K - * .- —T T . rir "‘- - r- .fßerfihg&dßwdsfflass riliw 4rO| lii; 1i »C 3 rofio CainiMiimAn ttlS? m. S-MiWC -3IHROO rUf 3FT .: T '» | N..^ >, k.'-3Jtf3pWhMg J t to »in<T tin? Miiim jov **«ii i„ '"* V |lrM miTWtWX*’Uiflrt wo* *<»,vv •*:•, ' n!> lvWifl%MiAm-« 'twiNr —eiiciiaaifas ** rana-v.; •» t ostrolsveo nJetcwT /i?jq«wv<ia jwi jof -Huantf <mm i p»o)riniateij*r< 14,090 'people fn «JW%, ■■••rißeir UWir ' off* '«taN» ? «' 7S «* p . Wfrffy '■ -waim, »; take : their fipft • • feeding in -S riftr>’l-i»at*[»'lcaJiw»iia»<!Ta.vf *j ; « up in both Yancey., . ana M l tcheH ms wr. -tions are SOUTH TOE SCHOOL, Coordinator, Mrs. James Hoover, -.- • - i ' •'./'■ > Bakersville Liond r Trafhttig FOSf Slli. ' OKIiX. (AriTKC)^ £f«e«!ir£^ „as tff artßW surveyor at the ‘ Arrhy ArttlWry —and- Missile.. Center. Fort Sill. During the course Blevins re ceived instruction in mapping of .areas of fire ery and to provide targer •toot™ ions. Blevins i October and training at Fort tiwlonTuT® The 23-year-.oid soldier is a 1959 graduate of East Yancey High School. _ Fancake Supper At Ceio Chuftted A pancake supper will be held at Celo Methodist Church urday, March 14. Plates will* be served from 5:30 to B‘oo p. m. at ,Siv”i Ru, l a * the supper. Everyone is invited to flfK A a Ad»! ’CODtitira ■faHU*<Ma»IUT a H A state commission oMciallH announced today its support of j any program aimed at discourag- j lng teen-agers from taking, up l tfie habit. Study the Cause and Control of Cancer in nA r#?ased(j a statement that it nadr *siucl ot the report of by " Ttuthli* TO-WHsun^&PdßfoerJ^ of the U. S. Public Health Service. The record as endorsing and supporting' gmhv&tQ < u iw+ u, mMi ixj directed at discouraging the youtffl of North Carolina from taking' up the habit of cigarette smokin ' and thus possibly expose itself to the! potential detrimental effects of .(tapirtmH. (Continued on feaoiL page) THE YANP RECORD n To TKcPr&tpß :■ u uiiTOrt < ■• •,• • •• Lb . * n ' • VI. _ i. i. .y-j ■■ . - . . ~-, ?->. •, -yjy ■ 4’ :S Subscription $2.50 Per Year «"*nwqo ■H'Ui.uw.**!— •• —i*— *•* W" —• .» —-•• - Nurse, Mrs. ** flfetry , s££; 'sxs . Ma rjorie i« *Gibßs‘ and M'SH-ns Millie Autrey; * “CaSM# - Mf*3 "She * Fairchild; r Re l l^d|Uiii,. : Krs:j^Au., Chrijsatvji., ». sWrs.iHerman Murphy., Mrs. Dixie ,; Mauberrjr. - 'MisS Sybil' Murphy, Charles Wesson and Ivlrs. Peg LoPicallo. ,«•• • * * EAST YANCEY HIGH SCHOOL; Coordinator, Roy Ray; Doctor, G- IE. Wampler; Nurse, Mrs. Anne j taiTy - :: S)pi npvtrt,*! * rator, Ernest Banner; Doctor, S. P. Urquhart; Nurse, Mrs. Helen Fender; -'tor, ’ Mrs. Dale 5 Arigtfn •Sf'lcMry fidwardS’; Registration? ivtrs/MtSa freti‘Ufcintctelv Mr'S. : %lilSfreif Hen-' Mrs. 1;’ K tte^anrifoC (John Banks. East Yancey Girls fc&JteJitaC Championship fjrfNS* YKey^jtlaA^Sld the Crossnore girls by a score of 36-20 in the East Yancey gymna- ShWor the Toe boys defeated the Cranberry boys by a score of 81-33 for the championship title. for Friday and Saturday nights conditions the games were de f >® a wlhrS at ' H IWil 8 HP . *IIW UJ Shown above are-/five generations of the Bank# Famiy. Mrs. John Banks, seated, of Bank Creek; from right to left, th|T tufti Mrs. E<id Fh'anklln. Riverside; tii%»granddaughter, , Mr A Fsignk grsudißifli granddaughter, Pamela Boone, Born December 8 in Yancefc Hosni ?|tal here. jw' .' : '< ; rvCTqy _ - T • , *, ■ ■ ’ -. • t; jCy~ a# ~ Gastoma Daniel Eugene Wilson is North Carolina’s NeW Easter Seal Child. The ten year old Gastonia boy will be r:.,re senting the handicajat ;1 rh 1 $n and adu’ta of the state during 14KH. Gene's first major was Pebruaiy 27 when lie met Governor Terry San hud at £ ■press conference to join h m in lurching the 1964 Easter Seal fund cb-iye. Gene’s selection ‘is aoncuneed by Basketball Coak* Vc Bubas of Duke University, North Carolina Easter Seal Chair man. Gene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Wilson, Jr. of 1934 Elm wood Drive, is a siklh grade student at Victory school. He was ie a^6 - wo ’ Hi : were Gene’s hrpie v&r many months following i the polio attack. He now wears! 1 - | teg braces and uses hand cruFch-’ es. Except for the visible eyjd- * e, Tw° f ** brSces &Ifd crutches, -a handicapped child. He is a happy'and active ynmg man with, a heart warming smile. In addi ction, he has two sisters, Tanway arid Son-ja, - Witt Mrs. March will be a busy month for Gene. He will be makipg radio and television appearance* tpeefr ing many new friends, a(hd visit ing clubs and organizations. A i of the month avdl be ' t Byi|,. la trick’s Day whe| Gene f w-Il be the guest of hcnoi > at a ■ Co Ifee Party at the E^ecutiv^' ■ Mansion in Raleigh wi<|h Mrs. . Teriy Sanford as hostess. The i First Lady is State Chaiftnan of f Easter Seal sponsors and She gov ernor is a former state; Easter - Seal Chairman. To qu§«te Vic 1 Bubas “Gene is now a Mil L B, s a very important little boy”.' In i representing Easter Seals: in Nor f sch Carolina, he Joins an imprest - ive list of V I P’s. These, include' Buljus Jiimself. r _ B " BURNSVILLE, N. TwAStCIT 1 TV**,” —■ .fer'vjg-! y,n • . _""T .1 ■ " ISM jl am, , •.. Tha Joy Outweighs T ’ cl iSnabtnra * - (IM J*, . v 4UOJ aft :W eiri-id ■ sfotions * 'L Hi I 'W ,fe ww noitJ •••>• From TfttOt’Wlpito.lGteeSl’erj Anarch 1* 1964 ■" *■■ ■* Jis>b»el|'{tJ)lWl»«RS with Tom Higgins „, . iNO MORE |ijj .lyaulu LavairadH make yottttjßipKßcaJflosßlj' down-. 1 the steep, TOdeKStrowra river bank. -:d»)l|taw{ ÜbadaWfcing m the bucket soiSiltbjbui! praelwis car go loesn’t fell .7 .i-njA . ■ . Ebr tbffi#B*, S |&itt ah-'RTSgi ::tiiae it-wa* h»»d .r.-thef l ; ti,JXS the "Vnfifleji, .;«e&j*r^:ii4hfr frightened—toiLHfresh from r ’-K»« hatcheiy—iif'o he t of the icy, *MpH VktcV** * * «jj ht i ok % bites*? stomacii vrao' Tisning for the U> wide-eyo-U Kfiloy liiv® W-Um the rifles : tirf lge_:of ; the v«ilto water quest for„f^d..,., A , ■aj-l-.ir At the same time,:■>>• ■won’ti.' : -'k»r your worry - ; wep_ fishermen .to,.caWh ffghsin decfly spri ng,. coigfjjin- because -We# favor, te ati’oan.jrapppjis- ttj be de sign #a£ t> wsd rrrcre^ is rfirtHngrJintil the lust It’s not when, aiteQr-jaiie’.ye pour ed bucketfuls J fisl}-y*to.- ( a stream the Inndqwner.juprne&oiaiong posts, his >penegr»ng on a promise held Bade only the day YoXQon&ljpfoaM ic essant ly in ea#ly nowi wihh people calling \to OlkAf-season.. S’* mm'nr “f Sut that fthe »' of; satisfaction ;ioU : gryes the y#u mast endure. are ’ '. ,P J 7\ : "• IJT’HAfirßEEHt.years.'since Geo-] rge 'Keesee, -the late, eeadclely-re spected Ofcstonia 7 -;dufcctoDrsman, j Climbed. tM stepsatot-your porch and asked, roa ibshaW of the youngs-N. Gu-'.-Wilcflfferf "Resources Commission lit. yon would, • >bec olme the firstr lulWtime gurtW’TJiotecjtor In Yaneey'.'CDUDty.’ VYow.-achudkie when you recall the -begixin ng. '■ Yonr: nfodeso# 3*l*l spotttftion vdS* a—weak, but willing 1936 F< rd, j you*' own, awl. ymnr-'un'form urasi have on; at the time. 1— YMlMtfieir ffiHtft abuse in dose earlyr dsoß.->b wo «•<&; * Your feWotf I '#l ounta4iieefs j Jggjr] to 'ltuittKig j] lung at their pleasure, arid-they were ruffled ‘at Jtar oTAtlßteftn.. They Balled 'ShMFffj’ and J, Rahtoit‘ : waWen” v m<f ?r tftej ;uch, but you d‘dtft: ’Tltbr'e 'frtejuftit 1 anii s in these ’ days. Sothe 1 ’Were t’JSte; esult ors offenders'igriorhhce 6T' ffl< law, others treatise ‘tefte ners who had“nSte? , ''pui‘&haSHT* < sj mnt- ori 'flsKHft* TcChSe' 'Were 1 eter mined that they •VcURb-'flof ange their Vm:''™ I'* 1 '* w Regardless, \ou TdolC''"then iu|_ because'' you' W4d' ewortf ydti 'ou'fl' dVv so. nent j was light:' JuS tich’ ariiH 1 aaliy he’d just' fay^^Pay' angjj buy aTtcense.*^ Birf Wre'tfen* times whi you tuid ycur lellow .pratectots j: off fendei-s -with- everything^»you had. Like the tme you. ! apjntji ided the gang -that w was r-apotUi iting deert and: Belling the yenis«t > a 1 touri st > liescrt ■in t a ci inty. They got'ithe inaxotmwrT>ei ty. Yen '.proved ■ yoUE’-.dotennji ition, -to ■ dor'yErti- ■ all when ■ yaWr W( bro ther, . 'Wtieiv -■ it'irtiu’id' ilwate, ; bedß Jnst bsp easyh>,loß» the ottie] way. You were in the Coastal? i :a of North- Carolina Dttrrjjwtir ] mual cOAn-toantthgo jontoetl* He H i it a v gquu'i’e}' And osbot ifcnThots urrel seasoir was -open bade homd n the 1 I t th ; Uke, you, knejv ,he„.wowW 1 e, | PROGRESSION'TWO: r W«T.S 14V>« •**4b*-% J M Ti *%*n ifrtn»rt -** - 11 <Y OU mWEREN’I cold-biooded by any then, -but as the years become soft-hearted. ■-V'®* aakriiphermen and hunters !&r- the«:-ilicenee hoping fervently ■that tbejy have;them, because you don’t .jeant.-to -make an arrest. ■■You vintvenX made many in re ■ Cent yearaj;;The people have real ized thatr;fihe Wildlife Commiss ion’s endeavors r are for . their : banefit, : and they cooperate. It’s quite a ebntnast to the old days. In the; ,meant}me, the commiss ion has progressed quite a bt, too. You- itirw drive a new, state cwnedviear „eqpi»nped- with a pow erful radio/,You wear an attrac tive runifonn, supplied by the state.tosO :»w, S 8«. .;, The'-,commission even utilizes ■ pSaripscWi'lDenfoi-cement and other fields. : mio»i*K»o-is ■ Wrights Brothers’ invention ! chUseanyottido übeo-- the brunt ol many jokes. ' -Yotr -have bashed- in the heads oi numerous, mtleps with never ar i. You have locked the business end of a double-barreled . shotgun, held rifrrt.aißtftffje housewife . -who .waA-determined., that, warrant or not, you weren’t goinp to a|r :.ch the smokehouse where her swv had- .just stashed an illegal deer fcaHsas. Even then you show ria jfemr utjp.you look in the smoke > house [am you arrest the llaw ? baaakar’.W- \ ,But-“yo.u what it 'is'"to be THE RIDGES BECOME J” s«|#ra ;■= *• rqii. vefus- to % in. ih»'3«o*Mniss‘on's plane as lan it’s being used Finalpy'fellnw waidens (ell you' I thejr ybu to fly in it, 1 but thixidiey would very I to see r you touch it. [Yob j-eTqli and they howl 1 with too, but you ‘.-until it’s gone. someday you ißay be Ordered to fly.. No need foP ! th 1 -- ges where -you once out (! '!>*>■ v thifie times younger ! thaST* yobrSelF Aiavpt become steep | c3j v ' the = triouߣLadan Jackets heav -1 t§p; thA -nrUlSs'when -yon liad to sit cut "on ’patrol' for spot-lighters longer. ~~ - So. last week, you retired. - Ealoy your retirement, Dad. 3PBM , gave up beoause there was a job to be done (including staying: home in order to feed seven Wild Russian-Boar that you agreed 'to keep in your barn until they could be released in thelhills*. • , Fish those i fetrafutas— 1 the ones you used to stack—-that you would never fish before be cause “People might talk if , fished for fish I stocked myself.’* Perhaps you’ll happen up on seme youngster who doesn’t know , to |ish the .riffles at the edfce of 'wtie Btf&OWiyitfcCuCgtve J h'm advice, his eyes won’t be as idweltbm* you been weanng the impressive Undoubtedly, he won’t get as much kick out of it. But M. B. Higgins w'-li. Locals Mr. and Mrs. Cart Hensley spent the week-end l in Hickory Frank Howard W^WasJJMDdentil mst • week-end with his parents. Mr. f and Mrs. Frank Lewis, here. 1 John Evans is seriously ill in a 1 Veterans Hospital at Oteen. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Alleiv-vof ,e West Asheville visited in Burns ls vdle last week. ’ k Mi - s. liene English and daugh ter, Glen Ella spent last week “ end with Mr. and MrsTß» w J vacationing in Florida. \ 1 -.* . M • >Jt l AJ i Prise Pet Copy Jliye,Cents . Bids oit Consfrucfion Os ?$ • warfL a?r Courthouse-Jail Opened On IVlarch 2 5 5 LA.Tt K.M Si Bill Atkins, County Attorney, i r< turned early tjils “frcan“'a f trip | Ga.-“fa*oeriUDg i the proposed Yam^^Couhty n fl""' lliiifi Carroll Gibbs entered j£he United j States Amy in „ Iy*ovqipJj>ei 1963. He took his bas c. trfci«t«fe at Fort . Gordon, da. He ..went tdcFort Sam Houston, Texas first—of—Feb ruary where TSf rtg" "tn Use medics coips. He will ba at f Fort Sam Houston fer e : gh+ then will be sent to Geroany. He is the son of Mrs. B. A. Gibbs of Burns ville RFD 5, and the late Mr. Gibbs. , v "' j February, Record For Snowfall - - •’3aci*s> I in the morning, p’-fiefl blizzard • 'a’nir flarHrrnyig snow upon ...the xpadß/and stoppedrtiuch traffic, xzfjjf ’ i In sonre* areas di-ifts were f blown acrass the roads several feet deep. The State Highway maintenance crews did a,, splendid job of getting tra'ff *c Acccrding to the Bureau in Asheville on as many .Hus winter. The--records nhok-that Febmary 1964, was a record' for snowfall. Mt. 3|itchefl ’ hbd-*'»n ?»e'- cumulation of 8 feet. February’s snow... „l&nygh re cord-breaking had warm’ temper atures inteiiapejsed. _ta the day- pile up, except in the high maun- s 'tTWltjlrovU f Girl Scou|& . ‘ Birthday I* Girl mßjyatvlFSßlli Yanoey Counb’ |he 1 1 church* of lYraS**®)' Sunday, Maich 8 to belt in the 1 the 52nd birthday 1 of G:nl Slcouttng by demonstrating : thpir- M , the iirst part of the Girt scOTtt promise. 1 .The Girl Scout Week this yeartfs *“Girl Scouting—A Promise in Action’’ and special r?wiaawMO|« sponsors and the^emmuniy. The b'g commumr™ffclTW ject of the Pisgah! Girl Scout Council, comprising w North Cai'olina Conncls, is the Drop aut PupnfWShows to be aut en dWhgAißßli aOl 0011 l | troops in their own schools throu ghcuS thOtTO-td's eftpt j of the Girl Scouts to call attention] to the school drop out program and to offer some suggestions through a Puppet play for com bjattingj Yan cfey neMb<yboty%«a A’lmnoun ced later by the leaders. Leaders of the Cadette Troop are Mrs. Mfck Huskey and MrA S tyleJ|eadeU||jiUJ« nfe Trooping* Mii*wfl%nJWJl and Mrs. Paul Laughrun. , ; 3 I*'’-"; .■■"<•■ Courthouse and Jail. Mr. ~A€klns said the Federal Housing -and Home finance Ag ency appfoVed the plans submitted by The S ! x Associates, Architect tuial Firm of Asheville, N. C. Approval of the plans by this Federal Agency was necessary since the Federal Government is supplying $341,000 which will be mare than 50% of the funds nec essary to construct the building. Mr. Easterling of the Local Qgvernjjjent Commission of North Carolina lias also contacted by Mr. Atkins, following the approval iof the plans by the Federal j Agency. Mr. Atkins said that th* Lfipal Government Commission had appajptyed issuance of bonds to be handled by Reid, Hoyt, Waslv burn and McCarthy, Bond attor neys of New York. The bonds will be sold by bid April iA by the Ldeal Government Commission in Raleigh. jßids. for construction of the new ! cpwrthejj|p and Jgil building, fol- Wngt '#dverUsement, will be op ej|fl .March 25. 1964 at 2:00 «Me low bidder receiv ing the ~ gsnQ*act to build. Attorney Adkins said that separ ate bids would be received for tha plumbing and wiring. Advertise ment stir bids will be published in ‘ the local paper as well as in pa.perg i# 1 Asheville and Chau-lotte. Kollowihg . acceptance of the b>4p, instruction will begin im mediately, Mr. Atkins said. * Tirbi» -.siuj?mitting the low bids will be 'fiuirrd to furnish bonds gigtranteeing faithful perfoiman cjt,<rf tiir Work, and all work rPiiitoiSkfffijji.- 3^—l .^hitect^ ‘‘Mr. Tmms J Su3 tnaf as i lair, bdUi skilled and unskilled, j as^fareas' iartble, would be used friSn Yancey County. And p&y ment for labor will be in adcord- Mtce with ths wage and hour law. Sfe - 'M* • ' * winged Visitors Stop In Burnsville a little extra effort and continued thoughtfulness on a ftebtoennay one an uneat pSoted-thr-U. At least, such a thrill came -to Mrs. Henry Giles Butt week at her home an “Water tank HfflG feeding station at her home on the hill. And last week during the period h&vf neter been seen here before. H v As she looked out at a number of birds around the feeding sta tion, Mrs. Giles saw that the ac cumulation was made up of even ing mwsbeaks. a veiy me spec- At first there were several male birds. *N A it tHvwc»4# r «^ s &nd females flew in until approximat ely thirty of the birds were feed ing at the station. There are several species of grosbeaks in the United States. But the evening grosbeak is a native of the Northwest United States and Canada. It is a migra tory bird, Rnd on its south and atfthia*! M fm even comes east of the Mississippi #«kiT - amiJ The grosbeak has a large bemk ihmt is how it arot iAs name, and aboutrSgm long- Tha color ng of the evening grosbeak , back. With .Jail and, wing tip* I bird is yellow. Mrs. c>i«| i iftteraated in knowing if anyone else has seen this species ctf grosbeak in tWa area. Both Mr. and Mrs. think j Burnsville is a wonderful place to 1 , live. Now they are more eonvinc |J edpnce a flock of winged visitors jflMi Westertr Canada deWured by ITKShvUIe for a short tUyp M ru.j« wav t ® #ir l

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