COTTON -: We are now ready to “Gin Your Cotton.” We can also furnish you STORAGE tor same. Moseley Bros. PRESIDENT POINCARE MAKES PROTEST. HORDMAl'X. Sept. - Picsidciit Pcincai'c <lircM-t- *■<1 ;i rui'iiial |M'()1cst 1o neutral iiarKiiis jiji'ainst the (Ic'Sti'Uc- finii of catlicdral ruins hy (icriiiaii artillery. 'I’Ik* iti-<»tc‘Sl; fleelai'os lliat tli(' (lei'iiiaii li'(K)]>s for solo ]»1('asiire and without tile sli”'hle>-t necessity wroiiulit this destruction at K’liieiiis through systeuiatic hoiuhnrdnieut. 'I’ho Freiic]; u'overniriciit deiiounc< s the action as a revdltin.n' aet (d‘ van dalism which sliouhl arouse the iudiuiiat ion ol' thf' worhi. 'The lirst news ol' the l‘'reiich naval force's has hceii iiiad*’ jiiihlic, l-’rciich cuniniercc is inirestricted and the iM'cnch na\y is rendering- iniportant serxicc in co-opcrat ion with llic llriti.'-h fleets in the Mediterranean and North sea>:. I‘'ieits are hlockadinu' (ierinan and Austrian coast.-. i-'rcUch are sine uh iniate suc<-ess if the war is i»i'oloimcd. ALLIES LOSS OF MEN GREAT L()X I K)X. Si'pt. lM- -Anxiety is increasing here* as tlu* Itattle in noi'tli !•'ranee coutiinies wilhout the Allies Ix'iniLf able to ”aiii any apprecialile advanlaut*. 'The sn'en_jj,th of tlie (iernian position is now realized. Il is admitted tiiat r-\-ery ad\antau'e uaincd hy the Hritish is a1 terrihle cost w it h t he rea lizat ion 1 liat 1 he casually list of 1 he A Hies will )»(• stai:L;'eriul:'. 'The war oflice declares Ihe situati<in i?> l‘a\orahle lhoUL;h no dccisis'c results 1ia\'e as \'et been re in i it ed. BOMBARDMENT OF RHIEMS NECESSARY. I LI X, Sept, ‘J1 —'I'lic homhai'dnieiit of Rlieinis was declared liy t lie < iener;il staff necessary because tlu' hea\ !- <■>•1 lire frfiin the Kreiich came from tiiat dii‘i‘cti<in. 'I’ho A\ai' office amioiinccs lliat 'I’remont was taken by assault, the .\Hies lioldinu' the position were dri\cn Itack with lleaX'V losses. .Vorlli Carolina I’itI t'ounty 111 the SupiTior Court Upforo A. T. Moore, Clerk I.(lia 10. Williams (Skinner) Aciiniiiistralrix of the estate of K. F. Williams vs Lelia WiUiains ami Verla Williams, Minors and lioirs at law of K. K. Williams, doceasf'd. I!y Tinui' of a (l<‘crec of the Super'or Court of I’ilt Coiinty, inailo by A. T Moori’, Clerk, on llic l"lh day of t?ep- tenihi r. i:tM, I hi- nndt r.'^itined Com- niissloMcr, will, on Monday, the 19th iliiy of October. Il'l t, at 12 o'clock Xoon expose to public sab' before the Court House I »oor in (iri envillc, to ihi; liigh- ( : t bidder, for cash, the ('(dlowiiiK des- crlbiil tracts or panels of land, to wit: "l.yisiK and beinf; in I'-alkiand Town ship, I’itt County North Carolina, and bc'iim lot. .\(i. :| ill the division of the II. I’, Williams land and besinninK at il stake on the Snow Hill Itoaod near the crossiiij; of Pasture llranch anr with said road .Vorth .''' east I poles: I lien norih |."> l-J east S |oles: then north I'l' cast I I l-L‘ p<d<’S hriilj;(' across a ditcli; Uieii with said dill’ll south west II' poles to a ^;\^eel putii 'I', n. and I-:. I’. Williams corner; liieii south II east i;s poles to ;i stake, the .Iordan line; ilieii north 17 !-!' casl 'Jo i»)|es to a stake; iheti south .^o l-L‘ west 111 a while oak; then iKirtli -II «e?t 117 pole., \it thi- iiHairiitiK I-1' acre? Be sure to see me for Bu^^gies, Wagons and Harness. Cash or on time. J. E. Winslowa Greenville, N. C. li.'^iiiinl n.L' IMOre OI- je; A Iso OIM raei in .-aid 'rounship I oiiiity and Stat> he^iimini; at a stake I'jiinia ,1. hupi'ee's conii r and rum mulli I ;'. l wcsl IIMI poles to a po])U- lar ill pronir of .lacob's Jiraiicii; Ihor. down tile run of .lacob's liranch to a ; lake, corner of W. U. Wllliains, ,lr.. tlieii with Ills line north 1 ".-1 east lOi) poles to a stake at I'jiima .1. Iiupree'3 corner; then .south I-:.'east t.'. poles to the be.uinniiif; <ontainiiit: L'll acres or less. The two tracts consti- liitim; Lot .\o. in the division of the II. r. Williams land, which was al- i.itteil to I-;, f. Willianis by division Deeil dated the l lth. day of .luiii', 1h07, as appears of record in the Uenister’s oilice in I’iit I'onnty. in I'.nok T S. paKc This sale is made for ihe purpose of tiiakin;.; assets of tin' i state of 10. I’. W'Uiialis, deceased. This th" IL’lli da.v of Se)it. 11*11. iv c. iiAuniNC, ('onitnissioner. 1.1 .-itd-;:i w m FURNITURE NEATLY Upholstered Looks Like New. In respone to the many inquiries we have recently had, we are pleased to advise that We are now in position to do any and all kinds of upholstering. We have the best skill that money can employ and we have a choice selection of materials in either artifcial or genuine Leather. Come to see us or call us over phone and, let us quote you prices. The Iteport of the CniiiiiUon of I III i!i: i UAMviNt; x rin s. Jtolhel. \ , ( . j ‘ 'hi I lose of business Sept, j;:, |: |i I Jie'diirces I I. 'aiis and discounts I.U ' livedrafts secured . unse- j ■ ured , All other stin'ks, boi;ds j and iiiortgaKcs IS II.iUkillK houses l,7oii.iie I I'liriiiture and lix- \ tlir(“S . ii'j ' I'lie from Hanks and bank- j crs .'-.Iver I oln. ini liirlinf: all | niinor coin currency, •National hank iioti's and olh(‘r r. ,S, notes 1.1 Automobiie For Hire Town or Country DAY or NIGHT. - RATES REASONABLE Phone Rick’s Grocery, ILi John Flanagan Buggy Co. Phone 47. Greenville, N. C. I'olal I.iiihilille' ( apital stoi k paid in . Surplus fuiKl I ndividcd prolils, less cur- reii expenses ami taxes /laid U,'i7rt.<r. I’.ills payable i’';,iiiio,iii) Time certilicates oi de- po.sit L'l'i.l I’; I'epositS suhjecl to check .. ::7,''.'i7.^T liescrved tor interest , . . . L‘,2n'i,iH Total $ii;n,i,r>7.:i' Stale of .North Carolina. County of I’itI, ss; 1, W, H. Woolard. cashier of the a bove-nained bank, do sob'innly swe;ir that the above statement is true to liie best of my knowledge and belief. W. II. WOOLARD, Cushiev. Subscribed and sworn to before in ■. this 1 Sth day of Sept. IH11 S. T. CAKSO.V. Notary Public. \ly ('oniniission expries |)ec, i;l r.MI Correct-..\t test; .r. .1. CAiiSO.N, .\l. O. liLOr.NT. .TOlIX M.WO I lirei'tors WE HANDLE PRESCRIPTIONS >^l-ii,l.-.7.:i> ki If tifcuh were for members of our owu family. We vse none but th<? . ^:Jii,iiiiii.ii'i very purest drugs. W use every pr«j- ;;,i>Mo III) caution to Insure accuracy and faith (alnees. Have your prescriptions till- eu and you can have perfect confldencs In the medicine. And confidence, yoa know, Ib a grat help In effecting « cara. Coward-Wooten Drug Company THE FLANAGAN LINE IS THE QUALITY KIND II (•reeiiuih' lia'> In )o The liu-vit- able—Scores of < Iti/eiis I’rino If. After readin.i; the public statenieiii of this representative citizen of Green vilie given below, you must eomo to this conclusion: reniedy whieU proved so bi years a.go with the Uiilr.eys, can naturally be expected to iierforiii the siiine work in similar cases. Head this: Mrs. ,M. rornes. IL’th and Kvaiis sis, (5reeiiville, says; "I know from personal experience that I>oan'- i\idney Tills are a tine backache and kidney reniedy. 1 have used iheni w.'ili the host of results for dull, nag- .iriiiK haekaclies, pain across niy kid neys and hendaelies The kidney S''- cretions were unnatural and contain ed sediment. I'inall.v 1 procure 1 Doan’s Kidney I’ilsl from the ,T. b Wnoten Drug Co. and they hroupht me prompt r» lief. I have had no oe- casitin to usi> them for the past two .\i;.ra and gladly confirm my former endorsement” I Tice .'■lOe. at all tlealers. Don’t ; l imply ask for a kidney remedy—pet .Doan’s Kidiu V Tills—Ihe same that Mrs. Forne."! had V'oster-Milburn Co.. I'iMps., Huffalo. X. Y. ALLIES LINES HOLD. l'.\l\I,S. Scpi. lil — Iris oriici;ill> tluil llic l-'rciK-li Icl'i i iisIkmI i'oiw ;ii'(1 in ;in clTorl to oiiirhink tlio :iniiy <i«‘ii. \'oii Klm-k. 'I'lic i icriii;!iis ini>hi'(l tin* fcii- Icr in ;i ilcsprratc otTorl 1o iiicrcr tin lines o| ihc ^Mliis I'oi'l ilir.Mt ions, ( I'c’ioiinr on ilic Allies Ictl rciilcr lias liccii siIciiccd. ,\s till' (iiuin^iiiicnl |>i-iim-issrd llic <icnn;nis i'oimlit with (Icsiirraliou ni;il<in“ many l>;iyouct c]i;iuts Imt the Allirs held tllcil' liositioii ;it ;ill |ioin1s. RUSSIANS BESIEGING PRZEMYSL, S. jil. '2\ 'I'lu' \v;n- oHirr aniiouncc.s I'ln-llitT ;ul\anrcs by llic IJiissinn arni\ wliicli made lit'rcc a11acl\s with o\crw lii'ImiiiLi I'orco on Diihiccko on tln‘ i'i\cr San. 'I’lic i,’iissians caitlmTil lliousamls ol' ]iri<oii(‘rs- with laru'c siipiilio will'll this city rdl. I‘rf/.i'inysl is now iiiHlcr at t acU I’roin llircc dirifi'<‘ii1 dircrtioiis. Ihc lioinh .•irtlnii‘iit is |H'oviim' clTcrli\c and the lon-cs ai'c ;id\aiirini^' iil»on tiic oilier fort i ions, in I’.ttinze llic Monteiii- j ”'i’i 11 arni\' (tccii]lieil 1 he Iow 11 ol ivouik/a in 1 >o>nia and I ;ii'e now w ithin K' niile>. of Sevaje\ ". c.iiul.i! ol the |H'o- ! \ inct‘, wliich is eeri.iin to lie c;i]i1ured. TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER AND DESTRUCTION. 1 PARIS. Sept. IM 'I’iie battle of Ai>lie will he llllprc- iecdeiited in iiistovy lor slauuhtt'r aiiil destruction witiioni advantau'e on eitiiev side. 'I’lie Doiiihardiiient of i»’lii(‘iM<< M'ontiniies. Ilca\'\' uiiiis on tile hills tliree niile> aw;i_\ ar<’. j h'vcllinu- hjiildinu's. Il isadmitled tlinl the (ieriiian artil- I h'l'v lire is dt'adly aeeiii’ati'. .soiiu' ol the h»“a\ i<“st <iei'in;ni ! o'lins ^^lcllin^ the .lines ol tlie .\llies are se\'en miles di.s- ll.iiit. .\ll < ierinan ;irtil!ery is li;indlcd w itli reiiiarkal)lc i eh'verness. 'I’lie l*''rench .idniitled one of heax iesi uinrs nh'inu' the most c.Miniot he located hy their lorees. EVACUATION OF JAROSLAU EXPLAINED. Vn-:XXA. Sept. ‘J1 Tlic exaciiatioii <d' .larosi.iii by ihe .\iisirians was accomplished heeaiist' Ihev dt'sired to eonccntrati' their i'orees for i1k‘ detensc ol Prczeiuysl ac- eofdinc to llu* \vai‘ ofliee. .Taroslaii w as fired alicr the Aiis- trians forei'.-^ It'ft tlii' citv.

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