ittf #?f f^ads J- I llljDw r**'? iifld Anything m a "* ^ *"' Oil J -Ji^ I A I ffifr^"' ? ?"' jP^ fr-i'-UV* ''r ? " -,\' * - ."^? S>' lfl tie ^ .-? *? .* V'l ,;- " : ' 'H ?fc- ? I "WBEt c *! ' .? ? ' ,v'V :." '*-'*'",'''^ '' -:; I Personals Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd G. Hudson of Charleston. S. '<t wore week e#d guest# of Mr and Mrs. Hubert Simpsoh. Mrs. Minnie S. Edwards and son, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd G. Hudson of Charleston, S. C. attended the B?ui laville-Topsail basketball game in Ham&ead Friday night. Mrs. Mine Kennedy visited Mrs. Alice Jones ia the Duplin General Hospital in KenansvHle Thursday afternoon, also Mrs. Paul Hunter of Warsaw. Mrs. Carl Home and Mrs. Em mett Clark visited Mrs. Mice Jones In the Buplin General (Hospital Thu rsday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Hunter eud son Barry of Washington. D. C. spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Raup and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Raul Westbrook of Grady. Mr. and Mrs. Baddy Ste vens .of Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Fred AJbertson of Beulaville. Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson: of Warsaw and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lanier en ioyed seafood at the Southernaire in Sneads Ferry Tuesday night. Miss Martha Sandflin, Freshman at Sullins College spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1. J. Sandlin, Jr. Mrs. Nick Hodge and Mrs. C. G. Sandlin of Raleigh spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brinaon. Mrs. Malcolm Rhodes, Penny and haby son of Jacksonville spent Thu rsday with Mrs. Mattie P. Brad shaw. Mrs. Sarah Boiin and Mrs. J. -E. Sandlin were in Goldsboro Tuesday Mrs. Lula Q. Parker. Mrs. Paul Bolin visited Mrs. Lizzie Q. Miller in Kinston Monday. Miss Donna Jan Sumner of East Carolina College In -Greenville spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Everton were overnight guests of Rev. and Mrs. Wilbert Everton and family in Smith field. Mrs. L. A. Nethercutt of Rocky Mount spent Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Betty Jackson. Mrs. Alton Brinson and Mrs. Bill Hussey, Jr. shopped in Kinston Wednesday. Misses Woody Shepard. Ernestine Mitchell, Ann Lewis and Peggy Mit chell of Jacksonville and Mrs. James R. Creech, HI dined at the County Squire Thursday night. Mrs. Ida Jar map'. of Richlands and Rena Wacd. Jackson visited Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brinson Wed nesday. Msr. Adell Matthews, Mrs. Gay nell Edwards and Patricia made a business trip to Kenansville Moo day. Douglas Clark of Wilmington and Jonsey Littleton of Swansboro were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Clark. Betty Lou Jones and Terry Brin son were in Mount Olive Sunday. Henry Guy, student at UNC, Cha pel Hill spent the weend with hit mother, Mrs. Anna B. Guy. Mrs. Mamie Thomas and Mrs Adell Matthews made a business trip to Kenansville Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. John Barbee and Joy Rich lands were guest of Mrs. Reuben Hunter Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carroll visited Mrs. C. G. Carroll in Warsaw Thu rsday afternoon. Mrs. Sarah Bryan and Mrs. Lula Muldrow made a business trip tc Jacksonville Thursday. Friends Of Mr. Larry Sandlin art sorry to learn that he is confined to his home due to illness. Mrs. James Miller has returnee home after being hospitalized in thi Kenansville hospital for Severn days. Mesdames Stephen Smith. Lull Parker. Emma Wade, Mamie Tbo mas, Milton Cattle, Betty Jackson Reuben Hunter and Adell Matthew: visited Mrs. Margaret Thisgjen am Toe Dick Miller in the Lcnior Coun ly Rest Home in Kinston Wedne my aft^Tnoo. Mrs Betty Brown has returns liome after visiting her daughter Mrs. Dorothy Littleton in Burgav iof several days. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond fiender son of Jacksonville Visited Mr am Mrs. Simpson Howard and Ra; Monday. Circle No. J Circle No. 1 of the Beulavill Presbyterian Women of the Chore! met Tuesday evening at *30 in th heme of Mrs Grace Clark will, si: members present. Mrs. Joe Albert son. Circle chairman, presided tove the meeting. ~ Mrs. Julia Hinson, secretary, cal lad the roll and read the mhmtes c the last meeting. After a short business meeting th Bible Study was turned over to Mrs members present AT ION VRV, . KN VCLOI*Cfl - S v- A'.' ? With Our ~ fjio * ; ~WW . . . Philip M. J?es Parris Island,'p. C.-JJarine Pri vate First Class'5 Phi<T M. Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gentry J. Jones of Route 1, Chinquapin, N. C., re cently completed recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island. Boutir Carolina. The indoctrination to Marine Corps life includes instruction in basci military law, discipline, phy sical conditioning and other miliary subjects. Three weeks ace-spent on the rifle range, where recruits fire the M-H rifle and receive instruction on other infantry weapons. A graduate of the Chinquapin High School, Jones entered the Marines in August 1962. I MILTON C. DELUCA LACKLAND APB, Tex. ? Airman Basic Milton C. DcLaca, saa of Mr. and Mrs. MiMaa DeLuca of Bew dens, N. C , is being reassigned to , Chanute APB, 111, for technical training as a United States Air For ce communications analysis specia ; list. Airman DeLuca. who completed the first phase of his military train . ing here, was selected for the speci i allied course on the basis of his in terests and aptitudes. I The airman is a 1962 graduate of . James Kenan High School, Warsaw. ' MELVIN L. BIZZELL 1 Fort Gordon, Ga. - Army Pvt. Melvin L. Bizzell, son of Mr. and ' Mrs. Lepolia Bizzell, Mt. Olive, N. 1 C., recently completed eight weeks of advanced individual infantry I training at Fort Gordon, Ga. ? Bizzell received instruction in 1 combat techniques and in firing the M-14 rifle and M-60 machincgun, j two of the Army's newest infantry ~ Ginny Williams i Is Six hMrs. Radford Williams honored her daughter Ginry with a party at ^ their home on January 16th cele brating her sixth birthday. ; Upon arrival the little guests were given favors- and several games L were enjoyed. After Ginny opened j her many lovely presents, Mrs. Wil ? | liams served refreshments of hot dogs, Pepsis, birthday cake and ice cream to the following: Elaise A1 bertson, Grandam Williams, Zebbie Lanier. Clinia Fountain, Johnny La nier, Martha Quinn, Lara Quinn. e Sarah Simpson, Page Lanier, Jeff h Simpson, Tammy Albertson, Fran e ces Williams and Peggy Simpson. K : ; Announce Birth Mr. and -Mrs. Freeman Raynor I- of Beulaville announce the birth of if a son at Lenoir Memorial Hospital in Kinston on January 16th. Mrs e Raynor is the former Miss Gene i. vieve Sandlin of Beulaville. ii Announce Birth e Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lanier ann ounce, the birth of a daughter, Wir >. uary 2nd in Lenoir Memorial Hos The M-yeor old entered the Am? in Au;>u?t 1062 end completed basic combat training at Fort Gordon. Ga. me Is a <962 graduate of E. E.'' Smith High School in Kenansville. N. C. ^ ' ? I ? CLARENCE G. WISH ART JR.. LACKLAND AFB, Tex. - Airman Third Class Clarence G. Wishart Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Wishart of 206 8. Currie St., Wal lace. N. C., is being reassigned to Ft. Lee, Va., for technical training as a United States Air Force cook. Airman Wishart, who completed the first phase of his military train ing here, was selected for the spec ialized course on the basis of his in terests an daptitudes. The airman is a 1662 graduate of Wallace-Rose Hill High School in Teachey,' N. C. -- p i? j- ? m PAUL A. FARRIOR ^MCKLANP AFB, Tex. - Airman Third Class Paul A. Farrior, son of Mrs. Gertrude J. Farrior of Rt 1 M-gnoiia. N. C.. Is being reassign-' Ft Va., for technical training as a United States Air force cook. Airman Farrior. who completed the first phase of his military train u>j? here, was selected for the spec ialized course on the basis of his in terests and aptitudes. _ airman is a 1862 graduate of ville N^C Higih 80,1001 ,n KenaJS ALONZA P. THOMPSON OLARJC AB. Philippine Islands ? Airman Second Class Alonza F Thompson of Faison, N. C.. has ar rived here for assignment with an Air Force Communications Service unit. Airman Thompson, a communica tions aenter specialist, entered the service in June I960. The airman, son of Mr. and Mm. Julius C. Thompson of Rt. 2, Fai son, is a graduate of Douglass High School, Warsaw, N. C. JAMES M. KORNEGAY USS GUNSTON HALL - James M. Kornegay, shipfitter fireman, USN son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brown of Magnolia, N. C. was serving aboard the dock landing ship USS Gunston , Hall while she was part of the -Uni ted State-s quarantine forces in the Caribbean. The Gunston Hail returned to San Diego, Caljf., Dec. -is, after spend ing two months with the forces. She is a unit of the Pacific Fleet Amphi bious Force, a major element of American seapower at home and ' abroad. She was one of more than 20 am phibious ships with 18,000 Navymen and Marines called into action from the West Coast. Berry C. Kenedy ! USS CABILO - Berry C. Kennedy engineman third class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs Thomas Kennedy of ' Beulavilte, N. C., was serving a ?55!. dock 'and'lK ship USS Cabiido, while she was part of the United States quarantine forces in the Caribbean. The forces were under the com mand of Vice Admiral Alfred G Ward, USN. The Cabiido was one of more than 30 amphibious ships called into ae Uon from the West Coast with 18. 000 Navymen and Marines She operates from Long Beach, Calif as part of the Pacific Fleet Amphi bious Fores a major clement M ' American seapower abroad. DUPLIN-TIMES WANT AD., 1 ai71 ^^^ ^ ^ [1 * ' I MB (65? k "Where Thousands ^ A ME Saving Millions" ? ?Our 65th ANNIYERSART CELEBRATION and APPRE CIATION DAYS are now being observed in recognition of the confidence, loyalty and valued patronage of the good ettiEens of Southeastern Nortii Cartlina through the yean, ve would like .,. /?? ^ # ... to show our PPRECIATION Ml for saving slOO or more By . . . Opening A New Account or... Add To Your Present Sayings . . .. +** take your choice JmL of these handsome if 41^ fir A r tunA I jrUk IFTS L,M,T - ?NE GIFT llMr PER ACCOUNT Gx)perative Offers You... v I JjflO ??rt\ _ ^ INSURED SAVINGS ... FOUR and (a QUARTER PER CENT DIVIDENDS ... AVAILABILITY ... Your Sav /H\ VA 'n9s When You Need It! MORTGAGE LOANS ... To 1,0\\ ?~\ Buy ... Build or Remodel! (O \\ *1 ?) \l/a \oy \^Gs^y BEAUTIFUL 16-PIECE DINNERWARE SET IN "Trumpet.Ware" . PLASTIC This nationally known din nerware set comes in your choice of three colors. White. Pink and Turquoise, and Is "Unconditionally Guaranteed" and "Dish washer 5ofe''. i jmBL 65th Anniversary CeHBrtJtton and Apt elation Days and ropletar for the ipeofoau tar prize of a $500 BILL to be fllven a*Ov at thi end of the 65th Anniversary Celebration and Annotation ; _ HANDSOME 16-PIECE SCRUBS STEEL TABLEWARE ?ET Drowina ^ t0 onnou^. ^ ^ ' $5430 00 IT 0< 0t" *** 10 Wi? ** ! This durobie. g!?oming siolrtless steel is o prod- '?XI0.00 Btll. uct of Tht International Silver Compony. 8 Frederick VQlCtll Jf ASSETS OVER 38 MILLION DOLLARS 1 ; Ex^utive Vic. Preside ^

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