SBM??k?? ?UY I AT HO M l ? , ? VOL. 14 NO. M Skate And Ti Condensed Ii v ?NitfoyU Ntwo-"bunch" M tkt pmjr today to wracb . ago ct a atom-crashed TWA air plana which vaatahad with awe pet sons aboard th? night of Marcb 1. Tba shattered plana and tba bodt as oC tta oooaganto lay near tba tog at 9,900 foot Baaaa Vista Peak. II air miles sonth and eaat of Yoaaalte Valley Rancor headquarters. ' The rtfkm, one of the wlldeet In tbe Sierra Nevada, la 90 miles east of Fresno. Johnston, 8. C., Juno 14.?Highway Patrolman M. K. Floyd said today that Jeanne Dowd, 8, of Augusta, was killed Saturday -when the car in which ehe was riding collided with the machine of Charles E. Etchenberger Sr., of Naranja, Fla,Franklin, Tenn., June 14.?Capt. ' Henry Beverly Hart, 39, U. 8. Cavalry Reserve officer and a trainer cf Jumping horses, was killed yesterday when a horse he was saddling kicked him in (the cheat. Miami, Fla., June 14.?A special grand , Jury convened here today to hear Federal agents and state officers tell cf events which led to the arrest and confession of Franklin P. MoCall in connection with the James Bailey Cash, Jr., kidnaping. The blue-eyed sandy haired .boy, five and a half years old, was snatch ed from his crib InPrinceton May 28. Twelve days later his pajamaclad body wae found In a palmetto thicket barely file from his home. Washington, June 14. A recordbreaking peacetime program for expanding Uncle Sam's national defen seg stood oat today as a major accomplishment of the 1988 Cangreas. . Secretary Wood ring told House leaders that more important legislation to strengthen the country's arm ed services had been enacted this year than at amy time since the World War. Baltimore, June 14.?Baltimore's second bombing in 24 hours wrecked a tavern In the northern section ol , the *c*ty early today and shattered windows in a halt dozen nearby houses. The explosion, Police Capt. M. J. Wallace reported, was "similar' in many respects" to a bombing In Southwestern Baltimore early Sunday which caused Injuries to -two persona and damaged 28 houses. Detroit, June 14.?The Advertising Federation of America received praise from President Rce^velt tor its slogan "Advertising Makes Work' aa business sessions of 34th annual convention- opened hers today. "J recognise the important position the service of advertising ocoupes in our national economy." said s met sags of greeting froan President Roosevelt, "a strategic relationship that carries responsibility for the endeavor to maintain production through wMer and more efficient dti tribution of the goods produced." I ' Colvnbua. Ga? June 14.?Majot Jhhn R. Brooke, Jr.. (weed a cell It the Jffnaoogee County Jail today.- a L waiting a Federal, grand Jury hearlni of charge* that ha killed hla 42 yeai I old wife, Elisabeth. [Piper, Ala., June 14.?Disregarding dan?era of a possible explo*tor should combustible ga*ses be reach enf, (workmen today poured concrete in heat-owept oorrdor* of a ooal mine here In an effort to seal a eubterrai ean fire. Laughing Aroi With IRV > 1 A Chan] t?r ?vi | - THI awlji-Milrrt ealbtad b?l] * br?TM with * MM ?f his pw *Tm m t?B|k boy," ha stated, I ij. -^A^\ .V'J V " ij/ft'-)- ' - - ?J., - ' *" *" ' -k ^->x * />- .' V'*> '^Vs^V-* "'" '*' V*1-- >.'' . / - . . ' > /' w Kings lational News d Brief Form > ?mmtmjwaf*" uTfSTMil" 1 \ frank Pmtand "M year oM * >? I not textile -worker voi found toda; > la Lak? Janet als miles mat a > Marlon. The mrch wan btfu after small hoy taM he saw Pentand g i under near Leatt's Landtag. I' ' tireensbcro. June 14.?Police Ctole i L.. L. Jarvlc said today that two girl Iliad aigned affidavit >that Jerry Clarl ! aeM with Homer Myers on a diarg of Wiling O. D. Bovender, Jane I bad told them be ahot r. man here li an attempted hold-up. Chief Jarvts also said the gui which the f$tate will contend waa ui , ed in the killing had been recovered Siler City, June 1.?A message rc celved here today said Carl Siler,, 3 a member of the flim of Slier Ilro* Trucking Co., here was killed inatan ly in collision of trucks 15 mile south of Fredericksburg, Va. Siler, friends saW, left here Sur day with Cecil Kelly to carry a loa> of lumber to WashingtonKernersvllle. June 14.?Funeral ae vices were planned today for Clay E I Patdue. 39, -who was drowned yeate day while attending to fishing neb In the lake here. CoNfax. |Ji(ne 14.?Ralph 0tbboni 34, was killed Iby a train yesterda; at a crossing here. The body at mangled badly. Hamlet, June 14.?The C. ft Vi Pharmacy on Hamlet avenue waa ro bed of a yuantity cf narcotics ?om . <time Saturday night by a thief <wh > crashed the front door glass and ei ; tereti the drug store. , The broke door twaa discovered by the police t routod 7 o'clock. i Asheville, June 15.?Floral gplcml or and regal pageantry were dlapla > ed today for the Rhododendron gram i parade, first of the out-of-doors < rents of the 11th annual festival. Officials estimated the parade a two miles long. .Two thousand pei sons took part In the 125 units. 1 ; bands and drum and bugle corpi composed/ of 12S2 musicians, march ed. Henderscmi June 1R.?J. W. Sam ers. Vance County farm agent, wa cleaied at a public hearing yesterda' ' of charges that resulted1 from farm ers' dissatisfaction of tobacco a 1 lot meats under the new farm .law. Raleigh, June 15.?Parolee Coir ' missloner Edwin Oill said today tha 1 T. J. Jefferson, negro sentenced t ' die Friday for murder in Forsytl county, had been granted a 30 da ' reprieve to permit further study c his case. 1 Jefferson was convicted of th 1 slaying of Herman W. Foglemai ' The new death date for the man 1 1 August 5. I ' Ooldaboro, June 15.?The Nort ' Caroline Federation of Buaineea an 1 Professional Women will open a tw day convention here tomorrow. Clinton, June 15.?Jesse M. Henle L who has served as County farm i . gent for Sampson since 1933, has n ( signed to accept a position with th . AAA, according to an announcemei made today by the County Board < Commissioners. C Ashevllle, June 15.?D. M. Ma i shall of Charlotte was elected ye terday as commawfer of the Nort > Carolina Department, Veterans < I Foreign Ware. Mrs. Justine Croxdhl k of Ashevllle was elected president < the auxiliary. i und the World in s. cobb ye In Title N S. COBB ly vii mWin to imprest the local "a? I hilli from a tooth town." roo, may I aatf qoovtod tho homo >n??, at tho nn? time feeling in hi* > Htajn * : ' *- - ' * i KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C County Scout Meeting HeM ' Friday Night i- In CUMIMA f tf At a meeting itten<v>4 by 8coutera BeMUuteri and other oMclaU (ram here and Shelby FrMay night at the Women's Ctwb Building a Cleveland | Ccunty organisation was effected to (' push tne work in tbe whole area.. Aubrey Mauney. county chairman * and council trice-president, was |n * charge of the meeting. He explained 0 ?hr* the Piedmont Council had been ? urging for some time that the whole a county get together and form a work ing organization as the separate or 11 ganlzatlcna in Kings Mountain and '* Shelhy were not (properly functioning ' to take care of giving alt the boys I of the county the opportunity which they '.hould have of being Boy 2 Scouts. -' Reports were heard from chair1 men in charge of groups In Kings * Mountain and Shelby. Robtl Oldney, I Scouting Commissioner of Shelby, l" i mathe Iha?general report of the ^ whole program in Shelby and the upper part of the county and W. K. Mauney, chairman of the local group tr made the report for the local group. ' Willis MciMurray of Shelby spoke in rl-Jetail cf how Shelby had. pushed 8 their financial campaign over the top to secure more than $1500 for the Council budtget. Charlie F. Thorn ''.asaon In charge of raising the funds ^| in Kings Mountain reported that * tbia community's part qt the budget was in hands and promised. r Eugene Netaler was recognzed as * member of a troop in Kings Mountain organized under an English R charier before tne national orcaniza Jj Hon wag formed in the United State# 28 years ago. ? Burvle Ramsey of Washington. D. l" C., was a guest at the meeting jt Aubrey Mauney and was presented I as a member of his troop wnen he * was Scoutmaster of Troop 2 In 1925. a He was the first boy in the county to receive the rank of Eagle Scout. Officers named for the coming t year wno will seek to unify the . scontng programs of the Shelby and g Kings Mountain divisions were Rob ert Gtdney of Shelby, Commissioner; Willie McMurry of Shelby, finance; Rev. W. M. Boyce of Kings Mountain cubbing; D. M. Bridges of Kings I Mountain, secretary and school .relations; H. C. Wilscn .of Kings Moun^ tain, rural scouting; Rev. W. H. Mc h Diarmid of Snelby, troop organization; Oliver Anthony of Shelby, ten year program; G A. Bridges of Kings Mountain, camping; Rush Hamrick, erf Shelby, chairman of a committor i- to carry out objectives; Rev. A. G. t Sargeant of Kings Mountain, cnurch o relations; and Mr. Washburn, of h Shelby, publicity. y Others making reports were B. N. >i names, u. a. t-eeier, u. ?. Hamm, Laney Dettmar, J B. Aderholdt, Cart e Davidson, H. C Witoon and Mr. Wash > burn. * Report was (made that new troops have recently been organized at Mooresboro, Boiling Springe, Orover h and Earl, and that one will be startd ed boob at BetNware. 0 Announcement was made that a number o< ecout lenders planned to attend the leaders^ conference at ? Lake Lanier Boy Scout Camp at l* Tryon over the week-end and that the camp for boys there would open ? this week. it Announcement was ajso made that the colored Scout troops in Shelby and Kings Mountain had made reserr. vatlons at the camp for them to be m held this year at Lincoln Academy. ? Parents and leaders were urged to >f visit the Boy Scout Camps during le the summer while the Scouts were >f there. SPECIAL NOTICE FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN CUB SCOUT/NO There will be a meeting in the Bible Slhool Bulldtng of Boyce Me mortal Church Thursday evening at 7:30 tor the formation of a Cut Soon* Pack. Bora from 9 to 11 an eligible. Parents should accompany their boys to this meeting. Two dens are planned. One will center t round Piedmont Avenue and anoth er around Gold and West Mountain Streets. Boys planning to Join either of these ens should be at this meeting. Lion's Club Meets Tonifht The second meeting of the local "fcapter of Lion's Club win be held his evening at 7:M>. M. at the fountain View Hotel. Plane are to >e dismissed for Chatter Night which 111 take piece June Mtk sad K la ; oped that all members will he pree t. WT.-.-4 . ?" ' itain F . THURSDAY, JUNK IS, 1tM Mrs. T. B. Goforth Dies At Age Of 78 Funeral MrrtoM Cor Mr*. Tbonwi B**W) GuMrth, 7S. war? held on Moa day at 10:00 a. m. at the home of aer daughter. Mm. W. Illit Putnam. Ih.- Re*. W. M. Boyce a.'a ta i wepiMiMpir'SfW Ml. A!11 V!1 I Servant. Mw. Goforth died at the Shelby hc^pltal Saturday evening after an > llbn sj, of two weeks. At the funeral service pall bearers were grandsons ?TLH < I. - wot. >v "VI uvai Cig were (rSQOCftU* tater*. H*r .hvcrtte religious hymns .were sung by Mrs- N. F. McQlll, Mrs. Or. dy Patterson, Mrs- Bright and Mis James Ratterree and Ben Gofohh. ? The daughter of the late Martin and Mary Fulton Collins of Texasshe was married to Thomas Beatty Gcforth on January 14, 1875. Survive i ing are her husband and six of her ten children, as follows: (Mis. C. A. Dover c<f Shelby. Mrs. W. Hill Putnam and\ Mrs. George Owens of Kings Mountain; Orr Goforth cf Crajnentcn; John Goforth of Smyrna. S. C., and Hunter Goforth of Harris. Thirty five grandchildren^ also survive. " Early in life she joined Bethel A. It P. church, later moving her membership to the Kings Mountain A. It. P church, where she remained a faithful member, in spite Of the1 tact that she was an invalid.Miss Kirkpatrick j Buried Thursday MLss Mozelle Kir kpat rick. who for, the past year has made her home with Mrg. Fleming Ramgeur, -where she was engaged in nursing Mrs. Ratnseur's aged mother, Mrs. Oliver, dtfed last Wednesday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. A. Carter in Cherryville. Miss Kirkpatrlck kept up her duties as nurse until a few weeks ago when she became seriously ill and an examination revealed a disease of malignant nature. Doctors had no hope for her recovery as the disease v4s in a moat advanced stage. The body was carried to Rlchbung S. C? the home cf the Rlrkpatrick family. Funeral services were held: at Rlchburg Methodist church of! which she was a member and interment made in Union cemetei-y. She was a daughter of Mrs. Salllo j Dreunan Kirkpatrlck and the late I George W. Kirpatrick, of Richburg, She is survived by her mother, three sisters and six brothers i Miss Kirlcp&trick had made a num j her of friends during her stay in Kings Mountain and they we're i shocked to learn of her serious UlI r.ese and death. She had been faithful in her attendance at the services of Central Methodist church and will be greatly missed by members of the congregation. Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS RUSSIAN kids learn Russian ** easy enough. They must be awful smart kids. Even a grownup American cant learn K. aad T*ve always thought Americans wore about the smartest folks in tho world. There was an American oil man that was planning to go over to i < Russia to get away from a subpoena or to look for oil or something, so he hired a professor from ' the University of Chicago to teach him Russian. Ho got the prof to i live in his house, and he told him j . _e - * * r ? - " * iib anouia uik Kuanian to him as much as possible. [| So the professor was hiring dinner with the family. All the time f. he was trying to fire the oil man > his money's worth oy saying things la Russian. When he picked ap his Finally, while the professor was ta&dng and eating at the same time, he pat something In his month and just naturally exploded, ease of the food hit the picture of George Waahhipton at the other end ef the dhdng ream, and the whole faml^ started to wipe their TteJoa that the ^Russian Word for eimUhlegtieally. preff says the oil iMn. *Tm ewfal afraid HI Asa nsMneieaAO danmA ^e^n *r Bf*oi IVIITl sw piwOWwIlCt! I'lne wMy Tto niifwiM took i iwiIWvr of yst>^J?^^MdwSKt'* lerald Negro Killed In 1 Car-Train Crash Here Sunday Will WIUoq. IS. local negrowaa j instantly killed here Sunday about 1:00 P. M when the pick-up truck1 oe was driving wee hit by fast south 1 bound passenger train No. 3d of tha * Southern Railroad at the c rousing ' leading 'o the Kings Mountain Ice ' and Coal Co. j I Wilson was on his way to the Icb 1 blaUt to Set some Ice for the Heritor I Service Station. owner* of the truck ' he w?i driving. The truck was com- ' pletely demolished by the Impact 1 from the faM passenger train which t does not' atop in Kings Mountain, t he train stepped after the wreck! I and iwasdelayed about 20 minutes!' until arrangements could be made to 1 have the body removed. (? Wilson's boc'y. was thrown clear of! < the truck by the impact. The bed ofii the truck was thrown 150 feet from! I the track and one of Wilson's shoes i was found almost 200 feet from the track. j < A doctor whose name was not11 learned was passing on the highway j which parallels the, tracks and sawi the accident. He rushed to the assist*! < ance but Wilson w&s dead. ! 1 Wilson was employed by Poole I Transportation Co. Mr. H. H. Harris < Manager, look cha-ge of Wilson's i body. at.. request of Train officials. t Wilson had the reputation of being i a smart and hard-working colored man. I ' 1 Band Left Yesterday 1 For Asheville Kings Mountain is well represented , at the annual Rhododendron Festival ^ being held In Asheville this week. Kings Mountain Schcol band 70 mem hers strong left here early yesterday 8 morning to take part in this bie cele- * batdon. The band played and marched yesterday and will render a concert tOL"ay. Members are expected horn late tonight. Two bus loads left from in front of the Central School yesterday. Children were furnished round-trip trana portation on the buses for JSiOO each. After arriving in Ashevtlle band members were guests of the city and will be shown the sites. Lodging for! the girls were arranged in One of the school buildings, and for the boys In the Fire Station.. j Hand membcis were accompanied' on the trip by r Mrs. K. W. Griffin, | chaperone fcr the girls, and Supt. B N. Barnes and Band Director, Paul E. Hendricks. St. Matthews Congregation Gives Large Sum For Missions ? t The Celebration of the 20th Anniversary t-f tb?" forming of the United Lutheran Church in America * has heon celebrated! recentlv hv Rl I Matthews< The Mission Baord la y a?kln? for three and a half million ( dollars for mission wcrlt In America. 1 This congregation was asked for $2,300 and last Sunday pledges and cash amounted to neaHy $2,700. BH>I* 8cnoo) The total enrollment of Vacation : Bible school on Tuesday had reacnod 180. A better type of work Is be- ' ing done by the students than any done in the past few years. Bible study is the one main feature of the 1 school. i Book-Mending Project Starts . " * *. i - i WPA book-menidlng project got underway here Monday at the Central School. Five persons are employ ed and books from the Kings Mountain Public Library. Central and \\T on S QaK/vaI T i Kro rl/vo mill Kn rrwnolr IT DOl OV/UUUI lill/iUllTTO n III I vy?li edi with WPA workers. PA88 LIFE-SAVINB TE8T AA a class conducted at bake Mon tonia by Rhett Chalk, blfe guard examiner for the American Red Croee bife Saving Service, the following boye pa?aed (the Junior life saving ex nantnations: Jack Webb, Gene Mo* Oinnie, Miles Manner, Ernest Manner, Herbert Pumgriirey, Floyd Queen, and Bobby Dettmar. "WHITS BLACKBOARDS" MAY BRIOHTBN FUTURt SCHOOLS New York. June IS.?Educator* are trying out "white blackboards" in a move to dispel classroom (loom. In the belief elate blackboards absorb too much light and strain children^ eye., the Board of Bducatton vi'l instal white writing boards, made of coated glass, in one high school next Fell ae an experiment. The bad news to neotnera ie?Students wBl ase black Instead of white READ J THE '' - :j - HERALD FIVE CENTS PER COPV Council Approves Overhead Bridge . With Provision Al a special meeting of the Town Council Moo Jay night with ail mewItem prime tit except Ma;, or J. K. Hern Jon. the board approved (no overhead bridge railroad crcaatjutdtmiiib.ion iit tbe corner of lUilroau \venue aud King Street with the l?rt\latun that the height or the flit ea<i ng to the overhead bridge doea \^ct exceed 8V3 feet .J. B. 1 homagsou ?nd Brady Patterson appeared before the boa id as r?nrMPi.i>n??? . - ?- ? rom the Men's Club to. present facts iboui the elimination. C. K. Nelsler, Jr., Mayor I'ro-Tem, jrosiJ.d at the meeting in the .able uce of Mayor Hertidon. 'i'he four nembers of the council vcted for the ibove motion. All members present jxcept Mr. Nelsler were In tuvor of the proposal.' Mr. Nelsler left the presiding chair 10 make a raotton ,liat the damages to be paid by the l'own of Kings Mountain should not ixceea $r?,ooo. A second to this moion was sot received. Following the meeting Monday light. Engineer Nowell of Shelby .-ailed the State Highway office lu (laleigh and was informed that the 'ill would have to be 10 feet instead >f 8Vi feet. It is understood that an- ." >ther meeting will be lielf next Mon-' i-ay night and final aotion on the rverhead bridge will be taken. U is generally thought by those nterested in seeing the overhead iridge constructed instead- of an inderpass elsewhere that the bridge :an be secured! if the Town of Kings Mountain will grant a right-of-way. MAN BADLY CUT Claude Jones, about 30 years of ige, was badly cut Saturday night it Heavner's Service Station- on the fork Road by unknown assailants, locording to officers Jones went to ho .rn-'l" " 'I? ' *-* 1? Difnivu IU gVl Dl( Wilt?, md while they were talking In a learby field unidentified parties slip >cd up behind Jones and began out* ing with the result that he suffered t six-inch gash across his chest, two k-ep scalp wounds, a bad cut across 1 he neck, and aQother big siagh over >ne thigh. He was rushed to a Gasonia Hospital, but had sufllclently ecovered Wednesday to appear in Recorder's Court here to face charg;s fikJ by h!s wife 'for assault, ylilch was alleged to have taken ilace sometime before the cutting scrape. Judge A. A. Powell ruled the lefendatit had been sufficiently punshed and continued prayer for udgnient. In the absence of Solicitor Frank Uoyle. Jr., local Attorney E. A. Har111 prosecuted the docket. , Deputy Sheriff Charlie Sheppard s co-cperatlng with Gaston County jfflcers .in trying to trace down the issailantB of Jones. ' ' *| MPA WILL GIVE CLOTHES, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE TO CLIENTS Washington, June 15.?The WPA will distribute $10,000,000 worth of clothing 500,000 cases cf grapefruit juice to families on relief. Administrator Harry L. Hopkins said yesterday the dry goods would be purchased everywhere that manufacturers could guarantee immediate delivery, and would be distributed through state welfare department?. The grapefruit Juke will be bought this month, he added, to stave oft the threat of a "chaotic" market due to a reoord pack. (fflubhinqfon &?riapbhcU I James Preston Opinions Expressed In Thle Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of Thlt Newspaper.) The old question of Whether we are to concentrate upon immediate recovery and getting people back to work or let long-term "reforms" A come first at the risk of blocking reemployment Is again agitating Washington. It will unquestionably figure in tho coming Con grans tonal elections. ' - - 1 aass On one aide of the Uneup are those who boiler* that the first job la to to get men to work and 1st wait ensures wtSch crests uncertainty end, therefore, are a hindrance to 'industrial progress. In this category fails the waks and hoar legislation, the Walsh-Healsy Amendment* to bar from government contracts any business which Is at otMs witth the Labor Board, and taxation aimed at (Cont'd Oh Editorial page) ...w

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