1 LEGAL NOTICES • • g • * ADMINISTRATOR NOTICE Having qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of John Coolidge Cox, deceased, late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before Jaunary, 1981, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 1st day of July, 1980. Nellie Langston Cox, Ad ministratrix of the Estate of John Coolidge Cox. Harris, Bumgardner & Corry By: Qayward C. Corry, Jr. P.O. Box 92S, Kings Mountain, NC 28086 July 1,8, IS & 22 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Alice David Moore, deceased, late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or before January, 1981, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate please make immediate payment. This the 1st day of July, 1980. Mary Ann Young, Executrix of the Estate of Alice Davis Moore. Harris, Bumgardner & Corry By: Clayward C. Corry, Jr. P.O. Box 925, Kings Mountain, NC 2806 July 1,8,15 & 22 PUBUC NOTICE The Zoning Board of Adjust ment for the City of Kings Mountain will meet on Wednes day July 2,1980 at 9 a.m. in the Council Room of the Govern mental Service Facility Building (new City Hall) to hear the following request: 1. Thelma Liles & Jeanette Patterson, request permission of the Adjustment Board to put a mobile home on the property located at the intersection of Bat- tlegroundOaston Street. Lot is shown on Kings Mountain Tax at the backside. Loi is shi>| Kings Mountain Tax number 5, area 8, lot 31. D.E. Tate, Chairman July I, 1980 In Th* Ganoral CoJ of lustlco Suporior Court Div Stato of North Corollnd Clovolond County ADMINISTRATRIX' NC Having qualified ministratrix of the esi Meredith Hill Biser of CIJ County, North Carolina! to notify all persons claims against the estate Meredith Hill Biser to I them to the undersigneq 6 months from date publication of this nq same will be pleaded iij their recovery. All per debted to said estate ple^ immediate payment. This the 27 day of Jui] Nell W. Biser 408 W. Gold St. Kings Mountain, N.C Ruth S. Dedmon Clerk of Court 74,8, 25 & 22 NOTICE TO OWNER OF PONY IN MY PASTURE. Please claim him and pay cost of this advertisement. Phone 7394870. 7:1, 3 LOST in Key Warehouse park ing lot. Small grey Terrier dog. Answers to the name of “Jezebell.” Children’s pet. Reward. 482-5547. 6:26; 7:1 FOR RENT mmmrnm HOUSE FOR RENT: 4 rooms, all electric, 3 miles west of Kings Mountain. Central heat and air. Perfect for couple with one child. S200/month. Call 739-7703 after 6 p.m. 7:1,3 WANTED GRAND OPENING - loom..6 Good Hair Styles for Men & Women located on El Bethel Road. Call 739-6361 or 739-3361. Specials on perms, haircuts and hair coloring. Also specializing in facials, facial make-up and manicures. By ap pointment only. Hours 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Sat. Also 3 booths for rent for licensed operators. Contact Joanne Suber. 6:24, 26; 7:1,3 For Wings Or Any TypI Anniversary (Busk or Personal) Try our specie momento of yoij We offer a c| various designs Ik matches which serve as a pcial day or year. ate line of book matches in (colors. Give us a call. Dovervinting Sales ^elby, N.C. 1482-3588 Palmer's Antiques < tion oi McCoy and I sale walnut and oak make a sound invest at a tair price. We « upholstery materiolj 4 1 |.nishing has jost purchased an old collec- kery ond collectors items. We have also lor |re and a lot ol bross and other antiques. To pet us repair and refinish your old lurniture I all kinds of upholster.ng wah 30% off all St Kings Mtn. on Hwy. 74 739^8390 Map numlMWiMU <v... • i« 2. ^yaminssr^uesi variance to construct a carport on side of house. Property located at 610 W. Gold Street. Lot is shown on Kings Mountain Tax Maps as being KM 9, block 1, lot 11. 3. Warren Deese, 511 Rhodes Avenue, request variance need ed to construct a new accessory building. He will remove present building and replace with a frame type, using same cement slab that is now being used for present building. Lot is shown on Kings Mountain Tax Map number 31, area 3 lot 7. 4. J.B. Sisk, 317 Chestnut Street, request variance needed to construct an addition to house « * « w w ONE DAY NEW YORK TOUR Saturday, Sept. 13 Call 739-5939 For Details STEWiFin.UMBING. INC. DON 4 I Cleveland Ave. IPS, WATER HEATERS, IPLUMBINO FIXTURES. Id ft OPERATED BY CRS ft JOHNNY STEWART ioa-SOSS Nite7S»-910t ‘ HOUR SERVICE EN47ED TRENCHING REALTORS MUST SELL Immsdiale delivery. Liquidation o1 all new all steel buildings. 40 X 72 X 14 $2 40 pet sq. ft. 60 X in X IS $2.30 pet tq. tt. ■ Call loli-lree 1-«00-874.3S30| Century Steel Bulldingt Larry I). Hamrick^. KLALKPR 110 It V'.s7 Motnita'm Slrrpl PllOiSE 7:i9 :}659 xiooonnnnnnnnnnnnTtTi'nTi*""****"***********^ OLD ESTATE Hlatorical old homo on 5.8 oc. within S minutoa of downtown Gewtonia. Sunoundod by 200 yr. old oak IroM. BMUtliully landacapod. Ownod by tho aamo family for ovor 100 yrt. Shown by Appt. Only. ■ Porformance Proporty 864-8769 RAREHND Only $795 por aero. ThU 18 ac. tract on povod road can be youn for only 10% down - owner will finance. Hurry • thie won't laat. Performance Property 8644769 $99.00 DOWN And only 5 yr. terma on Ihla 5.2 ac. tract. Lots of trees and nice creek. Once in a lifetime oppor tunity. CoU todoy. Performance Properly 8644769 JOHNNY^ IN THE PARADE/J // DOhaMISSTHE FUN PARADE because ffllness. Prompt medication wil keayou in the social swim. 7(1 West Mountain Street SUMMER INCOME OPPOR TUNITY. World Book- Chiidcraft ha.s immediate sum mer openings for sales represen tatives. Hours are flexible and no previous sales experience is re quired. Call Bill Carter, 482-8989. 6:19, 24, 26; 7:1, 3, 8 TWO INCOMES ARE BETTER THAN ONE. Earn a second in come. Sell Avon. America’s most popular line of cosmetics, fragrance and jewelry. Call Mrs. Peggy Bingham collect, 704-538-9749 or write Rt. 3 Box 160, Lawndale, N.C. 28090. 7:1, 3 TuMday. luly 1. FOR SALE - 1978 VW RAB BIT DELUXE, automatic, A-C, Stereo, Sunroof, low mileage. Excellent condition, . Bahama Blue with blue interior. Days call Scott Hill, 482-6771; after 6 p.m., 739-7125. 6:24tfn T&T FOR SALE: 1971 LTD, fully equipped. Priced to sell. Call 739-2581, Richard ^'Barnette, Cooper Furniture Co. 6:26; 7:1 'services u . GARAGE SALES YARD SALE: 103 East Parker Street behind Central School. Friday and Sat. July 4th and 5th. 7:1.3 FOR SALE 1 FOR SALE; One eleciric dryer. Call 739-9431 alter 4 p.m. I2;20itn l&T FOR SALE: New brick home, 3 bcdrixrm, large den, It': baths, tireplace and heat pump. l2‘’/o loan. Call 739-5636 or 739-5500. 5;8irn l&T FOR SALE — 3 pc. bedroom suite, good condition. Triple dresser, double dresser, mirror, bed. $150. Call 435-2786. 6:26; 7:1 FOR SALE - Very nice three bedroom house on a secluded lot in town. Reasonably priced. By owner, call 739-5483. 7:1, 3 lAUTOMOBILESl FOR SALE KOK SALE; 1974 Ford Torino Elite. 2-dr.. AC, PS. Also. 71 Chevy Inipala. 4-dr.. PS. AC. Call 739-7496 during the day or 739-7548 after 6 p.m. 3:20tfnT&T 1979 VOLKSWAGEN Conver tible for sale. 8,000 miles. $7,500. White on white, AM- FM radio. Ph. 739-5500. 6:26; 7:1,3 Wll.l. KEEP CillLDKKN out for the suiiimer, in my home. Any age, ' Calt after 5 p.i.l., 739-7335. 3:20tin T&T $400 DOWN — Farm Home Loans, new three bedroom homes, energy efficient, located in Kings Mountain, Northwoods Sub-Division. Payments as low as $ 120 per month if you qualify and your income is $8,000 to $12,000 per year. TRIANGLE REAL ESTATE, Ph. 867-5396, Fred Newton, 8674141 and George Neesmith, 867-0407. 5:29tfn T&T CHERRYVILLE PAINTING CONTRACTORS - First time ever, credit painting.’Up to 12 months to pay. Call 435-9887 in Cherryville. 6:26; 7:1, 3, 8 ROBERTS GREENHOUSE weekend specials — All tomato, cantelope, cucumber and pepper plants, 15 cents. All bedding plants, $1.60 per dozen. Hanging baskets start at, $3.50 to $10.00. Large Azaleas $3.00. All kinds of cement bird baths and bird feeders. Located on Margrace Road. 6;5tfn T&T •SAVT.VCS up to 70 percent and more on your family clothing needs. Bargain Basement in back of Hightowers. 313 York Road, Kings Mtn. Open Mon.-Sat.. 9:30-6::i0 p.m. Ph. 739-8211. 2:6tfn T&T REUPHOLSTER SHOP - We reupholster any kind of furniture and most car and truck seats. We also build new furniture. Call 739-8344 anytime. 6:17, 19, 24, 26:7:1,3 RON’S APPLIANCE. Repair washers, electric dryers, ranges and H20 healers. Ph. 739-9431 after 4 p 1.1. T&TH tfn 1980-KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD Pag* 7 CARS AND TRUCKS - Clean ed and waxed, exteriors and in teriors. Phone 739-5144 or 739-2696.6:17, 19,24,26;7:1,3 ATTENTION APARTMENT DWELLERS — Family Housing Center, Hwy. 74W, Kings Mtn. now has 20 year financing on all double-wide mobile homes. Ex- a.mple: home sells for $18,900 plus tax, $2000 down payment, monthly payments $204.87. Call . 739-9031.6:24tfn T&T MR. STEAM CARPET CLEAN ING SPECIAL — Featuring truck mount unit. 10% off thru June with this coupon. Call anytime, 739-9665, Roger McDaniel, 739-7369. 6:24, 26; 7:1,3 FOR HOUSE OR COMMER CIAL Painting call 739-4414. Free estimates. Quality work. Many years experience. 6:24,26; 7:1, 3 CARS, TRUCKS cleaned and waxed, interior and exterior. Call 739-5144 or 739-2696. 6:12, 17, 19,24, 26,7:1 I.OANS — AL’S PAWN SHUP. 219 E Marion St.. Shelby. Money loan ed on clean, workable i.ierchan- dise. Quality merchandise always on sale at Bargain Prices. 2:12tfnT&T \&I) ALTO REPAIR NOW OPEN; 1501 Shelby Hwy. All automobile mechanical work done Reasonable and guaranteed No job too small. Open 8 a.m.-6 p.m.. Mon.-Sat. 4:3lfn T&T PAINTING COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL. Phone 739-5144 or 739-2696. 6:17, 19, 24, 26; 7:1,3 I) & I) EI.ECTRlC; Commercial -Residential - Industrial Elec trical repairs. Ph 7tM-739-9395, 3:25tfn T&T HOME REPAIRS 8t REMODELING SERVICES. Carpenter work of all types. Bathroom and kitchen remodel ing, paneling, siding, roofing. Room additions, concrete por ches, patio decks, carport, all repairs. Call anytime, 739-1293. 7:1, 3, 10, 17 & 24 9 m • mr. ■ ■I ir I-- 'N.fMHFWtS—‘S.’W Entire Stock GEAir Conditioners AT604 SAVK 5,000 BTU ^ ^ 18,000 BTU IVnWt 21'0«»BTU il VV • 24,000 BTU Was Now $249 $188 $289 $218 $579 $438 $669 $498 $748 $548 t TB-145Y ONLY! GE Energy Efficient Refrigerator 13.6cu.ft. ♦389 Deluxe GE Features Console Color TV 19' dtogonoi COlOe TV Deluxe Features Stands AvoMoble At Extra Charge GE Portable Color TV *369 GEFood Freezer ' 12.9cu.ft. with lock & key Chest Available' Also! ♦339 GE Heavy Duty Washer W Otogonol C0109IV/ ISVMOtISM EARIV AMERICAN STVIING the wofmth ond chofm of Eorty AmtNcon cotMoetty Mopte Snish on hardwood $oMd8. wood composihon ^bqoid and siiTHJtofed wood occents •5691 WWA-3100 During This Sale Only! ♦289 909 GROVER ROAD KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. 28086 PHONE 739-5656 Factory Service Available FREE DELIVERY Within SO Mile Radius Terms- Approved Availoble Credit

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