% " >.i.- ■' ■ s K < i n ^ ! ; lb- rm--' ^ k. i... MRS. JAMES ROSCOE GRIGG (Karen Joyce Peavcy) MRS. BILLY ANTHONY WILSON (Linda Darlene Welch) MRS. JVEL PHILANDER QVINN (Janice La Verne Byers) Church Weddings Unite Griggs, Wilsons, Philander Quinns Miss Karon Joyce -P<>iavey anid James Koscoo Grigg wc^rc united in marriage Saturday, Dec. 6, at East Gold Street Wesleyan chur ch. The 'Rev. Edwin Chriscoe heard ■the exchange of vows. A program of wedding music was presented by Miss Brenda Biddix, organist, ani^ Mrs, Archie Chapman, vocal soloist. The hride is the daughter of ^Irs. F-Volyn Cox Peavey of 7170 Midj)ines and the 'late 'IIert)oi’t ilvl. Peavey. She is a senior at Kings .Mountain high schend, where she is completing a course in Cf>smetology. Son of .Mrs. Corrio Grigg of Kings Mountain Rt. 3, the bride groom is a igraduato of Biu<rns high school. Employed by Morri son Construction Co. -before en tering ‘the U. S. Army, he has just returned from a year’s tour q^duty in Vietnam. Holding the of specialist four, he is sta rt'd alt Fort Knox, Ky. 'riu' bride, -given in marriage by her uncle, Elmer fl. Norwood, woi’e a -formal gown of white vel vet. The empire bodice, styled with slit neckline, was centered with a row of buttons. A satin bow encrusted with pearls accent ed the waistline. Pearls also ac cented the hemline and chapel Ingth 'train. Her cathdciral-length mantilla v'eil was caught to a cluster of rose petals tram! with pearli^. Sh<‘ carried a cascade of while pompoms and pink carna tions with stephanotis. Mrs. Tommy Clary of Kings Mountain, her sister’s matron of Jiowor, wore a floor-length dress of green and white velvet. Green ruffles finished -the neckline and long full sleeves of the white emj)irc brnlice. Her tulle veil was attarhed to a green velvet bow. She (\arried a white fur muff top- pe.i with pink and white carna tions. -Bridesmaids were Miss Janice Wilson and Miss Loudse Rippy of Kings Mountain and Miss Ech- ol Awrs of Grover. They wore red and white dresses styled like that of the honor attendant and carried muffs of pink and ix>d carnations. Miniature bride and bride groom were Tammy Johnson and Toney Martin of Kings Mountain. Flower tg'irl and ring bearer w'cre Karen Goforth and Scott Grigg, also of Kings Moun tain. Eugene Grigg of Winston-Sal em was his brother’s best man. Ushers weie Larry Crocker of Grover and Tommy Clary and Toney Peavcy of Kings Moun tain. After a trip to Florida, the couple is at home in Kings Moun tain. Girl Scouts Win Awards, Merit Badges Girl Scout Cadette Troop 4 meets on Thursday at the First Rcesbyterian church. The following girls received merit badges and awards at Court of Awards la.st week. Cheryl Barrett — Horsewoman and Plant Kingdom (Trees) Badg es. Becky Blanton — Homemaker Badge and 5 Year pin. Ann Culberson — Family Liv ing Badge. Beverly Lynch — 5 year pin. Ann Leach — 5 year pin. Vickie Maddox — Animal King dom (Birds) and Swimmer Badges. Pam Martin — 5 year pin. Pam Nicholson — 5 year pin. Ashley Plonk — Chef, Hiker, and Swimmmer Badges. Karen Trout — Swimmer Badge. Tina Whitiker — 5 year pin. Recently the troop held a Bake Sale with proceeds of $-11.33 go ing to “Operation Santa Claas.” The girls have been selling calendars to raise money for the troop. Leaders for the troop are Mrs. J. D. Barrett and Mrs. Charles E. Dixon. Dastside Baptist church provid ed the sotting Sunday afternoon for a 4 p.m. exchange of vows uniting .Mis.s Linda Darlene Welch and Billy Anthony Wilson in marriage. The Rev. Harry D. Vance, min- inister of the church, heard the couple pledge vows O'! the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Evelyn Chambers was or ganist end Mrs. Wayne Ashe was vocalist for the program of nup tial music. Mrs. Ashe sang “With er Thou Goest’’ bolorc the cere mony and “Wedding Prayer” as the benediction. The altar of the church was arranged with white candelabm holding cathedral tapers inter spersed with arrangements of while mums. Donald Welch escorted his daughter to the altar and gave her in marriage. The bride’s for mal wedding gown was made and designed by her aunt, Mrs. Patsy Welch Black. Fashioned of white bridal satin, and peau do soie, the gown had a wedding ring collar with Chantilly lace on the long traditional sleeves, down the front panel of the ' floor-length skirt and highlight ing the formal-length aisle-wide train. Her fingertip veil of silk bridal illu.sion was hold by a petal hoadpicce and she carried a white orchid atop a white lace- tm’ered Bible. Miss Joy Welch attended her niece as maid of honor and bridesmaids were Mrs. Jimmy Black, aunt of the bride, and Miss Ik'hbiG Blanton. The three attendants wore for mal-length gowns of ChrLslmas rod satin and peau de soie de signed like that of the bride with sJicer long sleeves. Tliey wore matching hcaddre.^ses arwl slip pers and carried two white mums. The bridegroom’s fatlier was best man. Donald W'’elch, Jr. u.shercd with Steven Wilson. The bride’s mother was gown ed in a pink dress with match ing coat, matching accessories and a shoulder corsage of \vhite carnations. The bridegroom’s mother chose « navy blue dress with matching ^ accessories and a coisagc of white ' carnations. Mrs. Barr>" Stroupe kept a gue.st register in the vestibule of the church whore the bridal party formed a receiving line to greet (Continued on Page Two) Miss Janice LaVorno Byers bt'- came the bride of Special 1st-four Juel Philander Quinn, Saturday in a 6 o’clock ceremony at the home of Reveren<j and Mrs. R. D. Lucas, 456 IBrookwood Circle. The vows were heard by the Reverend R. D. Lucas, pastor of First Baptist church, Lawndale. Mtufiic was provided by Mrs. Jet- tie Mae Lucas. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Babe Ruth Byers of 462 BrookwcxKl Circle, the bride is a graduate of Kings Mountain high school. She is employed by Sadie Cotton Mill, Inc. The bridegroom, whose parents live in Gastonia, was graduated from Ashley high s. hool, Gas tonia, and is now siatione.i at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. The bride, given in marriage by her (father, worc a floor-length dress of white taffeta and white brotade. The white bodice fea tured long tapered sleeves closed at the wrist with buttons and loops. She carried a white Bible covered with a white orchid, white carnations, tulle and satin streamers. Miss Mavis Ann B.N-ors, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. She wort* a high waistod^ under lined flcMM'-len'jth <ii'<‘ss of blue taffeta. Tile high ncwkline with long set-in sleeves, closed at the wrist with buttons and loops. She carried a oascaJe of while and pink carnations. Best man was Pedro McNeil. Usher, Allen C. B.vers. brother of the bride. The couple will be at home in Gastonia, N. C. A rofoption was given by the brides aunt, Mrs. David Gardm*!*. The tabic was co\x'ie<i with a b<Mgo lace table 'cloth. A pieco of white and yellow daisies with the three tier \ve<l ling cake, crystal punch bowl and candela bra decorated the table. Sims Family To California M/S.gt. and Mrs. Jack Sims and sons, Curli.s, Gregory. Michael Dale and Venson, of Beaufort, S. C., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sims, enroute to Santa .\na, California, where they will be stationed two yeans. Young Ven.son Sims, who has sj>ent some time with his pator- Vial grandparents and who was attending school here, returned to California with his parents. One ounce of wood pulp from a Southern pin^^ trqe contains a Southern pine tree contains dividual wood fibers, reports the Southern Forest Institute. ^hrisfmas Tea At Arthur Home Saturday onphaslzed Traditional Holiday Theme Thursday, December 17. 1970 KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. SECTION B Mrs. J. H. Arthur and her dau- ghler, Mrs. George iB. Thomas- sr>n, entertained together Salur- <!ay aftornexm at a beautifully- apixiinttHl Christmas tea at the Arthur home on 'Bdgiemont Drive. Over 3(K) gue.sts from Kings Mountain and neighboring cities called between 2:30 and 5:30 p. m. 'Mrs. .Arthur took the occasion to honor her neighbor, Miss To Bridges, D(K*emb(}r bride-elect, who received with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Bridges, and the two iKwtesses. Mis.s Bridges was pre sented a gardenia shoulder cor sage and a gift. Mrs. Arthur greeted arriving collers and Mrs. Thomasson in troduced guests to the bride-to- be and her mother. Mrs. Bob Southwell invited guests to the dining room where Mrs. Carl Mayes presided at the silver tea service and Mrs. W. C. Ballew, Mrs. N. H. Reed, Mrs, Clyde Kern.s and Mrs. Joe Nei.sler, Jr. assisted in receiving and entertaining. Al so assisting in entertainin|; was Mrs. Winston Miller of Burling ton, daughter of Mrs. Arthur. Goodbyes wore said to Mr.s. Iton.s. color note of traditional ^Wistmas green and red was fea- V tured in decorative details and refreshments. Christmas trees were used throughout the beauti ful Arthur home with the large family tree in the living room sparkling with elet'tric candles in crystal prisms. Miniature trees on the mantel also sparkled with lights were decorated with red birds. The refreshment table, overlaid with imported lace and linen cloth, held a silver candelabrum of red taplTs as central high light. Hot cranberry pdnch was served from a silver service at one end of the table and coffee was served from a silver service at the opposite end of the table. Chicken salad in pastry shells, moatbalsl, cheese straws, nutty fingers, date rolls, Christmas star, tree, and boll-shaped cookies, mints and nuts, fancy decorated sandwiches and tiny fruit cakes were also served from silver plat ters. On the buffet in the dining roam a conversation piece was a green CTiiristmas tree tiered with red candles which reflected in the mirror. A gold - dojcoratod Chri.stma.s tree was on the door in the hall and in the entrance was a tiered Christmas tree aglow with gold buttMlics and hails with an an gel at the top. The gold and green theme was emphasized in the en trance while the traditional Christmas tree theme in red and green reflected the holiday mood throughout other receiving rooms. SOCIAL CALENDAR Thursday: 7:00 - Rohearsal for flhe wed ding of Miss Patricia Ann Mc Daniel an'vl Mark EKvyn Hughes in Antioch Baptist church, Gro ver. Friday: 7:30 — The wedding of Miss Patricia Ann McDaniel and Mark Elwyn Hughoa in Antioch Bap tist church of Grover, ireception follo'wnng in the churcJi fellow ship hall. Saturday: 6:30 - 8:30—^Freo Christmas din ner for Legionnaires at the .Amer ican Legion building followed by a Mortgage Burning Ceremony and a dance at 9 p.m. 7:00—Rehearsal for the Murphy- Fryer wedding in First Bjiptist church of Stanley. 8:00—'Mr. and Mrs. F. Milton Fryer are entertaining at their home at 408 Downing Drive at an after-rehearsal supper honoring their son, Gregory Milton Fryer, and his fiancee, Sandra Ann Mur phy. Sunday: 3:00—The wedding of Miss San dra Ann Murphy and Gregory Milton Fryer in First BaptLst church of Stanley, reception fol lowing in the fellow'ship hall of the church, Ivl iss McDaniel, Mark Hughes Give Plans iMiss Patricia Ann McDaniel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Henry McDaniel of Grover, has completc'd i)lans for her mar riage to Mark Elwyn Hughes, son of Mr. anil Mi*s. Sidney Jack- son Hughes of Kings Mountain, and announces them today. ' The wedding will lake place Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. in Grover’i? Antioch Baptist cluifch. Rev. Wayne Tuttle, minister of the chui'ch, will bo assisted by Rev. Forman McDaniel, uncle of the bride-elect, in officiating at the double-ring (eromony. '^lio bride-el(vt will bt? given in marriage by her father. Best man for the prospective 'bride groom will be his ifathor. Miss Peggy McDantel will at- ten'.l her sister as maid of honor and bridesmaids will be Mis9S .Beth 'Hughes, sister of the bridc- croom-elect, and Miss Linda Smith, cousin of the bride-elect. John Lewis Hughes, uncle of the bridegroom-to-be, and Eddie McDaniel^ uncle of the brMeelect, will iL'shor. Miss Janet Smith of Grover, cousin of the bride-elect, w'ill keep a guest register in the vestibule of the church. The brido elect’s parents will entertain after the •ceremony at a reception in the church fellow- 'Ship hallf 55 Students To Career Day In Charlotte Fifty-five students from the Health Careers club and the Fu ture Teachers Chapter of Kings Mountain high school attended Careers Day in Mental Retarda tion held at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Thurs day, December 10th. This event was sponsored by the North Carolina Council on Mental Health, the North Caro lina Association for Retarded Children, and U.N.C.-Charlotte to acquaint young people with the need for workers in tliis field as well as opportunities for employ ment in the field. The morning session featured a film “.A World the Right Size”, followtxi by an informative and challenging talk by Dr. Alanson Himan from the mental health clinic at Winston-Salem. A ques tion and answer period followed. The afternoon .session featured two study sessions strt'ssuig ca reer in and training for working with the mentally retarded, con ducted by .sptHdallsts in their fields. Mrs.. Glenda O’Shiclds, Miss Helen Logan, and Robert Leftwich acwinpanied the group to Char lotte. Recent Bride Is Feted At Shower Mrs. Eric Redmond, re('rn1 bride, was honored Suntia>' afl<’r- n(H)n at a briiial shower given by !Mrs. Thomas Rtvlmond. Fifty guests calk'd during the afternoon and presi'nied the bride a sliower of liousehold gifts. The honojt'o wore a blue crepe dross with black aci'ossories and a corsage of white, tvirnations, gift Crom the hostess. Christmas red air.l gnvn dec'rir- ations were used throughout the home. Miss Ecrnic<' Redmond and .Mis.s Jan Alexander assisting in starving decorated cake.s and COfft'O. The newlyweds are residing <m York roa.i. Mrs. Arrowood VisHs Moores Mr.s. Madge H. Arrowood .spent the weekend in Rlack^hurg. S. C. with Mr. and Mrs. Dever Moore. Mrs. John Taylor, Jr. and daugh ter. Suzanne, of O'canside. Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Jac k Kee and son. Monty, of Lattimore, were also guests of the Moore.s. Mrs. Taylor has been in Clove- land (’ounty visiting relatives the past .soventl weeks, called home due to the illne.ss and death of her paternal grandmother. Mrs. Taylor is niece of Mrs. Arrowood and Mrs. Moorei Christmas Season Parties Underway Christmas parties are In full swing In the Kings Mountain area. American Legion Post 155 will sponsor a free din ner dance tor Legionnaires and their wives Saturday from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m. at the American Legion build ing. At 9 p.m. a Mortgage Burning ceremony will be held marking the final payment on the $42,500. addi tion. A drawing for a 23-inch color television set will be held and door prizes will be awarded. Dancing will be irom 9 p.m. until midnight with music by "The Brand ed Men." Paul Jackson and Allen Myers both think that they will win the television set but they’ll sure be surprised when the true winner Is announced. Kings Mountain Country club members held their annual Christmas dance last Saturday evening. Mrs. J. H. Arthur and her daughter, Mrs. George B. Thomasson, were hostesses Saturday afternoon at a Christmas tea attended by over 200 friends from this and neighboring cities at the Arthur home on Edge- mont Drive. Donna Blackburn cele brated her fifth birthday Sunday. December 13th, with a party attended by 25 of her friends at Beth lehem fellowship center. Donna's birthday cake was topped with a Santa 'Claus and decorated In the Christmas season mo tif. The cake was cut and served with party re freshments. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Blackburn, 'Don na is granddaughter of Mrs. Ada Yates arid Mrs. R. R. Blackburn. Donna's * ; mother Is the former Peggy Yates. * * ♦ * Jama Lynne Hawkins, |P^' ; daughter of Mr. aTid Mrs. James Hawkins. Jr,, of Pearson Avenue, Gaston ia. celebrated her first birthday November 26th. A decorated birthday cake was cut and served with party refreshments. Jama Is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cable of Kings Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. James Hawkins, Sr. of Gastonia. Jama's mother Is the former Phyllis Cable of Kings Mountain. Karen Mllessa Arm- ; strong, daughter of Mr. ! and Mrs. Carl B. Arm strong of 23-B Willow Drive in Sumter, S. C., celebrated her first birth- I -iC ^ day Tuesday, December 15th. A birthday party was held Saturday at the home of Mrs. Roger Hat- » field and Karen's decorat ed birthday cake was cut ^ and served with party re- ^ freshments. Karen Is granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Wright of Kings Moun- *■ tain and Mrs. Brooks Armstrong of Columbia, S. C. Karen's mother Is the former Carolyn Wright of Kings Mountain. 11? Pamela Jo Morrow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Morrow, Bethlehem Road, was five years old Friday, December 4th. A party was held Dec ember 6th with 20 friends and family attending. The birthday cake, decorated In pink and white with five snow men made from marshmallows was used for the candles. Party hats and candy favors were distributed. Pam’s grandparents are Mrs. Ada Yates of Kings Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. John Morrow of Gastonia. Pam’s mother is the former Jo Ann Yates. * * * Mrs. Charles A. Nelsler was hostess for the Christ mas meeting of the Kings Mountain Garden club on Wednesday. After refreshment time, the club viewed two Christmas table settings which were displayed by Mrs. Vernon Crosby for Team 1 and Mrs. John Cheshire for Team 2. On display also were the many miniature tray decorations brought and made by the members for use at the hospital during the holiday season. Mrs. Phillip Padgett conducted a program on Column Continued on Page Two) \

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