbe protracted meeting be gan yesterday at tbe Main Street Methodist church, services be ing held at 3:45 o’clock in tha afternoon and again at night The pastor. Rev. E. L. Bain, is ably assisted by Rev. J. W. Moore of Aaheville. Through out the meeting services will be held each afternoon at 3:45 and 7:30 at night. 45 Preheetene. Daring tbe meetings which cloned Wednesday night at tbe First Baptist church there wen 45 professions. Twenty joined this chnrch, of whom 18 have been baptised. Dr. and Mrs, Lunsford with their little soo Gordon returned, yesterday af ternoon to Asheville followed by the good wishes of e host o! friends they made in Gastonia. Dteeemeldsi teg ertaente. Two of onr most enterprisioi dry goods firms hsve edded t new lesturs to their already ex tensive establishments—dress making departments. At tin Jno. F..l^w stores this depart meet is in charge of Misses M Cabanlss. Belle Wilsen and Mn CynthinJobowxn. At Mr. J. F Ford are in charge ■J'.tai. IM P'l I BT"g PERSONAL MENTION. —Mr. Rnfut Canon visited the Bethany school Monday. —Rev. and Mn, A. T, Lind say are attending the State Fair. —Misa Mamie Davis is again working at the telephone office, —Mrs. R. M. Reid and chil dren visited Charlotte friends, this week. —Miss Lillian Clinton is on a pleasant two weeks visit to friends in Clover. —Mr. Bsrscst Ford, of Bel mont, was in the city Wednes day. —Mr. Frank Hoffman, of Be gonia, was in the city Wednes —Miss Josie Cook, of Moores ville, is visiting her brother, Mr. W. L. Cook. —Mrs. F. A. Costner and daughter Mary are visiting Mrs. W. C. Garabaldi in Charlotte. —Miss Bess Davis, of Char lotte, it spending s few days with Miss Edith Fayssoux. . —Misses Ona and Ethel Spill man, of Charlotte, spent Sunday with Mias Laura Page. —Mr. Hugh Long, of the News, left Tuesday uigbt to at tend the State Fair. —Misa Emma Crouse, of Crouse, is spending a few days with her friend, Misa Florence * 1._ V ___ —Mr. R. L. Swan will leave to-morrow night for a purchas ing trip to Baltimore and New York. —Mr. and Mis. C. Collins left this morning for Gastonia, where they will make their home;— Concord Tribune. —Mrs. J. A. Gleun and chil dren returned yesterday from a pleaaant week's visit to Mrs. C. B. Mason in Charlotte. —Misa Virgie Davis has ac cepted a position in the dress making department of The Jno. P. Love Company. —Mr. P. J. Linebergcr, Mrs. Will Linebergcr and Mrs. Robert Linebergcr are attend ing the Raleigh Pair. —Mrs. C. B. Mason will en tertain a few frieoda this after noon to meet her sister, Mrs. J. A. Glenn, of GastoniaChar lotte News, 16th. —Miss Lottie Ray and sister, Mrs. L. N. Glenn, of Gastonia, spent to-day in the city the guest of friends.—Charlotte Ob server, 18tb. —Mr. and Mrs. Robt. A. Love moved Tuesday from the Johnson bouse on South street to . their own home recently vacated by Mr. J. F. Thomson, on Long street. —Mr. J. H. Separk left Wed nesday night to attend the State Pair and to visit his mother in Raleigh. He was accompanied by Misses Rtbel and Binoche Gray. --Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Robin son are among the large num ber of Gaston people at the Pair in Rsdeigli. Mias Lois Robinson is also a member o! than nnrtv —Mrs. Robert Glean and tw< little children arrived last uigb from Atlanta on the way t< their home in Washington They will be guests for a fes days of Mrs. J. P. Glenn. —Dr. K. M. Reid will short!; build a handsome residence oi the comer lot he uow occupies His present residence will b< either tom down or moved sway Mr. C, C. Hook of Charlotte, 1 the architect. —Mr. and Mrs. Theodor Roosevelt, ol Washington, E C., passed through the city las night on a Southern tour. Th President bowed and waved hi acknowledgments of the cheer which greeted him aa his trai slowly polled through th nation. Six Hags Dead. A car consisting of 10 cattle i and 56 bogs arrived yesterday afternoon for Mr, R. C. McLean. Three of tbc hogi were dead in ! the car, three mors toppled over i and died aa soon as they were unloaded. The dead bogs were big fine 300-lb fellows, some heavier. The partition between , the bogs and cattle was broken . down, and the bogs seam to . have been suffocated and I trampled to death. Mr. Mc , L*an refuted to receive the , cargo. - Cloned and Opened. \ Upon a lodgment secured last 1 spring, Williams and Shalton. a dry goods bouse in Charlotte, dosed ap the stone of R. B. Johnson at Begonia and B. M. g Johnson & Co., at Crowdet’a a Crack last Prlday. On Satur [. day Mr. Johnson’s homestead h exemption was laid ofl, the « exeesa was taken .away by the t- plaintiffs, and Ml. Johnson 1. opened hit Beeonia atom and c l« The* 1 labi 1 itiw tTwflflsms and Shelton, warn about $360. ■1UL III IS JS 11 FUST MONTH HONOB BOLL. list •! Pupils at Caalral Sc has! Who Hava Waa Baoors Dsrlsf tha First Nioth To wia a place on the honor roll of the Central Graded School, a pupil most average 95 per cent on deportment and studies. Superintendent Joe S. Wray famishes us the following list of honor roll pupils for first month of present term: 1st Grade, Miss Smart's room, —Richard Psyssoux, Rebecca McLean, Ruth Robinson. Grace Strickland. Miss Soiulifer’s room.—Bryan Walters, Malcolm Rhyne, Moore Morrow. Second Grade, Mias Pursley’s room.—Celeste Plyler, Mamie Smith, Sue Ramsey Johnston, James Hunter, Bryan Gresham. Third Grade, Miss Sparrow’s room.—Durward Morrow, Ern est Warren, Krwin Gallant, Jen nie Wallace, Margaret Louisa LaFar, Louisa Reid, Pauline McFadden, Wilson McArver, Earl Groves, Stella Whitfield, Lila Morrow, Jeanette Payasonx, Emma Faulkner, Nannie Dick son. Fourth Grade, Miss Sandiict's room.—Wilder Gresham, lola Ballard, Henry Rankin. Mias Stokes' room.—No one. Fifth Grade, Mias Kgerton’s room.—Eva Penny, - KUa May McFadden, Jessie Green, George Hicks, Stafford Whitfield, Char lie Thomasaon. High School, Miss Bradley’* room.—Mildred Rankin, Robbie Lee Morrow, Winifred McLean, George Smith. Miss Martin's room.—Clara Smith. ** Mias Ilussey's room.—Lower Grade.—No one. Higher Grade. —Kathleen Boyce. In a recent letter to Mr. Wray, Snpt. P. P. Hall said, "Mis* Hattie Hanna, one of your grad uates, passed au excellent exam ination, easily making first grade.” This is but one of many indications of lbe superior work done in Gastonia’s city schools. The Gazette-News says an effort is being made to form a milk trust in Asheville. The pro moters of the trust propose -to take over the product of the various dairies, paying the dairy men 18 cents a gallon, and sell ing to consumers at 32 cents. I , I !', 'WILBMH OPERA HOUSE Saturday, Oct. 21st ONE NIGHT ONLY. R. J. RAVEHCIAPT PNiiati Baidas lea,. launsa** seaalc pnAcIln THE DENVER EXPRESS The Mascot Attraction. The Features: Tka Bight af tka Basrar Express The kaltla with tka Indiana Tka kntto Bgbt Raw and xs-is*date sstdalttas Remember, Just One Nfebt Prices: 29c. 39c, 50c. Scat* now on sale at lor renee’s Drag Store. - —■p-rrsjij r.'P*—— NOTICE. &EncK2s; /"JSJr } Carolina Tin Ca i AA AhrH* Ml Woi MWDOICWjll the M rout m Attornment hg« kentetsn been iv rJsSKF«j« InrtWr Ui«noticeOut MMrmnicTiJu>o BBEffi •n J?itS. TuSfwl«Jl! Clrtk olJhrSn^lorCOTni G»Iloli''Coiirtjr The Sbclby Aurora says Mr. I^e Horn, a 15 year old boy of Beam’s Mill, who weight about 115 pounds, picked 345 pounds of cotton one day last week. CHATTEL MORTGAGE BLANKS lor .file at Till! Ga*RWI oilier. COMING ON ITS OWN TRAIN I THE GKRAT Van Amburg Shows CIRCUS, MUSEUM AND. MENAGERIE —'WILL POSITIVELY EXHIBIT AT— Gastonia, Tuesday, Oct 31 I MANY STRANGE ZOOLOGICAL SPECIMENS t E > A ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN WHEELERS MARINE BAND. Tfca taaal M—lat Off traaaH— «lt> ■rCiitu la AaMrtaa. GRAND STREET PAGEANT TWO PBRPORMANCBS DAILY. POORS OPEN AT I AND 7P.I REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE, Gastonia, Tuesday, Oct 3 Coats I i m £>e your own Beauty Doctor \ | i 1 ■ ’ T J. H. KENNEDY A CO. Gmtomlm, N. C. Dr. C. M. BEAM, DENTIST, DALLAS.N. C. Offices Over Rank. STRAIGHT talk on HEAL ESTATE The following valuable proper ties were bought straight sad will be sold straight. See me at once. 1 One lot, corner Marietta and Third St.. 100 ft, front^ One lot on Marietta St., 100 feet front, price-_ftf(0 Cue S-room house on High land Avenne, lot 50x200, price —-- . . ,$$$$ One lot corner Highland Av enne and Rankin Street 50x200, price—...$298 3 vacant lots on Highland Avenne in front of M. L. Maaney’s residence, 50x200, price each-J2N Two vacant lots on Rankin St, 50x200 ft., each-$U0 One vacant lot on Highland Avenue, 160x250 feet, ... price ... .—JSN 10 acres, my home place ox Highland Avenue, with one five-room bouse and one 4-room bouse, price $2910 •AA A. - a. a. t- __t A 1_a_ a _ nit the buyer. This on west side of Highland Avenue and opposite my borne place. One six-room bouse and lot, 90x200, on Rankin St., pika ., —__JW Lot near Second Baptist Church, 300 ft. ou Cross St. sad 200 ft. on Avon St., with six new four room cottages, out store room 20x90 end 2 smell rooms. This property pars $36.00 pet mouth,..__ Price-___-JMM 79 ft on South St., oppoelte City Hell, and one hun dred and fifty feet from public square, price per Sixty-six acres ol well-tim bered woodland 2 miles from railroad. Two lata in Dallas, on Col leye St., 60x190 feet. One lot In Dalles, 212 feet fronting on Colk-ye St., and 496 feet deep. f - Any of the ebore Hated propel as will be sold on terms favon I s to purchaser. I you have t» ofcr. C. B. Armstroni |T^ance{ { We want to be remembered when you are J | ready to laaure your house, furniture, or 4 } I 4 also write Health and Accident Insurance, d I For • ?f"in *?£*•*•«** ************ l g •■pe*th«Lf2l F*2^.yo<,z?,rfrt*,rsr,,*S' * 4 oWe to work through accident or any all' 4 1 ment whatsoever. If dependent apoa your 1 J salary for the rrself endfam> J A jly. It Is the to carry such I V Insurance. _ m Life laaar. 1 ^ ance to a am so situated. J | The Love Trust Co. 1 | ALL KINDS Of INSURANCE j| I we can’t afodto hold T00?*. r>f rtf rM*-^ i 001 MW *i4bn«^0« j I oo.of'bene Mronter* U Glaaaware. ChWwMfr HWgfr | f Ladies' and Men’* IUU, J*!Te1rJ» ^N,Si!2^*«itinteruKc*. 1 4 your choice k,i 10c. On pother co«nt«uMce. | J Embroidery, Hosiery, nice Back anythin* on * I bar*aint that w« haven t the apacn to *»**«*»» i jud,srsslr«i^.—r~J J WHITFIELD DRY GOODS C® J * ■ j. s. wHirneu*. n»>^ r.-l

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