25 The Hoke County News - Established 1 928 VOLUME LXXm NUMBER 29 RAEFORD, HOKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Around 1 Raeford M*y?r - journal 25' The Hoke County Journal - Established 1905 S8 PER Y FAR THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1981 ( Town BVSAMCMQMIS Ik tulki for the pm several riae^t hu. Reports went that the >i f i Wi mas hdc* 30 m S? III nonnng. One person sMed thai ? ?? 26 degrees The twenal b for ran in the | kH dn or sol. This a nedeni. Dick Nedc*. the shr <rf Pnpps Cicek. Imnng.hi the foBcmng note by the office Mmdn. h is about the Pappv Creek Watch and 1 Where sfoald be <rf iuerest to Hoke Coon pufik. Neck? vnv ~l was talking to a ?nber?fthehffKOnekW?di || the ether dam and he was that the watch as. weffll wroo its fifth "There is m> real way to know how aaeh gwd it has dtw. but the Atiifl* sdepoitaat vm it has cm the criae tnfce b$ ^5%. The watch was organised by Chack Ih Wiling. with the coopera tion of many others. They have month!-* iraertmsgs. with <wc general * yearly meet my and fisJh fry and it is " worth a bec to get the awawmit) together to? prt re- acquainted. Thn offer a SlOOlOO reward ?o am person furn whng. information lead ing to the anest and (wktion c4 anyone breaking, catering and larcen* in the Pupp* Creek Watch :~ | Last week I tan an itan about a Bake Sale for McCain Hospital and I received the foftwinc note from Mrs. Jess* Neekv. "The commence nespcwrsahle for the McCain Hcspva] and Lung Association Benefit Bake Sale held oa Fnto. Nmnker ?h wishes to thank those fntwh and neighbors who so generously supported the benefit with baked goods and monetary contributions. We also | rhank those peophe who supported oar efforts by pnrcfcjcscnc the baked goods. An incomplete Tepcrn on ii is S4~0 8J' The following: letter mas received Mondav and sfcoa&i be otf interest to mart* rtrA>ie-rv Dear Sam 1 am at a kws to tnem to ? hom 1 I should address, thss, so I suppose it is best to send ? to wem and hope that vou wtfl be ka&d enough to thank e*erxotne foe me ?nh a few words tn *o?r X<-ms-Jc*r*tal COtttBtll 1 want no shank e-i-ervone who attended the Battery ~F~ Renicm. October 2-*- for the rooa welcome "get ??S" card h Ivokt ro heart to miss at. hM I m*s certamh in bo conditfoat to attend. The card ma> ' have done moce <vvv3 than antici pated. I was neWased from the hospital on the -fcth xnd ha\-e felt fine since and n ?Uxk? 1 gave up cigarettes (40 dans *-nhout and hardly am pvMml I did have to return as an onepia*wt or the ttth for further sesss ?todi all turned oat o.k. In spcte otf an disappointment o?er HiissiBst the serauom. 1 gamed ^ sotnethsHjc thai ?o owe in atten dance dtd I am new the proud possessor of a bea*ttf?l card with the auEtograpfts otf all of those who were aNe so attend Vfy warmest regards to everyone . I am tookaag forward to being with ww at neat wear's mmwn. SincereK . lunr Stone Thanks. Jaanae. ? s good to kno* that ww are again feeling fine I Hope to see wn sew year. Health Center Giving Flu Shots * Thurs ? K> ncwad rt*e otuem of Hoke Cowan ttu* if tfcn have not IBBWi rtnr Aa dm vet. to do so. The Hoke Comma Health Center in etmnw rim <w the WWmc dm: Moadn 9 a,?a. - 4 30 p.m.: Tindn I pa - 4 p.m.: and Wtdaudw 8 *? 1 1 JO a.m. There is a S3 charge for each sht. and the last dn the Heahh Center ?1 he gnmg them is Thrsdav. i win i 17. McNeill Elected To State League Board Hoke Volunteers Honored By Governor Oov. and Mrs. James B. Hum. Jr., were in Greensboro October 28 to pay tribute to the people they have hailed as America's greatest resource ? volunteers. The ceremony, one of three this fall, was at 4 p.m. in the ballroom of Village Green. 310 West Meadowview Rd. They presented awards in nine categories to out standing volunteers in the 26 central counties participating. Six Hoke County people were named for awards ? Robert War ren. Individual Human Service; Barbara Buie. administrator/ coordinator of volunteers: Jose phine Hall. Senior Citizen ; Law rence Bounds. Disabled Person volunteer; Jessie Neeley. Individual Community Volunteer leader: and Tonja Renee Williams. Youth Vol unteer. The categories are Individual Human Service Volunteer. In dividual Community Volunteer Leader. Youth Volunteer. Senior Citizen Volunteer. Disabled Person Volunteer Administrator' Coordi nator of Volunteers. Church/ Religious Volunteer Group. Com munity Volunteer Organization and Business ' 1 ndustry V olunteer Involvement. To the group of over 600 assembled for the event. Hunt said. "Your example of giving instead ot getting, caring instead of com plaining. actions instead of apathy, is the catalyst which will continue to make North Carolina a good place to live and work." The 1981 Governor's Statewide Volunteer Awards ceremony is a result of a process which began in March. Throughout the year, local HOKE RECIPIENTS -- Hoke County award recipients are ( left to right] Robert Warren. Individual Human Sen-ice voiunteer: Barbara J. Buie. administrator /coordinator of volunteers: Josephine Hall. Senior Citizen x-olutiieer: Lihtcfii* Bounds. Disabled Person wlunteer: and Gov. and Mrs. James B. Hunt. Jr. Not attending the ceremony were Jessie Neeley. Individual Community Volunteer leader, and Tonja Renee Williams. Youth vitlunleer. committees identified outstanding volunteers in each county parti cipating. Although the categories and broad guidelines were established by the Governor's Office of Citizen Affairs, local selections were made in a number of ways. In counties with Involvement Councils, each was asked to select the top volun teers tn their community. In coun ties without Involvement Councils, the county commissioners were asked either to make the selection themselves or to appoint a com mittee to make that selection. In many counties, vulunteers were honored at local recognition events prior to this ceremony, and many are planned following this event. Hoke NC 2000 Steering Committee Appointed Betsy Ann McNeill, chairman for the NC 2000 planning project in Hoke County, announced this week the appointment of a steering committee to help direct the activi ties of the year-long effort. Named to the Hoke County NC 2000 Steering Committee ?ere Mrs. Joyce Griffin. Robert Gatlin. Wes Williams. Wjll Davis. Caro line Parker. Tom Howell. Mrs. Charles A. Hostetler. Mrs. Betty L. Rogers and Charlotte Kelly. Serv ing as ex-officio members to the committee are: John K. Mc Neill. Jr.. Sam Morris. Earl Fow ler. l.esa Pegram. Raz Autry. Harold Gillts and Neill McPhatter. *1 am very pleased that this group of leading citizens from our county will be working with me on this important planning effort." said Mrs. McNeill. "This group will be \erv impor tant in identifying issues of parti cular interest to citizens of Hoke County between now and the year 200(1. I will also be looking to the steering committee to encourage participation in the effort by other leaders and citizens." The Hoke County steering com mittee is one of 100 groups named in each county of the state, as a part of the statewide NC 2000 project . I he purpose of NC 2000. accord ing to state chairman Dr. William Friday, is to focus the atten tion of top thinkers, leaders and citizens on the next t?o decades in North Carolina. "We will he examining where we are now as a state: where ?e are likely to be in the year 2000. it present trends continue: where citizens want to be: and how we can bring a better lite for oursleves and our children in the years to come. We will be submitting a report of recommen dations to Governor Hunt at the end of 1^82." explained Friday. "A vital pan of this effort involves citizens in each county actively participating through meetings, discussion of the issues in formal and informal ways with other citizens, and in invoking as many citizens as possible in the public ballot which will take place ne*t spring." Hoke County citizens interested in learning more about NC 2000 should contact Bettv Ann McNeill at or write to: NC 2000. 110 W. Jones Street. Raleigh. 2"t?l 1 . Raeford Mayor John K. McNeill. Jr.. was elected late Monday after noon as the District "* member of the Board of Directors of the North Carolina League of Municipalities. The league's members are 445 cities and towns. McNeill was elected during the league's convention in Charlotte. He had won the nomination earlier in the day- from the league's Nominating Committee over Cumberland City Councilman J.L. Dawkins. The district is composed of Hoke. Cumberland. Moore. Lee. Scotland. Harnett, and Robeson counties. McNeill replaces the Rev. E.B. Turner, a Lumberton City Council man. who retired from the board but was elected second vice presi dent of the league. Raeford City Manager Ronald Matthews nominated McNeill for the board position, on behalf of the Raeford City Council, and the nomination was seconded by Lumberton City Councilman Glenn May nor. Matthews told The News-Journal he made the nomination because no member of the Raeford City Council was able to attend the convention to do it. Also attending the convention from the Raeford city administration was City Finance Officer Helen Huffman. Matthews said he believed a major consideration of the Nomi nating Committee in nominating McNeill for the District 7 seat was McNeill's record of a total of 28 years in city government in Raeford -- lb years as a member of the City Council before being elected mayor. McNeill was reelected Nov ember 3 to his seventh two-year term as mayor. He was unopposed. Oxford Mayor Hugh Currin will become president of the league when the officers are formally installed to start serving in 1982. Morgan ton Mayor Andrew Kistler will become first vice president, and Whiteville Mayor Horace Whitley, third vice president. PTA To Meet The regular November meeting of the Hoke County PTA will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the J.W. Turlington School audito rium. Physical education students will square-dance and perform tumbling. The public is invited. Failing To Pay Taxes Costly Mrs. Elizabeth Livingston. Hoke C ounty tav collector. Friday issued rhe folkwing statement regarding unpaid property back taxes. Property owners in Hoke Count\ uho ha\e not paid their back taxes ?ill be notified one more lime b> the tax collector. They will ha*e 30 da\s to pa\ their taxes. At the end ot this 30 da\s the back taxes will be turned oxer to the attorney. A cost of S200 will be added to the tax bill. r It the taxes are still delinquent b\ the time the title search and complaint is completed, the cost s* ill be increased to S350 to 400 and in many cases sustantiallv more than that Mrs. Livingston stated that it is not f air tor some property o? tiers to pay. while others ignore their responsibilities. She said that her department would rather have the property owners pay their taxes and keep their land, rather than pay the extra costs or lose their land. This now notice will not affect the 50 property owners who have already been notified b> the attor ney for their grovs neglect of their back taxes. The attorney has already bejjun tiling law suits against these property owners who have not come to the tax office to pa\ their back taxes I npaid 1981 taxes, however, won t be considered delinquent till January l?>82. Mrs Livingston ad\ ised . I Canvass Makes No Change The official canvass made Thurs day by the Hoke County Board of Elections of the vote* in the Raeford municipal election of No vember 3 resulted in no changes in the unofficial tallies published in last week's edition of Thr Sews - Journal. The tallies showed: John K. McNeill. Jr.. mayor. 500 votes; and. for City Council (the five candidates with the most votes elected -? R.L. (Bobb\) Carter 3>5. Councilman Graham Clark 35". Councilman Bob Gentrv 3bb. Councilman Vardell Hedgpeth. Jr.. 31!. Earl McDuffie. Jr.. 184. Councilman James B. McLeod 422. Councilman bam C. Morris .MM. and T. Joseph Cpchurch 37"\ Clark. Gentry. Hedgpeth and McLeod were reelected to new terms, and Cpchurch was elected to his first term, replacing Morris on the council. Mayor McNeill was unopposed for reelection. The complete, unofficial returns from the three city precincts were reported election night to The \v?s -Journal bv the county elec tions board office. The councilmen - elect and mayor - elect will be swwn into office for the 1*181-83 terms the night of December 7 shortly before the council's regular meeting for the month starts. Mayor McSeill signs Farm-City Mar* proclamation. County Chairman Hosteller is at left, f Staff photo j Nov. 20-26 Proclaimed Farm -City Raeford Mayor John K. McNeill. Jr.. has proclaimed ihe *eek of November 20 Farm-City Week in Raeford. The Hoke County chairman for the 1981 observance is Charles Hostetler of Raeford. The text of the mayor's procla mation follows. WHEREAS the prosperity and well-being of this community are dependent upon cooperation be tween the two great elements of our society : farmers and urban people, and WHEREAS the complexities of their individual problems and the divergence of their activities have led to a widening gulf of mis understanding. and WHEREAS this gulf of mis understanding must be eliminated, and each group must understand Week the other it our American ?j\ of lite is to endure, and WHEREAS Farm-City Week provides an unparalled opportunin tor farm and city people to become re acquainted. THF.REFORD. I. John K Mc Neill. Jr.. Mayor of the City of Raeford. do hereby proclaim the period of November 20 through November 2t> to be Farm-City Week; and I do further call upon all citi/cns of this community to participate to the limit of their capabilities in the joint visits, the seminars, the pageants, fairs, civic, and social events attendant to a successful Farm-Citv Week in Rae ford. Effective the 20th day of No vember. I**81. JohnK. McNeill Mavor. Citv of Raeford

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