RALEIGH, N. C., SATURDAY. JANUARY 13. 1973 CC Doubleheader Set For Broughton Gym Next Wed Falcons Meet Barber-Scotia; Shaw Vo Tangle With E. City ^ '-fi '.Tr.V' Capital City doubleheader action switches sites next Wednesday when the Falcons of St. Au^stine’s and the Shaw University Bears ko to Broughton Gymnasium for a pair of games. The Falcons will meet Barber-Scotia in the first game at 7 o’clock and Shaw will take the floor at 9 o’clock to do battle with the Vikings of Elizabeth City. Kven though the action is Charles .Montague and Larry switching sites, the thnlKs and (looding returning to the line-up excitements are expected to he just as high for the Capital City Doubleheader. previous doubloheaders have been play ed at Dorlon Arena this season Both the Falcons and the Bears will be seeking revenge St. Aug.'s will be looking to revenge a loss suffered tt< Barber-Scotia earlier in the season in a twinbili at Barber- Scotia SHAU' STAKTKB • .Andrew Richardson will be in the starting line-up for (he Shaw Bear.', next Wednesdav night when the Bears pla> host to I Vi/aheth ('it\ as part of the Capital ( it> Douhleheuder at Broughton C<w>uiasiuin. Fayetteville Recreation News MASSEY MILL l(i-rKI---\TIO.N CEiNTKJi: 'Fhursday. Stnior Citi- zats <2-51. .Aixiiay flub '7ll»; FYiday; ()[Kr. Flay <fii TOKAY m’ltFATlO.N i'b:S- 'ITiIK: Thuisdiiy; ('luWxsIand (Vain ly Sheltcntl Workshop 11 Youth Bunuu 14-51. Free F-’lay Inlorination F^aton Class i4;;Uj-5;.ini. (iirl Scouts ; Friday; Free Play (3 5>; Saturday: Tenn Dance '8-n> WF>'r .STIU-Ki' KECKI':-\TlON f.'MM'EK lliui-s day I1a\ (imup 'in a.m.12 n<x)n>. F-X'C^'C StudiTit Fitniy IXtsirkiits and Dislriii Chainmi i7::l0 p nii, FYiday: l*la\ (Jmup 'in am - 12 noon >- SFABimoK lU-> liFVY'noN CENTFTi: 'lYiuiMlay: Fm* Flav Tal)le(liuus FYng F^>ng t7-9). liilliaitLs iT-yi. .Skill IXk)! i7-y<. FYiday: FXw Fla\ Talile (fanl^ <:i-f» I. f’a^l(^aln^^ '3-61. Tun Dance (7::in in;!(»'. .Salunlav: Junior I-eague Basketball Game (9-12). HONHIYXTnT RFrUPlATION CENTF3L FYiursday. Fw Flay (3-5), Midget FkisketlaJl <5-7). FYte Hav (7-10). Cunixiliind F'aiiily Can^MS (ti;30-U)); FYiday: FVtc Ha\ Krioidship House. Midii*-. BaskHiiail i3-7i. Hash-A- Ways Squan’Club iH-Kii, Fne Hay .7 lih, Satuinlav Hw.- Hay ‘l-5i. CIUIVK Vliw THIHACE Ithi'KlvkTION CENTHl: Hiurs- day; Social .Sm-ices IHpartniuit .'J l I. Vo-Vo SiKn-up i2 p.ny i. Free play Id p.nii. (lirls Club i4 p.ial, l-He Hay Kl p.nii. 1-nday: IVe-TiHLS baiia- bl-fii, True. Dance 17111; Satuiday: dub Hot<ranB •'.l-B I. (■AMPBFa.i. riadUfE luc- CHEATID.N' CFryTFH l-hiusdiiy: Public Belalu«i.s rjldi. T.ablc (liuins i2-a I. Fne Hay '2-31. < ipen llou.se fflui; FYidiiy: IVihlic lUalioiLS 'b 12i. Tablediuus 11-6), hViv Play H-b'. SatuiTluy; Ibisket- liail 'Spivey Jimior Ibtd' (7-121. . . ♦ You can mca.sure tiic size of a man by his reaction to flattery. » • » '* A good rule for highway travel ia to let the other car get there first. Nations, like individuals, must stand for honor, fair play and law. Coming* • • CAPITAL CITY DOUBLEHEADER 1st GAME ST. AUG.’S vs BARBER-SCOTIA 2nd GAME SHAW vs ELIZABETH CITY STATE HOLIDAY GYMNASIUM .VI BKOl (iirrON HIGH SfHOOI. Wed. Jan. p. M ADMISSION. Advance $2.50 At Dfkor 3.00 Ticko!*^ xjt) ill- iit Shxiw Univer'-it. j.iti siaint Autiiiatine'- Collt fi*- and alt hical rf\oxd sfores Shaw has an even bigger deal to settle with the Vikings of Elizabeth City. The Vikings nipped Shaw . GH-67 in the finals ol the Capital City Holiday Tournament two weeks ago and then last Saturday in F^lizabeth City, the Bears sufft‘red an 81-65 setback at the hands of the Vikings. Shaw will look to Andrew Richardson. Robert Smith, Lionnie Smith. I..ester Roseboro. Daniel Agee and James Partin for most of the offensive punch. Coach James F'arhs, wFio is in first year as coach at Shaw, is expected to select his starting line-up from this group. for Coach Flarvex Heartley's qinnlet lust Saturday against .Johnson C. Smith and respond ed with outstanding perlorin- ances, Montague, who missed several games because of ankle injury, .scored 20 points in the win over Smith (iooding demonstrated his rebounding torm by grabbing off 21 caroms against the Golden Bulls. In addition to Montague and (iooding. other starters for the F'aicons will more than likely be James Cotton, who fired in 21 points against Smith. Calvin Rand and Collins Vincent . Key reserves for St. .Augus tine's will be James Richard son. F'.arl Br(»wn and FJisha ('larke FJizabeth (Yty. skippered by Bobby Vaughn, will look to Glen Wendley. Waller (’arter. Holland Moore. Henry Wash ington and ('harles Carr for the offensive punch against the Bears. The Vikings got off to a slow start at the offset of the sea.son but have been coming on strong lately. POSSIBI.K STARTERS - Collins Vincent, left, and Ronald Richardson, right, are likely starters for St. Augustine’s next Wednesday night against Barber-Scotia at Broughton Gymnasium Black Sports Capsule as part of the Capital City Ikoubleheader action. The F alcons will play Barber-Scotia at 7 o'clock and Shaw will niccl Klizabcih Cilv at nine o’clock. Vincent and Richardson have been vital cof^s in the F'alcon line-up this season. A liright spot for baseball and spoi l is the continuing sight of superstar Willie Mays, now a New York Mel. on the baseball diamond.So his latest pro clamation to play at least anollier year is reassuring for those who long to see the game played with tlie enthusiasm of the pre bonus days. Mays, at 41 will return to the Mets eager to play because as he says. ■ Baseball still excites me, I love lo play. 1 enjoy helping young players. I’ll admit I’m getting itchy." meant to win over some doubters and undoubtedly did. BKBOl'ND BATTLE - College Park. Md. - Dave I Owens 118) and Don Chanev (12). of Boston bailie Sian Love (background) and Kevin Porler (right foreground), of Hallimorc lor a rehouod al^lhe I iiiversilv of Maryland January. The Cellics won, The University of Southern California used the Rose Bowl to display two running backs with contrasting styles and in doing so they assured them selves of the mythical national championship. Sam "Bam" Cunningham set a Rose Bowl record with four touchdowns and sophomore tailback An thony Davis ran for 157 yards and the final touchdown to lead the Trojans lo a 42-17 rout of Ohio State. Cunningham ex hibited a tremendous vault that could carry his 6-foot-3, 218 pound frame over the goal line from three yards while Davis continued to show the scatback style that carried him to six touchdowns in the regular season finale against Notre Dame. The running of Purdue yMl-American Otis Armstrong led the East all-star squad over the West in the low-scoring 48th Shrine game. Armstrong ran for a second 139 yards that enabled the East to control the ball so that their five-yard touchdown and 27-yard field goal were sufficient to out-score the West’s lone 21-yard field goal. After leaving the game in the third quarter with a shoulder injury Armstrong was named the game's most valu able player. 118-98, 11 PI). Local Recreation News THF34E WIIL BE a sludinl's show opui house at the HUltii Park Arts and Crafts (’«ila at IbSIVillai Koad beginning Monday. January 15 and continuing through Tliuis- day. January 18 The cent it will be opened Monday through Thursday from to a m. until 4 p.m and on Monday and Wednesday nights In)m7 p in. until 9:30 p.m. Woik by students will be displayed and regr iratiiM) for nw dassss will be heid For more information ca3 755-6126. regislL^r for this class, which will last for 10 weeks, call the Lions Park Center at 735-6995. BEGINNING WF3)N'FXDAY, J.uiuaiy 17, a diildivn's Ixginnir guitar dass will be taught fmm 7 until a p.m . and an adult advanced guitar class will be taught from 8-9 p m. at the Lions Park Communily Center on Watkins St. For further information or lo register for this classes, call 755-6995. All doubts as to Nebraska's Johnny Rodgers’ credentials as a lleisman Trophy winner were dispelled when Rodgers single- handedly demolished Notre Dame in the Orange Bowl, 40-6. Rodgers had a hand in five scores as he ran for three, caught a pass for one and passed 52 yards to Frosty Anderson for another. His 207 total yards before sitting out the final 21 minutes because of a viral infection were admittedly The surprising exhibition of superior football put on by the Washington Redskins in the 26-3 triumph over the Dallas Cow boys for the NFC championship can be explained by analyzing one important match-up, Char lie Taylor vs. Charlie Waters or Mark Washington. Both Dallas left-cornerbacks were badly beaten as Taylor caught seven passes including both Wash ington touchdowns. First Taylor beat Waters for a 51 yard gain inside the Cowboy twenty yard line. Then on third down Quarterback Bill Kilmer hit Taylor for a 15-yard score.In the fourth quarter after Waters was injured on a punt return Washington came in and was promptly burned for a 45-yard touchdown and the game was secured. It will be interesting lo note how well Miami’s Lloyd Mumphord can contain Taylor when he lakes over for the injured Tim Foley in the Super Bowl on January 14. Larry Brown of the Wash ington Redskins became the first running back to be named Player of the Year in the National Football Conference by the United Press Interna tional since the legendary Jim Brown received the award in 1965 when he captured 35 of the 39 votes cast by the panel of sports writers across the nation this year. Brown was discover ed by the late Vince Lombardi four years ago when he was an obscure eighth round draft pick. Lombardi is credited with molding Brown into the record setting runner that has led George Allen’s Redskins into Super Bowl VII. In his four season Brown has rushed 977 times for 4,177 yards and 21 while catching 119 passes for 1,292 yards and eight touch downs. back Willie Buchanan of the Green Bay Packers.Each play ed a vital role in making playoffs participants out o preseasons underdogs. It appears that measly l.lKKl yard rushing season is not enough to satisfy Dallas Cow boy Calvin Hill. He has expressed an interest in playing tight end for the Cowboys next year and although Dallas had a wealth of talented runners and only ailing tight ends few expect coach Tom Landry to sacrifice a guaranteed 1,000 yarder. Pittsburgh Steeler defensive tackle ’’Mean" Joe Greene, whose devasting play made the Steeler front four one of the most respected in the league, of ficially received recognition when the United Press Interna tional acknowledged him as American Conference lineman of the year. The 6-foot-4, 275-pounder’s 19 votes led second place finisher, Miami guard Larry Little, by 6 votes while the remaining ballots were cast among Gene Upshaw and Bob Brown of Oakland, Deacon Jones of San Diego, Winston Hill of the New York Jets and Manny Fernandex of Miami. World heavyweight boxing champion Joe Frazier has indicated that he will retire after only two or three moie bouts to devote his til..., to singing and youth work Frazier also said that one of these fights will be against former champ Muhammed .Ali and that he would like to scliedule tne return for sometime this year. The report on injured Los Angeles Laker forward Happy Hairston indicates that he will be ready for the NBA playfoffg in March following his surgery for lorn knee ligaments.Good oews for the Lakers, bad news for the rest of the league. The Associated Press picks of the AFC and NFC rookies of the year are respectively: running back Franco Harris of the Pittaburgh Stiilwt aad comer- Suspended Wally Jones of the Milwaukee Bucks has filed a grievance with the National Basketball Association through his attorney, Richie Phillips of Philadelphia. Jones was sus pended on the claim that he had lost weight and stamina and his attorney is protesting both the suspension and the Buck’s refusal to pay Jones for games he has missed since it ' invoked. Yale students take vote in stride. first A SLIMNASTFCS CLASS wiU lx«an at the Lions FYirit Comnumily C‘{jitIT on Tuesday. Januarv 16 at 7 p n\ F'or lurtha* information or to The famous Chinese midget Che Mah was only 28 inches tall. Get that barefoot feeling. Mountain De^i i t t G Jiii H*r*'» a te*t* iKol'N Iwtl kitocfc your todit off. Mevfttein Omt fiv*< yow (htfl hoppy. bartteet fMling e<l y*or 'rovitd. NEW COAvH AND ASSISTANT — LOITSVILLE. K>.: Lee t ...tc .UfD. Indian l^niversity’s new head fmitball coach, discusses the f(>othall sthudule next fall wiili Tiput Walters, the first assistant natnefi b> Corso for his l.l'. stuff Wallers, a I'ormer star h.'.lfhaxk ai Indiana and later head fresfiinan coach at the school, served as detensive hai kiield r«»acli under ( nrso at the I nviersily of LtjuisNille last season. Corso was named Sunday to succeed John Pont as Indiana etnich under a fi\e-%ear eontract. <lPli. ItoUtodbf CMBBaUtanWl

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