Eagle Ads Pay Big Dividends - Use Them Frequently For Results CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE PIGS FOR SALE— Six weeks old. Mrs. \\ . H. Putnam. ~t FOR S A IF; I!) lu Model Ford sedan—good tires and motor in good condition HaV'i Hollitield. Cherryv'ille. X. O P FOR SALE—One and one-hall tons of good peanut bay—-Excel lent for cows or iioiscs; ( all 3141. 1). O. Rudistil. It Men's Suits make an excellent Christmas (ijt't. Sec ours before VOli buy. Pi iced $in.5o, $22.50 and $25.00. HAKRELSON Co. N O TIC E Our Hammer Mill is ready for operation again. We are readv to serve you, and ap preciate your business. DALTON'S FEED MILL LOST HIST Alumt $2C in bill' rolled in a ladies c dkeu-. in Hoiks Store Frol...- aficrnoon. Return to Eagle O.'lkcr and re ceive reward -I VP LOST—Ladies H rg. Linde' please reilwrn to AIi— -l"J‘cv Qui-nn at the CherryVide National Harm and receive reward. It ••! LOST—-Ga< Look- A & H— Name .lohnnie (Ira •')■. Finder please return to o«' eir. or t" the • deal ration hoard._ 1 -P LOST Ration Hook No Name Ljonald K. 1 ui|'entei Finder please reiurir to tin own er or to the local Ration Hoard. I t-p FOR RENT For RKNT — House !-J miles from town. Sre Liny Har relson. FOR RKNT —- Two furnished rooms for light hiniseseeping. Hot and cold water. Inquire at Fa cie Office. PERSONAL FREE ! If e\r e you pains of S'. Indigestion-. float;' BJoat.iTl.ir.- Nausea. La- Rains. Re! free sample-. Cdira. at A Him Ilnur Company. DM-IVT! Rojo hinp WANTED WANTED- -Triov. , year old ehdd. Call Eairl'o DTii 0 to I a 1 eopdition ••WANTED— I- a i insui aim- for a foi fomm i.-stops Hospital A boro, N It U ri: s ph nd.fis. Liberal Tit, State !neTar tit I'll WANTED ■r It we m y t EGGS- I’av ' i Sell fee.! • if ail FI.OCR AND North of Fiji HID KENS AND • “.est market. We kinds DAL’D-TN'S 1EKD MILLS. Sfilooi. tf WANTED 3-Piece Living Room Suits Studio Couches Stoves Ranges Oil Stoves Iron Beds and Springs WILL PAY CASH CARPENTER BROS. We Pay Cash For Late Model Used Cars and Trucks Homesley Chevrolet Company, Inc. Cherryville, N. C. If MISCELLANEOUS PIANO Tr\ I\'<I AX!PrepaTr IN’Cr — Indorsed by Leading .Music Teachers. Write J. F Peache, Belmont, N. C. Tf PERMANENT WAVE. 59c! Do your own Permanent with Oharm-Kurl Kit. Complete equipment. including 10 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, abso lutely harmless. Praised by thousands including June Lang, glamorous movie star. Money lefunded if not satisfied. ALLEN DRUG eOMPANV. 15t-.Ian.20 nUY U. S. WAR BONDS Advice For Care Of Clothe* Given During war times when wom en are more conscious of fhe Value of clothes and more aware of the need for care of them, soys Willie X. Hunter, Exten sion Specialist in clothing at State College. ! For this reason, site offers the following praeti it.l advice. When driving or sitting and wearing a coat, be sure to un button it all the way. This is to relieve .strain on the seams and buttons and to prevent stretch ing the back. A soft brush is a good aid in , keeping a suit or eoat looking! new. Brush after every wearing ;e the tiny, unseen dust particles that gather in wool will combine with tlu' natural oils wool ab •oibs from the skin to destroy the fabric and make the eoat look |-hobby eatly. It a napned tabrir efs wet. wait until it dries to brush it. Then, Miss Hunter says, brush it a tut 11 y in the directon of the pile. However, around the pockets and collar a .differ blush, as a whisk broom, is needed Overloading pockets will strain and stretch them, ami often it teat' the corners. To prevent pencils and pens from jabbing' holes, use clips and well tilted Should a coat or suit get soak mi in the rain, let it riiv slowly ■in a well ventilated room away fioni heat After it is dry. brush Miss Hunter concludes her clothing advice with a word about hanging clothes Put a suit on a hanger as sown as pos sible. don't lav it carelessly over a chan, and be sure it is set spun rely in me hangar before leaving it. LEGAL NOTICES EXECUTORS' NOTfCE Having qualified as Executors et tile Estate of Mat'le L. Boyd, deceased,, iate of (ia-lon County. \. C„ this is to notify all pel sons Wav ng claim' against the • •'state of said deceased to exhibit teem to the undersigned or to i: ui attorney, on or btfoie the ",rd riav el December, IP4-1. or I this notice vy II be pleaded ill bar of recovery. .Ml persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This .'lid day of December, ; fM-".. OSCAR <?. Bl.ifll * St SAX E. BOYD, Executors Estate of | Mattie E. Bovd. I IS.MARfk t' AI ’- F*S. Att'v. ! i ius-tonta, N. C. tit-.11 A I ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE j Having qualified a' Vdministia ] t1 *t" of the Estate of (j. Holtz i law. deceased. laic of tiaslou < toil n't v, X. tiiis. ' io notify ail persons having lauiis against trie estate of the deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned, or my attorney, on or before the did ria v of December, 1944. or this notice will he plejded ill bar nf recovery All pei-ous indebt ed to said estate will; please make immediate payment. Tins tlie did day of December. 1 ibid. CI.AREXCK A. II M.T/d LA W Administrato . Eistate of Z. fi. Ho.tzeiaw. jUISMARCK CAPPS. All y, • lastonia, X. ('. dt-J'13 NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION •James T. -Iit»tire Wilmer Justice.' Defendant The defendant above named wiii hereby take n.otiee that the plaintiff lias commenced action m the - uperi.'i- court of Gaston County for an absolute divorce: i h;tt -lie is required to answer or otherwise plead to the com plain; tiled in this cause in the office of the Clerk of the Superi or Court of Gaston County, N. C.. within a period of 20 days after the final date of publica tion of this notice, or the plain tiff will pray for judgment ac cording to the complaint AND EVIDENCE IN THE CAUSE. Herein fail not at your peril. 'Witness. Clerk of said Court at oft ice in Gastonia, this the 17th day of November. 194:1 CH.VS. K HAMILTON. Jr. Clerk of Superior Court of Gaston County. •J. L. HAMMB. A tty for Plaintiff. Gastonia, N. C , 4t-D-!» NORTH CAROLINA. GASTON COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NOTICE OF SUMMONS Sue Dell C. Evans. Plaintiff, Jessie FI. Evans, Defendant. The above named defendant will take notice that an aetioTi for divorce has been started ill the Superior Court of Gaston ( ounty. N C., and the defendant will 1 he required to appear before the Clerk of the Court at the l ourthouse in Gaston county within the time prescribed by law and answer or demur to the Complaint ot the plaintiff, or thie plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in this Complaint. This October 28, 1943. CHARLES E. HAMILTON. Jr. Clerk of. the Superior Court P C. FRONEBERGER. A try fbr Plaintiff. 4-t-lJS) NORTH CAROLINA OJRSTON' COUNTY. LN THE SUPERIOR COURT Wilbert Ray. Plaintiff Susan Cook Ray. Oefendant NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION The defendant. Susan Cook Ka.v. veil! take:notice that an ac tion. entitled as above has been commenced in-.llu* Suiurim Court of Gaston Coifmy, North Caroli na-. withit; tweliiv da vs from tlu* on the ground- of two years sep aration; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to .appear at the of fice of tile Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the Court House in Gastonia, North Caroli na within twentv days fro nit lie rinal publication of this notice, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or tlu* nlaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint.. This 22nd day of November, 1943. CHARLES E. HAMILTON. .Jr. , Clerk Superii^ Court for: Gaston County, N. C. 1. A. WILKINS, Atty. 4t-D16' NORTH CAROLINT. GASTON COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT . Marion Lee Whitlock and Thelma Johnson Whitlock. Petitioners Mary Bradford and I Clifford Bradford. Respondents, NOTICE OF SUMMONS The defendants above named will take notice that a proo-e.i ing entitled as above has been commented in the Superior Court of Gaston County. North Caroli na. for the puipose of the adop tion of Howard Eugene Brad ford. said action having been in stituted by Marion Lee Whitlock and Thelma Johnson Whitlock; and the said defendants will fur ther take notice that they are reuuircd to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the Court House in Gastonia. North Carolina, and answer or demur to the Petition of the Plaintiff's within twenty (■JO) days after the final publi cation of this notice; and if they fail to appear, answer or demur to the said Petition, within the time allowed bv law, the Petiti oners will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Peti This the loth day of Novem ber. 1043. (Signed) EMMA CORNWELL Ass’t Clerk Superior Court 4t-D;i NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of au thority in me vested by that cer tain deed of trust executed and delivered by S Loyd Mahaffey i on the did day of August 1940, i duly recorded in Book .'597. page 1 2f>'5 in the office of the Register j of UeeuS for Gaston County, X. i C. default liaving been made in j the terms thereof, I will, at the front door of the Gaston County Court House on Monday the 1 day of December, 1943. commen cing at 10 o’clock A. M., expose for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, subject to upset bid within ten days thereafter, the following described real es tate : Being Lot Xo. .'id of the plat, of land made by John L Stacy, Surveyor, dated May, 1040, le gally recorded in Plat Book 5 at page 87 in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Gaston County X. C.. described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a stake, the SW corner of Lot Xo. 153 in the line of a 10-foot alley-way and runs thence X 38 deg 15 min E, 53.5 feet to a stake: thence S 73 deg E 105 4 feet to a stake, cor ner of lots 23. 24 and 34: thence S 20 deg 45 min W with the line of lot 23. 50 feet to a stake, cor ner of lot 2.3: thence X 73 deg \Y 177.4 feet to the beginning. This the 10th day of Xovem her. 10 43. •T. WHITE WARE. Trustee 41-Dp 15v .1 L. llamme. Ally. •Buy War Saving* Bond*— PROTECT YOUR AUTO WITH FIRE THEFT COLLISION INSURANCE Rapraaanting THE TRAVELERS, Hartforo DAVID P. DELLINGER CHERRYVILLE, N. C. THE BEST INSURANCE “ALWAYS ACCOMMODATING’* Established 1907 BANNER ROLLER MILLS LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA . . As Distributors For ATTENTION GROCERS: LIGHT CRUST, the flour with the rich, creamy white color that means PROTEIN VALUE ... is now available to you! Right now, you'll find your distributor carrying large, well rounded stocks of LIGHT CRUST . . . with ample facilities to give you excellent service. BURRUS MILL & ELEVATOR CO. Fort Worth, Texas

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