This Is Most Foolish Age In History, Congressman States Washington.—••This.” remarked Congressman George Huddleston of Alabama In the course of a gen eral conversation, “is the most foolish age in history." "I wish,” suggested your cor respondent, “that you would fully explain yourself for a very large number of readers who probably would like to know why." George Huddleston is one of those rare members of congress who, except in matters involving a question of good taste, is willing to see in the newspapers anything he says In private. None of his votes conflict with his beliefs. "There are." he proceeded to say, “a half dozen reasons for the assertion. By the reliance of this age upon force, I mean both phy sical force and law. And coupled with that is our lack of regard for principle, economic or otherwise. This is the day of the opportunist; the man who gets while the getting is good. It is most distinctly not the day of men of wisdom, vision and principle, for whom we have lost nearly all regard. “Our present position in respect to spiritual concern as distin guished from material concern I trace back to the development of industry and commerce and their tremendous multiplication of hu man conveniences, luxuries and op portunities for financial' gain. Men have amassed “fortunes and the poor have had luxuries denied to princes in other times. “The result is that all of man's interest and attention has been di verted away from the spiritual life, which embraces religion, art and politics in the purest sense, and concentrated on the material side -on things that one can see, smell, feel and heqr. So we have elevated to the supreme matters relating to ex. a low form of materialism, and to food, drink, fine clothes, auto mobiles, buildings and other things shading up to the power, influence end prestige that comes from the possession of wealth. “Thus every human activity is * .tinted. Even the preacher preaches at his richest parishioners, preach ing what they want to hear so that they will contribute and give him a fine home and his trip to Pales tine. “The professional man sells his talent to the highest bidder and measures success by the size of his fees and retainers. “The politician lends himself to organized selfish interest so as to hold his Job and the emoluments and dignities connected therewith. “And so on down to the work man Who scabs on a job so that he can ride in a second-hand car and get a bottle or bootleg liquor once in a while. George Huddleston is nearly 60 years old. “Among nations,” he continued "no reliance is now placed upon honor or chivalry. Even courage is no longer at a premium. Ingenuity In devising safe ways of killing men is now the vogue. “With the past experience one might suppose that this world would long ago have abandoned entirely the practice of relying on force to settle its troubles. But we continue to build cruisers and to admit that our anti-war treaties really do not mean very much. “Prohibition is an ethical ques tion and we will not have real pro hibition until a very large percent age of people believe in it not only for others but for themselves. I think that sentiment for prohibi tion is growing. We will never have absolutely complete enforcement, for you must remember that in some sections of the country we still have peonage, a modifield form of slavery, even though sen timent is almost unanimously against it. “It may take 25 years to get real ly satisfactory enforcement. But I expect that a sentiment will de velop which will put the bootlegger in the same class with the narco tics vendor and cause his custom ers to be regarded as addicts. I voted against the eighteenth amendment, but the sooner people I make up their minds that we have I prohibition the better for them.” Proper Nourislunent the Secret of Early, CrispDelicious\egetables SUCCESSFUL gardening of any land is largely a matter of right : ceding. And that is within the con - : ol of everyone. Plants are like human beings. Thm re living things. They must be fed roperly. They need plenty of good, nourish ing food—food of the right kind ant! .a proper ‘‘balance.’' Professional gardeners and nursery men give special pare to that point, i or years they have used Vigoro, a cientific, complete plant food, spe cially formulated for their use. Thousands of home owners have now discovered this plant food and the remarkable results it makes possible. Vegetables difficult to grow, like tomatoes, in many cases ripen two to three weeks earlier. Radishes, lettuce, carrots and other common garden vegetables have a surprising crispness and added flavor.. For Vigoro is a scientifically pre* pared plant food. Properly balanced and complete it supplies all the nour ishment required for early vigorous growth, .'ull development of flowers, fruit and foliage. Itdevelops finer lawns, too, stronger root systems. It increases humus. It helps choke out weeds. Grass be comes thicker, greener. And flowers are perfect in color, long* blooming. While shrubs and trees take on new vigor. Clean and odorless, Vigoro can be sown by hand like grass seed. I ts cost of application Is surprisingly low-only 10c to 20c for every 100 square feet Full directions in every bag—100, 50, 25 lb. sizes and 5 lb. packages. See your dealer. There’s one dose by. Get your Vigoro now—enough for everything you grow. And this year have results such as you’ve never be fore dreamed possible. The Calendar of Plant Feeding THIS MONTH 1. LAWNS: As soon as grass shows green, or any time thereafter, apply plant food. 2. FLOWERS: Work plant food into soil be fore seeding; or for perennials, as soon as plants appear. For early large and richly colored blooms make later feedings. 3. VEGETABLES: Work plant food into t soil before seeding. Later feedings hasten maturity, increase yields. |4. SHRUBS, TREES: Apply plant food any \j time after leaves appear. * SOLD WHERE YOU BUY LAWN AND GARDEN SUPPLIES VIGORO y COMPLETE PLANT FO< POOD Endorsed by Leading Landscape Gardeners and Nurserymen Swift & Company, Chicago For Sale By Campbell Dept. Store Phone 161 — Shelby, N. C. Charges Before Jury j As the House Judiciary Com | mittee asked Federal investiga tion into the official tots of Judge Francis A. Winslow (above) it was revealed the Federal Grand Jury had al ready been making inquiry into the Federal bankruptcy court in New York. UnUroitloajU NkithI) ! Mad Dour Scare Excites People. Personals Of People Moving About. <Special to The Star.) Shelby, R-4, Feb. 21—The regu lar monthly meeting of the N. M. W. was held at the home of Mrs J. B. PhUbeck last Sunday after noon at 2:30. A very interesting program was rendered. Mrs. R. W McCurry succeeds Mrs. E. D. Hum phries who has been the efficient president since the organization The next meeting will meet with Mrs. McCurry Sunday March at 2:30. Every member is urged to come. The many friends of Mrs, Perry i Humphries will be sorry to hear of her serious Illness. Little hope is held for her recovery at this writ ing. We are glad to note that Mr. and Mrs. John Glasco's son, Bill, who has been very sick with pneumonia Is improving very much. Misses Ethel Humphries and Selma Callahan were Sunday guests of Misses Faye and Bright Glasco. Mr. N. H. Mauney had the mis fortune in loosing a fine cow which died recently. Misses Hannah and Nancy Mc Curry came home from Lattimore last Wednesday night to be at the bed side .of their aunt, Mrs. Forest Cornwell. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyle Bowen of the Poplar Springs community spent Wednesday night in the community with Mr. Bowens father. Misses Faye and Vivian Dellinger of Shelby were the attractive guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hamrick Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. L. Jenkins of Henderson ville spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Humphries and family. Mrs. Laura Price of Ruth Is spending some time with her aunt, Mrs. J. L. McCurry. Messrs. J. B. McGinnis and broth er-in-law, Mrs. Shatter Hamrick of Charlotte spent the week-end with their parents. They were accom panied home by Mrs. McGinnis and children who have been on a visit with, relatives and friends. Misses Louise and Thelma Blan ton were week-end guests of their cousins Misses Ruby and Macle Mc Swain in Shelby. The people of our community were disturbed Wednesday on account of a mad dog. Mr. Ivy Willis went by the school house to warn the teach ers and pupils at school to keep on the lookout. It also bit Little Ben Jones, baby son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Jones, who was playing in the yard at home. The people have been looking and trying to kill the dreaded dog. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Short and daughter, Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McCurry of Cherryvitle were at the bedside of their sister and aunt Mm. Cornwell last week. Mr. P. M. Mauney visited Mrs. Mauney and children last Sunday Miss Elmire Hamrick was the attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Blanton last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McCurry visited Mrs. McCurry's mother Wednesday evening. Mrs. Jarrett is confined to her room with flu At the home of her son, Mr. Arthur Jarrett at Dover. Miss Rosa Lee Moore delightful ly entertained at the home of her parents with a Valentine party last Thursday night, Many interesting games and contest were played car rying out the Valentine idea. A very enjoyable evening was spent by those present,. ^ Pirate Hoard? Havana.—Fifteen bronze camion, fished from the bottom of the sea, are under guard of soldier on a tug in Batabano Bay. Government of ficials plan to cut them open in be lief th4t pirate hoards are conceal ed in their plugged muzzles l River Jordan Will Produce Electricity For Holy Land Several Dams Will Be Thrown Across Stream At Various Levels. Tiberias, Palestine.—On the river Jordan, halt an hour’s Journey south of the Sea of Galilee, steady prog ress is being made in the construc tion of a great hydroelectric power station which will usher in a new economic era for the Holy Land. Under the supervising genius .of a former Russian revolutionary j leader, Plnhas Rutenberg, head of the Odessa police during the Ker ensky regime, the storied stream of Bible times is to be made to pro duce 300,000 horsepower of energy for new Palestine’s farms, homes and factories. Palestine has no coal of its own, at all events as far as can be Judg ed from superficial geological in vestigations. Nor can it boast of petroleum deposits worth exploiting. Its economically exploitable re serves of energy are concentrated in its water resources. Whoever has the control of these resources can monopolize the driving force of in dustry and agriculture, and can in fluence decisively the development of the country from an economic point of view. Rutenberg is in that position. Backed by the Zionist or ganization, he secured the conces sion for the sole exploitation of these.resources and for the supply of electricity for the-whole of Pal estine, with the exception of Jeru salem, the government having re served to itself control of the prices for electric current over and above a certain minimum, and a share in the profits. The scheme which Rutenberg is trying to realize, is to use the dif ferences of level to be found along the course of the Jordan from the Lake of Merom to the Dead sea, starting with the stretch between the Sea of Galilee and Djisr. Along this stretch of about 10 miles there is a drop of 150 feet. A little later, in Djsir, in the Rutenberg domain proper, down in a rock hollow, the river comes into view again. Across the Yarmuk, which com ing from an easterly direction here flows into the Jordan, the scaffold ing of a dam 25 feet high may be seen. This dam, now almost com pleted, is to force up the waters of the river of the sea of Galilee into a giant hilly character of the region. Opposite, across the Jordan, a sec ond dam is being built. This, when j completed, is also to force back the j waters of the Jordan and to collect i them In a reservoir. The pictures | que valley bed \will then be drained, 1 the Jordan divert^-fpr a short dis J tance from it* natural course, and from Its rcserVotr conducted ; through.a canal already partly dug, i into the Yarmuk reservoir. Prom here, a main canal has al ! eady been -dug under the Haifa ; Damascus railway line, and after j the rainy season will be lined with j concrete, This canal is then to j conduct the waters of the two rivers over the top of^ the cliff into J the foundations of the latter are ! already laid and the first layer of ! concrete put down. Gradually ma I chinery from England Is arriving. To begin with, three water turbines of 8,000 horsepower each are to be Installed. Industry and agriculture In Pal estine are at present both suffering under the exceptionally high price of electric current and Impatiently await the moment when the Jordan will supply them with cheap motive power. The work Is to be com pleted by the end of 1929. Ruten berg assumes that the 34,000 horse | power will readily find consumers and that before long he.will. be ab}e to start building the second power station near Abadlje, which Is to generate the same amount of en ergy. Rutenberg's schemes go beyond the provision of electric power. He has elaborated a project for the util ization of all the water resources of Palestine, for the exploitation of which he has secured the conces sion. If his plans succeed despite certain obstacles still to be over come, It may safely be assumed that a new era will in very truth en long dawn for the Holy Land. TRUSTEE’S SALE By virtue of the power of sale contained In a Deed of Trust ex ecuted by J. S. Lemmons and wife on October 5th, 1926, to me, as Trustee, securing an indebtedness to the Shelby Building and Loan Association, and default having been made in the payment of same and, after having been called up on to execute the trust, T, as Trustee, will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the Court House door in the Town of Shelby, N. C„ on Saturday, March 23rd, 1929, at Noon, the following described real estate: One lot situated on the South side of East Warren Street in the Town of Shelby, N. C„ and known and designated as Lot No. 4, in Block 2 of the J. W. Lineberger and Roy ster property, map of said property being on file in Book “TT” of Deeds, page 600, in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds and being that lot fully described in a deed dated October 4th, 1926, and duly record-' ed in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cleveland county. Refer ence is hereby had to the plat and deed aforeeald for full description. This February 20t,h. 1929 CLYDE R. HOEY, Trustee. Hospital Here Complimented Miss Ella MacNichols, superin tendent, nas received the following commendatory letter from Dr. Franklin H. Martin, director Gen eral of the American College of Surgeons in Chicago, 111. which is pot only a compliment to Mis Mac Nichols and the hospital but to the staff and to the many friends of the institution throughout the coun ty: "As we are beginning our new year, I am prompted to send you greetings and congratulations as one of the members of our large hospital family. * "The hospital standardization movement is now in its twelfth year. Three thousand hospitals of twenty-five beds and over in the United States and Canada believe in its doctrine of service to the pa tient. About two thousand of these insure the right care of the patient. As the season comes and go this movement advances with ever-in creasing momentum, adhering firm ly to the great fundamental prin ciples upon which it was founded. This is what Insures its permanency and success. "On behalf of the board of re gents of the American College of Surgeons I 'congratulate you oil the' progress your institution is making in complying with the hospital standardization requirements. This demonstrates in a practical man ner to your community the sincere desire of yourself, your associates, and all other connected with the institution to do all they can in promoting the best care of each and every patient throughout the year. We look for Jour continued interest and cooperation in this work during the coming year and hope we may be of service to you. "Let me remind you that a wel come a'ways awaits you at head quarters. We shall be glad to see you at any time. The twelfth v nual Hospital Standardization con ference is to be held in Chicago at the time of the clinical congress. October 14-18. 1829, and we hope you will attend. Mark your calen dar now. and bring with you as i many representatives as possible from your hospital. An interesting and instructive program is assured Try Star Want* Ad*. Great-Great Grand Father Salutes Great Great Grand Child (By James Carson Elliott) I arrived all right at 11 o’clock p. m. January 29. 1929. I’m a boy. My weight is seven pounds. My home Is at Biltmore. Call around some time. Nicus Myron Hicks,—my dear great grandson. I am happy to greet you and to congratulate you. That you come in at a good time under the Lucky Star ^of Great Hope when all the ^HMfd promises you success and happiness. This is a good world, now at its best. Every thing needful for your development and well-being is here. Life offers great problems and possibilities. "We are safe in the hands of the All Disposing Power whether in the natal or mortal hour. You come in to fill our place as we go out. May your days be many and your trou bles few." ”1 put him in line with the pa triotic sons of the American re volution. From Captain James Withrow (of Kings Mountain bat tle fame.) His daughter. Mary car son. her son James W. Carson, his daughter. Barbara R. Elliott, her daughter, Lillian Hicks, her son, Nicus Myron Hicks of the eighth generation. Also I put him with the sons of' the Sou'In rn confederacy from Jam's C. Elliott Co. F 56 N. C. regiment infantry. His daughter, Lizzie Lee Beam, her daughter Lil lian Hicks, her son, Nicus Myron Hicks of the fourth generation That is the best we can do to give j hltn an hcnorable'statt with hlsj fellow countrymen. What, is added thereto will depend on him. To be well born "is important. To achieve success in life U most important. Under what star we came. we must work out our salvation and eternal destiny. Long 111c is the greatest blessing. We are only rich in w hat we are and happy in what we do. Life is to live, to love and to be loved. I was born under a lucky star. July 12, 1645 of honest parents. I had a good start in life, my child hood was happy. My young man hood extremely interesting and varied. Passing through the great crisis of the war between the states, with many miraculous escapes. Coming out whole and out living nearly all my comrades, my mature manhood has been the common lot of all, anxiety, hope, fear, success, failures and disappointments. Blessed in a green old age w'ith a competency in quiet respose, with iaith in the eternal virtues—truth, justice and charity to all, trusting the future. Save this to prove ancestral des ! cent 80 years hence. Call when you can—always welcome. Model 72 ' LOUIS XVI WALNUT CABINET, DOORS DIAMOND MATCHED ORIENTAL WALNUT WITH GENUINE INLAID MARQUETRY BORDER INSTRUMENT PANEL ALSO OF DIAMOND MATCHED ORIENTAL WALNUT FRAMED WITH BUTT WALNUT AND BIRDS EYE MAPLE PANEL W. A. PENDLETON’S MUSIC STORE 4,800 Homes Receive The Star Every Other Day—Mr. Merchant Get Your Message To The Home Through The Star—You Will Get Results That Will Satisfy. MR. FARMER: IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE BEFORE YOU BUY ' \ YOUR SPRING FERTILIZERS ONLY THE BEST ... «4. h - . HANDLED.

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