film 32 .>2 -•wffTnWP^^SW%r^^K^~T^^ ; j ' K i f— MhgdHMflfijfHHflv .-Zjf .^KJ^fe l&C*' • spt '"ttiliuH - v ' ' '^P 1 \ ' >•" ■>. ■•■ — ■ «r- — »-* - ffr' - -^•^♦^'■^ppy !^^p|p||pp|^»'<trrf lLJ ■ • • |ir —^ ' k " '-„ ' : tfr w " fiilmlM k Scut fr«K the Imi Slow htn Sttwiiy. Mbs Mmkl Tapped Far Membership la Rba Chi sIBE. • Sharon D'anne Howell, dau ghter of Mr . and Mr*. Richard & Howell of Green and a rising senior at Southern School of Pharmacy, Mercer University, Macon, Georgia, has been tapped for membershp in Rho Chi 'a National Hcnorary Scholastic Society. This is the highest honor given n phar macy. The recipient is or* of nine students to be tag*-*! for this honor,, out of a dasa of sxty-tre ftuder.£ The Rho Chi Parmacy Honor Society has charterel the Gam ma Alpha Chapter at Southern School of Pharmacy. The fundamental objective of Rho Chi has always been to promote the advancement of the Pharmaceutical Sciences through the encouragement and fecognit on of sound scholarship. High standards of intellectual and scholarly a'tainments have been demanded for election to membership, and such election, THE YANCEY RECORD *• « - - Mi sURan to hea« a Mate «i lh—n SdntaUe SaMy «■*» kmich) Begin iMta in HCT; pad Vice Presi dent «f Kappa E*ta. a Na t eaal rhannny Ftoftaraßy for Wca»; See. and fom. at the Stofo* Branch of APHA (Am tion) and APHA (Georgia Phar maceutical Association) Sweet heart of Phi Delta CM Frater nity. and a member of die Student Council which meets «nee a month and acts as the official voice of the student holy. Alias Bowen’s preprofess icnal education was *n> at Ban Hill College, and East Carolina (Adversity. She ha UM boner graduate of East Yaa eey High School, Burnsville, sad Is one of ten students to ra ce ve a college preparatory <flp kma out of a dan of ninety four students. Miss Howell has waited the past two —""w es a phar macy intern at Salley’s Drug Store in downtown Asheville se der the supervision of Mr. Mtaa Salley. Jr., Registered Pharma cst She will tatem this aaa» mer at the Pharmacy of Bmy University hi Atlanta. The honor wes receive! by the recipient at Macon, Georgia, oa May C. IMS. She was dramed in a Mack cap and gown with a green tassel on the cap. ■insvilU, N.C. Kiodorgart&i Maaday Differ M* 3n Janes— I** toS"aifa << ySr "to Those priMHB are: Hay Ann Allen, Tina Banks, Jackie Buchanan, Gail Bntner, Ame Hun'cr, Joyce May. Bobbie Ruth Webb, Jerry Baker, lfi efaael Wilson, fa—fl Yemm, Debbie Woody, and Jonathan Scott Gayer. Marshalls are Sonya w*«f. Amy Proffitt,- and Stqben Conpcy. Saaiar Waak At Rodia Statiaa WKYK Radio Station WKYK is *oa wring Senior Week at the sta tion in East Bonsrflle .Seniors from both Cane Riser High School and East Yancey High WKSchool have been invited fay WKYK to take a pvt in Am tegular operatives of Broad ca»tiug through the neck. The students are on the pro gram from • x m. to s p. m. each day. They wfll be readfaw commercials, giving the news, end working in the control room thrdugh the week. flmdai, lif 14,194 S Mrs. Ganatt Badey Yaatefs lil&if Os Ifee Year 1 Bailey» sbe rrm «“anS*", to < S r * oS ißaYteadei the adred tM Unity, n Yancey Canty ney Jbol ML BOL Mr. Batoy ieikflt the parents «f five chOdran.- Mr. Dixfln Bafley of BmwvMe. Mkh.. Mix finest Amwndale, Vx, and Mix Mar tha KOpatrick of Charlotte. Mix KOpalrkk pasaed away abont children were in ■*"■! she agde **k At preseat de has scree S toudens, and holds daises ds days a week, including two hours Saturday morning Mix Bailey’s whole file has centered around her family, her church, and her profession. She is a member of the First Baptist Church, and partici pates in all the activities of Am church. After the ftofli of her husband she took oner the re sponribOKy of resrlng red ed ucating bar family. Her child ren are Bring witaeares of her success in this fteUL Under her teadntag humkede of Yreesy County children have a good foundation la piano, red asrey «f them hare fast on te get Mix Bailey sad members at her family were honored- at a dinner at Ifo-Wray Ire Satur day aight, when she was dhow erec with many beautiful gifts by the merchantx • Umber Ibirfy-Sevei I RfjllP P\l Pk Hi 1 1 • tore WKYK hare dn tr t tded to aekeet the Ydkr «f •* Yiear.” Mare defads si be Canaliaa >«r Service Friday Night May ms is Girts’ Auxiliary Focus Week is Southern Bap tist Chunbex GA’s in Yrecqr Aawnciation will have a Cxaa- * tin Service to West Bunrerßs Baptist umren on rnoay night. May 17th to 7:3D. Ite following girls hare met the qualifirations and vrifl participate in the service: Maidens: Rebecca Riddle, Jean Blankenship. Rhonda S'yles, Glenna Whitson, and Dekbie Taykr. Ladiesto-Watting: Ramona Bay. Mary Aim WestaU. La Ann Banks, sanora, npm Debbie McDowell. Obsidton Harris, Carolyn Bay. Marie Hun er, Kim Weston, Carol Bay. Sheila Patoer, Cynthia WUwn, and Sandra Laws. Princesses: Judy rjuWsrus, J3TI iidewjy Queens are: Vickie Bennett and Ctohy Deyton. The Queen- Regent is Janice Raster Sunbeam Band Attendmts are: Sherri Phmipx Bradley Grindstaff, Janice May. Saua dra Fob, Carole McDonald. Na talie Fox, Anne Hunter, Belin da Hensley, Hal McDonald.

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