FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1957 CLASSIFIED • ADVERTISING . ADVERTISING IN THESE COLUMNS COSTS THREE CENTS PER WORD, FIRST INSERTION; ALL INSERTIONS AFTER FIRST, TWO CENTS PER WORD. MINIMUM CHARGE IS 50 CENTS. IF YOU WANT TO BUY, RENT, SELL, SWAP. GET A JOB, HIRE HELP, FIND SOMETHING LOST, THE CLASSIFIEDS OFFER AN EFFEC TIVE AND ECONOMICAL MEDIUM. Visit ANDERSON’S SUPER MARKET-BEACH STORE at two mile post Vacation headquar ters. Open year ’round. Write BILL ANDERSON’S RENTAL AGENCY, KITTY HAWK, reser vations, oceanfront housekeeping cottages. T-4-8-tfc FOR AUTO LIABILITY and fire insurance on Hatteras Island, See Ivey Batten, Hatteras. T-l-11-tfc VISIT OUR greennouse and nur sery for geraniums, begonias, foliage plants, cacti, African vio lets; also, camellias, azaleas, red berried pyracantha, oleander, holly, daphne, and many other evergreen plants in cans for your convenience. Roanoke Island Gardens, Manteo, N. C. T-5-10-tfc HOMS IMPROVEMENTS—Roof ing, siding, garages built, rooms added, baths installed complete, brick and cement work, painting or anything else you want to im prove your home. Pay nothing down, 36 months to pay. See Charles Haskett or phone 5704 Elizabeth City. T-8-9-tfc ARTIFICIAL BREEDING of your cows to purebred, proven stocks is both profitable and economical Thia service available to family cow owners, beef producers, dairy herds. All dairy and beef breeds available. Call H. E. Clayton, Bel haven WH 3-3206. P-10-4-tfc SPECIAL MARK .DOWN on Typewriters. Students may take advantage of low prices from now until September 20th. Times Print ing Co., Inc., Manteo, N. C. OFFICE SUPPLIES. Loose leaf ledgers, ledger sheets, columnar sheets, columnar pads; 200-page and 300-page single entry ledgers; day books, counter books, type writer ribbon, typewriter erasers, typewriter cleaner, and many «th er items needed for daily use in your office. TIMES PRINTING CO., Manteo, N. C. Phone 44. FOR SALE: 32 volt D. C. equip ment, bargain, good condition. Delco power plant with batteries, electric bulbs, % h.p. motor, elec tric shaver, Kill Devil Hills, Box 217. T-8-23-3tp EQUIPMENT BARGAINS—Large card file cabinet; steel shelving and cabinets; display rack for self service store; accounting table with two drawers, and many other office and store values. Times Printing Co., Manteo, N. C. FOR SALE: 30-inch Westinghouse range, large oven. Also double drainboard porcelain sink. See Vir gie Sobel, Wanchese. T-9-6-2tp GRACE and poise for girls and boys—Classes in tap, ballet, toe, ballroom. Enroll Thursday, Sept. 'sth st the High School Auditorium with Norma Armstrong from 3:00 to 4:00. P-9-5-2tc FOR RENT by month. 2-bedroom cottage, furnished. Gas kitchen and gas heat. Phone Nags Head 8192. T-9-6-2tc POSITION OPEN IMMEDIATE- LY for case work assist ant Requires four-year college degree. Good beginning salary, ex cellent working conditions. Contact Welfare Department, San Quarter, N. C. phone 27-7. H-9-5-2tc HARDWOOD: FIREWOOD for heater, fireplace, etc. Cut any length. Earl Topping, Topping’s Wood Yard, Scranton, N. C. Phone Swan Quarter 14-1. H-9-5-4tc CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all my friends and relatives for the lovely cards, flowers, letters and gifts that were sent me while I was in Fowie Memorial Hospital. Also want to thank Dr. L. H. Swindell and all the nurses for being so nice to me while there. MRS. ORA B. BERRY Don’t Miss Getting A Copy of The OLD SEA CAPTAIN and THE DRUMMER Here is a spicy booklet of dialogue between two coastland characters. They deal with many subjects in their salty, racy conversations. Ask for it at $1 per copy at the local dealers on the Coast. If they are out of it, get it postpaid. Mail your dol lar to THE OLD SEA CAPTAIN P. O. Box 428 MANTEO, N. C. For your insurance needs see W. R. PEARCE, Manteo, N. C. All kinds of insurance LAWNMOWER REPAIRING. We repair all makes of power lawn mowers and air cooled engines. Large stock of parts on hand for Wisconsin, Clinton and Briggs and Stratton engines. Free pickup and delivery on island. Satisfaction guaranteed. ALEX’S REPAIR •SHOP, Wanchese, N. C. Phone 248-J2. T-3-l-tfc CEMETERY MEMORIALS. You save the middle man’s profit at J. Winton Sawyer’s, 405 South Road Street, Elizabeth City, N. C. TPH-4-11-tfc ACREAGE FOR SALE near Wright Memorial, Kitty Hawk district, North Carolina. Write Box 1590, c/o Times office, Man teo, N. C. T-6-21-lltc THE OLD SEA CAPTAIN AND DRUMMER Book sl, postpaid. Get this racy book of dialogue from Cape Hatteras and the N. Q Coastland. Send it to your friends, 6 copies $5 postpaid. Times Print ing Co., Inc., Manteo, N. C. ARTISTS SUPPLIES. Speed ball sets, India ink, black drawing ink, silver ink, white ink, drawing paper. TIMES PRINTING CO., Inc., Manteo. tc FOR SALE—2 lots on paved road in Hatteras Village. For infor mation contact C. W. Burrus, Jr., 8328 Dickson Drive, Norfolk, Va. -7-19-tfc FOR SALE: Cabinet-style pedal sewing machine, in good condi tion. See Mrs. W. G. Credle, Swan Quarter, N. C. H-8-29-2tc BOAT and motor wanted, 22 to 24 feet. Write what you have to offer. Describe, state condition and price asked. Address “Boat,” Box 428, Manteo, N. C. WANTED—Ambitious man be tween the ages of 25 to 60 years of age to take over business in Hyde County. Hustler can make up to SIOO a week serving hun dreds of satisfied Watkins custo mers. National Advertising. Field help provided. No capital invest ment required outside of automo bile. This opportunity will be snapped up fast. Better write to day -the J. R. Watkins Company, P. O. Box 5071, Richmond, Vir ginia. H-8-29-3tc INDEPENDENT insurance agen cies can and will “serve you first.” Contact us for yours now. Hugh Fortescue, Washington. TPH-8-29-tfc CONTRACTING, home building anywhere from Manteo to Ocra coke. Contact James C. O’Neal, Ocracoke. T-8-30-10tp WANTED AT ONCE—Rawleigh Dealer in Hyde and Tyrrell Counties. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NCI-480-R, Richmond, Va. H-9-5-4tp BUNGALOW FOR SALE; 5 rooms, bath, electric hot water heater, gas range, and refrigera tor, furniture if desired; 3% acres; public road, Mashoes, N. C. W. H. Mann, Manns Harbor, N. C. T-9-6-4tp MRS. T. H. BLOUNT is now tak- ing orders for Christmas cards. Call Belhaven 3-3376. P-9-5-tfc FOR SALE. Display meat case, refrigerated; one set scales; Pepsi-Cola drink box. See O. S. Meekins, Colington, or call Kill Devil Hills 3211. T-9-6-2tp CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank my many friends and relatives who remembered me with gifts, cards, visits and their many kind wishes while I was a patient in the Marine Hospital, Norfolk. ELLA MIDGETT BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Th. birth of a now car. th. Ed*.l, i« announced by Ford Motor Company of Drarborn, Mlchiaon. You ar. cordially Invited to w. This n«w.»t addition to th. Ford Family of Fin. Car* at your*t Edel dealer. BUS SCHEDULES BETWEEN MANTEO AND HATTERAS Effective January 27, 1956 NORTHBOUND Lv. Hatteras 8:45 A.M. Ar. Manteo 11:20 A.M. SOUTHBOUND Lv. Manteo -- 2:30 P.M. <r. Hatteras... 6:00 P.M. CHARTERED TRIPS HATTERAS-MANTEO BUS LINE Phone 104 Hatteras, N. C. EVERYDAY RELIGION By Rev. Robert W. Turner » ii .i GIFTS OF GRACE It is quite obvious, even to the casual observer, that the world’s Creator has filled His creation with an abundance of natural gifts for Man’s use and enjoyment. For all of these we are duly thankful, be ing well aware that the barest ex istence would be impossible with out them. It is also plain that Man, God’s highest form of creature, often' abuses the natural creation meant for his enjoyment by a deliberate misuse, individual and corporate, which brings upon the body of hu manity a radical judgment of God which is but the operation of nat ural and spiritual laws. Due to pride, Man may then attribute these personal errors on his part to the unscrutable ways of a Divine Ruler, thereby making Almighty God the “scapegoat” for his own sin. Thus does Man’s original sin bring in its train a whole family of lesser, but no less disrupting, sins, which throw nature out of joint and give rise to the belief that we live in a chaotic world without rhyme or reason. In such a world, Man’s whole deepest nature is frustrated, and each individual man who loves both God and freedom is sorely tempted to live by his own wits and do the best he can by himself until he lives and dies in the midst of a frustrated existence, still wonder ing what it is all about anyway. To such men in just such a world, “God sent His Son” to solve the riddle of frustratibn; remove the sin of pride in which it had origi nated and so open the Way of Truth and Righteousness for all Men of Good Will into a Commu nity or Family of Man where the "ancient curse” is removed and Peace is restored, by God’s Act of Love, between God and Man His Creature. God’s Church (the fam ily of men in Christ) is His appointed agency or means of grace to enable and help all men to fulfill the Divine Purupose of ABUNDANT LIFE FOR MEN IN FULL FEL LOWSHIP WITH GOD, THE FA THER OF ALL CREATION. With in this divinely appointed fellow ship of believers, the Father gives WISDOM and UNDERSTAND ING, COUNSEL and SPIRITUAL STRENGTH, KNOWLEDGE, TRUE GODLINESS AND HOLY FEAR (AWE) to those who ask. According to Senator Byrd of Virginia, “There is not a depart ment of this government that can’t be cut by 5 to 10 per cent and still function in an effective way—except for those items that are fixed by their cost.” NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY Having this day duly qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Edgar Marvin Hooper, deceased, of Stumpy Point, Dare County, North Carolina, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come forward and make immediate settlement; and those holding claims against the said estate will present them for payment within TWELVE MONTHS from the date of this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 3rd day of September, 1957. BLANCHE HOOPER MEEKINS Admx., Robbins, North Carolina T-9-6-6tc NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY Having this day duly qualifiied as Executrix of the estate of Hor atio G. Midgett, deceased, of Ro danthe, Dare County, North Caro lina, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to his estate to come forward and make immedi ate settlement; and those holding claims against the said estate will present them for payment within TWELVE MONTHS from the date of this notice or it will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This 27th day of July, 1957. LUCRETIA W. MIDGETT, Executrix, Rodanthe, North Carolina T-8-2-6tc IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION ELIZABETH PARKERSON IRE LAND, PLAINTIFF VS. RICHARD B. IRELAND, DE FENDANT TO: RICHARD B. IRELAND: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: To obtain an absolute divorce by the Plaintiff from the Defendant on the statutory grounds of con tinuous separation for more than two successive years. You are required to make de fense to such proceeding not later than the 19th day of October 1957, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 28th day of August 1957. C. S. MEEKINS CLERK SUPERIOR COURT Dare County, N. C. T-8-30-4tc THE COASTLAND TIMES, MANTEO, N. C. BUXTON PERSONALS I Tuesday, Sept- 3rd, at 8 p.m. sharp; Mrs. Carol Dillon, President of the Cape Hatteras P.T.A. called the first meeting of the P.T.A. to order. Mrs. Blanch Midgett led the devotions, and read the P.T.A. Prayer. Minutes of the last meet ing in May were read by Mrs.’ Enna Scarborough. Mrs. Achsah Oden gave out the treasurer’s re port. Mr. W. R. Lingle, principal, gave a short talk, and introduced the teachers of the school. During the new business Mrs. Joyce Gray made a motion to have a class room, to be used to care for the children who accompany their parents to the meetings. Mrs. Jean Browning seconded. Someone will be appointed to care for the children during that time. Mrs. Dil lon also stated meetings will be limited to approximately one hour followed by a social and refresh ments in the school lunchroom. Officers for this school year are: President, Mrs. Carol Dillon, Bux ton; Vice-Pres., Mrs. Mellie Ed wards, Waves; Secretary, Mrs. Enna Scarborough, Avon; Treas urer, Mrs. Achsah Oden, Hatteras. Standing committees: Budget and Finance, Mrs. Achsah Oden; Congress Publications, Mrs. Enna Scarborough; Hospitality, Mrs. Ormond Fuller; Membership, Mrs. Vivian Frontis; National P.T.A. Magazine, Mrs. Mellie Edwards; Program, Mrs. Laura Hooper; Publicity, Mrs. Paula Fulcher. The next meeting will be Tues day, October Ist at 8 p.m. Award for room count of parents present went to the 2nd grade, Mrs. Violet Austin teacher, and 10th grade, Mr. Cahoon teacher. Refreshments of fruit punch, candies, nuts and cookies were served in the school lunch room to all present. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Quidley and daughter Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lamb and sons Earl and James spent two weeks touring Smoky Mountains National Park, and Cumberland Gap, Tenn. -Miss Amelia Ballance has re turned home from De Paul Hospi tal. She is recuperating from an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Pledger and family of Norfolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. George Gaskins. C. C. Eves of Elizabeth City vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weekly. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fulcher of Norfolk, Va., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albin Fulcher. Barry Peele, U.S.S. Absecon, in 1 Portsmouth, Va. visited his moth er, Mrs. Nettie Peele. Mr. and Mrs, M. R. Gibbs and children of Norfolk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. U. B. Jennette. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goodman of Raleigh, N. C. visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Griffin, Washington, D. C. .were guests of ‘ Mr. and Mrs. John Midgett. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mastriani have reutmed from Schenectady, N. Y. where they visited their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Williams ' spent the week end visiting Mrs. Melissa Gray, and Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Fulcher. Miss Carol Fulcher spent a week in Portsmouth, Va. with her sis ter, Mrs. Agnes Williams. Floyd Barnette and son Daniel, i have returned to Baltilnore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Barnette and ' sons Randolph and Timothy are making their home in Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Barnette, and granddaughter Joan Wingate are in Cleveland, Ohio. They are at tending the General Assemblies of God Council meeting. Miss Donna Hehl has returned home from Nags Head, where she was employed for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. John Whidbee of Norfolk, Va. spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nace Jennette. Charles Fulcher has returned to Groton, Conn., after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albin Fulcher. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Manipole have returned home from New York. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Boyden of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION IN RE: MARVIN TROY TIL LETT AND LETA MARIE TIL LETT, PETITIONERS FOR THE ADOPTION OF LETA MAY TILLETT TO: M. J. BARTON: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled special proceeding. The nature of the relief being 1 sought is as follows: The adoption by the Petitioners . of the infant Leta May Tillett, nee Kathy Barton, a minor under the age of twelve years, for her life .and for the purpose of establish ing the relationship of parents and child between the Petitioners and , the said child and for the change of the name of said child to Leta May Tillett, pursuant to the pro visions of G. S. Section 48-1 et sequitur and amendments thereto. ’ You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than the first day of November 1957, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief thereof. This the 29 day of August 1957. , C. S. MEEKINS CLERK SUPERIOR COURT DARE COUNTY, N. C. T-9-6-4U ROANOKE ISLAND CLUB AND LODGE MEETINGS MASONS: Manteo Lodge, Sec ond and Fourth Monday Evenings, in Manteo Town Hall. Wanchese Lodge, First and Third Thursdays, Wanehese Lodge Hall. EASTERN STAR, Second and Fourth Thursday evenings in Wan chese Lodge Hall. . ODDFELLOWS, Second and Fourth Thursday evenings in Manteo Town Hall. REBEKAHS, First and Third Monday evenings, Manteo Town Hall. MANTEO ROTARY, each Mon day evening, and MANTEO LIONS, First and Third Tuesdays in Community Building. WANCHESE RURITAN, third Fridays, Wanchese schoolhouse. DEGREE OF POCAHONTAS; Second and Fourth Fridays. 7:30 p.m., Wanchese Masonic Hall. AMERICAN LEGION, Ft Ra leigh Post No. 26, 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Community Bldg., Man teo. Portsmouth, Va., visited in Bux ton. Mr. and Mrs. Cantwell Miller had the pleasure of having all their sons, Vance, Currie, Lindy, Cant well, Jr., and Ray home for the holidays. Mrs. Bertie Dixon, Jr., and son Bertie III; have returned home aft er visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bertie Dixon, Sr. ENGELHARD PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibbs of Raleigh spent the week end here. Mrs. Ivy Daniels and Mrs. Cecil Daniels of Wanchese visited Mrs. S. S. Neal on Monday of last week. Mrs. Floyd Hooper and daughter, Mrs. Joahne Sutton, of Stumpy Point were visitors here Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. Elliott Swindell and daughter, Camille, of Raleigh spent the week end with Mrs. Thos. Mann and Mrs. Sallie Swindell. El liott and Tommie returned home with them after a vacation here. Mrs. David Selby and Mrs. Hu bert Selby have returned from Washington where Mrs. David Sel by took her little son to Tayloe Hospital. Mrs. R. L. Roper of Pilot Moun tain is visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Spencer have returned from a two week vacation in Plymouth, Elizabeth City, Nags Head, and Saint Brides, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Edenger and children of Norfolk spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cahoon, Mr. and Mrs. Royden Neal and son, Pete, were in Nags Head Sunday. Chas. Midyette of New Bern is 6 YEARS OLD Glenmorc . KENTUCKY OsTRAIGHT BOURBON = l| 86 PROOF * IB?' Ja ? IK GkSore 9 MNTUCKV STRAIGHT BOURBQN WHISKEY I JI SkENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY b GLENMORE DISTILLERIES COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY 4 spending this week here. Miss Alice Fay Etheridge left on Monday for Virginia Beach where she is a member of the school fac ulty. She was acompanied by her mother. Wiley Hodges has returned to Greensboro after a week end with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Stacey Gibbs of Greensboro spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nat Gibbs. H. L. Roper has returned to Norfolk after visiting his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Spencer have returned to their home in Washington after vacationing here. Mrs. T. J. Etheridge was a vis itor in Nags Head this week. Her son, Tommie, returned home with her after being employed there for the summer. Gregery Mizzell of Chicago is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie McKinney. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gibbs had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mr. Joe DANIELS WELDING SHOP Equipped for All Types of Welding, , Including Portable Welder f Phone 271-W3 or 191-J3 WANCHESE, N. C. MIRLO BEACH LODGE A COMFORTABLE, HOME-LIKE INN ON THE NORTHERN END OF HATTERAS ISLAND Here is a charming new place, a clean wide beach. 25 miles north of Cape Hatteras, in handy reach of Ore gon Inlet, finest of surf-casting at the front door and ex cellent fishing in Pamlico Sound at the back door. An ideal inn for family groups, house parties, tourists, fishermen and also wildfowl hunters in seaon. Adjacent to world-famed Pea Island Wildlife Refuge, home of ducks, geese, brant the year round. Through the various seasons of the year, there is un excelled enjoyment for persons of all ages. For accommodations at the Lodge, rooms and meals at low rates by day or week, address: MIRLO BEACH LODGE TELEPHONE 130 RODANTHE. N. C. Payne, Miss Cenia Payne and two daughters, Mary Anne and Nancy and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibbs of Raleigh. CAREFUL WITH THAT 6ASOLINE/ / • J ffs£ A CAFETY OAiOL/NE CAN... 1 TANK ONLY LUNEN ENGINE COOL. ■ I ANP KEEP UANPS ANP FEET ANAY EDOM I BLAPE WEN MOM? IS IN USE! PAGE SEVEN

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