iSSlHED ADS FOR SALE —Home raised vetch seed. Carl Carpenter, Route 1. Bessemer City, N. C. At base o Paysour Mountain. ot-uz» New TOP COATS in all of the leading color's and materials —— Pried* — $15.00, $19-50 and $25.00. HARRELSON CO. Inc 2t“U<iO-P FOR SALE—Tulip Bulbs — $3.00 per hundred. MRS. A. I ■ DELLINGER. Cherryville, R-l— Phone: 3162. _4t-Nll-p Large Stock of New FALL SUITS to select from. They are well tailored and patterns you Will like — $19.50. $22.50 and $25.00. HARRELSON CO., Inc. 2t-028-p LOST LOST— Ladies brown leather zipper bag, containing $15 in ; bills, about .35 in change and Quarter War Stamp Book $2.26 and vanity case. Finder please return to Ruby Devine at Har relson Co., and receive reward, llt-p LOST — Automobile license tag, nutnber 547173. Finder please return to the Eagle Office or to H. O. Duncan at the Carl ton Mill. lt-p LOST—Ration books No. 1— Names Irene Crawley. Bobby Crawley, Jo Ann Crawley, Larry Crawley, Finder please return to owner or to the local ration board lt-p LOST — Kerosene ration stamps. L. E. Carr Finder please return to owner or to the local ration board. lt-p LOST—Kerosene ration stamps Alf Dellinger. Finder please re turn to owner or to the local ra tion board. lt-p PERSONAL FREE! If excess acid causes you pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indigestion. Heartburn, Belching Bloating, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free sample. Udga. at Allen Drug Company. 10t-D23 WANTED WANTED—Tenant white pre ferable with stock. Plenty of cotton and corn land, and smal’ grain if wanted. Plenty of work bv the dav. Fred Asherbraner, Route 3, Vale. N C. 5t-0_M WE BUY CHICKEN'S AND EGGS—Pay highest market. We sell feeds of all kinds. DALTON’S FLOUR AND FEED MILLS. North of High School. tf WANTED 3-Piece Living Room Suits Studio Couches Stoves Ranges Oil Stoves Iron Beds and Springs WILL PAY CASH CARPENTER BROS. MISCELLANEOUS PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR ING — Indorsed by Leading Music Teachers. Write J. F Peache, Belmont, N. C. Tf CROUSE POTATO HOUSE TO OPEN—The Croute Potato House will open on Monday, Oc tober 11th, and will close on Wednesday, October 20th. 2t-ol4 W F McGINNIS_ PERMANENT WAVE, 59c! your own Permanent with arm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, including 40 curlers i.nd shampoo. Easy to do, abso lutely harmless. Praised by i usauds including June Lang, £• u; rc. s movie ■" v Money k funded if hot satisfied. ALLEN DHL C! COMPANY. 15t-.Ian.20 SCHOOL SUPPLIES W e are headquarters for all kind of School Supplies. Get your School needs here now. 2 TABLETS FOR ONLY 5c EAGLE PUBLISHING CO. Phones: 2101 and 2501 We Pay Cash For Late Model Used Cars and Trucks Homesley Chevrolet Company, Inc. Cherryville, N. C. tf Jtfm II .S.WAR BONDS Dale Carnegie ' Author *f i 'How to Win Friends and Influence Peepin'* IGNORE THE SCOFFERS Have you ever started something you wished very much to do and then had somebody croak, “You’ll fail. It can’t be done”? That’s the very time to plunge ahead, for almost ev eryone in the world whoever started anything worth while has had some one tell him that he couldn’t succeed A young English inventor had an idea. It was to work out a method of propelling a ship without depend ing upon the wind. Finally, he hit upon the screw pro peller, and took a model to the British Admiralty. The wise lords, who knew all about ships, looked at it and said, ‘‘It’s impractical. You can’t put the propelling power of a ship at the end. It must be in the middle.” The inventor’s name was John Ericsson. Now all ships are propelled by a screw at the end where the wise lords said it wouldn’t work. A woman in Chicago needed money. The idea came to her that she could make candy and sell it She told her friends about it. The same old chorus: “It can’t be done. You’ll fail.” But she bought some sugar and eggs, and made can dy on her cookstove, and sold it. She sold $1.20 worth, and the next day she made some more. “It can’t last,” the chorus said. “Better give it up before you lose what money you have.” But Mrs. Ora H. Snyder kept on. You’ve heard of her candy stores in Chicago, 111., Oak Park and Evanston What would have happened to the young mechanic working in a abandoned Methodist church in Santa Ana, Calif., if he had paid attention to such croakings? This foolish young man had an idea that he could build a machine that would fly. So he rented a church, ripped out the door, put in a big entrance, and started to work. People laughed. They scofl'ed. Why, it took a genius to build an airplane—what chance for a boy working in a garage? He let ’em croak while he hammered and pounded and constructed his dream. Later he wheel ed a lugubrious thing out. the big door—and i.t flew! That young man? Glenn L. Martin who huilds the China Clippers! And so it goes. If you have some idea you believe in, don’t listen to the croaking chorus. Listen only to what your own inner voice tells you! —Buy War Savings Bonds— Parenthood 1 BY MRS. CATHERINE CONRAD EDWARDS | Associate Editor. Parents' Magazine dont make children FEEL UNWORTHY How can you correct a child’s mistakes and help him overcome his faults without making him feel that you dislike nim? That is the knotty question we prom ised to ponder at the end of our iast week’s article on the impor tance of letting a child know he j is liked as well as loved To illustrate what not to do. we’ll describe an incident which | we encountered recently. Stand , mg in front of his house was a ! boy eight or nine years old look deliant and a little scared. His mother was on the poich pour- i ing water from a ’ pan in un« ! nand and wiping up a spot of dirt with the other. In a very angry voice she was saying "You don't need to stand there look ing so innoc«nt. I saw you! I guess 1 know who tracked this dirt onto the porch Somebody who doesn't care how much work I have to do. I was watching—I saw you!” What she was really sayirg to the child through her aggrieved manner was. "What did I ever do to deserve such a mean. , un grateful son!” Of course the child couldn’t translate her grievance correctly—all he could feel was that his mother resented and disliked him. Now vvtas the mother supposed to say nothing because the hoy made extra work for her by tracking mud on the porch? Ot course not. For one thing it wouldn't he fair to the child to a burden 10 others Besides a mother isn’t supposed to he a slave for her children. But her approach was all wrong. To be gin with she read into the mis. demeanor a lot of things that weren’t there. She implied that the boy purposely trucked up the porch for the pleasure he would get in seeing her scrub it. That is nonsense A child may long to take revenge on an adult, but it is more apt to be expressed in planning to run away so the ad ult will be sorry. The mother was also accusing the boy of in tending to lie by the emphasis she put on having spied on him. Here, then, because of a thought less act, was a child assailed by accusations of lying, meanness, and lack of lov6 for his mother. And all the time, mint} you, the mother was scrubbing up the mud herself Wouldn’t it have been better to bring the can of water and cloth to the porch, call the boy and say, ‘‘Sonny, you tracked mud on the clean porch. Take this rag and wipe it off—and do a good job. And try to remember the next time to clean vour feet before you step on the porch. This is vour house as w'ell as mine and we want it to look well cared for.” True, Sonny may try to talk his mother out of cleaning up after himself. But she can be firm—mukintr him see that the neighborhood, as well as she her sell expects porches to he key! clean anil that those who bring in unnecessary dirt have to clean it off. There’s nothing in this at titude to make the child feel dis liked or weighed down with guilt —but it leases no doubt in his mind that carelessness costs you more trouble in the end than thinking beforehand. In other words, discipline should consist of teaching a child the right way, not in making him feel unworthy. CUTTING COTTON STALKS WILL BE A BLOW TO BOLL WEEVIL RALEIGH, Oct. IS,-—Destruc tion of cotton stitlks before frost will cut oft the boll weevil's food supply and send him into winter quarters in a weakened condition J Myron Maxwell, State College Extension entomologist, declared here Saturday. “If the stalks are destroyed the weevil will have no squares and bolls on which to feed. He will not have the opportunity of building up a food supply but will go into the winter hungry and weak. Under this condition a much larger number of weevils will die during the winter .freez es and there will be fewer wee vils next spring,” Maxwell said In destroying the stalks he suggested that the grower use any type of implement which he found best suited to the job. The earlier the stalks are destroyed, the hungrier and weaker the I boll weevil will be when he goes into winter quarters under trash, in hedge rows, and into the woods for cover. Conservation of electricity is essential to victory because it means saving coal, oil or gas gas used to produce it. War expenditures of the Uni. ted States government Septem. ber amounted to $1,212,000,010 —a daily average of $277,400. G00. This was slightly less than ♦he August figures, and above July costs. FOR GOOD SHOE REPAIRING At Lower Cost, See COLEY’S SHOE SHOP More repair parts for domes tic washing machines will he available soon, WPits Office ol' Civilian Requirement:; (OCR) reports. A recent order permits manufacture of certain parts made of copper thousands of domestic washing machines are in demand for tankers and mer chant vessels and in seamens or ganizations overseas | LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA GAlSTON COUNTY IN THK SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS Ray Whitener, Plaintiff -vs Virgie Whitener, Defendant. The above named defendant will take notice that an action has been started in the Superior Court of Gaston County for di vorce and the defendant will be required within twenty days of the final publication of this no tice and (or) within the time prescribed by law to appear be fore the Clerk of said Court and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in this com This the 19th day of Oct. 1943 CHARLES E. HAMILTON. Jr. Clerk of the Superior Court 0. A WARREN. Attorney for the Plaintiff. 4t-Nll NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Bertha S, Keever, Plaint’ff -vs- z W. H. Keever, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The abov'e named defendant will take notice that an action for divorce has been started in the Superior Court of Gaston County, N. C„ and the defendant will be required to appear before -he Clerk of said Court within twenty days after the final pub lication of this notice and with in the time'prescribed by law, in lis office in Gastonia, N. C., and answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff, or this plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in this complaint. This October 14. 194 3. CHARLES D. HAMILTON, Jf. Clerk of the Superior Court P. C. FRONEBERC.ER, \ttorney for the Plaintiff 4t-Nl l NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN .THE SUPERIOR COURT Lucille Hood. Plaintiff William R. Hood, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendant will take notice that an action has been started in the Superior Court for Gaston County for di vorce and the defandant will be required within twenty days af_ ter the final publication of this notice and (or) within the time prescribed by law to appear be fore the Clerk of said Court and 'answer or demur to the com plaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in this complaint This the 19th day of Oct. 1943 CHARLES K. HAMILTON, Jr. Clerk of the Superior Court [0. A WARREN. ! Attorney tor Plaintiff. 4t-N 11 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY. S U M M O N S Lelia Brock, Plaintiff -v's Connie Block. Defendant. The above named defendant will take notice that an action has been started in the Superior Court for Gaston County for divorce and the defendant will be required within twenty days of the final publication of this notice to appear before the Clerk of said Court and answer or de mur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in this complaint. This the 29th day of Septem ber, 1943. EMMA CORNWELL, Assistant Clerk Superior Court. O A. WARREN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 4t-028 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Robert Mitchell, Plaintiff, Lillie Mitchell, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, Lillie Mitchell, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, N. C., by the plaintiff to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is hereby required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the court house of said County in Gastonia, N.CL, within twenty days after the fin al publication of this notice, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 19 day of Oct., 194-1 C. E. HAMILTON, Jr, Cieik of the Superior Court ERNEST R. WARREN. Att’y. fm Plaintiff. 41X11 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTV. S U M M O N S Delphia Bernice Stroud, Plaintiff, -v's Clarence E. Stroud, Defendant. The above named defendant will take notice that an action has been started in the Superior Court for Gaston County for di vorce and the defendant will be required within twenty days of the final publication of this no tice to appear before the Clerk of Said Court and answer or de mur to the complaint of the plaintiff or the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded in this complaint. This the 29th day of Septem ber, 1943. EMMA CORNWELL, Asst. Clerk Superior Court. O A. WARREN, Attorney for Pluintitf 4t-G28 NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Thudes Fountain Atchinson, Plaintiff I Dale R. Atchison, defendant 1 N O TICE The defendant, Dale R. Atehi- I son, will lake notice that an ac- ! tion entitled as abov'e has been commenced in the Superioi Court of Gaston County, North Carolina, for the purpose of ob taining an absolute divorce, on statutory grounds, and the said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Court House in Gastonia, N. C., within twenty days after the linul publication of the no tice in this matter, and answer or demur to the complaint, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded. This the 2Hth day of Septem ber. 1943. EMMA CORNWELL, Asst. Clerk Superior Court C. H. FALLS, Jr., NORTH CAROLINA GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT* N O T 1 C E Estelle YurboroUgh Pearson, Plaintiff Clarence H. l’eurson. Defendant The defendant, Clarence R. Pearson, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, N. C„ for the purpose of obtaining absolute divorce; and that the said defen dant will further take notice that he is required to appear at. the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county in the Court House in Gastonia, N. C„ and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said action within twenty days after the final publication of this no tice. or the plaintiff' will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 12th day of October, 1943. EMMA CORNWELL, Asst 1 Clerk Superior Court.. C. 15. FALLS. Jr., Attorney for Plaintiff. 4t-N4 BUY WAR BONDS OPENING THE CRYSTAL LAUNDRY IS RE-OPENING IT’S ROUTE IN CHERRYVILLE - THIS ROUTE IS OPERATED BY US - AND IS NOT A COMMISSION ROUTE. PICK UP ON TUESDAY AND DELIVER ON FRIDAY. Phones: Shelby—666 - CherryvilIe-4292 NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFICATE I have lost twenty-five (25) shares of common stock of Mauney Steel Company, certifi cate No. C-46. issued on the ldtli of June, 1934. The finder of this stock will please notify the undersigned and receive a liberal reward. This the 24th day of Septem ber, 1943. D. A. RUDISILL 4t-Q21_Cherryville, N C ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF GASTON, ss. The undersigned having quali fied as administratrix of the es tate of Sarah M. Stroup deceased lute of Gaston County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 20th uay of September, A. D. 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned This the 20th dav of Septem ber, A. D. 1943. (Miss) BUNA O. STROUP, Administratrix of the Estate of Sarah M. Stroup, Deceased. Cherrvfille, N. C., Route No. fit-028 ‘__ NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Homer G. Manus, Plaintiff. Geneva Manus, Defendant. NOTICE OF S U M MO N S The defendant, Geneva Manus, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court ot Gaston County, N C., to obtain | up aL.. Mute divorce by the plain-i tift from said defendant, end the said defendant will further take notice that she is hereby required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Court House in Gastonia, N. within twenty 120) days after the tinul publication of this notice, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com This the 24th day of Septem ber, 194.'!. EMMA CORNWELL, Assistant Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County, N. C ERNEST It. WARREN. Attorney for Plaintiff. 41 -0121 NORTH CAROLINA, GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Robert D. Elwell, Plaintiff, -vs Ada II. Elwell, Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendant, Ada H. Elwell will take notice that an action entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Gaston County, N. ('., for an ah solute divorce by the plaintiff from said defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is hereby requir ed to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County at the Courthouse in Gastonia, N. within twenty days after the final publication of this notice, and answer or de mur to the complaint in said ac tion, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the rtfjief deman ded in said complaint. This the 2f>th day of Septem ber, 1943. EMMA CARNWELL, Asst. jOlerk of the Superior Court. ERNEST R. WARREN, Att’y for Plaintiff4t-021 The Axis Stops at Nothlnr Don’t stop your War Bond Payroll Savings at 10'yf. Every AtL- soldier Is a 100 percenter. Fif ure It out vourself. Electricity used lor cooiung can be saved if the range « lrept clean and properly adjusted. The range should not be used for heating the kitchen._ PROFESSIONAL CARDS Dr. Evan S. Wehun ) DENTIST Rooms 201 - 202 Farmers Batik Building CHERRY VTLLE. N C David p. Dellimrer Lawver—Notary Public Special Attention To Collections And Settling Up Estates CHERRYVILLE. N. C Matthew A. Stroup Lawyer—Notary Public Office In Cherryyille National Dank Building OHERRVVILT.F, V ^ PATENTS Prompt, expert net vice Sen-1 sketch or nioue< loi free opinion. Expert Washington associates. DAVIij P. PELLINUEK. 3p*cmt Attorney. Cn**iryvilie. N. C. MOSS RADIO SERVICE PHONE 3571 CHERRYVILLfc. N C. IN DIGESTION Sf» » Jfoui On# /*o«< Proves It 11 Ihf (1lr«t »f Mf utA<*Pl Uttloa lltcfe l *m uMm hcipi U »•* UM «ir«* utornAi-h Ml th* nnurt*htn( ‘owls jr*. <\j luniltM *Jb4 That Namin'? Backache ryf."3 NUlW U>7 V«m ml Mrnlwl llilmy A aft— Ko4n Ut. with Ha knj aad 1 IrmuUi bablta. Improper drlaamy tta rtak ot tlpo—Ik I Ooa tbrovi Im> i atrala a Ik* wk mi tk* ktdnaya Tb*y ara apt M baaaaa mruud aad (all l* tlta* aaaaaa aaU ■*4 ink** lapnikM Iran Ik* IM» ^lk| Tn an *ala aarDac k« tkarh, haw dacha, dJaaineaa, f*tllay ap aiyhla, lay paima, *w«Uiat—(W —aaaarip tlrwd, aarToa*. all vara oat- Other riga* mi ktdaay *r bladdn di*ord*r ar» wa« daa buraiaa. mail *> kaa Imaal Try Pmmm'i Pifc. Dmmmft help *• ktda*yk u pam *4 harmful aa**aa bady *a*ta Tb*y bar* had nor* thaa halt a amt ary at pa bile approval Aim raeaaa MBdad by (ratal*! aaan nai j ahaa Doans Pills J) A LAXATIVE is needed Caution, Ut« Only at Diracttd Tax Notice! I now have the 1943 Tax Books of Gaston County and am now prepared to give a Receipt for your Taxes. Pay during the month of October and you will receive a Discount of 1-2 per cent. Moved I have moved my office from the building formerly owned by Paul H, Beam on East Main Street to the second floor of the Cherryville National 'Bank Building. J. C. Jenkins, Tax Collector Chetrryville Township

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