'BggL'SHSM.'-g" *? L ^ iillE'a.. -JJLl.i LI LJ. .11, Woodland Smietv .1 I Personals Recent *Wtors of Me'Su^HS Wallace wen Mr1 khdtirs. ttkh nin whitman And of Mbw ?York. ' "Mrs. Eva James of Friendship" .was a guest in the homo of Mr. tand Mrs. B. F. Wallace Saturday - other guest in the WalMce hotpe 'was Mrs. Willard Johns# ef Ken ansville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Millard and [children of Roxboro spent a few tdays last week with Mrs. Millard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jatnes l?J {Walker. Week end guests of Mr. *fcnd Mrs. Walker were Mr. and 'Mrs. James Howard Walker of Dur ham. ?i ' I ; ?: tMSTPSFJ IK?, wtmafttf amahy-wer* Mr ? *Aa Mrs Mercer Williams and family; <Wi"' ?w~??T .1MWT1TTT,'" ?fi?lT TtTI'Tiv* I Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Heath, and Mr. and Mrs. James E. West brook visited in the home of Mr. m ,* rou"? Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Smith Were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon King of Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. g. 0. Dunn have as gucftt Qlfr: son- fr. Aflpft flgr V*i "wmny-irohTNtfjr y?t." flie Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Howard ?s.-sr msjt sir, trt srfeTsm&r " Sr. K.i(ne|(i 0. Mb, /jjgjut aMth tdofessor at Gilford Collide vfraswK daughter. Mrs. J*1?ik} Wallace, Mr and tin. C. B. Ming. Jr. and bo orwere visitors with Mr. and IJodo i?? WMlafe Saturday after Mrs. Jack Wells and son Stacy Allen of Wallace spent Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. S. R. Chest nut. ?uteiwfc/'frir children also of Foikstone spent Sunday in the Wallace home. : MZt i&M several days at Atlantic Beach last innnlr U i ^ Mr. and Mrs. Lellie Teachey and boys visited the gprents of Leslie l&chey. near *U)se Hill SUt?day %?JL Sanctuary of thf ^chuVcFr with * members present - '? The brettdenf, Mrs. K. J. Smit presided and opened the iMfetfc ttf the slnrfhg 8/ "He ? Leadth Me The devotion by thefcev. W. r'H Ward, pastor, foBowed. *? ? ? the program, "What Shall W Tell bur Children AbtWf Rate ', wi presented by Mrs! Rodn?$ Horn ?ggy-' - *t' I ' ? mmm feach' mhrttbdr givhtf the Mfaittr't aiplf visits she had madi Ifr n w winm iimwf wist Kornegay also read the Treasure) 'Ta.?* ??*?* new plate of officer! were insta led. The Rev. W. E. Howard c| ducted the installation service. '' The following were install* President, Mrs. K. J. Smith; Vit president, Mrs. Dwight Walkii Sec-Treasurer, Mrs. Zollie Korn gay. - Air. & Mrs. Stroud Are Honored Mesdames S. M. Lee. Dwight W| ker. Charles Bell, and Miss Bet| Kay Herring honored Mr. and Mjr Bobby fi^roud with a bridal showi In the Woodlapd Methodist churt '?CMMfw.... .EifS life .kef, OYfedftWj'^lth ??jme band 11 made' trdchfetea p|otn. 4?d center ed wlty a mjpliWfefe bride and h> ' A colui acne me of green and white was used in die decorations ! The refreshment table was covered fe with an all; white1 arrangement of ag chrysanthemums, with white burti Jl irig tapers interspersing. ? X ? . ? > Mrs. jRjiajjM ?e|| poured punch c- from one end of the table while >1- Mis? Beth Kgy -Herring served the 31 PP<*4 lr0l? the opposite j Slid ipjnu were a also served. r* 1>ere were rn guests present. i ^ ? ? . GwdepfiiM iel ? I A co-worker called anij gpid that '' a bean had been sent (o Mrp fori ? identification fte (hqugfit it was a l "Jack" bean and wmited to knpw whether.or not it yes edible, When he described It, I was rare it'yras i a JaWr bean because yg get onC or two most V*cty ^ear. d'tMnk I hqvp i reported on' thfs befppe but anther jy time lhajr get the wifd around. *?' r The Jack bega, a bean-like plant, ? (Oanavalia ensiformis) is also cal * Jag tlje CJuakaeaw lima. This bean r is sometimes grown in the South for stock feed and is passable for use as p snspheaq whap the pods are from fOUr-shc1 Inthes long. The mature pods map be' 14 inches long. In warm 'Climates it' is a bushy plant with little tendency to climb. "^jaase tefl me what J can use to contrq) grass in the driveway and felwaen joints of the eop >alk in /so3 of the house." Vprsol gs a wetting spray. This is easy to use and there js no spray drift jyoblem It liwif he purchased from some filiag st tions. Adjust your nozztp tp #ve tr coarse spray and thorohgWyf^i'ef' thfe' blades of grass or weeM. May take more than oqe treatment for complete kill. ' ?' '? 1' ' ' ?'' " ' A mofher cglled p)e home lgst night ahput her littje gjrl who had been chewing a fruit qf the Jeru salem Cherry. She. of Course, was cpncerned and wapted to kPOW whe ther or not fhere was any danger iifvolVed. T told her thert was none but to plape the plant opt qf reach. The Jerusalem "Cherry (gqjgnupi * Pseucjo capsicum) is grotyp as a ?_ pot plant for its showy fruits. It I belongs fa a large group pf jflants, I potato, tomato*, pepper, eggplant, I red Sblamnrt, which inclijd& the I Irish 'Potato, pepper eggplant, red I pepper and spme of {hp pipiijcin I ? i> - m?l! 1 ? ~ al plants. It Is commonly referrec to as tiie Nightshade Family. Some of the lants in this group it being such a large family, ar< reported to havp fftxip 'qualities some of which may bfc Sbmewhai exaggerated. Dr. James W. Hardin has prepar ed a bulletin on poisonous plants oi Carolina and m nm wist sznrrr ttzzztzi I to have a copy. If you do,, you might first chock with your county agent. If he does pot .have it, wrha ; eiimOT College Station, Raleigh, N. C. and ? ask for Experiment Station Bulletin : No 414 - Poisonous Plants of North i Carolina . , ^ j >?. We Want Your Hogs ?EJP pS OR nNK We Pay Premium f or Top ^ualit^ Ham "afflff.mSBHS&r. Clinton LY 2-2104 is u all 1 ai m t f -PvV nqiw Home Grown Bed BUaa Home Grows Cantaloups Potatoes Tomatoes II rvaiiainiia Home Grown taJreprs Prpdw* tfsfket NEW LOCATION Next To Price's Gulf Service Station WARSAW, N. C. f??? nir ii i 7 rjtii > 11 iiiibi iii> fjupw 1 7 ? i WE INVITE POPLIN COUNTY 1 TO SELL '? ? dr.V? * ? .. "iff ? Jfc v AT THE ~ _ Hedfeueht Warehouse ? ?wHKifWII w W wl 1WWww (Fayettfvi lie Road) Twr??i ? i%>\.-' ??. i^Sa-S *? -j" ?>"'??? t ",? *??'?. LUMBERTON, N, C ??'J ^ TELEPHONE 739-4993 WHERE YOU ARE ASSURED TOP PRICES AND COURTEOUS SERVICE HKjSKSffiSsl^ ? .' ? Market Opens August 1st. . ?!??? y y ? ? A. t- ' ? "' ? R. A. HEDGPETH -Your Friends H. H. HICK? 5 ? ;a R. L ROLLINS ?j LEE ROY WALKER, Sales Manager ?i-EE2? . -.v <i. ?> ,'jM You Must Present Your AAarketing Card At Scales When Tobacco 1 WEST COAST LUMBER CO. H 200 CoitU H?vm M. i.Pw Friend?: No) only i* your "total housing bill leu" at West Coast Lumber V Company, but due to "Vest Coast Lumber's labor saving qualities ? your "total l^or bill is also muek less/' Ami, you btVf JhkUtf fl quality products too. X|ig gsg gf West Coast Lumber is growiqo fast in the South as I well as .throughout the whole country. Whaler you k|ow lumber I or not, your common sense tells you W6sl Coh|l,Lumber must give yalue ? ? ? ? ? - Try it yoursflf and see!! ..I ? ? ??? Timer *c I nW IS | I West Coast ? r NL1 rnioij nu PxecuJ Slyd* $ 83-12 Rapdqm Lengths 2 x 4's 1 85,03 2 x 6 & wider framing $ 89.77 1 x 12 Sheathing boards $ 85.03 West Cgasl ? Shelving Boards $118.75 Wood Paneling $11875 Beams & Posts ? $133.00 Clear Boards $209.00 i ?? I Wes) Coast ? Douglas Fir Plywood $ 2.83 Marine PIzwdm) ?? i PrefinisheH Plywood Paneling $ 3.96 Also ? Appalaohiap OaJr Flooring A 128.25 Sealfab Roofing r * 7.85 White Fir Mouldings i Do come to see us! Thank Vpm CQ^f WMjNi ? ?; MR. TOBACCO GROWER m ' * m , -v.. m ?. t ' v * - ? The Place ^9u Are Sure Of Geftin g The Most For Your Tobacco Is At Holliday's AND Frve^s MAfl I Warehouses V IFppgrtftt Carolina ERNEST FRYE Will Be On Sale At All Times and Has tygyen Tjfpe And Again That He Sells Tobacco HIGHER! MARKET THURSDAY, OPENS AUGUST -A SALE EVERY DAY WE URGE YOUfg sell your primings 0f |pps? Jepf {jfa cco during the first I I seven days. YOfIJ WILL GET MORE fo r this tobacco during these days. TELEPHONE MA 8-7333 I Call Jake Burns, Coll ect, For Floor Space II s r _J yye Will Sell Untied Tobacco $lffing Thf First Seven Days.

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