. 25 The Hoke County News - Established 1928 VOLUME LXXIIl NUMBER 20 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLIN A 1 - journal The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 $8 PER YEAR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1981 Around Town BY SAM C. MORRIS The weather has been on the cool side for the past week, compared with some of the days in August. The nights are perfect for sleeping and the air conditioner doesn't come on as much at night, as it did during the summer. ?> Rain has been spotted, but Raeford has had very little over the weekend. Someone told me that it rained in Aberdeen and Southern Pines Saturday and Sunday. It is dry again, and some rain could help. ? ? ? The item last week about the picture we ran a couple of weeks >ago brought forth much comment. Some people seemed to think that the lady in the picture was a Rackley. We will quote a paragraph from a letter we received from Mrs. Ava Rackley Jackson of Kingsport, Tenn. It follows: "My niece called me this week that you had a Rackley girl working in Dr. Townsend Drug Store in * 1920 and had my picture in your paper. That was not me; that was Virginia Canoy. I worked next door at Hatcher's Jewelry Store, and when he sold out I went to Fayetteville and worked until I got married in 1925." At the time Mrs. Jackson wrote the letter she had not received the paper sent to her, so maybe when she sees the picture, she can tell us * for sure who the lady in the picture is. She asked that a paper be mailed to her and we did so in case the other had gotten lost. ? ? * Did the officers of the Hoke High Booster Club realize that this is the 25th anniversary of the club? It was formed 25 years ago at a supper at Lake Alice. Time surely *does fly! ? * * Frank Teal came by the office Labor Day and was talking to me about watching a baseball game recently on TV that was played in Philadelphia. He asked me the name ot the park in which the Philadelphia Phillies were to play? I said, "Shire Park" and he said. k"No, before that?" Then, I told him it was a place called either Baker Field or Baker Bowl. 1 believe it was Baker Field and it got the bowl name because it was shaped like a bowl and was small so the heavy hitters were hitting it out of the bowl. I also believe a player by the name of Chuck Klien was playing there at that time. !f anyone is certain of the name, let me know . * * * Ken Weatherspoon, director of the Dept. of Social Services was by the office a couple of weeks ago and while talking, gave me some very interesting figures about the Food ? Stamp program in Hoke County. He said that usually in May. June, July and August, that the number of people who get food stamps falls off, but that in July of this year that more people received the stamps than in 1980. The number receiving stamps in July 1980 was 1407 families. In July. 1981, there were 1616 families getting stamps. ' This could show that less people were working this summer than last vear. Ken also stated that in July over 5200,000 in food stamps were issued in Hoke County. This is right much money going into the economy. When asked when the stamp program would be cot as the Keagan administration has been talking about, he said possibly in October There are many pros and cons about this program, but local merchants will feel the effects when the cutting time comes. ? ? ? AH members of old Battery "F." don't forget that the reunion is next month. With Heritage Of Monroe Local S&L Board OKs Merger Intent Raeford Savings <ft Loan Association building ( right V 113 Campus Avenue. Extension Chairman Named Also Hoke Sunday Beer Sale Ban Continues Beer sales in Hoke County will continue being prohibited. A motion to repeal the county's 1971 ordinance against Sunday sales died for lack of a second, at the Hoke County Commissioners' monthly meeting Tuesday. The motion was made by Commissioner Danny DeVane, who has expressed his opposition to beer sales on Sunday but has said they should be allowed, because the current situa tion is unfair. He pointed out at an earlier meeting that Sunday beer sales for off-premises consumption are allowed at Hoke County businesses which have state brown bagging permits. In other business the commis sioners adopted a DeVane motion authorizing spending by the Hoke County Board of Education for local matching funds for a federal energy grant of the S26.500 re ceived from the sale of the former residence for Hoke County High School principals. The school board had asked the commissioners at their August 17 meeting to authorize use of the money to h?lp pay the S36.500 cost of reroofing the Unchurch Junior High School's Eighth Grade build ing. The balance would be paid from school maintenance funds. The school board last year had budgeted S19.S21 as the local share of an energy grant at the time that the federal government was paying 90 per cent and local governments 10 per cent of the total. Since then, however, the new administration of President Reagan has changed the ratio to half tne total payable by federal and local governments each. The total energy fund the school system now can receive is $89,062, which means the school board would have to put up $44,531 in all. The total originally planned was $195,310. The commissioners' authorizing the house sale fund to help provide the local share would complete the local share including the $19,531 previously budgeted. County Health Administrator Lloyd Home told the commis sioners his office had been in Driver In Fatal Crash Found Not Guilty Charles Wesley Jones. 19. of Rt. 1, Shannon, was found not guilty Thursday of charges filed in con nection with the death of a 2-year old boy in a traffic accident in Hoke County the night of June 6 about four miles north of Red Springs. Jones had been charged by State Highway Patrol Trooper K.W. Weston with exceeding a safe speed and unintentionally causing the death of Michael Stephen Bullard, 2. of Rt. 2. Maxton. "while engaged in a violation of a state law.' exceeding a safe speed. Hoke County District Court Judge Joseph E. Dupree found Jones not guilty after Jones pleaded not guilty to the charges. The child was fatally injured and five other people, including his father, were injured less seriously when a car in which they were riding and allegedly being driven by Jones ran off SR 1108 on a curve, struck a small hill of dirt, then went over a pile and came to rest at the edge of a corn field. Michael Bullard and most of the others were thrown out of the car. The child died in Cape Fear Valley Hospital in Fayetteville. His father. Randell Bullard. 23, wis treated at the same hospital, then released shortly afterward. Jones was admitted to the same hospital, and the three others were treated at Southeastern General Hospital in Lumberton. Two were admitted. The accident happened near SR 1113. Hoke MBA Clinic To Close formed that the Hoke County Medical Betterment Association won't be refunded by the federal government for the coming year; consequently he was requesting permission to negotiate with the Hoke County physicians for ser vices with the existing funds and that a temporary arrangement not to exceed the current hourly rate be approved for 30 days. The commissioners granted the permission. The commissioners also adopted a motion granting his request for an addition of SI. 144 to the health department budget to bring to Sl5.2t?9 the salary needed to employ an experienced public health nurse currently employed in another county. State public health employees' salaries are fixed by the state in accordance with a formula. EXTENSION CHAIRMAN Willie Featherstone was chosen by a 4-1 vote Hoke County Agri cultural Extension Service chair man. filling the vacancy created by the retirement July 31 of Wendell S. Young. Featherstone has been on the Hoke Extension staff, first as an assistant agent, then by promotion as an associate agent, since 197$. The negative vote was cast by CteVane but on opposition to the state's increasing the percentage of the county's share of the chair man's salary. He and the other commissioners and Southeastern District Extension Chairman Ralph Sasser. who nominated Feather stone for the position, agreed that Featherstone was excellent for the job and the county could get no one better. Earlier in the meeting, the commissioners had adopted a DeVane motion that Sasser's recommendation of Featherstone be accepted but on condition that the county percentage of his pay remain unchanged. Sasser then said he couldn't accept that. Later, after talking by telephone with state Extension headquarters of ficials. he informed the commission he had been told the salary arrangement could not be changed. But after John Balfour, chair man of the board of county commissioners, said S7.168 in county funds had been budgeted for Young's salary for 1981-82. and Sasser promised he would not exceed the county's budgeted figure. Commissioner Neill Mc Phatter made the motion to accept the recommendation for the ap pointment provided the county's share of the pay did not exceed the amount budgeted. The appointment is effective September 16. Featherstone's salary will be S22.000 per year, of which the county will pay 32.58 per cent. DeVane's motion would have the county's share 28.53 per cent of the salary". DeVane said he was against going higher on principle because, he said, the state has been in creasing counties' percentage of funding, indicating this was to take up the slack in forced state and federal budget cuts. Sasser told the commissioners also that three people would be interviewed Friday for an assistant agent's vacancy on the Hoke staff and that Featherstone's position would be changed to a straight agriculture job. Featherstone has been working in community de velopment and housing. Sasser said the two vacancies on the staff would be filled with field -crops and livestock agents. Also to be filled is a secrewry's position. Miss Jean Hodgin resigned as one of the two secretaries elective August 31 after serving 20 years in the position. The assistant agent's vacancy has been created by the resignation of William Northern, who will leave the staff September I7. Miss Hodgin during Tuesday's meeting was presented a framed copy of a resolution of appreciation for her services. The resolution had been adopted by the commis sioners. WATER AND SEWER The commissioners after hearing Earl Fowler, executive vice presi (See BOARD, page 14) Doctors Plan After-hours Program The Hoke /County Medical Bet terment Association announced Tuesday the operation of after hours medical clinic was closing September 16. However, a separate report made Tuesday says three Raeford physi cians will start a new, private program to try to provide the medical services after office hours (nights, weekends and holidays). Dr. R.M. Jordan, one of the physicians, emphasized, however, that the doctor s program is not a continuation of the HCMBA pro gram but is a separate, new. private operation. The other doctors are Robert Townsend and Ramnik Zota. The HCMB program is ending because federal funding will not be provided. The association's board was organized three yean ago as a committee of the Raeford Hoke County Chamber of Commerce to enhance the medical services badly needed in the county. "Since then, "the association announcement says. "the board had devoted its efforts to the medical needs of the county and primarily the avail ability of attention on a 24 - hour basis. "To that end, federal funding was sought and secured. At this time, due to the federal budget cuts and a change in interpretation of the grant section related to this type of operation, the federal funding has been terminated, necessitating the dosing of the service as it was previously operated." The announcement adds. "The board of HCMBA would like to express their appreciation to Drs. Jordan. Townsend and Zota for their cooperation in the past and especially for their commitment to the continuation of those services previously offered by the clink." The association advised prior patients of the clinic to contact personnel there to authorize the preferred disposition of their medical records. In the past year, the federal government provided half the funds for the operation, and the re mainder was provided by fees charged patients, llie first year, the government provided 75 per cent of the funds needed The clinic is staffed by two fulltime physician's assistants, two alternating n jrses. and two clerical employees, and a laboratory ana an X-ray technician were on call, besides the participating physi cians. The Raeford Savings and Loan Association's Board of Directors has voted to approve a letter of intent to merge with Heritage Federal Savings and Loan Association, based in Monroe. This was announced Monday by Franklin Teal, president of Raeford Savings and Loan. He said the Raeford institu tion's board also has approved a move to apply to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta. Ga., for a federal charter. He explained that Heritage is a federal chartered mutual as sociation. At present Raetord Savings and Loan is a state chartered mutual association, and the local association may obtain a federal charter in order to merge with the federal-chart ered association. Teal said the Raeford S&L stockholders must approve their association's conversion to fed eral, and a meeting of the stockholders will be called "when appropriate to do so," which will be after some pre liminary steps are taken by the board. He said Heritage was estab lished in 1908. With the addi tion of the Raeford association, it will have assets totaling about $185 million and 72 employees. It has 13 locations in North Carolina, four in the Charlotte area, and ranging from Lincoln ton in the West to Smithfield in the east. Raeford S&L was established in 1913 and now has assets of about $18.4 million. Teal said the present mem bers of the Raeford staff will remain in their present positions after the merger becomes effec tive. The other members are Helen Monroe, Margaret Davis. Deborah Woodell. and Charles E. Davis, Jr. He said he will be a vice president of Heritage in charge of the Raeford office. Sam C. Morris, chairman of the Rae ford board, will join the Heri tage association-wide Board of Directors as a member. Teal added. The other present members of the Raeford board will be serving as an advisory board for the Raeford branch. They are Wyatt Upchurch. Graham A. Monroe, Jack Bray. Fred Cul breth, Younger Snead. Jr.. Richard E. Neeley. R. Palmer Willcox. and Davis K. Parker. Teal said "All of our accounts will continue to be insured by Federal Savings & Loan Insur ance Co." Of the pending merger. Teal said: "We feel very proud to make this announcement for several reasons: "Heritage is one of the largest in this area of the state, and they are certainly a progressive and customer-oriented institu tion. "After several weeks of con sidering this move, we made our decision because we felt this to be a great opportunity to insure complete savings and loan ser vices in the coming years. "As financial institutions be come more deregulated there will be many innovations to benefit the customers. Being a branch of Heritage Federal will enable us to offer these innova tions to our area. There also will be some new services we will be able to offer immediately. "It has been a tradition of Raeford Savings and Loan to provide the best service possible to its members ir. Hoke County. This move is a continuation of that tradition." Morris said, "1 joined with all our board in voting for the change in our association. Our board has always looked first in what is best for our member* (Sec Ml RGLR. 14)

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