To avoid imitations, ahvayi look for the J 1 T?1 MOTHER;? Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harm less Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. I* . I . ? * A # But Only So Lofig liave little Friend ? it's so lovely to sisters, I think. Hitr Sister ? Yes ? so Ion don't lit your stockings an as they gloves. Say "Bayer Asjbirin INSIST! Unless yo "Bayer Cross'' on ta are not getting the Bayer Aspirin proved millions and prescribed sicians for 24 years. " Acce; Baye see the ?lets you genuine safe by by phy t only a package irections 12 tablets -Druggists jBayer Mann S&licyUcaeid which contains proven Handy "Bayer" boxes olj Also bottles of 24 and lOOi Aspirin is the trade mark ofl factore o f lioaoacetlcacldester qfl BIG ULC ALL "Here is another letter] | that makes me happy." says PetersonJ of Buffalo. 'One that I would ratherlliave than a thousand dollars. r I "Money isn't everythl: ig in this world. There is many aj big-hearted, rich man who would giv< all he has on earth to be able to prjcjduce a rem edy with such mighty as Peterson s Ointment, drugrgists for 60 cents a Dear Sirs: ? "I was an untold su ff# running sore and ulcers, most everything withoi# from pain. A friend tolf] wonderful ointment and took away the pain thati me before in years, anq just nine dollars' worth I am cured. The ulcer wife f U inches. Is all healed add I can walk. Never, never will I be wl son's aerain. "You may use this tl your ointment, if you wfth. I cannot say enough to praise it Mrs. Albert Southcott, L|| T." Mall orders filled Ointment <Co., Inc., Buffalo. N. T aling power j> sell at all {large box." er from old I had tried any relief me of your he first box had not left I after using pf the salve b 9 inches by thout Peter recommend, j ?Tours truly, ndonville, N. by Peterson All's Well "How are your sick goldfish, Mrs. B^ankheni?" "Oh, thank you. They're oii their feet again." A FEELING OF SECURITY WHEN YOU USE SWAMP-ROOT " S I ' ' You naturally feel secure when you know that the medicine you are about to take is absolutely pure and contains no harmful or habit-producing drugs. j Such a medicine is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp IU>ot, kidney, liver and bladder medicine. The same standard of purity, strength and excellence is maintained in every bottle of Swamp-Root. { It is scientifically compounded from vegetable herbs. f it is not a stimulant apd is taken in teaspoonful doses. It is not recommended for everything. i It is nature's great, helper in relieving and overcoming kidney, liver and bladder troubles. A sworn statement of purity is with, every bottle of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp loot. If you need a medicine, you should have ,he best. On sale at all drug stores in x>ttles of two sizes, medium and large. | However, if you wish first to try this great preparation * send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a temple bottle. When writing, be sure And mention this paper.? Advertisement. Much Cheaper Bug ? Why do you carry your house around on your hack? Snail ? 'Cause it's1 cheaper to move [than pay rent! Freshen a Heavy Skin With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely scented, economical face, skin, baby and dusting powder and perfume. Renders other perfumes superfluous. One of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum). ? Advertisement Purely Pro Tem Lily ? So yo' done mortgaged our in home? Mose ? Jes' temporarily, honey, till de mortgage am foreclosed. The occasional use of Roman Eye Balsam at night will prevent and relieve tired eyes and eye strain. 372 Pearl St., N. Y. Adv. Don't forget that machine-made poli ticians seldom become able statesmen. 4 puffs llllll llllll 11111'" """"SI 1 J * F L I E 5 Jt MOSQUITOES FLEAS " 0LOSE doo: dows, the quantity of Insect Powd of paper. B1 the tiny partic float about the these annoy: pests. Some j the powder. I ive. The cost Brand Insecj amazingly lo Insect Pow Mi In red sifting- to# cans ? ?t your grocer or druggist. Household sizesJiSc and 35c. Other sizes! 70c and $1.25. L+rgo Pomp Gjm? 75c. and win lace a small Branc on a piece upward? of powdei m and kill household efer to burn is also effect f using Bee Powder is most effective insecticides. Bee Brand is the most ef fective Powder. Bee Brand Insect Powder kills Flies, Fleas, Mosqui toes, Ants, Roaches, Water Bugs, Bed Bugs, Moths, Lice on Fowl, Weevil ? and many other house and gar den insects. Non-poisonous ? harmless to mankind, domestic ani mals and plants. Does not spot or is one of the stain-100% pure-no adulteration. k & Co., Baltimore, Md. If your dealer can't sup ply you, send 35c for large household size. Give dealer's name. Get our free booklet, "It kills, them", a guide for killing house or garden insects. IMSIC Mo. of Turns Manometer Wtf? Vernier 7 JTL 23^/ate 4 V<xrta.6h \Vith Verv7/&tyr\ j 35 I I ^Bake/ite. Tube Arty Standard Detector Tube The Hookup of the Modifle d Circuit Is Easily Followed. (Edited by O. Douglas Wardrop, Editor of Radio Merchandising.). . .. , / By ROBERT HERTZBERQ As can be seen from the Illustra tions, the outfit Is an unusually simple one. The circuit was designed by Messrs. Haviland Halsted and Donald B. Stevens of New Rochelle and Its efficiency can be Judged from the fact that station 2LO in London was heard on one WD12 tube during the recent transatlantic tests. The parts required are few in num ber. A 23-piate vernier variable con denser is used for the tuning, and an ordinary variometer supplies the re generation. The shaft of the latter in strument is equipped with- a geared vernier dial, which greatly facilitates the adjustment. A standard tube socket and a six-ohm rheostat (for the WD12) are mounted on the right-hand end of the panel, which is of high-qual ity composition, 18 inches long and 7 wide. The variable condenser is mounted inside the special tuning coil, thus saving much space and making the connecting wires very short. The inductance coll is the feature of this receiver, but there Is nothing par ticularly difficult about its winding. The diagram gives all the constants. A standard 4-inch cardboard or bake llte tube 3 Inches long Is wound with 56 turns of No. 24 double cotton cov ered wire. The end nearest the panel is the lower end in the diagram. The lower switch shown 4n the latter is the upper switch on the panel. Beginning at the end of the coil nearest the panel, a tap Is taken after two turns, another tap after another two turns, and then two more taps, one turn apart. These four taps and j the end of the coil go to the aerial switch points. Skipping one turn from the last tap, connection is made to the ground, the plus of the "A" battery, and to the rotary plates of the variable tuning condenser. This winding Is the "primary," and is untuned, as in all Reinartz hookups. Winding Is Continued. The winding Is -now continued with out interruption for thirty-five turns, and a tap taken at the thirty-fifth wire. Fourteen more turns complete the coil, and two mo^e taps made, one at the forty-second, the other from the end of the wire. This winding Is the "secondary," which Is tuned in the usual manner by the variable con denser. The switch and its three con tact points are beneath the primary switch on the panel, between the vari able condenser and the variometer. The aforementioned potentiometer is fastened to the panel to the left of the condenser-coil assembly. Only two I 1 vernier dial Is of great value In work-. Ing up to this point Tuning It Very Sharp. The tuning of the secondary vari able condenser Is very sharp, and no trouble Is experienced In separating the powerful local broadcasters. In hunting around for a station, the sim gle-plate vernier condenser plata should be left half in. Then, after making as careful an adjustment as possible with the main knob, the small vernier knob can be slowly turned either way. To listen to the stations on the low er wave lengths, the secondary switch is turned down so that the fewest number of turns are in the circuit. The wave length range will Increase as thq switch is turned up. The setting of the primary switch will not be found to be critical. In most Installations the switch arm can be left In one po sition for all stations. It Is very important that the rotary; plates of the variable condenser be connected to the filament and thq ground. This will do away with all hand capacity effects when turning the knob. If a WD12 tube is used, the "AM battery need only be a pair of ordi nary dry cells connected in parallel, and the "B" a single 22^-volt block. If a UV199 or C299 Is preferred, three dry cells are connected In series, and a 30-ohm rheostat used. The "B" bat tery remains of the same value. As mentioned, the use of the poten tiometer in series with the aerial wire prevents the set from radiating, or, at any event, it at least acts as enough of a choke to make any oscillations that do get by too weak to cause any harm. In addition, It aids quite no ticeably in clearing the tone of many signals. ? New York Sun and Globe. A Battery Fuse The practice of fusing the lighting circuit of a radio set Is not recom mended, because of the lagging time interval that, takes place during the blowing of the fuse. In other words, it is not quick enough to save the fil ament. At present there Is only one way in which the filament can be pro tected. Do not allow any heavy cur rent or high potential to come In con tact with the filament leads. In other words, be careful. BoJrt/rfC ? 3 f. Grid Tops r /??/ Croon* M* Aerie/ Tops Inductance Coil, Single Layer Wind ing of No. 24 Magnet Wire. of Its three binding posts have wires connected to them. The arm and either end of the winding are used, and it makes no difference which goes to the aerial. As can be seen from the hookup, the connections to be made are few and simple. The grid condenser is a stand ard one, of .00025 mfd. capacity, with a grid leak of two megohms for the WD12. The battery and phone bind ing posts are all placed along the right hand edge of the panel so as to make the addition of an amplifier easy. From bottom to top the posts read: "A" minus, "A" plus, "B" minus, "B" plus, and the top two the phones. / In operation, this set exhibits ex actly the same characteristics as any variometer regenerative tuner. In turning up the variometer, a soft hush should be heard for about five degrees of dial movement, and then a sharp click when the tube falls Into oscilla tion. The set is in the most sensitive condition just before this click is heard, and It will be found that the SHORT CIRCUITS | A burned-out vacuum tube makes an excellent grid condenser. All you need do Is remove your present grid con denser and connect the grid terminal on the base of the tube to one end of the wire that was formerly connected to the condenser. Then connect a wire to the grid of the detector and lead it to the plate terminal on the blown-out tube. Connect the grid leak from the grid to the filament minus or plus (trial is the test), and you'll be sur prised at the difference in reception. If your "B" batteries are run down and you are not in the position to pur chase new ones for a few days, then place them In a warm oven for a few hours. You will find that they will greatly increase in voltage. Say that a "B" battery registered 30 volts, then after baking It will go to' about 40 volts or perhaps more. This scheme is not recommended unless In an emer gency, as it is a rather dirty job and Is usually not worth the trouble. If yoy have a potentiometer in your set you will find that the set will work a little better if you connect a .002 fixed condenser from the movable arm of the potentiometer to one of the ends. There is no need of soldering every connection In a radio set In fact, It is better not to solder some terminals. For instance, it is absolutely unneces sary to solder wires to vacuum tube sockets. Place the wire under the screw, after looping it around, and tighten the screw with pliers. This holds true with transformers, some binding posts, and, in fact, any con nection that can be made really se cure without solder. , j ; ?? ? I AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER Hlf f Tf TTTTTtTtTfTtfUtHIIimiHIIIIl Thirty Days' Free Trial 12 Months to Pay Send %o ZMoney Liberal Allowance for Old Machine The Sharples Separator Com pany, one of the largest and oldest Cream Separator manufacturers, will send a Sharpies Alisteel Cream Separator to your farm, all charges prepaid, so that you can try it Thirty -Days Free at our risk. No obligations on your part Now is your chance to try the latest improvement in the Separator world. Write today for details. Agricultural College Professors and Teachers an enthusiastic aid unstinted in their praise of this wonder Separator. THE SHARPLES SEPARATOR CO. West Chester, Pa. Memories Prospective Guest ? Why, this room reminds me of a prison. Manager ? well, sir, it's all a matter of what one is used to. ? London An swers. Farmers Wanted. Particularly tobacco farmers, In Wayne Couaty, Georgia. Healthful cli mate, fertile soil, splendid railroad fa cilities, fine schools, churches, and good neighbors; lowest-priced lands. For farm lands, or factory sites address Dr. W. A. Brooks, Sec., Jesup Board of Trade, Jesup, Ga. ? Advertisement. Nobody Home "Where is the car?" demanded Mrs. DIggs. "Dear me I" ejaculated Pro fessor Diggs. "Did I take the car out?" For speedy and effective action. Dr. Peery'a "Dead Shot" has no equal. ? single dose cleans out Worms or Tapeworm. 372 Pearl St., N. T. Adv. Speculating sounds more dignified than gambling, but a fellow loses just the same. I Unnecessary Norah ? Do yez set the table? Bridget?No ; sliure Oi've got thim so tame they ate out av me hand. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 254 AND 75j WCKASES EVERYWHERE nnonou treated one DROPSY^^?" imXSSZ ATLANTA, ttOMlA. (EatmULlkm^ 1895* MM yar* of ivccwi in treating Drop**,) W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, No. 23-1924* More Economical In Every Way YOU'LL never know how many steps or how much time you can save by using self-rising flour until you try it. A heaping plate of deli cious biscuits, a light wholesome cake, or a pan of golden muffins all ready to serve in the time it takes to prepare coffee! "I use self-rising flour because it is much more economical in every way. It requires less lard and takes less time to bake with it? all the rising ingredients have already been mixed/' writes Mrs. J. of Leland, Louisiana. Self-rising flour provides a new way to make old familiar aishes wholesome and tempting. Baking experts recommend it heartily. For high food value it is excelled by no other flour. Try it test it. Ask your grocer for self-rising flour that carries the Blue Shield on the bag. It complies fully with all pure food laws. BLANKETS Cleansed and refinished ? original softness renewed by special process. $1.00 per pair. rHE CHARLOTTE LAUNDRY, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ? * ' .-ft'

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