Son Shoots Dad Fatally v >V : W|E ■« ■ ' . I - -.^••«?5- t *^ v> • V -H*;'i^ _. .-j^fe^r*^^^-- 1 :. <^pS§£ Jy <? kfy '’ : v ; I, . #-• OBJECT OF \VH»i; SFABCH—Patrice l.iinitmibH, president nf (hr ( diico National Movement, reportedly said last week at the closing srssioti of u movement general meeting. that "the divorce between Belgium and (he Kongo is final" Africans wearing warpaint battled; against Reign in trd troops in riots that claimed tire lives of at least *4 persons. An official statement said a warrant had been issued tor tajtnuittba, »rho tias reportedly "disappeared" tie is shown above in a fiie ptuttn. rt pi PHOTO!. Father Slain By Son Over Mother ROANOKE KAPIDP A R.n annkr Fapids man was shot i,oj death .Runday in what officers) described as a family fiaht that | heg,,i when the victim tried to' be:.*, hi. wife and 19-year-old son Deputies - : d WW?; IcHn son was iiillrd instantly by a j blast front a ?"-giiage shot- j gun, They said the shot, which struck Johnson in the abdo men. wa« tired by the son. | Roland. A hearing for the youth has! be r.n set. Decomposed Body Os Youth, 12, Found j HENDERSON—A farmer look ing for firewood Sunday, found the « badly-dftcomposed body of a 12- , rear-old Kittrell youth who had , been missing four months. The body was identified a* that of Samuel Perry, Ir., a *i*ib-grader who failed to re turn to his home on the night n( July £ Hi* father made the identification from clothing found near the body and from a pair of shoe* he had given the youth only two days be fore bis disappearance. Coroner.M. W, Wester, Jr.. *aid lift. Hale MIAMI ' Death to sli race | mixers Keep white public schools) white bv massive armed force. I Ro a Paul Revere Rt*lly your j neighbors to arms Shoot, the race 1 nixing invaders." fCONTWOrO 0\ rAGK 2) —_ 1 I —— ■ ——- * — —. -I MOVING sr:?i. ,v hough they Mn't walk, these. ywit* patients know the w«H«nMH of moving lav *«. they rail from .sn obsolete budding to a unit of the new orthopaedic-, renter of Orthopaedic Hos rtal :»I l,os *iveles. r r?i!_ Tit- renter was b«Ht at a rest of M.SW.WI. Nearly half of which rnn-.f stit! hr raised throw-h nubile ?pjser»|. The hospital is rsoeriaJly equijvped for th* earn »nd treat- Metrt of children suffering' disabilities of bone, mat eir and nerve. (tfPi PHOTO), Young Johnson said his father came to t;«ir home shortly before ; noon and started fighting with j Mrs. Johnson The woman ran in- J to another room of the house and : her hue) a 4 -’ <•■ tod c'-opf- 1, •• *t , the door with cn as The father followed het when she rr.n out- of the building a few minti'tss latei and then returned to ihe house alone, the youth said. As his father grabbed for him, young Johnson aimed the sun sard fired, he told officers Young Perry was apparently kill ed oy ablest from a shotgun fir ed a.fc close range. The shot was of suffice.nt force Wester said, to tear away the boys left, arm whicn has not been found Tito disappearance of the youth prompted a search by more than 100 persons, including 75 volun teers from a National Guard task force then on duty here in con nection with a violent strike at ihe Harriet - Henderson Cotton Mills. The area of the search extend ed over eight square miles and stopped only 150 yards from the spot where Charles Clark found tiis body Sunday, rir.rk, who said he was buttling firewood neat' a to bacco field at his home, found the body in a pine thicket. Parts of Perry’s body were found in a rtine-fooi area, frONTINUEO ON PAGE 9* Body Found In Pieces •:-J: : :^ : : : : : : : : :^: : : ::V: : :v: : : : : : :.^;,".^ : : : v ;: ,^ VOL. T 9. NO. 7 PURSE RING CRA CKED + + + + 4* Hh 4 + + Trouble On Raleigh’s South Street: Gunman Gets 60 Yrs. Here Purse Ring Broken; Five Bound Over Rive Raleigh youths, charged with snatching purses from white women, were bound over Monday to Wake County Superior Court. Detective Sgt. J H. Bowers said the youths, who were charged with l: ting several pocket-books from white women, were placed under $2,500 bond each. Officers said warrants were sigsied after one of thr youths, identified .mi fWbhr Rugf** admitted he look a purse ItotjS Elfan&etK Norris. Bowers said the woman heard someone running up behind her. When she turned around, she said, (he youth grabbed the poeke'book and Stept running. A witness reported .'-he sew the ff'OKTtNIIED ON PAG! 2) Deb Ball j Date Is Nov. 27 _ j The Alpha Theta Omega ch3pi*t , of ihe Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority i will present the 22nd annua) Debu tant Bail at Raleigh Memorial Au ditorium Friday night, November 27. Hr. William R. Str&ssncr, president o* Shaw University, wit! deliver the welcome ad dress to thr debutante*. One of to? highlights of the yearly affair is the form tug of a huge figure in the center of the auditorium floor, which I* participated In by all of the debs and tiseir escorts. Committeer. handling arrange ments for the hail are as follow*. (cnrmNtren on bags « SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1959 RALEIGH. N. C. Jr Tif „ LOCAL f,\j i.UCtaKS ItiiCLll’K CHUCKS FOR ¥1,500 Alpha Theta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority has made $1,500 available to Shaw University and Saint Augustine’s College. The i money will be used as a loan fund for eollegr women between Ihe two colleges. Applicants for loans ! must need help, maintain high scholastir achievement, character, leadership and service to the schools. | Shown in the presentation and receiving of ihe checks ace ileft to right. Or. 11. U. Strassucr, prrsi j dent of Shaw University; Or. .lames A. Boyer, president of SI Augustine’s College; Airs. S. V. Perry, j chairman of Alpha Theta Omega; Mesdantes Gertrude Harris. Phyllis Mann, and Marjorie Oebnam, 'ah committee members. Mrs. Marguerile Adams, basileus of the chapter, was absent wh< r the picture i was taken. Waldo C. Falke.ner: “Fairminded Liberals Will Support Us,” Councilman Tells YMCfI Body "There is a large and growing nucleus of fairminded liberal peo i pic sn North Carolina who will support qualified Negroes for pub lic office,'' stated Waldo C Falk oner, Greensboro city councilman at the membership meeting of the Rloedworth Street YMCA Tuesday night. p’alkener was prrsenied by i Hrrwta I- Taylor, local after ney. Cecil H. f'lagg. chairman j of the committee on arrange Wonts, presided C. A. Ray wood, chairman of the TMCA'» hoard of management, official j I lj~ welcomed M>. t''a!k*uer to | the city and the ”Y”. so agency i «f the United Fond. "The appeal for support for cif I flee must be made along genera! i lines appealing to, ali voters, rathei j than strictly racial lines," slated \ Falkener. Tin the lasi election in which he j won, Falkener received 3.200 vote? in ' predominantly white districts j Mixed Pair Caught;To Court Soon NORFOLK, Vs A 60-rear | old Norfolk white men and hi?. I Negro wife awaited grand Jury »e. ! tion .Saturday on charges of in' i terracial maorraac. The couple. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Georgs Makres. told a Po lice Court Judge Friday that they wont to New York City a year ago to get married because Virginia law forbids whites and Negroes to marry. Police Raid they arrested fibres and his wife. Armen - tri*. <§. when their neigh imn W pge;y. .*> Liberian Official To City ! and t,Bf)o in predominantly Negro l districts "Thus it was impossible to win by Negro votes alone " tbs .select ion was made possible b,v a roali j lion of liberal forces including la hot. Catholic. Jewish a? well as Negro groups. As a city roijncilnian. Hilt oner has been able !e eiininate several types nf discrimination and suggested that active participation in policies ht IBTAl B TA I ’oisgrr** l ß !{®is,«* A.wisd*"* ill<* I'iil!** ! ASHEVILLE A great advent nre j is ahead for (hr appointed delegates j and reprcsrntHtn r;- in (hr eleven [ districts of the PTA Congress, for i : jsK plane, bus .eirl railroad linos ! ! 'ran to Asheville, North Carolina i for the 32nd annual convention to i j be held at The Livingston Street j | Elementary School. Nov 20-2! Program Highlights Leaders and consultants who can j contribute significantly and with i maximum thinking on the theme Eastern Grid Playoff # i nr BY IttCHWOMI E. STEWART j The championship crown for the ! ! West err Division of (hr Eastern ! AAA conference will hr at stake j when Ligon's Little Blues clash with Durham's Hillside Hornets in the Raleigh's Chavis Park Friday j night. The two teams will be : meeting for the second time this j season. Hillside won the find lilt : in n hard-nosed routes) between i the two bis tines by a score of Tire tsvo teams were furred inlo the play-off hv Hillside's defeat at tbs hands of Wiiliston High of Wil- large nutttbrrc of voters is an effective approach to more jobs, educational opportunities, and other desirable objectives. K 1, Harford, YMCA general see* j retsry diseussed Ihe fa!! and win , ic-r schedule of activities and in ; vitod the members present to en | roll ;n their favorite hobbies. The ; value nf a good public relation? j program, in which a!i would par ! ticipnte, 'vss emphasized of the convention, which is quilt iv't'imeni at (his time. Problem I clinic, informalional (enters, dem onsl rat ions will comprise, (he u-s 1 sii.vns. and perhaps the choicest I fruit will he lhai. which will ! grow troui the Informal coming to ! nether of those who arc deeply in ! (crested in (he s a tern subject -- ! ('fold Welfare—and (lie building of ; a safer, better world for children (rtWWii , »:& ON PAG! ( mington. Ligon beat the same j train. The Hornets and the Little Blues have identical conference records of li victories and one toss The Russell Blount-coached team | of Durham came back strong (his season, after a disappointing one j last year, to once again rank with I the feared teams in the school's i past history They boast of a oow- I erf'll and fast baekfit ki in Mickey Dave. James Hollows;. and Bobby Blue, Charles Stanbsck. (he hi?. CCONTtNIjKn OW PAG*. it PRICE 12b IN N. C: ELSEWfiERE 15c Shot Wrong Man, Gaines Tells Judge John Gaines, ;>7, of South Street, looked into the lure of Superior Court Judge William Y. Rickets Tuesday morning, and found 'him self being sentenced to a total of fi() years at hard labor for shooting a mars, reported to be an invalid. ! and second degree burglary. Gaines claimed the shooting was meant to be one of re venge against Paul (Rabbi) I Bunn. a J said Hr did not mean io injure George Wash ington i.igoin, who was hespit a tired for several week s. Gaines pleaded guilty to as sanlt with a deadly weapon a ith intent to kill. (tIONTINIiKn ON PA(,I •> Decision : Os Court “Unfair” JACKSON Miss Missic.ippi i Gov.-Elect, Ross Barnett has cn ! i iriA'd the U. S Justice Depart i nvnt's decision to re-enter the Mack Charles Parker Lynching The. prari River County Grand Jury at Popla.rvilic, Miss., did not return indict - mrnls against a group of while mm believed to have lynched the 23-,vea.r-o!d Ne gro. The county jury adjourn ed without considering (he ra so. The Justice Department an nounced last May when the FBJ com Dieted its investigation in the case tha* the federal government ha j no jurisdiction in the ease Rin t.hc department announc ed later is would take the case I before a federal grand jury Barnett said “if the federal government has no jurisdiction in i the matter it has no business do ing this. The county grand jury would have final authority." lie irsmj rd. Rained said ihr depart fCONTlNllßO ON rAf.l -> —— CAROLINIAN - : BUV FROM TH ™ o ft Clothing Company t Horton's l ash Store , Hlestful Clifh k Mnir-l , i For : PAGE it,. It k. T(r« Compan:' i Mother A- Daughter Store* > Kress I IHrst-Citizen* Bank A Trust Co Gem k Shop CAGE S fltldHoa Belli Company : N*sh-Steele-Warrcn. in, • Carolina Power A- Light Company I It :leit;h Saving* A- loan A«'n Raleigh Sealooti Company PAGE 6 Merchants Bureau FAmoiJK Bakery Federal Acceptance Corporation Stavto St. Coin Lamt ’ftxtnat djpn's Eswo Servicecrnter i PAGE V i Consoliri'Oeri Crrdlt Corp. ; Coop-rN Bar-B-Cl>e | PAGE S Colonial Store* ; Taylor Wanlt> A TV i eerie* k«« Realty Company 1 mmmm ,<M ATTORNEY BROOKS State Dept. I Diplomat Is Shaw Orator ! ' Dr William F Btvassnar. pres? d‘-nt. oi Shaw University has a'iv nounced What the ninety-fourth Founder's Day observance will b* held on Friday. November 10 on the East Campus Attorney AngF E. Brooks, Assistant Secretary ni State, Monrovia, Liberia. West An rica, and a Shaw University grad uate. will deliver the Founder Day address. ■attorney Brooks received !hr A, B. degrre at SbaH bpi versify lit I'M!*, (lie 1,1 B. and the 111. Sc. degrres ;i I (he I ni versify of Wisconsin in Mir did posl graduate not k in in(l>rm(ioml !,CI at t.nmlrn t.'nivrrsit.V Law sphpn| in If* 52-53. She is (be firs! and out j l,a d> Counsellor >1 Law lor lb" Supreme I'purl of l.iberi ■>. She was appointed \ssistapt Secretary of Stale of Liberia in March. Ifl.V*. The trsdltional erremurr' u l lomh of Tlenrj Marini Tupp' !h° school', founder, will h- he' at Jo 1 a a.m. A wreath uitl I* lilac d upon the grpvr hy M • Hudson, ("Miss Hhavr lip,per (t ON I INI (I ll ON PII.I 'i State News Brief HORTON TO ' PIT A R HI e" -Pi : - f in ittSKRT NORTON nAI.KKiH «*„.( At. hr© . Episcopal Church choir will pr» ; r>nt Herbert Horton a ha> itOP* of Si Augustine's College, in <op ipfi Sunday, November 15 at 7 p . m in Greenleaf Auditorium sha-i University, Horton will be arrow, panted by Harry Gil-Spvythe, head of the music departmenl at Sha- Horton'* progam w ill be highlighted by writ iinniui ,1 merieari compositions and Ne gr« spirituals, but whi sin include three arias, micij in Italian and two in (iceman Ho has studied tinder Mr.- V. May Morgan Kell of Raleigh' I puhlir s< hunts. John C Moni'p and («*ONTINIIPI> O/v I'/*l.( ■) *p**dy■ Wash. ter °, i Quinti s Furniture **•*•• StaJHlard < indri Blot U (o«p"i' Modern finance Corp PAGE S Major Finance Company t!t‘ Hunt General Tire r n. Ambassador Theatre Efied's of Raleigh PAGE !« •Stepnens Applianr* feHM* if.' Deluxe Hotel Peps).cola Bottling Company rawness fnsnr«nre A gene* Wtriift Memorials Ridgeway Optician* Carolina Builders Cote Watson s Seafood Company Fayetteville Street Baptist Chu t 'H PAGE 1! Raleigh Paint it. Wailpaper «o. Firestone Stores Branch Ranking A Trust Company Seven-ftp Bottling Co Klmbrell's Furniture Company rtat-igh Fouera) Home M. Vouns S!3rll'‘ara F». PAGE 1 1 Rhodes Furniture fsejn?* (HMiMurte* * r*raser* »aai«

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