Gi?? To Crippbd Children'. Fund CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES "? 48th YEAR, NO. 25. TWO 8BCTIOKS FOURTEEN PAGES MORE HEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1959 PUBLI8HED TUESDAYS AND TODAYS 25 Men Hear Travel School Set-Up Explained ? Courses Will Be Taught in April ? Partyboatmen to Get Special Instruction Twenty - five businessmen met yesterday morning at the Hotel Fort Macon to hear Harvey Rape and T. Carl Brown, Raleigh, out line plans for two schools to be conducted in Morebead City in April. The first school, April 13 to 17, for managers and supervisors, will be taught by Mr. Rape, owner and operator of Harvey's cafeteria, Raleigh. The second school, called the "Host School" will be April 21-23 and will be conducted for all per sons who come in contact with the travelling public in this area. A special course for partyboat fishermen, a one-day session, is scheduled for April 20. The courses are free. The state provides advice on how the courses should be conducted, and provides the instructor for the supervisors' course. It is hoped that William Slattery, UNC, will be present to conduct the partyboat fishermen's course. Mr. Rape instructs managers and supervisors hi the training of employees. He emphasized that training is a continuous operation, adding that it is important that employers properly train their key personnel and maintain throughout their organization the proper spirit of helpfulness and cooperation. The courses will be set up by chambcr of commerce tourist and convention committee headed by Dr. Russell Outlaw. A question naire will be sent to chambcr members, asking their preference on the times for teaching the man agers' course. Mr. Rape reports that 20 man agers can be taken in one class and two classes will be conducted daily, each session being identical. The course will coniiat of five two hour sessions. The same pattern will be fol lowed in the three-day host school. The same instruction will be of fered at the afternoon session as was offered at the morning ses sion. Employers will pay their em ployees as usual during the time they are taking the course. They will also pay a fl registration fee for each employee. That fee will be used to hire a bus to take the class members on tours of Fort Macon and Beaufort, to acquaint them with the attractions this area offers. The host school will deal with the following topics: what the tourist means to you and your community, what you have to sell, what you should know about the Beaufort Morehead and Carteret county area, and what you can do to keep tourists longer. Mr. Brown stated that many ser vice personnel, such as waitresses, policemen and service station at tendants do not know how to give directions to a stranger. To illus trate the fact that these people should be trained, he said that two persons whom he asked did not know where the chambcr of com merce office was in Morehead City. Althoagh an instructor is fur nished for the manager's school, a staff of local persons forms the faculty for the host school. Mr. Brown said that course must be made to fit the community. T. T. (Tom) Potter, president of See HOST SCHOOL, Page 2 . Hurray! New Bookmobile! 4? Newt-Times Photo by McComb Standing by the new bookmobile, left to right, are Mrt. C. K. Wheatly, Mrs. W. L. Woodard, library board members; Mrs. Liliie Chadwick, Mrs. LUIian Willis, bookmobile librarians; Mrs. J. O. Barbour Jr., chairman of the library board, and Miss Amy Muse, secretary to the board. Salter Path, Isle To Get Telephones Moses Howard, chairman of the county board o f commission ers, announced Tuesday that Carolina Telephone and Tele graph is putting in lines to Salter Path and Emerald Isle. Mr. Howard stated that Willis Marshall, New Bern, informed him that work was to start yes terday, weather permitting. The residents at Salter Path and Em erald Isle for many months have been seeking phone service. Help in the campaign was sought from the county commis sioners. Four Appear Before Mayor Four defendants appeared before Mayor A. B. Cooper in mayor's court at Atlantic Beach ^widay night One defendant, Norman P. Guthrie, lforehead City, forfeited bond for failing to appear. He was charged with public drunkenness and drinking beer outside a build ing. Charged with speeding in the bcach triangle, a 20-mile lone, were Jackie A. Simpson, Beaufort; Gary F. Long, Morehead City, and James Tiff Mann, Raleigh. All were ordered to pay costs. Randolph Bratchcr, charged with carrless and reckless driving, paid $3 and costs. Continued were the cases of James C. Bone, Raleigh, charged with speeding, and Cpl. Robert E. Pickett, Cherry Point, charged with public drunkenness. Weatherman Predicts Pretty Day for Easter The temperatures have been in the sixties this week and sunny skies bring hopes that spring is here to stay. Stamcy Davis, wea ther observer, said yesterday that there should be gradually increas ing cloudiness with possibilities of showers today and tomorrow. He predicted that Easter Sunday should be a beautiful day, but a little cooler than this week. The maximum and minimum tempera tures and wind direction for this week follow: Max. Min. Wlad Monday 65 38 N to SE i Tuesday 65 39 SW Wednesday 69 45 SW JC's Hear About Atoms lor Peace At the Monday meeting of the Beaufort Jaycees, Guy Smith dis cussed, for club members, details of the Atoms for Peace mobile unit that is scheduled to visit Beau fort April 24. Mr. Smith, president, also an nounced the date of the fourth quarterly district meeting of Jay cees to be held at the Morehead Biltmore April 18-19. In other business the club re viewed their tree project. It was announced that three of the trees will have to be replanted. They have been set out along Front Street to beautify the town. The house and grounds commit tee announced that they will meet, In the near future, with the Junior Woman's club to set up plana for the repair of the Scout building. Both dub* have donated ISO for the repair of the building and work is expected to get underway short ly It was also announced that the club will meet soon with the school board to make plans for the com ing football season. Restaurants Donate Coffee Money Today is Coffee Day in Morchcad City. This is the day when par ticipating restaurants donate cof fee receipts to the crippled chil dren's fund. The following res taurants are taking part: Sanitary Restaurant, Morehead City Drug Store, the Sport Shop, Broadway Cafe, Capt. Bill's, Busy Bee, Blue Ribbon, Mrs. Russell Willis's, Mom and Pop's Cafe. The Dora Dinette and Rex Res taurant will contribute to the fund, although thtv are not donating their coffee receipts. Mrs. L. E. Kelly and Mrs. W. H. Jones are members of the Junior Woman's Club in charge of Coffee Day. The club is sponsoring the campaign this year. Coffee Day ia the last major event of the Easter Seal campaign. The lilies that were not sold in downtown Morehead City last week will be sold this week. Persons who would like to con tribute may mail their contribu tions to Mrs. D. G. Bell or Mrs. Roma Styron. Address Businessmen FtctarW atove. aa the left, b the date wperrtaer at ?alrth*ln edacatlaa. T. Carf Brew*, u4 Harvey Rare at the NO Depart meat ef Public laatnetiea wha aMreaaed laihuaiia at the latel rait Ma can Wedaeitfay. Alaa ptetared (left ta ri?fct> are: jaa DaBoto, uaM<er at the Marehead dtjr Oaaher at CiMirn, Gariaad Sena*. Kafaa Batmu NiHIM. 4 The Carteret County library board inspected the new bookmo bile this week. Present plans call (or it to be in use within the next ten days, according to the secre tary of the library board, Miss Amy Muse. The bookmobile replaces the 1947 model that had been in use for the past several years and had travelled over 40,000 milei in serv ing the county. The new bookmobile, which Is a Dodge, was purchased through the Paul Motor Co. of Beaufort. It is a walk-in library. Users no longer will have to stand outside in the weather while making their selections. Mrs. Lillian Willis of Straits is operator of the bookmobile, assist ed by Mrs. Lillie Chadwick, Straits. Members of the library board, in addition to Miss Muse, are Mrs. J. O. Barbour Jr., chairman of the board; Mrs. W. L. Woodard, Mrs. C. R. Whcatly, ?11 of Beau fort; Mrs. Stanley Mann, Newport, and Mrs. Clayton Fulchcr Jr., At lantic. Teams to Make Salted Peanuts To provide a steady flow of salted peanuts in the Morehead City Hospital Building Fund cam paign, teams of "nut shcllers, (alt ers and baggers" will be organized in both Beaufort and Morehead City. In an experimental nut ialtlng opeartion at the home of Or. and Mrs. John Morris Monday night, the following were at work: Mrs. Edna Marie Davis, Mrs. Shirley Cuthrell, Mrs. Iris Lewi*, Miss Stella Propst. Mrs. Colleen Harvey, Mri. Louise Guthrie. Miss Vivian May. Dr. W. M. Brady and Dr. John Gainey. Home-made salted nuts will be sold in 10-cent bags and in one pound plastic boxes. The Morehead City Building Fund, Inc., a non profit organization, hopes to raise $500,000 for a new hospital through sale of nuts and donations. The campaign is expected to continue over several years. Pre-School Clinic Set for Beaufort The Beaufort Graded School pre school clinic will be held in the school gymnasium on Friday, April IT, starting at 1 p.m. There will be no shots or vaccination* given at the clinic. Parents are to take the pre school student to the Coun ty Health Department for shots on Tuesday at 1-4 p.m. or Thursday at 9-11 a.m. The pre school students' birth certificate must be presented at the clinic. To be enrolled next year, * student must be six years of age on or before Oct. It. 1959 No child will be accepted with out the necessary shots (whooping cough, diphtheria, polio), the smallpox vaccination, and the pre sentation of the child's birth cer tificate. Hospital birth certificates are not accepted, only a legal, properly certified birth certificate will be acceptable. Please be on (imc. The pre school child should be accompan ied by one parent. It is moat im portant that all pre school students be in attendance, announces B. E. Tarkington, school principal. Native of Morohead Appears on TV Show JsJin Willis, ton of Fillmore Wil lis, Morehead City, appeared on the George Burns tv show Tuesday night. Hit friends and relatives in llorehead City were all gathered around their tv sets to watch. Mr. Willis, who lives 'in California, is In the radio and tv profession. He appeared as a news commen tator on the show under hit real name, John Willis. Heavy Bill Faces Superior Court Officers Next Week Admiral Towner Tours Morehead Port Tuesday Vic* Admiral George C. Towner, USN, commander, amphibious forces, Atlantic fleet, spent an hour and a quarter at Morehead City port and on Radio Island Tues day afternoon. Admiral Towner conferred with Capt. Charlie Piner, harbor pilot, Walter FriiHUrichs, port opera tions manager, and S. C. Holloway, town commissioner, who represent ed the town of Morehead City. Discussed were the channel depths and turning basin at the port, buoys, range lights and need for night-time navigation facilities. Admiral Towner arrived at the port at 2, having come from Cherry Point. He and his staff flew to Cherry Point in the morning and had lunch there. The admiral and his staff left the port at 3:15 after a tour of the facilities. Accompanying him were Capt. George H. Whiting, Capt. Stam ford E. Woodard, Capt. William H. Kieghlcy, Col. Robert li. Arm strong, USMC, Cdr. Robert F. Shoemaker. Lt. Cdr. Frederick P. McDer mott, Lt. (jg) Peter C. Peterson, Capt. Max Vivoitt, Cdr. W. H. Griffiths, Maj. Gen. Marion L. Dawson, Capt. Olav Barth, Lt. Col. H. I. Dunlap, and Col. M. D. Henderson. Easter Sunday Sunrise Services S:15 a.m Core Creek Meth odist Church, highway 101, the Rev. James E. Smith, pastor. 5:30 a.m ? Ann Street Meth odist Church, Beaufort, the Rev. John Cline, pastor. S:4S a.m Camp Glenn Meth odist Church at the home of Mrs. Kathryn Pearson, Bogue Sound, the Rev. Virgil N. Moore, pas tor. ( a.m.? St. John's Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, Stacy, the Rev. Winston Sweeney, pastor. I a.m.? Presbyterian churches of Morehead City and Wildwood, Presbyterian camp on Bogue Sound, the Rev. Charles Kirby and the Rev. A. M. Daniel, pas tors. t:M p.m Salter Path Meth odist Church, the Rev. J. T. Fisher, pastor. Newport Rotary Club Will Not Meet Monday / The Newport Rotary club will not meet Monday, because of the Easter holiday. The program for the meeting, which was presided over by presi dent Junius T. Creech Jr., consist ed of a question and answer dis cussion of Catholicism conducted by William P. Boyd Jr. Guild to Meet The Carteret County Cosmetolo gists Guild will meet Wednesday, April 8, at 7 p.m. at the Morehead Biltmore Hotel. Two major trials, one murder and one rape, are sched uled (or next week's criminal term of superior court. Joe Bill Powell, Wilson Negro who posed as a deaf mute and allegedly raped Mrs. Rosemary Green, Negro woman in Morehead City Feb. 11, is docketed for trial Tuesday. Maylan Mattingly, who is charged with the shooting and killing of her husband, Sgt < Louis Mattingly, USMC, Sept. 22 near Newport, is docketed for trial Wednesday. Powell ia in the county jail. Ac cording to police chief Herbert Griffin, Mrs. Green came to the Morehead City police station short ly before XI a.m. Fefc 11. In an hysterical atate, she told police that Powell had come to her home and made motions to the effect that be wanted a drink of water. She went to the kitchen for the water. When she returned he was holding a gun. When she started to cry, she said he threw her across a bed and raped her. She showed police where her clothes had been torn by Powell and where be had struck her across the face. Powell's case is scheduled to go first to the grand jury. The November grand jury re turned a true bill in the Mattingly case. Mrs. Mattingly, following an inquest soon after the shooting, was released under $6,000 bond. According to her testimony at the inquest, she and her husband had an argument on the night of the fatal shooting. She said her hus band was "drunk enough to act crazy" when she fired a 410-gauge shotgun at him. Officers estimated that the gun had been fired at close range, probably about 4 feet. After Mrs. See COURT TERM, Page 3 Churches to Observe Easter Season With Good Friday , Sunday Services Banks, Town Halls To Close Monday Banks throughout the county and the town halls of Beaufort and Morehead City will be cloacd Monday. The courthouse offices will be open, as will the postoffices. Monday will be the first day of the criminal term of superior court in Beaufort. Jail cases only will be tried in Morehead City recorder's court Monday. Most places of business will be open as usual. Savings Bond Sales Reported Savings bond sales in North Car olina totaled $4, 330.101 for the month of February, J. R. Sanders, volunteer county chairman, an nounced today. In comparison with February 1958, sales were off $25,000, which Is approximately one-half of 1 per cent. For the first two months of this year, E and H sales amounted to $9,037,748. This represents 17.7 per cent of the state's annual goal of $51,000,000. Carteret county sales for Jan uary and February were $106, 784.21, or 14.5 per cent of its $734, 400 quota. The county's sales for this month were $81,507.51. The quota for Carteret's neigh bor, Onslow, la less than Carteret, $714,000. By the end of February, Onslow had met only 12.2 per cent of its quota. Craven County's quota is higher than Carteret's, $1,6(3,000. Craven, by the end of February had met 13.6 per cent of its quota. License Revoked Laurie Edward Guthrie of route 2 Beaufort had his driver's license revoked by the Motor Vehicles De partment on February 21 for driv ing while under the influence and reckless driving. Tide Table ? Tide* at the Beaufort Bar HIGH LOW Friday, March 27 10:15 a.m. 4:07 a.m. 10:39 p.m. 4:20 p.m. Satarday, March 28 11:11 a.m. 4:56 a.m. 11:3* p.m. 5:17 p.m. Sunday, March 2? 12:12 a.m. 5:51 a.m. 6:04 p.m. Maadajr, March N 12:36 a.m. 6:57 a.m. 1:12 p.m. 7:1$ p.m. Tacaday, March 11 1:37 a.m. I:M a.m. 2. 13 p.m. . ? ;32 pja. ? Churches will observe the cruci fixion and resurrection of Christ with special services today and Sunday. The aervices, as an nounced by the pastor, follow: St. Andrew's The Good Friday servicc in St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, More head City, will begin at 2 p.m. today. There will be evening prayer, litany and the sermon, an nounces the Rev. E. Guthrie Brown, rector. On Easter Day there will be Holy Communion at 8 a.m. At church school at 9:30 a.m. the children's missionary offering will be pre sented. At the 11 o'clock morning ser vice there will be Holy Commun ion and the sermon. Special music will include They Have Taken Away My Lord, Gloria in Excelsis, and Break Forth into Joy. Core Creek Methodist For 19 consecutive years the Core Creek Methodist Church has held an Easter sunrise service. It has become something of a tradi tion. This year will be the 20th year the Sunrise service will be held. It will be in two parts as usual. The first and main part of the ser vice will be held in the sanctuary and will begin at 5: 15 a.m. The pastor of the church, the Rev. James E. Smith, will bring the Easter message entitled, Resurrec tion Faith. Choral selections will be presented by the Harlowe Meth odist Church and the host church. Following the first part of the acrvice in the sanctuary, the peo ple will follow the pastor and the choirs in a processional to the nearby cemetery where the ser vice will be c sac killed. The public is invited. WUdwood Presbyterian The youth of Wildwood Presby terian Church will conduct a sun rise service at 6 a.m. Sunday at the Presbyterian Camp on Bogue Sound, eight miles from Morchcad City on highway 24. Theme of the service will be "I Believe". During a fellowship hour following the service, coffee and doughnuts will be served. The ser vice is open to everyone. The Rev. A. M. Daniel, pastor of Wildwood church, will spealt on the topic, Love the Lord Thy God with All Thy Strength, at the 11 a.m. service Sunday in the church. This sermon will be the last in a series on the great command ments. St. Timothy Lutheran The Good Friday service in St. Timothy Lutheran Church, Have lock, will begin at 7 tonight. The Rev. Aaron Lippard, pastor, will speak on The topic, The Cross He Vanquished. The Sunday morning scrvice will begin, as usual, at 11 a.m. First Baptist Church Easter Sunday will close the re vival which has been in progress in the First Baptist Church, More head City. At the 11 o'clock Morn ing service the choir will sing See CHUICH, Page 2 Two Youths Put On Probation In Court Monday la recorder'! court Monday two Morchead City youths, Elan Ray Fulcher and Roma Wade, were found guilty of multiple charges which included being drunk and intoxicated on the streets of Morc head City, disturbing the peace, forcible trespass at the home of J. V. O'Neal, and larceny of per sonal property valued at less than $100. Both boys pleaded not guilty to the charges of being drunk and dis turbing the peace and guilty to the other charges. But, after hearing the evidence. Judge Herbert Phil lips found them guilty as charged and sentenced each to one year in jail and assigned them to work the county roads. The sentences were suspended on two years' good behavior and pay ment of court costs. In addition, the court also placed both the boys on probation for a period of two years with the specification that they be home each evening by 8:30 for as long as the probation lasts. In other court action Annie Mae Hinson of Morehcad City was found guilty of possession of a quantity of non taxpaid whiskey and sentenced to one year in the county jail and assigned to work under the super vision of the Women's Division of the North Carolina Prison Depart ment. Claud Wbeatiy, wfca acted as at torney for the defendant, appealed the verdict and the caic was bound over to the next term o i the Car teret County Superior Court with bond being set at $500. Cecil Caton of Morehead City was charged with simple assault on hia wife and the court ordered the prosecuting witness to pay court costs after charges against Caton had been dropped. In another assault case, James E. Warren of Morehcad City was sentenced to 30 days in jail and assigned to work the county roads after being found guilty of simple assault on his wife and being drunk and disorderly. The court suspended the sentence on the con dition that the defendant remain on good behavior for a period ol one year and pay court costs. William Matthews and Robert Andrew McCabe, both of Morehead City were placed on probation for one year after being found guilty on charges of disturbing the peace. They were both given 30 days in jail and assigned to work the roads but this was suspended on the con dition that they remain on good behavior for one year and pay court costs. Charges of malicious destruction of personal property against Thomas Cornelius Howard, of Morchead City, were dropped and See COURT, Page I Mrs. Dyon Simpson, Bettie, Wins HD Leadership Award Mrs. Dyon Simpson, Bettie, well known leader in county Home Demonstration activities, has keen named, with 11 other North Caro lina women, as Leadership Achievement Award winners. The awards are made each year to the two highest scoring leaders from each of six Extension Service districts. The awards arc based on their efforts in Home Demonstra tion and 4-H Club work. Members are scored on their or ganisational work, project work and participation in the club's pro grams. In addition, cach woman writes a narrative describing the values received from ber leader ship work. Mrs. Simpson was named Home Demonstration Club woman of the year in Carteret County in MM. She is bead of the county council of Home Demonstration club* and is second vice-chairman of district 20. As oae of Ike leadership winners, Mrs. Simpson will receive a silver tray, engraved with her name, at Farm-Home Week at Raleigh In June. In recognition at ber achieve ment, the Carteret county council will receive a pUqu*. Ibis ia Um I Mr*. Dyen Slnpm . . . U receive tray second year that the iwirdi, spon sored by AJrP Tea Co., have been given. W?m?a litcraM in competing (or the award fid out forma and the beat from each county ia tub ?m?il fof ftflM Morehead City Fir?m?n Answer Call Wednesday At 7:30 p.m. Wednesday the More bead City Fire Department anawered a trash lire alarm at a house across from the high school Ml 12th St. One truck waa dispatched to the scene and quickly wet down the blue. The fire occurred in back of a bouse that workmen had just re cently finished moving there. No one is living in the bouse at the present time. A abort in the line caused lh? separate blasts on the alarm Wed nesday. Eighty -five Morebead City school band members and gueata attended a banquet at Rex Reatauraat Sat urday night Clyde Burr, president of the band asaociation, spoke briefly. Following dinner, the young people went to the recrea tion building for games and dancing.

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