. Ill 3C Dear Santa Claus: i fc If you intend giving any little Boy or GixJ tv.Bicycfe for Xmas. it will pay you to eive me a call. :S ; O ' t- I have a large stock of Boys and 'I Girls' BICYCLES Of BEST MAKE whicli I am offering at prices "if lo: .as others charge for inferior makes. J" 'A CALL EARLY AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION ! WILLIAM 4 'The Sporting 91 Middle Street. Slop at tlse Athens Cafe FOR A CUP OF REAL JA VA COFFEE. For a light lunch or a square meal come to the ATHENS. Ev erything is rich and pure. We in vite families with children and pay special attention to ladies with children. OPEN EARLY AND LATE ATHENS CAFE. NEXT TO ATHENS THEATRE. REFTELIS BROS., Proprietor Throw Away Those Old Boots By sending your horse to Sniish's Shop to have him shod. We stop them from over-reaching and inter fering, and does away with that lameness and sourness. If you want the lu st Shoeing eall us. John I. Smith s Horse Shoe Shop Call Phone 746, Church Alley THE BEST OYSTERS THE MARKET Our experience does not extend back for 35 years as shuckers but we are selling THE BEST OYS TERS ever brought to New Bern at 25 cents a quart dry measure at our fish house. Re member we don't sell oyster juice or essence of liquor, we mean dry measure. Respectfully, NEW BERN FISH GO. Phone 107. The detective may be an earnest seeker, but he doesn t always find. New "-r?' Three months e x;l:00- -rr?& : 11, wr - One month 1 :,v- 40 - 4 , 9U r- . j T ' t'Wri v, ; .'. v ifr.J. 1?. MV',.-:.'.- v' v:, -';' - C V',1 ' 'i lie ' y eszLj s:: 3 r. : T. HILL Goods Man." Phone 25$ Scott's Horse Shoe Stop VOI R HORSE WILL LAUGH AT WINTER, He cannot slip and measure his length on icy streets and roads, you won't have to coddle him in the sta ble when you need him in. the shafts, if he is shod with Walpole Rubber Heels, as they prevent lameness and slipping. If you see the pads you won't wonder why they wear so well. Do not let your horse slide into his grave for the sake of a few cents. Let me put a pair on your horse today. Horses called for and delivered promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Respectfully, FRED M. SCOTT' 66 Broad street. Phone 735 NOTICE TO CAR OWNERS. ' I am now situated at the old Robinson Stables and ready to serve the trade, when your car needs washing, brass shmed and oiled up- We make your car re. mind you of the day you first bought it. We will give you a monthly club rate. Give me a trial. We also have large stor age room. Will give your car our whole attention, see NATHAN EDWARDS NOTICE. Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Thomas Clark and Ma tilda Clark his wife to S. W. Willis, beraing date of November 29th, 1911, and recorded in the office of register of Deeds for Craven County in Rook No. 184 .Folio No. 319, the undersigned will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in New Bern, N. C. on Tuesday the 31st day of December 1912. at the hour of 12 o'clock m. all of the fol lowing described real estate as conveyed i:l said mortgage, to wit: A certain tract of land in No. town ship, Craven County State of- North Carlina, adjoining the lands of W. A. Barrington, the Aason Hammond land and Laura Willis land and bounded as follows: by the above desirable lands of W, A. Barriigt.on, Aaron Hammond and Laura Willis: further de scribed as all the lanf of Judge Becton and wife containing four (4) acres more or less and for further reference to the deed of said Becton recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for said Craven County, in Book folio to This 30th day of November 1912. S. W. WILLIS, Mortgagee. One iZi. . Bern Bafly Six months e (. 1 f, , , . DON'T PAY MONEY - : : v? ; FOR DARKNESS. ; Put - a National Mazda lamp " whereveryou i have a carbon lamp and you will, get three times as much light without spend ing a cent more for elec tricity. Come to our store and see tHe proof. New Bern Electric Supply Company, 45 Pollock St. . Phone 297 ISN'T IT TIME YOU WERE MAKING THAT IIIXXXX1XXIXXXISXIXIXXXIX7 Christmas Cake ? rxxxxxxxxxxxxrxxxx We carry everything needed for fruitcakes also can supply your table with any thing you want at reason able prices. ni rnone us your or ders. BROAD STREET GROCERY CO. Phone 146 and ,156 Railroad LUNCH ROOM IN UNION STATION Is now open all night and day 365 days in the year. Call in at any time, day or night for something to eat and drink. Quick service and satisfactlqn guaranteed, f Nothing but the best of eatables used in -our cafe. Give us a call. Tours to serve C. E. TAYLOR. Prop. Do you want - jour; suits f thoi oughly cleaned and made to look as new Phone 443 and try our antiseptic process on your fall and winter suit. . We can reclaim many garments you cast aside a passe. Altering and repairing a specialty. We press while you wait. The Winne CLEANING AND DYING ESTAB LISHMENT. J.'B. Henderson, prop. 10 Pasteur St., Opposite Union Station Phone 443 year, S., , , v TT'7" o SiiTbscriTb for STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, J i COUNTY OF JONES., , . PURSUANT TO AND BY VIR TUE of the power of , sale contained in . that certain mortgage deed duly executed by Major, J;?Wara and' wife Hannah Ward to A.' C. Fpcue;i bearing dte the 5th day jof , February 1907 and 'recorded ia the Registry pt-Jones Countyrin. Book,,-St . page 5St,-de-fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said mortgage deed.'the undersigned mort gagee'; wifl. sell at public outcry, to the hingest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the Town of Trenton, Jones County and State of North Carolina on, SATURDAY lhh 1AY OF JAN. 1913 AT 12 O'CLOCK M. A TRACT OF PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, to-wi. "Lying anj being in While Ok Township and being a tract of la d known as the C. C. Cannon or Mondi e land ; and same as sold to ( has. Bark' r by J. A. Smith and conveyed to said Major J. Ward by said Chas. Barker containing 60 acres more or less-. ! Adjoining the lands known as the Long Point plantation and others and lying on the North side the main road lead ing from Maysville to Bogue Sound." FURTHER INFORMATION in regard to the above described land will be furnished by the undersigned upon request. This the 11th day of Dec. 1912. A. C. FOSCUE, JUILUS K. WARREN, Mortgagee. Attorney. Norfolk Southern Railroad ROUTE OF THE "Night Express" SCHEDULE I.N EFFECT SEPTEM BER 22, 1912. N. B. The following schedule figures published as information ONLY and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE NEW BERN: North Bound; 12:30 a. m. Daily Nieht Express Pullman sleeping car for Norfolk. 9:25 a. m. Daily for Norfolk Con nects for all points. North and West. Parlor car service between Washington and Norfolk. West Bound: I ."45 p. m. Daily except Sunday for Washington, Belhaven, Greenville, Wilsoa and Raleigh. Parlor car service betweeea Washington and Raleigh. 4:19 a. m. Daily Niuht Epreks f.jr Goldsboro. 9:I a. m. Daily for Goldsboro. 5:35 p. m. Daily for Goldsboro. East Bound: 9:2 a. m. Daily for Beaufort. 5:35 p. m. Daily for Beaufort. 9:50 a. m. Daily excefJt Sunday for Oriental. 5:45 p. m. Daily for Oriental. For further information or reser vation of Pullman Sleeping Car space apply to T. H. BENNETT, T. A., New Bern, N. C. W. W. CROXTON, G. P. A., Norfolk. Virginia. tlx t . . .. r PROFESSORSHIP: FORjTAFT J Likely ? Not . To' Practice T. Law u In Cincinnati as Predicted. . 't $pw' York, pec 1 l.f-President Taft will not go to Cjnncinatj and, practice law when he jeaves the ,,White; House', but has agreed to 'accept a professor ship in the Yale .Law School. " This statement is made authoritatively by a close friend of Taft, who says he is acquainted with the President's plans. The informant stated that President Taft will accept the Kent professorship of lnw, which has been unfilled since the death of Edward J. Phelps in l'))0. Phelps was appointed t" the professor ship in ISM, and although he became minisur tj threat Lriti.ni li appoint ment oi J'reM'leiii ( lev rein! ill he retained it until hi- death. '! fessor.-hip covers le.ierc- in !. I st ii u t iuii.il .mo in ft i i; i i e. I !.t v. . 1SS.S, e pro SEEK PARDON FOR WILCOX. Applir.it ion li.i b-en made to Cov. W. W. Kiteliin by Hieriil 1. I. Wilcox of Elizabeth ( it fur the pardon ot his son, James Wilcox, nol serving a sentence of thirtv vi-.ir in i h,- n. ni. tentiary for the murder of Nell Cropsey. The Wilcox-Cropsey case was one of the most sensational in the history of Eastern North Carolina. Wilcox was found guilty of the murder of Miss Cropsey and on June 16, 10J, was sent to the penitentiary. Frequent efforts have been made to secure his pardon. THE MARKETS. December 11, 1912. POULTRY, EGGS, ETC. (Quotations furnished by Coast Line Meat Market). Chickens Grown, pair 65-80 Chickens Half-grown pair 35-50 Geese, per pair ..$1.25-51-35 Ducks, per pair 70-85 Eggs, per doz 28 Hams, country, smoked, lb .18 Beeswax, lb 22 Wool, 16 to 1 Wool, 16 to 17 Hogs, dressed, lb 10-10 1-2 Beef, dressed, lb 8-9 Hides G. S.. lb 9 Green, lb 8 Dry Flint, lb 12-14 Dry Salt, lb 1....0-12 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (Quotations by New Bern Produce Company). Irish potatoes new crop $2.40 Sweet potatoes, bushel 40 to 55 Lima Beans, quart 8 Rutabagas, hundred $1.00 Collards head, .02 Turnips bunch, ( .03 Cabbage, barrel 85c a iM $1.00 COTTON (Quotations furuisbed by G. VV. Tay lor & Son.) New York. Open High Low Close Jan. 12.54 12.63 12 54 12.62 Mar. 12.64 12.71 12.64 12.71 Dec 12.41 12.50 12.41 12.50 Spots 13c. Maket steady 5 points up. Port receipts, 58,000. Liverpool Opening Closing Jan. & Feb. 6.76 6.76 1-2 Mar. & Apr. 6.73 6.73 Sept.& Oct. 6.36 6.37 New Bern Good Middling 12 5-8 Strict Middling 12 1-2 Middling 12 3-8 i Strict Low Middling 12 1-8 -rvo wmm $4.00 2.00 uT - . J. . . :.,T.: ... T tie GeiTiei'G it CASGAOETS" THE JEST No Headache, Biliousness, Sluggish Liver or Constipated Bowels py Morning. No odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches, howmiserable and uncomfortable you are from constipation, indigestion, bilious ness and sluggish intestines you al ways get th.' desired resu.lts with Cas carets and quickly, too. Don't let your stomach, tivcr and bowels make you miserable. Lake Cas carels tonight; put an end to the head .'.clie, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness, sick, sour, n ssy stomach, backache and all other distress: cleanse your inside or fan of all l he bill-, gases ami const i pat ed in it ler which is producing the misery. j A lUcenl box means healt h, happiness and a clear head for months No more day s of gloom and distress if you will take a Cascarel now and then All f druggists sell Lascarets. Don't forget the children their little insides need a a good, gentle cleansing, too. (Advertisement) A Great Plant. "What do you think will finally be selected as our national plant?" "Well. It Is dollars to dimes it will be the mint." Baltimore American. LODGE DIRECTORY ATHEN1A LODGE No. 8, K. of P . Meets everv 'I urndav N r. m., over Gas Co.'s office, Middle St.. A. M. Franklin, C. C..J H. Smith, K. of R. and S. Visit ing brothers are assured of a chevalier's welcome CRAVEN LODGE No. 1, KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Meets second and fourth Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock in each month at Knights of Harnony hall, corner Broad and llanci :k street J. K. Willis, President; K. 1 Dis sw' , Secretary; J. D. McCoy, Financial Sec retary. LOOK INSIDE and see how cleanly and orderly this meat market is kept. You ar sure t be favorably impressed. WE HAVE JUST THE CUT YOU WANT Whether roast, chop or steak, we know we can please you, When pat onizing us you have the assurance MEATS FROM HERE ARE ALWAYS FRESH. A. CASTET Meat Market. Phone 239 BOSH ' . v . . . , ' mm r .5' r v , ' - - up U f X' ' , p sf I

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